All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 311 - Chapter 320
368 Chapters
Discovering My Sweet Secret
Dawn seemed to have just broken when I woke up. Surprisingly, Brandon was still sound asleep next to me on the bed. I had expected that I would wake up alone to find that he had already left. While taking extra care not to wake him, I got out of bed despite not having a clear destination of where I wanted to go or what I wanted to do. I honestly felt very troubled although I didn't want to admit it even to myself. My body felt heavy slightly from the strenuous exercise that Bradon had put me through the night before, but there was also a sense of fatigue in my mind that probably came from excessive worry and stress. I truly wish that I had slept soundly and deeply; however, the truth was that I had quite a disturbing dream last night. Homewrecker! Homewrecker! Homewrecker! I could still hear the sound of their accusing chant even when I was sleeping. What bothered me wasn't their harsh words, but their hostile bloodlust that seemed to threaten to tear me into a hundred pieces or unt
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Comfort and Warning
“What's wrong?” I asked as I cocked my head slightly to the side while I kept my eyes on his face.“I'm the one who should be asking you that and not the other way around. What's wrong, Dahlia?” He asked with true concern in his voice. Perhaps it was because I wasn't used to having someone worrying about me apart from my sister that I suddenly felt overwhelmed with emotions as if a floodgate that had been locked up inside of me had started to slowly open up. “I'm fine…” I replied, although I had to say that I didn't sound so convincing or sure of myself. “Don't let their words bother you…” Bradon advised as if he could see through me. That was what I had always been telling myself all along. I told myself that if I let people's words bother me and get to me, I would always be the victim and it would end up breaking me and driving me crazy. Despite that, I had to say that sometimes it became difficult especially when I came face to face with those people and when I heard those accu
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Stay with Me
I tried to tell myself that that added to the excitement, although I knew that it was just me trying to be too optimistic about everything to stay sane. “I know exactly how you can help me. What about deciding that Diana has to go off on holiday or something for a couple of months?” I asked before I grinned at him. Honestly, I didn't think that he would agree to my outrageous idea, but it didn't seem like it would hurt to give it a try.“If I allowed that, then what are you going to do? Are you going to move in with the king at the palace?” He asked coldly.Of course, that wasn’t what I had in mind. All I wanted was to stop acting as Diana for a while so that I could focus on being myself and helping out Desmond with his plan when it counted the most. However, I could already tell that my suggestion must have sounded very ridiculous to Bradon and that it must be impossible for him to agree to. “What do you want me to do?” I asked as I stared directly into his eyes.Braddon stared b
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Acting Strange
I stared at the calm and accepting expression on his face before I narrowed my eyes at him. “Are you really okay with this?” I asked suspiciously. “I guess we have to do what we have to do. What I think doesn't matter,” he replied too casually. I pursed my lips together before rolling my eyes upwards towards the ceiling. “You do realize that if we get this busy, then I won't have time to do any work with the King,” I reminded him pointedly. He's not doing this intentionally to keep me from spending time with Desmond, is he? “You were the one who said that you would somehow manage both of your roles without letting your plan with Desmond impact our arrangement,” Bradon reminded me all too quickly. I bit down on my lower lip as I hated to admit that he was right. However, when I made that promise, I had never imagined that my workload as Diana would literally take up all of my waking hours for every single day of the week. “You're doing this on purpose, aren't you?” I said accus
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Monopolizing Me
It would also be a matter of time until Desmond summoned me to help him out. Everyone was itching to know about my relationship with the new king and I was sure that Desmond was silent for now all for the sake of building up the anticipation. When everyone is curious and everyone goes crazy about gossip related to us, we would appear in public to debut our rekindled romantic relationship.“I'm exhausted…” I complained as I threw my handbag down onto the sofa before collapsing on it. Bradon shrugged off his suit and loosened his tie before sitting down next to me. He turned to offer me a smile before he began patting my back as if to console me. “If next week's schedule looks anything like this, it's going to end up killing me,” I complained bitterly. I hoped that Bradon would take my warning seriously and work out our schedule with Anthony's team. There was no way that we could be that busy with events, given that Anthony had work to do at the company as well and I also knew that B
