All Chapters of A Second Chance at Romance: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
827 Chapters
Chapter 131 Do It Yourself
That man grunted in response before pulling Darren up to his feet and helping him into the elevator.Darren felt extremely hot. It was as though there was scorching heat engulfing him from within, threatening to consume his senses.His throat was extremely parched. At the same time, an indescribable desire surged from his core.He was in extreme discomfort at that time. Only the cool sensation coming from behind was able to bring him a sense of relief. Darren cracked his eyes open with much difficulty, only to realize that he happened to be leaning against a wall of the corridor. There was a man with his back turned to him. He was in the midst of fishing out a white keycard. That keycard was actually the master card that the housekeepers used to unlock all rooms for housekeeping purposes. Darren narrowed his eyes slightly, trying to summon just an ounce of rationality from his muddled and overheated brain. His voice came out deep and scratchy."What are you doing?""M-Mr.
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Chapter 132 Reward
Misty couldn't help but place a hand on her chest. She was worried that others might hear her unusually loud heartbeat and figure out that she was having lustful thoughts regarding another man.She was just really curious about Darren.Wasn't it normal for human beings to be curious about unknown things and people?Misty mentally chanted that mantra over and over again as she swiped her finger across her screen. Then, she tapped into an online shopping app and started keying in a few words.Soon, product listings appeared on the screen. All of them had detailed descriptions and great reviews from other users.This caused Misty's heartbeat to quicken even more. She shut her phone screen immediately before scanning around her surroundings hastily. Only then did she take a deep breath.It was difficult for her to continue sitting still. Her expression now resolute, Misty rose to her feet and exited the banquet hall.Soon, Misty entered the ladies' restroom with a tiny package in ha
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Chapter 133 Why Are You Here
Misty was completely satisfied after going through a wild night of sex. She shifted her expression carefully in order to display her most innocent and vulnerable side."Who are you? How could you …" Tears welled up in Misty's eyes, making her look extremely pitiful. She played the role of a shocked and heartbroken woman who struggled to accept the fact that she was sexually assaulted the night before.However, the moment she turned her head to look at the man, she was even more astonished to see a familiar face. She let out a shriek immediately before blurting out, "Why are you here?"Cedric ended up getting woken up by Misty's shriek. His lips curled into a smirk, but when he opened his eyes to meet her teary eyes, his expression crumbled instantly."Why are you the one here?"Misty's and Cedric's questions might have been phrased slightly differently, but it was evident that both of them had set up traps for other people instead of each other.Cedric narrowed his eyes dangero
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Chapter 134 Lost Blessing
Cedric began to view Misty from a new perspective because of that discovery.After all, that woman was capable of recreating her virginity with special tools. Was she even sincere about her feelings for Cedric in the first place?"You are really disgusting!"Cedric released his hold on Misty's neck before shoving her away. He quickly slipped on his clothes before turning to cast an arrogant glance at Misty, who was now sobbing her heart out on the bed."Don't you dare show your face in front of me ever again! Just the sight of you disgusts me to my core!""No! Cedric!" Misty finally teetered past the edge of sanity. She couldn't care less about her current state of undress as she jumped out of bed just to hug Cedric from behind."Cedric, you can't do this to me! I gave you my first time, and you knew that!""No, I don't." Cedric pried Misty's hands off his waist coldly. Then, he grabbed a fistful of her hair before pinning her down on the bed. He continued coldly, "You los
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Chapter 135 Extremely Stupid
The moment Hannah raised her head, she found herself staring into Darren's gentle eyes which resembled a glittering sea of stars. This sight made her heart skip a beat.At that moment, the front door was opened from the outside.It had been a few months since Andrew last returned to the Winchester Residence. He was once a delinquent, but his time at the military academy tempered him into an upright young man.As he strode into the house with wide, confident steps, Andrew still kept his back straight and his chest puffed out like a proud cadet.The moment he noticed Hannah, his cold expression melted instantly, replaced by a wide grin. He barked out, "Hannah!"A moment later, Andrew finally greeted his oldest brother. "Hello, Darren."Darren shot Andrew a glance, noting the obvious transformation his younger brother had gone through. Andrew used to brawl a lot in the past. Bryan had to go to his school just to deal with the aftermath every few days.Now, Andrew had finally grow
