All Chapters of BETWEEN AN ALPHA AND THE OUTCAST: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
81 Chapters
As soon as the last few words left my mouth, the witch’s face paled. “Vampire blood?”“Yes.”“But you don’t do magic. You’re a human.”“Give her the fucking blood,” Tyler growled.Once the witch placed down the herbs, she disappeared into a back room. I shifted back and forth on my feet, glancing over at the others, who all waited impatiently for her return.“If you guys want to be strong against the potions that my father creates, then you need to be willing to drink vampire blood. Your wolf powers won’t heal you alone.”My gaze landed on Lucas, who looked to be doing better after I gave him the healing potion this morning, but his cheeks were still a bit pale. When we got home, I would have to give him some more medicine.“Are you sure about this?” the witch said, clutching a vial of vampire black blood.“Yes.”She took a deep breath and handed the vile to me. “Please be careful. This stuff is very dangerous. If you need help or directions on how to use it, please come back to my sh
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Asher couldn’t protect me these past four years from all the monsters who had bent me over the side of my own bed and fucked me until my eyes filled with tears and I was begging fucking begging them to stop. He couldn’t protect me from experiment after experiment that Dad had done on me to make me a perfect specimen, a perfect fucking suitor for any type of species who could want to use my body.I had done fine, escaping Dad’s estate, all by myself. I had gone through torture worse than that poison that Lucas had taken and those men who wanted to find me. I didn’t need him to protect me.Doubling down, I put all my weight onto the pillow to hold it in place. I looped my legs around his and ground my hips against the front of his to stop his body from spazzing. If I had to use fucking force to show him that I was strong and capable of the truth, then I would.But, hell, it was getting hot in here. He even had the windows cracked open, and it was October.A low growl rumbled through the
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Instead of answering me, this ho of a man walked up the stairs to his bedroom. Not wanting to deal with it anymore, I followed him and grabbed his wrist to stop him halfway up the stairs. He froze as our skin touched, then yanked himself away from me.“What is wrong with you?”“Don’t fucking touch me, Anna. I’m not in the mood.”“You sure were in the mood ten minutes ago.”He hardened his glare at me, and then, suddenly, it softened. He stared at me with so much hurt, so much love I didn’t know exactly what it was. All I could seem to do was stare back at him and wonder what his damn problem was.One moment, he hated me. The next, he was looking at me like this …“I’m fine,” I said, answering the question he was giving me with his eyes. “Don’t worry about me. You’re the one who left while I was supposedly inheat.” And then I strolled back down the stairs, ignoring the stares from the other guys, and walked to the kitchen to make myself some breakfast or lunch or whatever the hell meal
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My eyes widened slightly, nipples hardening under my shirt. After that night in the woods, when my four masked best friends had run after me and devoured every inch of my body, everything was supposed to go back to normal. We weren’t supposed to do it a second time, or a third, or even a fourth, and none of us were supposed to catch feelings for each other.But I was knee deep in feelings and heat.And, gods, I wanted them to take me tonight. Hard.“Let me go. I didn’t do anything,” I said, yanking myself out of his grip and backing up until I hit Tyler’s taut chest.Tyler snatched the back of my neck, his claws almost piercing my skin. “You didn’t do anything?” he asked, pulling me back and against the wall, pinning me there. “You didn’t do fucking anything, huh?”“No,” I said.Though … part of me wanted to lie and say that I had done something. I wanted them to be angry. I wanted them to be jealous, I wanted them to admit their feelings for me, and I wanted Alpha Asher to feel like
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“If I’m your mate, then why haven’t you mated with me yet? Why haven’t you bitten me?”Well, that was Asher’s fucking idea.So, I released her jaw and crossed my arms. “Asher, you wanna take that one?”Asher bared his canines at me. “No.”“You’re an annoying fucking ass,” I said to him, gritting my teeth and glaring at him. Later on, I was going to kick his fucking ass for all this shit he had been forcing us to do. “He doesn’t want any of us to mark you until after your father”“If you wanted to mark her, you could’ve,” Asher growled. “Yes, I said what I fucking said, but I was protecting you. I’m not going to let us go through what we did again. I can’t fucking carry that on my back for four more years.”Anna shook her head, as if she didn’t understand where this was going or what we were even talking about. Hell, I didn’t blame her. Sometimes, with Asher, I didn’t fucking know either. He was even more of a closed fucking book than I was.But in his sick, fucked up mind, he thought
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She might’ve been my only female friend in Blood moon, but I didn’t want her to know the monster that my father really was, mainly because I didn’t want to involve her. I wanted her to worry only about herself and not me.“I would’ve never thought to mix vampire blood and herbs, and I’m a bartender.”“Yeah, well …” I scratched the back of my head and added more blood. “You know …”She didn’t know. She had no fucking idea. She didn’t even know what we were making this potion for. I didn’t have the heart to tell her that we were making it because my father wanted to kill my four guys and take me to experiment.“Yeah, I get it,” she said, then looked around the room to make sure the guys were still upstairs, doing gods knew what. They had been in Asher’s room for the past hour and a half, coming up with some sort of game plan. “I heard that James was at the tavern the other night.”I rolled my eyes and grabbed a couple of empty potion containers, pulling off their corks. “Yeah, he was.”
