All Chapters of A Second Chance at Romance: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
827 Chapters
Chapter 141 You're Not Alone
Dennis brought the whole crew and his friends in the entertainment industry to the streets. They were all dressed in period costumes. Despite his age, he even kept up with the trends by going live. "Ms. Emerson, they're all here for you!"The crew of "The Search" had already gained a certain amount of popularity from their previous publicity stunt. Dennis also put in a lot of effort in managing their profile. Hence, their live gathered a decent amount of audience. Kesha stood at the side and beamed. "There are a lot of people today."Indeed, the event rose to fame after it was publicized for quite some time. The streets were packed with people even though it was a new place. The famous Internet personalities they invited were all also dressed in period costumes according to the requirements. They tried out different snacks as they strolled along the streets. Meanwhile, they were also openly advertising their products. Hannah smiled when she saw the streets were brimming with
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Chapter 142 If You're Filing for a Divorce
"It's easy to find a girlfriend, but it isn't easy to find a wife," Kenneth said frankly. He insisted on finishing his line despite Darren's murderous glare. "Especially a wife like Ms. Emerson. If you're filing for a divorce, I'm very much willing to be at your service.""There's no way this will happen."With a dark expression, Darren separated him from Hannah. "Mr. Sorsby, could you go somewhere else if you don't have anything else to say? Hannah's busy right now.""Tch, he's boiling with jealousy right now," Kenneth thought to himself. He was also jealous of Darren. How could he win Hannah's heart if he wasn't thick-skinned? She was already gorgeous, to begin with, but her talent only managed to make her even more captivating. The first thing one would notice when they first saw Hannah would be her looks. However, as time passed by, her looks would be one of her least significant possessions to them. Hannah's ability and talent were what made her unique. That was how she w
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Chapter 143 Do You Want to Escape
"Then … Then does he have a son?"Jane tried hard to figure out what was going on. She forced a smile. "Do you want me to get to know his son?" At least marrying Samuel's son was better than marrying Samuel himself. However, Robert shattered her wishful thinking. "Yeah, you do have to get to know someone. But it's not Mr. Hoffman's son, but Mr. Hoffman himself."In fact, Samuel wasn't privileged enough to attend this event. However, he was the landlord for a few residential areas in western Hopeldon. Thus, things had been going extremely well for him. He divorced his ferocious wife, and he was widely sought after now. His worth was doubled. Anyone who wanted a piece of the pie in western Hopeldon would do anything to get close to him. Robert glared at Jane as he warned her in a low tone, "Behave yourself and don't offend him.""Are you out of your mind? Are you really doing this to your own family?" Jane couldn't help but shriek in silence. "He's so old and ugly, and he's ar
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Chapter 144 The Weapon's Mine
Hannah was unavoidably tired from socializing for too long. She put on her coat and headed out to the banquet hall. It was already getting dark. Even the lights in the alleys nearby dimmed. Hugging herself, she breathed in the cold winter air. As the cold air seeped into her throat, her mind felt clearer. Right at that moment, she saw a slender figure appear briefly at the entrance of that dark alley. The figure went past the dim lights and headed straight for the alley. Hannah's heart skipped a beat. That figure looked incredibly familiar. What was she doing there at such a late hour? After a few moments of hesitation, she made a quick decision. She grabbed a broom the janitors left at the back door and trailed after the figure. Her heels clacked vigorously on the ground as she strode quickly toward the alley. When she finally arrived, only did she realize the alley wasn't a one-way alley. Instead, the alley branched out into several crooked paths.The dark alley resembled a
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Chapter 145 Adapting Quite Well to It
"We've got her! Carry them to the car and let's go!"Before Hannah fully blacked out, she heard one of the three men shriek excitedly. When she regained consciousness, it was almost daytime. She opened her eyes, silently observing her surroundings. She was locked in a shabby room with extremely high walls. There were two small rectangular windows at the top. It was through one of these windows that the faint sunlight shone in, giving a rough indication of the time. The thick smell of gasoline in the air implied that this place used to be a factory. Such factories wouldn't be located in Hopeldon. They had to be in the suburbs. As Hannah worked these out quietly in her mind, she couldn't help but sigh. Oddly enough, she wasn't concerned about her current situation at all. Instead, her mind was occupied by something else. Darren must have been frantic since she disappeared in the middle of the night. As she recalled how paranoid he actually was under his forced composure, she