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Although most of the events dragged on into the night, fortunately there was a day when the event ended early in the evening. Based on our agreement, that meant that there should be no issue if I were to take off right after the end of that event. When I told Desmond about my free schedule, he had no issues in finding an evening celebration event for the two of us to make our public appearance together.“I thought that this was supposed to be some sort of event that we needed to attend together?” I asked as I felt slightly upset and betrayed. “This is a special dinner date. I don't think that it's wrong to call this an event or unusual for this to appear in our calendars,” Bradon replied casually.The event that was supposed to end early in the evening that was placed in our calendars turned out to be a private dinner between Bradon and myself and nothing more.“Listen, we've been spending all our waking hours together already attending all those planned events. Don't you think that
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Making It Public
“I better get out here and get this over with,” I mumbled to myself before currently adding lipstick to my lips. I had to say that I looked beyond presentable and there was no doubt that my first public appearance with Desmond was going to be a huge hit.“Wow! You look amazing in the dress. Honestly, you've managed to exceed my expectations,” Desmond said as his eyes swept over my body from head to toe. I turned a little from side to side as I glanced down at the dress that I had on, while his intense gaze did not bother me at the least. “Do you think so? I have no idea why this dress has to be so revealing,” I commented as I patted my hands Softly on my boobs. “I think you look gorgeous. I hope you don't mind showing off your assets a little,” Desmond replied playfully before letting out a soft laugh. “I guess putting on a little show to grab extra attention isn't going to kill me or anyone…, " I agreed with him without much care. I couldn't quite tell him that the dress didn't
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Awaiting My Return
I don't know, you look quite tired, he said as he kept on Staring at my face. “I'm fine. How many times do I have to tell you this?” I said with a mocking tone of annoyance. Desmond probably didn't want to get on my bad side, so he decided to take my word for what it is before escorting me to the car....I hadn't realized just how tired I was until I was alone in the car on my way back to Bradon's mansion. It felt like I closed my eyes momentarily, but when I opened them again the car was already parked right in front of the mansion. My body felt slightly heavy and sluggish from sleep, but the short nap that I had in the car definitely made me feel better. I must have been so tired that I fell asleep in the car without even realizing it. I walked into the mansion while taking extra care not to trip over the high heels that I had on with the intent of heading directly to my bedroom to catch up on some sleep.I felt my body tremble slightly when I walked into the mansion because it f
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Tempting Fire
I could no longer hold myself back and ended up letting out a moan when he twirled my erected nipple between his fingertips. Thoughts of electric pleasure run through my chest before running down to the throbbing ache in between my legs as he continued squeezing and tugging on my sensitive nipple. My pussy spasmed as I felt my core heat up so rapidly. As if it was not yet enough, Bradon buried his face into the side of my neck before taking in deep breaths as if he was taking in my scent. I let out another moan when I felt the heat of his lips against my sensitive skin as he planted kisses along the side of my neck. He finally freed his other arm from around my body just so that his other hand could join in on feasting on my breasts. Both his hands dipped easily beneath my clothes to squeeze my breasts at the same time as his lips began sucking softly on my neck. Everything that he was doing to me overwhelmed my body with pleasure, and everywhere that he was touching and kissing me t
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Black Out
It seemed like my lack of rest and all the work that I had been doing up until that point was quickly catching up to me. “Dahlia…” I heard him whisper my name.When I opened my eyes again, my vision was blurry and it felt like I was seeing double. I frowned as I wondered what was happening to me. Bradon called my name again but his voice seemed so far away and so soft. I couldn't bring myself to answer him as my eyelids felt so heavy and then everything blacked out from my vision.…**Bradon's point of view**“Dahlia! Dahlia! Dahlia!” I called her name as I cradled her limp body in my arms, but no matter how many times I called her name, Dahlia never opened her eyes. I cursed myself for not realizing that there was something wrong with her or that she was feeling unwell. The sense of regret that sprouted in my chest reminded me that I probably couldn’t forgive myself if something were to happen to her.After Dahlia suddenly fainted, I drove her to the hospital after evaluating that
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