All Chapters of The Bet and the Lycan Prince: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
72 Chapters
Chapter 21
Aryan-By Friday afternoon, after I returned home from school, I was more nervous than when I asked Kierian if he wanted to come to my house for a meal with my family. Instead of staying after school, I went straight home. For nearly an hour, I went through my closet trying to decide what to wear. Normally wouldn’t stress about it, but he sees my uniform more than he sees me out of uniform.I never thought I would be the kind of girl who would change her clothes a million times before deciding on one, only to change it again due to being indecisive. Yet, here I stood, in front of my bedroom mirror, thinking about changing my clothes again. It wasn’t even about not being able to find anything cute to wear.My problem was that I didn’t know which one to show him. That didn’t even include the times I have done my makeup and washed it off, unable to decide if I stay natural or enhance my beauty. I ended up deciding to go for a light touch, to look natural, but also accentuate my appearanc
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Chapter 22
Aryan-The Doompelt Pack was the pack that had interacted with the Blackwood Pack a few times. I didn’t remember anything about the Pack. Their name was very unique, so I would have likely remembered it.Sitting in front of Alpha Red, I didn’t recognize him. I wasn’t sure if his name was due to the bright red hair on his head, or the redness of the freckles that stood out against his pale complexion. He kept looking at me for long periods of time, which made me feel uncomfortable.“You were saying you met with Alpha Blackwood once every six months?” Kierian asked while leaning forward and scooting closer to me.“What?” Alpha Red shook his head as if he were pulling himself out of a daze. “Sorry, I didn’t catch what you said?”“You were saying you met with Alpha Blackwood twice a year, but then you stopped talking.” Kierian seemed annoyed, but only by his body language. His voice remained flat and somewhat interested in what Alpha Red had to tell us.“Right.” Alpha Red glanced once mo
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Chapter 23
Aryan-“If we don’t get off the road, we won’t be able to lose them.” Kierian sounded calm, but I was freaking out a bit.“What if they catch us?” My voice couldn’t hide my emotions, but I wished it had.“Don’t worry. I won’t let anything happen to you. Worst case scenario, I handle them on my own and you stay in the car.”I didn’t like that idea any better. Even if Kierian was a Lycan, we had no idea what we were dealing with. It could be another Lycan, or it could be a feral werewolf. If Kierian wasn’t strong enough, something could happen to him. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself if anyone got hurt over my situation.“I reached out to Liam and Sylvie, and they are turning around to give us a hand.” Kierian slowed down but quickly took a turn to take us down another back highway. I didn’t know what was on this highway, but I did know that the one we were just on was nothing but a straight path.Hopefully, we will be able to lose our tail on this road. Just as we straightened ou
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Chapter 24
Aryan-Since the dogs seemed calm now, I walked toward them to see if they were the same dogs as before. Just as I got close, one of the dogs looked as if it had come out of a trance and rolled over and started growling. Stepping back as the dog snipped at me, I noticed how quickly it calmed when I stepped a few paces back.“Yeah, I wouldn’t do that if I were you. I can keep them calm, but only with me. If anyone gets too close, they will react.” Liam explained, causing me to back up even further.I guess every talent comes with its own limitations. Looking over, I decided to hang back while Kierian and Sylvie handled the Rogue Lycan. For all I knew, Sylvie also had some sort of spell over the Rogue. Once again, I felt useless, but this time I didn’t care. If everyone was safe, the best thing for me to do was keep my distance.“Are we going to do this the easy way or the hard way?” Kierian asked once he knelt on the ground in front of the Rogue’s face.“We ain’t going to do this any w
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Chapter 25
Aryan-“Stay in here, I need to find your brother.” My mother’s soft voice was filled with panic.My father was already doing his duty as the Alpha, but like any protocol women and children were supposed to hide. Since the attack happened without any warning, everyone was scrambling around to try to save the children. Women weren’t trying to hide, as they were doing everything, they could to keep the children safe.In a matter of thirty minutes, there were already a lot of children that had been killed. It happened during school hours, and the first place they had attacked was the school. The only reason I hadn’t been in school was because it was my birthday, and I was supposed to shift into my wolf.The last thing that I needed was to shift in front of a bunch of humans. My mother and I had been shopping when the attack happened. We went to the changing room of the store, where she shut me inside.“I can help find him.” I tried to argue, by pushing past her to get out of the changing
