All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 331 - Chapter 340
368 Chapters
Cruel Twist of Fate
Wanting to let go of my sister so that I could look into her face, I was first overwhelmed by the purest sense of joy just at the sight of her face. I could tell that Diana also felt emotional, and it looked like she was on the verge of crying. We both smiled at each other before giggling as if we were young little girls planning something mischievous for the upcoming days of the holidays. Although I knew that we needed to talk about so many things, at that moment no words came to mind, and I was just happy to rejoice in our reunion."I'm very happy to see you again," Diana said before she smiled sweetly at me. We held each other's hands tightly as if we couldn't bear to be apart from each other again. I figured that if Desmond could issue a royal pardon for me, then it probably wouldn't stretch beyond his power to bring Diana back while safeguarding her from our parents or whatever interference that could adversely impact her life. However, I also knew that if Desmond made the decis
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What I forgot to pause and think about at the time was how I would feel about all this and what was about to happen to all of us."Thanks for the present, I guess. Can I get some alone time with my sister?" I requested before smiling at the two gentlemen in the room. Bradon and Desmond exchanged glances before quietly taking their leave.It felt like I aged a couple of years over the duration of less than 20 minutes. All the stress and effort that it took to find the right words to explain to my sister everything that happened after she ran away with the love of her life until present made me feel like I shaved a couple of years from my lifespan. I reached up a hand towards my hair before twirling the strand with my fingers while I prayed that all the stress wouldn't give me white hair. Although it was challenging at first to start the conversation with my sister, I somehow managed to tell her about everything that happened from my fake marriage to Anthony, who turned out to be Bradon
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We Live and We Learn
From what she was saying, I believed that I had kind of figured out how things worked out between her and her man; however, I needed to ask in order to be sure. After telling her everything, I felt like it was only fair that she shared with me what went on in her life from the moment that she ran away and quit being Diana."What about you? What happened to you?" I asked as I braced myself to face the truth. Diana took in a shuddering breath before letting it out slowly. Clearly, the question that I had just asked her was difficult for her to answer, and she needed time to process her words. Fortunately, it felt like we had all the time in the world to catch up with each other."We broke up," Diana announced, getting right to the point. I wished that I could say that I was surprised by this unfortunate development of events, but in reality, it would be more accurate for me to say that I saw this coming from miles away. Ever since the moment that I was told me that she had eloped with
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He's Not a Monster
"It's all my fault that you ended up marrying that monster!" she yelled before she went straight back to crying. I pulled her into my arms and hugged her tightly in my desperate attempt to comfort her. Diana broke down in my arms, and after crying her heart and eyes out for a very long time, she finally lost all her energy and ended up falling asleep right on my hospital bed.She called him a monster...**A few days later**I haven't seen either Bradon or Desmond since my sister's arrival. At first, I truly enjoyed having my sister back by my side and spending time with her, slowly catching up on the things that we had missed out on in each other's lives after being apart for so long. After witnessing my sister's emotional breakdown, we both conveniently avoided discussing my sham of a marriage to Bradon and my plan to assist Desmond. Instead, we spent our days in the hospital room, sharing small talk about pleasant topics, such as the current fashion trend and popular celebrities. We
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Clearing His Name
**A few days later**"Why don't we go out for a walk in the garden?" Diana suggested. "The weather is nice today, and I think you could use some fresh air."It was very unfortunate that I was still stuck in the hospital. What was worse was that I had no idea about my potential date of discharge, and that was because I couldn't get in touch with the person who was supposed to be in charge of my fate regarding that matter. With Diana in the way, I had no way to reach Bradon, let alone see him. Whenever I tried to bring up anything related to Bradon, I would earn a disapproving glare from my sister before she would rapidly change the topic of conversation."Sure, that sounds like a good idea. I have no idea how much longer I'll be stuck here. I mean, there's nothing wrong with me, and I am completely healthy," I told my sister as we readied ourselves to go for a walk.The good thing about the hospital is that it has a very large garden and also a few rehabilitation centers where patients
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Real Solution
