All Chapters of A Second Chance at Romance: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
827 Chapters
Chapter 111 Beauty With a Kind Heart
It was hard to grasp the minds of people who were obsessed with looks. Those who only became Hannah's fans because of her looks had been unbelievably active. They swarmed to the scene when they saw the latest news about her. "Ms. Emerson is the definition of beauty with a kind heart. Love her!""Just how kind is Ms. Emerson? And is she looking for a sugar baby? Asking for a friend.""Big thanks to Ms. Emerson on behalf of the kids!""It's just a little something. What's the big deal? The wealthy Winchesters are pretty stingy to donate only this much.""Stop judging them. You're one to talk to. How much did you donate then?""I happened to have some of the Yarrow's empanadas Ms. Emerson gave out today at Western Hopeldon. They're so good! And guess what—Ms. Emerson looked way better than her pictures!""Wow, empanadas from Yarrow's! I envy you …"Aside from some haters, the Internet was mostly flooded with praise. As the news brought smiles to some faces, it also brought mise
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Chapter 112 Where's Your Conscience
If Matthew and Claudia were sensible enough, they would have buried what had happened in the past so that it wouldn't be exposed someday and ruin their precious daughter's path to success.Naomi was confused, yet she nodded mindlessly. "Then it should be fine."Hannah was always right. "Since I'm not that bright, I should refrain from overthinking," Naomi thought. The internet blew up, yet the Winchester family remained silent. It was only until later that night when everyone had already had their dinner, an influencer famous for spilling tea abruptly uploaded a post that said, "Is Misty really a beauty with a kind heart? The real story behind her charity work in the rural areas."The title was already eye-catching. Given how the post was in line with the latest news, it was bound to blow up in an instant. The influencer was an experienced paparazzi, so his posts were extremely organized with an appropriate amount of pictures. The content was clear and concise. Misty and J
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Chapter 113 Do You Think You're Worthy
Jane was about to black out as she desperately gasped for breath. The only sight that came before her was Robert's murderous eyes. He intended to kill her!She was horrified the moment she realized his murderous intent. It was her first time being dangerously close to death. "No—Ro … Robert, don't …"Just a second before she blacked out, Robert suddenly let go of her. She collapsed to the ground and coughed violently with her hand clutching her throat. She didn't even realize her back had knocked into the sharp edges of the coffee table. "What's left of my conscience is letting you live lavishly as the daughter of the Wilfare family."Robert grabbed her hair violently, forcing her to look at him. He grinned, resembling a beast hidden in the dark, which was about to pounce on its prey and tear off its flesh. "Be a good girl and stay at home, won't you? Be good and there'll be a time when you come in handy."His hand rose and slapped Jane's face gently. He hissed, "Otherwis
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Chapter 114 You Make Me Feel Like Throwing Up
"How can you say that?" Misty turned pale as Cedric openly ridiculed her. She stepped back, wearing a painful expression on her face. "Cedric, is this what I am to you?""I initially thought you were better. But sadly it turns out that I was blind in the first place."Cedric glanced at her scornfully. "You're not as pretty as Hannah and not as capable as her too. Why on earth would Darren fancy you instead? Do you think it's for the sake of your pretentious attitude? Or was it in vain?"Misty was completely traumatized by his words. She seemed hurt and sorrowful. "How could you say this to me? I'm not … I didn't."Tears were on the edge of her red-rimmed eyes. They were going to trickle off any time. She seemed exceptionally pitiful. Cedric used to sympathize with her whenever she put on this look. But now, he was outraged. "Enough of this! Stop acting like you're the victim. Misty, you're so disgusting!"He hurled the gift he brought on the floor and turned around without
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Chapter 115 What a Pity
Dennis was pretty anxious. The last thing he wanted was to anger his investors. Cautiously, he asked, "Then, shall we take another set of photos?"As he spoke, his heart throbbed in pain. "No need for that. These photos are wonderful," Hannah replied as she shook her head. She was just momentarily stunned. She patted Taylor's head as she praised her. "Good job. Remember to keep up the good work."Taylor beamed with joy. Dennis heaved a sigh of relief as well. His Twitter account had just been verified, and he only had a few fans. He posted the promotional photos, not forgetting to tag Hannah and the lead actors' accounts. Shortly after, Hannah retweeted his post with the caption that said, "The Search is here."The male and female leads weren't exactly that young. They even dyed their hair gray to match the characters in the film. Their appearance was a huge contrast to the younger celebrities who were all over the media now. The retweet immediately blew up the Internet.