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Chapter 166 A Woman's Weapons
Even during a reconciliation, Matthew relied on reprimanding his daughter and pointing out his daughter's shortcomings to establish his authority. Misty lowered her head with resentment as she replied softly, "Alright, Dad. I know I was wrong. My room ..."She fiercely closed her eyes as if not feeling the pain in her heart as she continued, "I'll just give it up."She didn't want the room that Hannah had used, even if it were returned."Thank you." Matthew finally showed a hint of a smile.He continued, "Haven't you always wanted to change the decor? After Hannah leaves, we can renovate your room and make it however you like. What do you think?""Thank you, Dad." Misty forced a smile and nodded. "I have no objections to letting Hannah have my room."Upon seeing Matthew's mood stabilize, Claudia frowned slightly as she said, "Still, Hannah may not necessarily stay overnight with Mr. Winchester in our home."At these words, Matthew's expression stiffened.He was well aware tha
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Chapter 147 It'd Be Worse
Jane had gone completely hysterical. She was full of pleasure. Cackling wildly, she twirled the fruit knife around. "Don't you try to lecture me. I don't want to hear it!""Killing us won't solve anything." Hannah's calm gaze was fixated on her. She spoke with poise, "Jane, getting yourself involved in murder is only going to make things worse. If you're dissatisfied, you should work hard and reclaim what you deserve, not resort to illegal acts.""Yeah!" Sheila nodded wildly. "Do you really want to spend the rest of your life in prison? Don't you want to experience love marry your prince charming and live happily ever after? Is it really worth it to risk your entire life over this?""You guys know nothing!" Triggered by her words, Jane bellowed. Her eyes were bloodshot. If she didn't put herself in this situation, she'd end up with nothing, let alone marrying and dating someone. She could only be with that disgusting Samuel, who was old, ugly, and fat. Her fate that awaited her
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Chapter 148 It Isn't Impossible
The thought of Hannah in a devastated state and crying in despair thrilled Jane."Remember to take some pictures to show the Garners and the Winchesters. Show them how well we've treated Mrs. Winchester and Ms. Garner."Jane could no longer wait. As she strode out, she said, "Right, I'll leave them to you. I'll be back later."The men bellowed with laughter as they sent her off.Jane's departure didn't mean danger was far from over. Not knowing it was because of the cold or fear, Sheila was shivering all over. Her body, still feverish, scooted closer to Hannah. Her voice was trembling when she asked, "Ms. Emerson, what do we do? What will happen to us?" Her face was filled with despair. Since they were bound, they couldn't even fend off Jane, let alone these burly men. They stood no chance at all. Sheila would rather die than be humiliated by these people. Overwhelmed by anguish, she finally couldn't help but sob softly. Her face was pale. "Shh—" Just then, Hannah, who ha
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Chapter 149 In Your Dreams
Despite her usual cold expression, Hannah was already enchanting to begin with. When she suddenly broke into a smile, not a single man could resist her beauty. Andrew couldn't wait any longer. He approached her eagerly. Even Jonny, who was by the door, swallowed hard. "Babe, just let me give you a kiss real quick."Andrew reached out to her, attempting to hold her in his embrace. He was on the verge of drooling at her. Suddenly, Hannah's gaze turned cold. Without hesitation, she pulled out the knife and thrust it into his abdomen. "In your dreams!"Before Andrew could even react, she immediately cut off the ropes binding her ankles with the knife, and delivered a swift kick to his temples. Everything happened so quickly that Andrew couldn't even make a sound before he collapsed to the ground, unconscious."Fuck!" Dan, who was in the middle of loosening his belt, widened his eyes. He sprang toward Hannah promptly. "Where did she get the knife from?" Jonny also quickly cha
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Chapter 150 Run
"Jump!" Hannah's expression became stern. Having no time to think twice, she lifted her hand and pushed Sheila. At such a critical moment, Sheila gritted her teeth and jumped off right away with her eyes closed.With the dried grass and the two down jackets they had tossed down earlier functioning as a cushion, although her whole body was aching, she didn't suffer from any injuries. Hannah swiftly followed. She grabbed Sheila's hand and urged, "Run!"Fortunately, the window was on the side of the factory. The thugs had to come through the main entrance to get to them. Their angry voices were still quite a distance away. As Hannah dragged Sheila along, she darted down the mountains. She had been in fights since she was young, and her training never ceased. Thus, she still had plenty of energy to spare. However, Sheila, who had led a sheltered life and was currently feverish, was literally being dragged along by her after some time. As the voices of the thugs drew closer, Sheil
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