She narrowed her eyes at me suspiciously but decided to hold her tongue so that she could hear me out. "Well, you're not entirely wrong, and things were very difficult between us at first. He truly lived up to his fame when we first met, but even then, he helped me out as well when our parents were unkind to me. I know it's hard to believe, but he stood up for me and protected me from them," I said as I also recalled the day that it happened. Diana had a very surprised look on her face, and I could tell that she was finding it extremely hard to believe that what I was telling her was true. "I know that it's very hard to believe. Even I couldn't believe it at first when it happened, and honestly, I thought that he was doing it because he was simply annoyed with our parents. But when I look back on it, I am pretty sure that he did all of that to help me," I said with a firm nod."Are you sure about this?" Diana asked as she began frowning."I know that it's hard for you to believe, b
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Responsible Sister
"Regardless of whether or not we can find Anthony, I can't let you get any more involved with Bradon," Diana said decisively. I could tell where she was coming from, but she had just made one very great mistake. I wasn't about to let her decide what I was going to do with my future and my life. Even if she was my only sister, my life still belonged to me and me alone."I don't know about that. I still want to make my own decisions, Dina," I said before mustering a smile."Why are you so hesitant to give him up? Is sex with him really that good?" she asked teasingly, grinning at me. Her eyes sparkled as if daring me to answer her ridiculous question. "It's beyond amazing," I replied after deciding not to avoid the truth.…"If the man you ended up marrying isn't Anthony, then where is the real Anthony?" Diana asked a question that I had been wondering for the longest time but failed to find the answer to. "I don't know. I tried my best to find him, but no matter who I ask, they would
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Reversing the Swap
"What do you mean?" I asked blankly."From now on, I'm going to clean up after the mess that I made, and I will be responsible for everything that I've done. Thank you for covering for me all this time, but now it's my turn to deal with the consequences of my decisions," Diana said determinedly."I'm not sure what you mean," I murmured as I wondered what exactly she had planned."I'm back now, so there is no need for you to be me anymore," she said as she stared deeply into my eyes.I began to understand what she had in mind, but instead of bringing relief to my chest, I felt an icy cold void opening up in my core. I realized I wasn't just shocked, but I was scared of what was going to happen when I no longer needed to live as Diana. It was probably at that moment that I realized that I wanted to go on playing her role, even if it meant that I had to juggle two identities at once. I had always felt that it was troublesome, but now that I had to give it up completely, I wasn't sure if
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Can't Let Him Go
Perhaps it was because I knew that she was right that I couldn't quite find the words to respond to her taunting questions. Bradon wasn’t my husband and he probably didn't care about me enough for him to even consider me as his lover. "You know what? I bet if I dress like you and talk like you and then climb into his bed, he probably wouldn’t be able to tell the difference. He'll definitely think that I'm you," she said confidently.I watched as Diana let out a giggle at her own joke while I felt a burning sensation deep in my chest. It felt like I was about to be sick, and I couldn't understand the source of my discomfort. Even if I disliked Diana’s attitude and her idea, I was still surprised at the way that my body was reacting so strongly against the idea. I had no idea why I felt so hurt and disturbed as if I couldn't bear the thought of the two of them together. It just didn't make sense because I knew that logically that was where Diana belonged. All along, it was supposed to
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Painful Patience
It wasn't like I couldn't understand where Diana was coming from. After all that Dahlia had been through, it was only natural for Diana to act overly protective of her only sister. In fact, the two sisters had always acted protective of each other, and that was understandable considering that they probably felt that it was just the two of them against the world. It didn't take me long to figure out that all of my attempts to get in touch with Dahlia were blocked by Diana.Even though I wasn't allowed to see Dahlia, that didn't stop me from standing guard with my men in front of or close to her hospital room. Dahlia's disappearance from the public only added to the unrest as speculation regarding her relationship with the King escalated until it became uncontrollable. At that point, I was sure that Dahlia was a target for many in all the bad ways that threatened her safety."Why are you here?" Diana asked me the first time that I came to visit Dahlia. She glanced towards the door of he
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