All Chapters of A Second Chance at Romance: Chapter 151 - Chapter 160
827 Chapters
Chapter 151 Kill Your Own Husband
Just then, Hannah took the opportunity to stab right at the person's weak point with the knife. She couldn't care less about harming another person right now. She needed to do whatever it took to stay alive. With that in mind, Hannah aimed right at their chest.But they reacted faster than she thought they would.They quickly sidestepped her attack and caught her wrist, making the blade fall out of her hand. They were so strong Hannah couldn't resist their grip. She was about to kick at them when they held her in their arms, locking her in with their legs in an intimate position.A familiar cold aura surrounded Hannah, making her stiffen in response.The man's tense yet amused voice then said, "Do you intend to kill your own husband, madam?""Darren." Hannah relaxed instantly, letting him hold her in his arms. "You're here.""I am." Darren held her tightly, hiding the intensity in his gaze from her. He said quietly, "You've suffered much, Hannah.""Shelly!" Joseph, who had just
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Chapter 152 I Don't Have Any Siblings
It was chaos at the police station. Darren carefully helped clean Hannah's wounds. When he dabbed some antiseptic, sparks of pain danced through her fingers.Still, she remained unbothered, a serene look upon her face."Ms. Emerson." A middle-aged police officer came in, his gaze tired. "Those men know nothing. They've only been receiving one-sided instructions from Jane Wilfare all this time. You may go home now that your statements have been made."No one expected something like this to happen. The sudden explosion earlier had ended the lives of both Jane and the female officer who arrested her, as well as two other officers. "Have there been any results after examining the vehicle?" Hannah asked quietly. "Did someone tamper with its system?"The officer wiped away some sweat and replied glumly, "More like the valve system was worn out, in addition to an oil leak in the engine … "Tears began to flood in his eyes as he stopped talking. The two junior officers who'd died in
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Chapter 153 I Care
For some reason, Cedric felt like Hannah had escaped from his control without his knowing. It was an uncomfortable sensation, making him ball his hands cautiously. Hostility colored his eyes as his instincts told him Hannah couldn't be left roaming free anymore.Her existence would only serve to be an obstacle on his way forward. Cedric's intuition had always been spot on. Right now, murderous intent surfaced within him.Darren noticed this and immediately turned to stare right at him.He wouldn't let anyone hurt even a single hair on Hannah's head! Cedric saw the warning look in Darren's eyes and quickly pulled Misty up. "Let's not waste our time with them any longer. We still have things to do."Cedric had come to the police station to take note of their progress while Joseph looked after Sheila in the hospital.Seeing that they were about to leave, Hannah suddenly asked, "Don't you worry you might get nightmares, Mr. Garner?"Cedric stopped in his tracks and turned around
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Chapter 154 I'll Protect You in Turn
Darren was being so careful about such a minor injury.Hannah found it amusing, yet also incredibly touching. She cooperated with him as he tended to her wounds.After Darren was done with her arm, he then bandaged her fingertips before coming to a stop.He sat cross-legged on the floor, eyes downcast. Feeling playful, Hannah reached out with her right hand to touch his lashes.The ticklish sensation made Darren blink."Mr. Winchester," she sighed. "I've made you worry yet again.""All that matters is that you're home safe." Darren held her hand, kissing her fingertips. "Do whatever you please, Hannah. I'll be sure to keep you safe."He had always been cold and indifferent to things, including his siblings and everyone else. But Hannah was different.Hannah cared about many things—her family, her friends—she even cared about Darren, whom she'd met only because they were married on paper. She would give charity to help those in need. She was like an everlasting flame, selfless
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Chapter 155 What Are You Doing Here?
"Dr Garner," Hannah said gently. "Old Mr. Garner's gift is already sufficient. I can't possibly accept something else.""I insist on you taking a look at it first, Ms. Emerson," Joseph said.Unable to decline further, Hannah took the documents and flipped through them. The contents surprised her.It was a school transfer application form for Cromer Academy.Naomi gasped. "Is this actually Cromer Academy?"Cromer Academy was the most famous and advanced education institution in Hopeldon. Its founder was a powerful individual, who was rumored to be backed by even more powerful people. Their core principle was to only accept elite individuals, such as those with at least one special skill or strength in a particular area.They didn't bother with all the rich families' attempts at enrolling their children with them regardless of how much money those families offered. It was for good reason too, as all of the academy's graduates were the elite amongst elites. Being able to graduate
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Chapter 156 What Right Do You Have?
