All Chapters of A Second Chance at Romance: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
827 Chapters
Chapter 101 We're Not Doing Charity
Unfortunately for Karen, Darren was cold and ruthless."I don't need this. It's completely unnecessary for you to put in effort just to return it to me," Darren responded icily, his expression stone cold."This was yours from the start, Darren. I'm just returning it to you."Karen looked quite dejected as she opened the box to reveal the item inside. It was a familiar-looking watch. The watch looked classy and luxurious, its curves and edges bringing out the masculine charm of the wearer.That watch suited Darren well.It was obviously the same watch that he had donated at the charity gala some time ago.Karen gazed at him expectantly. "Unfortunately, I missed out on the charity auction at the gala that night. I had to track down the bidder just to buy this watch at a higher price. Darren, you'll accept the watch, right?"Back then, Karen had left the gala venue out of spiteful anger. When she found out that someone else had successfully bid for the watch, she ended up spendin
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Chapter 102 Show His Sincerity
"Right now, our top priority is to compile all of our resources and manpower for this project. We also need to come up with an elaborate plan on how to maximize our profits instead of wasting precious time on this useless competition," Cedric said coldly with a frown."You little … Cedric Garner, you're outrageous!" Sheila was enraged, to say the least. She majored in financial management back when she was a university student, and she was always the top scorer in all of her classes. In fact, all the proposals she came up with during her internship at Garner Group were as amazing as Cedric's proposals.Even Jeffrey was willing to keep an open mind by giving Sheila a chance to compete with Cedric for the role of the next successor of Garner Group. The thing was, Cedric kept making sarcastic jabs at her whenever he could."I don't think this competition is useless." Jeffrey shot Cedric an impassive glance. "The profits of this project are temporary. On the other hand, the successor
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Chapter 103 A Beauty Without a Brain
Bryan, who followed Darren down the stairs, had a strong feeling that he shouldn't be in the same room as the lovebirds right now.A while later, he finally mustered up enough courage to take a step forward so that he could murmur into Darren's ear."Sir, Dr. Greydon has taken action recently. His father, Jerry Greydon, is currently employed at Winchester Group. Robert was the one who promoted him to his current managerial position."Some time ago, Dr. Greydon and his wife got a divorce. His now ex-wife moved to Shoreton with their children and bought a new house which sits on the best plot of the city. What's worth noting is that she cleared the full payment in cash."Shoreton was a top-tier city with the fastest development rate in the country. All houses built on the most expensive plot of the city were worth at least tens of millions of dollars.How could Torrence's ex-wife possess enough funds to clear the full payment of a house sitting on the most expensive plot … in cash?
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Chapter 104 Intolerance
The young lady was actually a pro who worked quickly at getting her tasks done."Found it." Her lips curled into a confident smile after spending a moment typing away on the keyboard.The young lady then muttered under her breath, "So, they've been hiding the folder here this whole time. I got my hands on it now."Multiple lines of codes soon appeared on the screen. The young lady continued to punch in the codes expertly at an insane speed. More codes kept streaking across the screen at lightning speed, soon replaced by new lines.In the end, a folder was revealed right before the women's eyes.Hannah swapped a glance with the young lady. Both of them were quite delighted to have made the discovery. "Try sending the folder to him.""Fabian has been waiting for this folder!" The young lady smiled. "This time, those bastards won't be able to escape from their fates!"On Hailee's side, the review went on for a very long time due to how convoluted the process was. Riley and his team
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Chapter 105 I Want Her to Regret Everything
Suddenly, Hannah jumped into action. With one hand propped on the desk, she leaped over the desk while twisting her body gracefully in the air. Her long legs arched over the desk in an instant, followed by the rest of her body. Soon, Hannah landed in front of the desk elegantly. She raised her hand with two of her fingers curled inward before poking Chester's eyes with them forcefully."Argh!"Traces of excitement still lingered on Chester's face as he howled in pain. He covered his eyes before dropping down to the floor and started rolling about in agony."My eyes! Argh, they hurt! I've gone blind!""You motherfucker," Hannah spat out while aiming a few consecutive kicks at Chester, her demeanor still arrogant.Her gaze was already frosty at that time. "Didn't your mother teach you to not ogle at other women in such a rude and disgusting manner? Hmm?"Chester continued screaming in pain at the top of his lungs while rolling around uncontrollably.Hannah tucked a stray lock be