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We all knew how much she had been hurting. But while I wanted to understand her pain, Asher wanted to eliminate it. He thought that keeping shit from her was the best way. And while he might’ve been wrong about that, I could tell right now that he couldn’t stand to see Anna this way, so torn up.When she had cried in my arms last night, he’d looked devastated. Absolutely fucking devastated. And when she’d sobbed about how she couldn’t remember some things that had happened in the past … maybe he’d feared that she’d forgotten how much he loved her too.“Maybe she’ll tell Jake,” I chimed in for the first time tonight.“Or maybe she’ll fuck him,” Tyler said, trying to get under Asher’s skin.“Jake isn’t going to do shit with her,” Asher growled. “Not alone.”I sipped my drink and let Asher live in whatever damn fantasy that went on in his head. Sometimes scratch that, most times I didn’t fucking understand him. He thought that Jake, who was one of Anna’s mates, wouldn’t try to get with h
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JAKEAnna had detailed more encounters than I could count.I knew she needed to talk to someone, so I held in my anger with her father and held her for the entire night until she finally fell asleep in my arms after crying her eyes out. She needed me right now.Staring out the window into the forest, I wondered why the gods would do something so horrendous to Anna. She had gone through so much fucking torture all by herself because she thought it was normal.It didn’t make sense, and it wasn’t fair to her.At one a.m., I heard the guys walk into the pack house. Asher growled about something having to do with Anna’s ex-boyfriend, then barreled up the stairs and down the hallway. I gently rubbed Anna’s head and closed my eyes, wondering why we hadn’t seen this before.We had spent so much time with Sina as children and teenagers. How could we have fucking missed that she was being abused at her own house by men thirty or more years older than her? Why hadn’t we seen it? We were her fuck
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While my nightmares used to be about Anna’s father tearing her away from me, all I had been dreaming of lately was Anna hating me for the rest of my shitty life. She’d always turn in the other direction, smile, and laugh with the others, leaving me the fuck out.Someone pierced their claws into my neck, dangerously close to my artery. I growled in response, kicking the guy off me and killing him instantly. The other four came at me harder and faster. My vision blurred with the blood loss, so I had to make this quick.From either side of me, two jumped toward me. I stepped out of the way, letting them smash into each other, and then I slashed their throats and killed them too. Stars filled my vision, and I knew that if I didn’t heal soon, I’d pass the fuck out for real.After tearing into the fourth’s underbelly until his guts spilled out, I turned toward their leader and sank my teeth into his neck, ripping out his pathetic throat. And when I had killed the last rogue, I shifted into
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“gods, are you an idiot?!” I asked, eyes wide and teeth aching … teeth aching to rip into someone, to kill them for the wounds they had left on my mate’s body. Heat quickly engulfed my body, making it flushed and pounding and red.Why couldn’t he understand that even though he was a fucking jerk sometimes, I still cared about him? If I hadn’t, then I would’ve left here a long time ago. I’d escaped Dad’s estate without him finding me, so I could’ve easily escaped his pack house.Even though I’d tried before, I didn’t really want to leave. I never wanted to leave them.After running my hands through my hair, I let out a low growl and turned back to the potions. I didn’t want to say it out loud because I feared that I’d look like a dumbass. Lucas,Jake, and Tyler knew that Asher treated me like shit sometimes. And my stupid ass still liked him for some damn reason.None of the guys moved as I continued packing the potions. I pursed my lips and stared down at the liquid, making sure to use
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