"Do you know where you're standing right now?" Misty asked proudly. "This is Cromer Academy. It's not just any school you can bribe your way into. Where did you get this uniform? Did you have someone make a fake one?"She sneered, saying haughtily, "Our school is very strict. I suggest you leave first before you embarrass yourself when the guards stop you from entering."Hannah was nothing more than a lowlife from the slums who never even finished her first year of college. How could she have gotten into Cromer Academy? She didn't think bribing her way into this academy would work, right?"Do you know her, Misty?" a student asked curiously. "Is she a new student?"Most of the students at Cromer Academy stayed away from the gossip and news amongst the socialite groups, preferring to devote themselves to their own talents instead. They all had bright futures ahead of them after all. They were able to make their family proud with their own singular achievements, so there was no need t
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Chapter 157 Realize Early On
The student had seen too many people like Hannah, who only cared about their vanity and ego. She couldn't even focus on her academics, yet here she was parading herself all over some minor talent? Who did Hannah think she was to be capable of making it to the top ten?What a joke!Hannah wasn't angry at all. She met the student's gaze and smiled, saying, "We'll see when the time comes.""Don't cry for your mommy when you fail," the student said before heading into the building.As Hannah walked inside, the other students made way for her, with some even waving hi to her. It was as if Hannah was a formidable presence in the school."Who was she?" Hannah asked the girl who was kind to her earlier. "Don't you know her? She's an honor student here!" The girl said, her eyes filled with admiration. "Her name is Morgan Lawson. She's a transfer student like you. She just came back from being abroad last semester."I heard she's won a ton of awards in her previous institutions. She even
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Chapter 158 Pulling Strings
No one would waste their time with unnecessary things in such a period.The homeroom teacher informed them of their first test which would be held tomorrow before leaving the class. A dark glint flashed in Morgan's eyes before she went up to Hannah's desk. All the students' attention swiftly turned to the two of them."Can I help you?" Hannah asked, meeting her gaze.Though Hannah was sitting down, it was as if she was the menacing one there."Hannah Winchester, right?" Morgan asked arrogantly. "This is Cromer Academy, where we use our efforts and skills to stand our ground. If you think you can just pull some strings and get your way—think again!""I don't think I've ever said anything about pulling strings, have I, Morgan?" Hannah said, amused by Morgan's hostility. "What do you mean by this sudden proclamation? We're both transfer students. Are we supposed to be rivals?""You and I are not remotely the same, so don't you dare compare us!" Morgan scowled. "Those tricks of you
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Chapter 159 She Jumped!
What a class act."You don't know, but I do." Hannah grabbed Misty by the collar. "You can just stand in as a punching bag in place of everyone else, right?""Stop this, Hannah!" Misty cried, the cold winter wind making the blood drain from her face. She clung onto the window frame, yelling, "Let go of me!"She could die if she fell from this height! Her grip wouldn't loosen, not even if Hannah was still holding onto her!"I hate it when you act all proud in front of me, Misty." Hannah glanced down at the piles of snow, her breath creating white clouds in the air. "I've been really holding back from dealing with you."In the story, Hannah had a shitty life compared to Misty, who always lived happily. Why? Why did Hannah's life have to be filled with gloom and disappointment? Her family, her birthright, and her father had all been stolen away by Misty. Whenever Hannah tried staying away from all this, Misty would only find a way to barge back into her life.It was so infuriating
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Chapter 160 I Should Have Ended You
Misty was crying so much she was shaking. She refused to let anyone get closer."That's enough. Go along now!" The teacher dispersed the crowd and then had some of the students hand Misty clothes to wrap around herself.Only then did she manage to head to the staff office.All students in Cromer Academy came from educated backgrounds and exceptional talent. Most of the arguments between them at most only amounted to quarrels. Hence this was the first time the teacher faced such a situation.Unfortunately, one of the parties involved couldn't stop crying while the other remained proud and not the least bit regretful."We'll call your parents," the teacher finally decided.After receiving the call, Matthew angrily made his way to the school with Claudia.Upon seeing both his daughters in the office, he forced a polite handshake with the teacher before asking sullenly, "What's going on?""Dad …" Misty wept even more upon seeing him. She dove into his arms, crying, "I only wanted t
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