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Chapter 106 Stop Dreaming
Robert sat in the main seat with a thunderous expression. At the same time, he was tapping his index finger on the meeting table in a steady beat.Because of that, the thuds echoed throughout the silent meeting room rhythmically. Somehow, the presence of those thuds was more than enough to make that atmosphere even more oppressive."Pete, you really don't know what's good for you!"Unable to withstand the tense atmosphere anymore, Jerry decided to lash out at Pete Gates first. "Everyone here has witnessed just how much Mr. Wilfare has contributed to Winchester Group! It's only fair for him to become the company's CEO!""It's all thanks to Mr. Winchester that Winchester Group has attained its current level of success and fame," Pete shot back rudely, his expression already stormy. "Mr. Winchester is still recuperating at home, yet you all are eager to usurp his position!"Who the hell do you think you are, Jerry? You're just Robert's mutt! What makes you think you have the right
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Chapter 107 I'll Entertain You Till the End
All Darren did was stand at the doorway, yet he was able to turn the tables in his favor instantly. None of the shareholders wanted to fight him, after all. All they could do was retreat and submit to him.Robert's eyes possessed a dark glint as he watched the shareholders' multitudes of expressions. His eyes slowly became bloodshot at the sight of their cowardly exteriors.He knew it. Those cowards would definitely side with Darren as long as he made an appearance. Heck, Darren didn't have to do anything to earn their loyalty.Damn it! Damn it all!"It seems that you don't welcome me here at all, Mr. Wilfare." Darren's lips curled into a smirk as he strode into the meeting room. Everyone quickly shuffled aside to make space for him when he walked past them. At the same time, they kept staring at his legs.Didn't the rumors claim that Darren would never be able to stand up and walk around ever again?How was it possible for him to move around effortlessly, then? Heck, he didn't
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Chapter 108 Return of the Ruler
At that moment, both Darren and Robert had completely torn off their distinguished disguises. They decided to display their hostile rivalry in full force from now on.Robert led his minions away afterward. As for Darren, he continued the meeting with Pete and the rest of the shareholders who stayed behind.Pete looked slightly hesitant. "You think western Hopeldon holds more potential in urban development, Mr. Winchester?""That's right." Darren looked at the map which was spread out on the meeting table. "The public transportation system in eastern Hopeldon is indeed more convenient, which can guarantee us a faster capital recovery."But at the same time, we can't neglect the problems infesting western Hopeldon right now. After all, we can't just focus on one portion of the city when it comes to urban development."The government wouldn't allow the wealth gap to increase even more as well.Pete couldn't help but retort, "But even though the government wants us to invest in their
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Chapter 109 Warmth
"You've been studying hard these days. I didn't arrange anything for you because I didn't want to disturb you."Hannah, who had already changed into warmer clothes by then, overheard Naomi's lamentations. "You'll be serving the empanadas with me. You have your work cut out for you, missy."Naomi let out a cheer upon hearing Hannah's response. Soon, the group loaded their car up with the gifts and headed toward the orphanage, which was located in western Hopeldon.Angel Haven Orphanage had a history that spanned over 50 years. During that period of time, it played host to countless orphans.Part of the reason why the orphanage stood till this very day was thanks to the donations from the kind-hearted Samaritans. The other part of the reason involved the orphanage's director teaching the children how to make handicrafts. That way, they'd be able to earn enough to sustain themselves.Besides, the orphanage's location was somewhere within western Hopeldon, which was known to be underd
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Chapter 110 Really
"Oh?" The elderly man arched a brow, his interest now piqued. "We've been walking for a long time anyway, so we're all quite tired now. Let's go grab some empanadas."His assistant cast a glance at the crowd around the empanada stall before voicing out his worries. "But Professor Noland, it's dangerous for you to join the crowd. We can't afford to let anything happen to you. I'll grab you a plate of empanadas instead.""I'm not that fragile." Oliver Noland waved nonchalantly at his assistant with a smile. "They're all lining up in front of the stall, aren't they? It's fine."Besides, the Winchesters were kind enough to host such a nice activity. We need to thank them for their kindness."Upon seeing how stubborn Oliver was, the assistant was left without a choice. He could only join Oliver at the back of the line.When Oliver reached the front of the line, Hannah happened to be frying a new batch of empanadas."Happy New Year, sir," she said smilingly while serving Oliver a plate
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