All Chapters of Substitute Wife for the Mafia King: Chapter 341 - Chapter 350
373 Chapters
The End is Near
It was a very strange feeling because at the end of the day, I wasn't quite sure what exactly I was hoping for. It felt like I might be hoping for too much for things to continue the way they were now that Diana was back, but I did hold out hope that I would get to see Dahlia and have a proper conversation with her. My desire to see her made me think about her almost all day and all night long until a crazy thought occurred to me multiple times - maybe I should just break into her hospital room during the night. Of course, I knew that it was crazy, but it still took all of my self-control to stop myself from doing just that. Many nights, I found myself standing at the back of the hospital building in the dark, staring up at the window to her hospital room, and I would stay there until the lights in the room went off. I knew that if I wanted to talk to Dahlia, then I would have to find a way to separate her from her sister. I had always thought that I was desperate in wishing that Ant
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Them Together
I spent many sleepless nights gathering courage to face my sister head-on so that we could move on with our lives, even if it meant that I had to get into a very big argument with her. It was just as the saying goes: no pain, no gain. If I wanted to reach any kind of agreement with Diana or agree to disagree with her on the matter, I would have to face her head-on and make some sacrifices. Getting into a fight with my sister wasn't going to be easy, but I knew that our bond was strong enough that something like a mere argument couldn't break. It might take some time and effort on my side, but I was certain that I could win Diana back again, even if we were to get into a fight."You don't have to worry about me. I'm going to be just fine. It's not like I can leave this hospital anyways; I'll just be waiting for you here until you come back," I told her before showing her a reassuring smile, while telling myself that I wasn't exactly lying to her. With the number of bodyguards that Bra
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Finally Here
I told myself that I should wish the two of them well for the overall success of our plans; however, I found it so difficult for me to wish that they would enjoy their time together. It made me feel so conflicted inside, and I felt horrible about myself and the way that I was feeling."I think I'm about to lose my mind," I muttered to myself as I continued pacing around the room like a mad person. Time seemed to crawl by so slowly, and I wondered just when the event would come to an end. I had never looked forward to seeing my sister so much in my life as I prayed for her to quickly return to my side. Before I knew what I was doing, I was standing in front of the door, and my hand was on the handle."Is there something that I can help you with?" asked a voice as I came face to face with Zain, who was standing right in front of the door. He looked quite surprised that I had emerged out of my hospital room, although technically I hadn't stepped out of the room yet because it was imposs
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Words I Couldn't Say
The moment those words escaped my lips, I immediately regretted them. I thought that it probably would have been much better if I had just stayed quiet. How did I end up saying something so lame? “I guess it's been a while," I continued hesitantly while feeling awkward. "I guess you've gotten a chance to catch up with your sister. Hopefully, it makes you feel better," Bradon replied casually."Yes, it's great that she's back. We had a lot of time to catch up and talk," I said before trailing off. Silence settled in between us again, and I found myself fidgeting in my seat. "I think Diana has probably realized by now that I've ditched her to handle the event on her own," Bradon said before letting out a soft laugh.I turned to stare at him at his unexpected words and reactions. I honestly didn't think that Bradon would abandon both Diana and his duty to act out his role as Anthony just like that. “I'm sure that she can handle it," I replied shortly before trying my best to smile a
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Cursed Stubbornness
Perhaps he had accepted that that was how things were supposed to be. Although I should have been relieved that he and I were now on the same page about this matter, I found a stirring sensation in my chest, and soon enough, I discovered that I had started to feel agitated and then angry. My sense of frustration only grew when I could not pinpoint the real reason behind why I was feeling that way. I stared at Bradon's expressionless face as I wondered what he was thinking. As silence stretched on between us and the night wind howled as it blew against my face, I realized that I was extremely annoyed by how unaffected he was, as if I was expecting some kind of bold or even aggressive reaction from him, just like the previous times that we had discussed this matter."You should have gone to the event instead of leaving my sister behind. I'm sure that you would have had a much better time spending time with her than simply just sitting here with me with nothing to do," I said while sound
