All Chapters of A Second Chance at Romance: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
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Chapter 121 Nauseating
The professor who asked the question looked a little awkward. Casting an apologetic glance in her direction, he smiled and said, "A person's academic credentials don't matter, as long as they're principled and upright members of society.""An academic transcript can't prove a person's capabilities." Oliver nodded and said, "The lack of a diploma only highlights your talents even more. Do you plan on resuming your studies?"His gaze was warm with his appreciation for Hannah's talents.Hannah always deeply respected dedicated academicians.She nodded in response and said, "Previously, because of a situation with my family, I had to stop my education halfway. I'm preparing to pick up where I left off. I hope to start my postgraduate studies during the summer next year.""When the time comes, you can consider applying to our school."Upon hearing Hannah's answer, Oliver could not resist smiling in surprise.At her age, it was already an achievement to be applying for postgraduate st
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Chapter 122 Who Are You
Misty's sobs died out as she lifted her head.The man in the white suit had a look of concern in his gentle eyes.When he saw her looking at him, he smiled and asked softly, "Are you alright? Is there anything I can help you with?"He was like an angel who'd descended from heaven.Misty abruptly realized how much of a mess she was right now. She took the handkerchief and roughly rubbed her eyes with it. Then, still in a daze, she allowed him to help her up."Regardless of the situation, a woman's tears are always precious."Even though her makeup was smudged from her crying, the fact that it was accompanied by the bruises on her neck made it easy for people to develop certain dark thoughts.Misty was surrounded by people who were either enjoying the spectacle or eyeing her scornfully. This man was the only one who took off his jacket and draped it around her.He said gently, "Don't cry. Nothing and no one is worth your tears."The jacket came with the elegant scent of cologne
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Chapter 123 Mere Eye Candy
Misty, who was hiding behind the corner of the wall, covered her mouth in shock. Her eyes were gleaming.Hannah had not slept with Darren yet?Even though Hannah kept parading her loving relationship with Darren in front of Misty's face and gloating smugly about it, their marriage had not been consummated yet.Misty was thrilled. She could not stop herself from smirking. After a while, she finally reined in her excitement and crept away.Thanks to Naomi's brainwashing, the innocent Nina became a little anxious, too. She could not resist tagging along with her unreliable sister. The two of them sneaked upstairs.Oliver could not resist good food.Due to his age, he should be avoiding fatty and salty food, but he could not resist digging into the hearty plate of roast beef on the table.Feeling quite helpless, Hannah had to do her best to stop him. She paid so much attention to him that she accidentally bit into a mango from the mango salad.Ever since she was a child, she had de
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Chapter 124 What Right Does She Have
It's astonishing that well-educated individuals with impressive resumes could make such absurd and condescending remarks.This was the unfortunate reality for women, especially those blessed with good looks. Their efforts were often overshadowed by their appearance, forcing them to work harder to earn the same recognition as their peers.Even Hedy Lamarr, the inventor of WiFi and Bluetooth, expressed her frustration at how people only seemed to notice her beauty.Female scholars were appalled by these patronizing comments. One graduate student couldn't resist condemning the gossip on Twitter while sharing a link to the newsletter.The tweet did not garner much traction until a tabloid news outlet spotted it. Hannah's name was a guaranteed attention-grabber for the tabloids that profited from it.The tabloid account promptly quote-tweeted the graduate student's rant with the caption, "What's your take on gender discrimination in academia?"The top comment was skeptical. It read, "
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Chapter 125 A Modern Fairytale
Firstly, Winchester Group had sent its legal team to sue the Twitter users involved in slander. Next, the group sent a countdown to Hannah's postgraduate studies application through a lucky draw, which Darren personally sponsored.Ten lucky users, selected from those who retweeted the official statement, would receive one million dollars each. The results would be disclosed after the application results were announced.Darren's action demonstrated his unwavering confidence in Hannah's success. He committed ten million dollars to this countdown, without any concern about the group's reputation should Hannah's results prove disappointing.A netizen commented, "Wow, that's how you dote on your wife!""Oh, I'm so jealous. When will my husband ever splurge ten million dollars just for me?""This is a modern fairytale. I'm shedding tears of joy for this couple."Due to the enticing reward, many Twitter users began retweeting Winchester Group's tweet, and the number of retweets kept c