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Chapter 116 A Fair Competition
With Cedric backing her, Misty could do anything, let alone reject variety shows. She could even put on airs during the movie shoot. "She has a reliable sugar daddy, and her family is well off as well," Jessica thought."Of course, I'm looking out for you. What do you think we are?" A perverted grin flashed across Henry's face. His chubby hand groped her butt roughly as he continued, "He even invested in my movie. My movie's about to be filmed, isn't it? The female protagonist was solely created for Misty."Jessica was gaping at his words. It wasn't uncommon for less famous celebrities to become sugar babies. They were used to seeing them coming to the shoot with a mega crew. However, it was still a rare sight in Misty's case. It was a once-in-a-blue-moon thing for a movie to be created only for her sake. "So, did Misty really win his heart?"Jessica couldn't help but be envious of her. "This is how fate works, huh? She's really a lucky one.""Who knows? What if this is nothi
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Chapter 117 Some Will Remember
Aside from the haters, there were also people looking forward to Henry's new movie.The fans were brimming after their idols retweeted Henry's post. All of a sudden, the trending searches were flooded with their comments.Occasionally, there were a few comments that mentioned "The Search". But they eventually got swallowed up by hate comments."Am I the only one who's looking forward to 'The Search' instead? I feel like they spent more effort on the movie. I'm already tired of Henry's endless cliché romance movies.""Yup, you're the only one. You're just a hater. Who the heck is Dennis Yates? Never heard of him.""Stop taking advantage of Misty, won't you? I think it's about time for Ms. Emerson to stop butting into Misty's business.""What's wrong with romance movies? We like it, is there anything wrong with it? If you don't like it, then fuck off!"The fans of the famous celebrities were on another level. They were completely lashing out at the negative comments. And Henry's f
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Chapter 118 She Wanted to Sleep With Him
Cedric studied Vivian's face closely. She only had light makeup on and had her hair down. Given her current appearance, she really looked nothing like a prostitute. Instead, she resembled a pure and innocent college student. It seemed like Nathan had researched his taste in women. Cedric was quite satisfied. He wrapped his arm around Vivian, locking her in his embrace. As he grasped her chin, he asked, "Do you know who I am?""Is there even anyone who hasn't heard of you, Mr. Garner?" Vivian replied, giggling coquettishly. Ignoring the pain on her chin, she wrapped her arms around Cedric and planted a kiss on him. "I've been waiting for you, Mr. Garner.""Not bad," Cedric commented, obviously pleased. He cradled her waist as he asked in a hushed tone, "What's your name?""Just call me Vivian."Vivian leaned closely into him, her body smothered against his. She chuckled softly as she pleaded in a honeyed voice, "Mr. Garner, why don't we go to the room now? I'll make sure t
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Chapter 119 It's Too Late to Escape
Tears trickled down Misty's face uncontrollably. She shook her head frantically. "Cedric, how could you say that? You—you've let me down …" Her heart throbbed. She was swamped with a wave of humiliation. Cedric's heart ached when he saw the state of distress she was in. But soon, his eyes flared with fury. "You're one to talk! Misty, why don't you look at all the disgusting shit you've done? I feel like throwing up the moment I lay eyes on you.""Cedric, why can't you just believe me?"Misty choked, sobbing sorrowfully. "I really didn't mean anything like that. What else do you want me to do? Do I have to stab myself to prove I'm innocent?"Vivian couldn't help but roll her eyes. Were they staging an act of unrequited love? She uttered tentatively, "Mr. Garner …"In a fit of rage, Cedric flung his fist on the wall. His bloodshot eyes glared at her. "Fuck off!"Vivian shuddered in fear. She dared not to utter another word and made her way out of the room hastily. Although
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Chapter 120 Can't Answer the Question
Oliver smirked like a mischievous child. "We have been contacting the sponsors who supported the development of western Hopeldon. So, we had a discussion today. Since you're usually very creative, I told you to come and join us too. Just in case you have some new ideas along the way."He turned around and introduced her to the rest of the room. "This is the wife of Mr. Winchester, who's also going to come in a bit. Her name's Hannah; she's a really talented young lady with lots of ideas. I referred to some of her ideas for my previous plan too."Was Darren coming as well? The other professors, who were also experts in their respective fields, smiled warmly at her. Soon, Hannah found herself chatting away with them. She was no longer intimidated by them and greeted them politely. She paid close attention to their discussion. In fact, she was well aware that she wasn't even qualified to join them. Oliver had asked her to come because he thought highly of her. He truly appreciated
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