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Changing Feelings
Suddenly, I heard the familiar soft sound of the door being opened. Some light crept in through the crack of the door as my sister slowly opened it. I knew from the gentle way that she handled her entrance and the soft sound of her footsteps as she came inside that the person who had entered the room was none other than my own sister, and she was making a conscious effort not to wake me."You're back," I said, trying to keep my tone light. "You're not asleep yet? It's very late already," Diana said while sounding a little surprised. "I was waiting for you to come back. How was the event?" I asked as I tried to sound innocent. I apologized to my sister silently that she had to handle the event alone, at least until Bradon turned up. "Can I turn on the lights? Are you about to go to bed right now?" she asked. "I'm not sleepy at all," I replied honestly. It felt like I was too emotionally drained to actually fall asleep for the night."Great," Diana said as she switched on the lights
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"You know, if there's anything that is bothering you or worrying you, you can always let me know. I might not be the best advisor, and I might not be able to solve all of your problems, but at least I can lend you an ear," she said before offering a sweet smile."What do you think should happen?" I asked before I could stop myself. "What do you mean?" Diana asked as she cocked her head slightly to the side in wonder. That was when I realized that my question didn't seem to make sense and was totally out of context. I never got around to disclose my plan to collaborate with Desmond so that he would help me get my revenge on my own parents. I took in a deep breath as I tried to steady my rattling nerves. "What is it?" Diana asked after seeing me pause and fall silent for a moment."I can't forgive them, and I'm not sure that I feel sorry about how I feel…" I confessed truthfully."Who are you referring to?" Diana asked as her brows drew together in a frown. I didn't like seeing such a
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He's Here
I was quite shocked at my sister's outburst, and I had to admit that I hadn’t expected her to get this emotional. “Listen, after Anthony returns and you marry him just as you're supposed to, then there wouldn't be any need for me to be here anymore,” I told her truthfully while trying to remain calm. I told myself that I was being reasonable and that there was no need to consider how I felt about this."'You can just stay here. If your plan succeeds, it'll be like you have reset this whole country and righted all the wrongs. Why wouldn't you want to live here?” my sister inquired with raised eyebrows. The 'me' in the past probably wouldn't want to live here because I didn't want to see my sister living a happily married life with Anthony, even if that was the plan all along. I thought that I would be able to stop loving him and that I could genuinely celebrate their union; however, I wasn't sure if that was something that I could truly do. In fact, that wasn't even the worst of my c
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Bearer of Good News
Usually, Bradon would simply smile before shaking his head to express his regret slightly before handing me something to compensate for the fact that he couldn't let me out of the hospital room. It could be a new game that he wanted to teach me how to play. It could be a deck of cards where he would play a few tricks to entertain me. It might be sweets and desserts that he thought that I might enjoy. I would be lying if I said that his small gestures of kindness didn't help brighten my day; however, as days passed by, even the newest of games began to lose their allure."Yes, I have very good news for you," Bradon said before breaking out into a wide smile."Really?" I asked as my eyes widened and my hands flew to cover my mouth.He's not just saying this to tease me, right?Bradon only continued smiling before he nodded his head a few times to confirm that his words were indeed true. I couldn't believe that I was about to regain my freedom again. Whatever was happening outside must h
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Back to Work
I had to say that after he ascended to the throne, Desmond gave off a vibe that made him seem even more mature than before. I stared at his attractive face as I thought to myself that he would indeed make a great king, if only he wanted to be one. Now if only that king would just keep his words and the promises that he made to me, then all would be perfect. “What about my father? Is he going to end up being the new president of this country?" I asked directly."It's a surprise," Desmond replied with the response that I dreaded the most."I somehow knew that you would say something like that," I muttered darkly to express my disappointment."I have to say that your father is actively campaigning for votes now, so you should be glad that your sister is back; otherwise, you're going to be the one who needs to be out there working for him," Desmond said before letting out a dry laugh. "I guess I have you to thank," I remarked a little sarcastically."I can't have you joining him becaus
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