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Chapter 136 I Was Wrong
Of course, the first thing Anthony did was distribute the gifts among his family.Despite having flown back, he didn't bring any of his own clothes with him. Instead, his large suitcase was crammed with gifts of all sorts for everyone else.The act of receiving gifts was a joyful one. For the younger Winchester siblings who seldom received gifts in their lives, the process of receiving more gifts on a single day was very exciting for them.Soon, the younger siblings tore into their gifts happily. They even dragged Molly with them to pick out her favorite gift from the pile.Darren watched the rowdy youngsters crowding around the presents happily. Soon, he reached out to hold Hannah's hand.Hannah turned to look at him, a joyful sparkle dancing in her eyes."I'd like to thank you." Darren lifted her hand before planting a kiss on the back of her hand.Suddenly, he spoke in a serious tone, "I was wrong just now."His words confused Hannah. "Hmm?""I shouldn't be asking you for a
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Chapter 137 She's Overthinking It
Hannah felt inexplicably reassured when she looked up at Darren.No, she didn't do all those things for nothing.Molly was currently fast asleep in her room. Darren, who was meant to succumb to depression by taking his own life in the book's plot, was now standing next to Hannah. He had returned to his strong and domineering self, not to mention he would always back her up.After taking a moment to calm down, Hannah said, "Don't worry, Professor Noland. Since the government wants proof, then we'll get them the proof needed.""It's easier said than done." Oliver sighed deeply.He was just a scholar who was obsessed with academic research. Still, the sight of western Hopeldon in its current state saddened him.At first, Oliver didn't want to bother Hannah with terrible news on the eve of Groundhog Day. He kept it a secret since that morning, but he was unable to keep it to himself any longer. After all, he had no time to spare.There was too little time for the supporters of weste
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Chapter 138 Something Bad Has Happened
Hannah was instantly alert when she heard Ruby's words."My parents wish to give you this gift. Please accept it, Ms. Emerson."Ruby smiled happily as she opened the folder. "This is one of the storefronts which has a pretty decent location in my family's mall. My parents want to give it to you, Ms. Emerson."A storefront?Hannah looked down at the folder before tapping it with one finger. "What else did they say?""They told me that you don't have to show up for the actual process if you're very busy."Ruby continued smiling. Clearly, she was excited about the fact that her parents cared about Hannah a lot. "As long as you can give me a copy of your ID or leave your signature on this document, my family can help transfer the storefront rights to you."The truth was that Ruby's parents had told her to not bother Hannah with such minuscule tasks. After all, those who supported the development of western Hopeldon were exceptionally busy right now, so there was no need to waste her
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Chapter 139 You're Not Worthy Enough
Hannah instantly snapped out of her sleep-induced haze. She got up and slipped on a jacket before hurrying over to the site.Oliver's group had rented a couple of warehouses near the shopping street. During this hour, the construction crew would work on building the street without pausing to rest.There were decorations such as fairy lights, banners, and streamers stacked up in the warehouses. Alongside those decorations were various paintings made by other artists related to the festive season.But now, the third warehouse's doors were currently wide open. Its interior was splashed with so much paint that its acrid smell could make one's nose curl.Everything was ruined.There were two days left till the start of the festive event. How was it possible for Hannah's group to replace the ruined paintings and decorations?Hannah's expression was icy as she stared at the ruined things. "Who did this?""Our people are checking the security footage right now."It was obvious that Ril
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Chapter 140 I Want Meatballs
But Hannah refused to succumb to her fate. She decided to attack the men right away instead of retreating."I want you to beat her up real good!" the leader ordered furiously while clutching his family jewels. "That bitch is pretty skilled in combat! Pin her down! Don't let her escape!""Don't worry, boss!"Everyone flocked toward Hannah immediately. She knew that she couldn't possibly tackle an entire group of men with just her fists. Still, she gritted her teeth just to clear her mind before using all of her strength to kick the first man away.But another punch came swinging at her gut at that moment. Strong pain flared from her stomach, causing her vision to black out momentarily.Hannah stumbled momentarily, allowing the man behind her to trap her arms."I thought you were a fighter, you bitch! Come on, hit me then!"The leader had already recovered from the blow by then. At that time, he lit himself another cigarette and trapped it between his lips.He then raised his h
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