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Chapter 26
Aryan-I spent the next two weeks looking for the flash drive. Every day I went home I tore up my room looking for it. Whenever Maize or Dexter asked me what I was doing, I just told them I was trying to find something for a project. Technically it wasn’t a lie.The only one I was lying to was Kierian. After school, we hung out and worked on the project, but there wasn’t much to do until we obtained more information. Even the hacker that Sylvie reached out to couldn’t do much. His reason was that there were no traces.Now that I remembered the flash drive, I already knew there weren’t going to be any traces. I had made sure of that. I don’t know why I hadn’t remembered it until now. Perhaps it was from the trauma that I had tried to put any memory of those days behind me.I knew that once I found the drive, we could finally get somewhere. It wasn’t like the project wasn’t being worked on. We just had to make things up as we went along with only the limited information, I could give th
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Chapter 27
Aryan-By the following Friday afternoon, everyone was buzzing with excitement. Dandridge Academy was due to arrive soon, to join us for a two-week term. They were supposed to have arrived already, but they had to reschedule the game and their training time.Originally, they were only meant to stay for a week, but I guess the schools decided it would be good to have them stay for two weeks. Something about the coaches and some other faculties wanting to go over a few things that could improve both schools in both sports and academics. Most students were interested in seeing how things were going to play out, while I didn’t care either way.As long as they didn’t bother me, I had no interest in them. The only one I was a little worried about was Kierian, he seemed to be on edge ever since learning the Dandridge football team and cheerleaders were going to be not only going through a training course with them but also attending classes.When I met Kierian at lunch, Liam and Sylvie were
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Chapter 28
Aryan-“Can we talk before you leave?” My Godparents blocked me from leaving the house.I came home after school to get ready to support Kierian at the game tonight. While I have gone to the last couple of games to show my support, this would be the first time I would be exposed as his girlfriend. Kierian had asked me after school if he could announce our relationship tonight at the game.I didn’t think it was a good idea, but then again, I was sure the rumor about us had already run its course around the school. Instead of staying after school with the others to watch the football team prepare for the game, I went home to change into something that would look like I was the girlfriend of the star quarterback.“What about? I am running late. I promised I would get there before the game started.” I sat on the bench by the front door, to put on my sneakers.“That is actually what we want to talk to you about?” Dexter let out a long sigh.“What is wrong?” I stopped putting my other shoe
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Chapter 29
Aryan-Leading up to the night before homecoming, I was feeling sick to my stomach. Regardless of what happened tomorrow, I planned to tell Kierian everything. He wasn’t happy with me about not agreeing to go to the dance with him.For the last couple of weeks, everything has been smooth, perhaps a little too smooth. We haven’t had any more issues, while we investigated Blackwood. The project’s due date has already come and gone, but even if we didn’t get much information about Blackwood, we had already turned in the project with our own turn of events.Kierian, Liam, and Sylvie were still invested in uncovering the truth about Blackwood, so we were still working on it. I still hadn’t found the flash drive, but that was the only thing that wasn’t working out so far. Everything surrounding my secrets has been quiet, so I stopped stressing over it.At the end of the dance, I planned to call Kierian out to the Pier to give him our own homecoming dance, where I would tell him about the be
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Chapter 30
Aryan-“She is adorable!” Kierian’s sister wrapped me in a tight hug the moment we arrived on the football field, where everyone was lingering around waiting for the game to start.When she finally released me, I wasn’t sure how to react to her lack of boundaries. I knew her name was Callie, just like the Rogue that I introduced to Kierian when I took him to the café. Unlike Callie from the café, this one was dressed in black leather, with many small braids in her hair, with green streaks.She had piercings all over her face. Her lips had snake bite piercings, her left eyebrow was pierced, her nose, her cheeks and there were many piercings in her ears. I didn’t realize I was staring, until she started snapping her fingers, with black and green polish on her nails, right in my face.“They are all fake. Don’t tell my parents though. I am trying to prove a point to them.” Callie laughed and I noticed there was a tongue ring in her mouth, which was obviously not fake.“Do I want to know w
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