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Chapter 126 Just a Plaything
Kenneth laid his gaze on Hannah for a long time with no fear of Darren's presence.Darren reacted with a cold scoff. "We only met two days ago. 'It's been a while'? Your memory must be failing you."They shook hands without much of an expression, but the veins on their wrists bulged, indicating a quiet rivalry.An uncomfortable tension filled the air among the three men as they exchanged provocative glances."Let's ignore them," Sheila said. She smiled at Hannah. "Ms. Emerson, I'll bring you to a corner for some peace and quiet."Before Hannah could respond, a waitress stumbled nearby, causing the drinks on her tray to spill in Hannah's direction.Hannah skillfully avoided the falling drinks, but some of the liquid stained her sleeve."I'm … I'm so sorry!" the waitress stammered, her face turning white. "I-I lost my balance just now. I'm really sorry about that!""You're too clumsy!" Sheila chided her disapprovingly. "Aren't the employees trained for the job? Why did you lose f
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Chapter 127 Hate Because of Love
Darren was in the middle of an important business discussion, so he could only make a hand gesture to indicate to her to call him if she needed anything.Luckily, Hannah's suit was black and the stain wasn't obvious. In the restroom, she simply rinsed the fabric under the faucet and blew it dry afterward to make it look as clean as possible.Hannah looked in the mirror and ran a hand through her hair before stepping out of the restroom. Suddenly, a hand gripped her wrist with a tight force and pulled her to a side. Instinctively, she grabbed the attacker's hand on her and twisted it up to her shoulder, delivering a hard kick at his knee all in one swift motion.When the attacker's taller frame staggered, Hannah took the opportunity to throw him over her shoulder. With a loud noise, the man's entire body fell onto the smooth marble floor, the strong collision forcing a painful shout out of him.Only then did Hanna recognize the person lying on the floor and she couldn't help snappin
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Chapter 128 Wolf in Human Skin
"All this time, you're the one who has my heart. I only see Catherine as a younger sister." Nigel vowed solemnly, "No matter what my mother said to you, I will drop everything and be with you as long as you agree. You didn't have to do all that for me… I love you after all.""You are crazy." Hannah couldn't stand him any longer. "Can't you understand what I'm saying? I have told you over and over again that I don't like you!"Seeing that Nigel wanted to pounce on her without care, she raised a leg and kicked him hard in the abdomen."Ouch!" Nigel was knocked to the floor. He held his abdomen as his face paled. "Hannah …""So annoying." With a frown, Hannah crouched down and patted his cheek unkindly. "Nigel, can you stop acting like a madman? How many times do I have to repeat myself? Not only do I not like you, but I even hate you a little.""Don't ever say that nonsense to me again." She then punched him in the abdomen and warned in an icy tone, "I'm not always so lenient; do yo
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Chapter 129 The World Turned Upside Down
Misty had an ambitious look on her face, feeling certain that Darren would be swayed. After all, if he really cared about Hannah, he would inevitably be interested in her past. Therefore, Misty must grab onto the opportunity. She quickly added, "Don't you want to know whether she has someone she likes, who that person is, and why they are not together?""I'm sure you are curious about these things, Mr. Winchester." With a sweet smile, Misty deliberately positioned her body in a way that accentuated her curves for him to see. Then, she confidently poured him a glass of wine before elegantly handing it to his lips. "As long as you humor me with this glass of wine, I will tell you everything you want to know."Just as she was optimistically waiting for him to accept the offer, her plan eventually failed in the end. Darren's eyes remained impassive as he uttered, "I don't know what you're planning to do, and I couldn't care less. You'd better not waste your efforts on me."After that, h
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Chapter 130 Your Gaze Is Disgusting
"This is weird. Did I drink too much?" Hannah murmured under her breath and rubbed between her brows. "Is my alcohol tolerance this poor at the age of 20?""Mrs. Winchester, are you all right?" A waiter approached her and asked tentatively, "Do you need a glass of water?"Hannah raised her head at the voice, struggling to keep her eyes open. However, she couldn't see his face clearly no matter how hard she tried.The chandeliers on the ceiling rotated rapidly as her world spun, leaving her dazed by the beautiful and dreamy lights. "S-Stop spinning." Hannah frowned in discomfort. "I'm going to throw up …""Mrs. Winchester?" A strange look flashed across the waiter's eyes. Cautiously, he nudged her shoulder and said quietly, "Are you okay? Do you want me to help you upstairs to rest?""Rest?" Hannah opened her moist eyes in confusion, lost in thought for a moment. At this point, her brain had completely shut down. She stared ahead blankly as she didn't even know what she was thinkin
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