All Chapters of The Bet and the Lycan Prince: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
72 Chapters
Chapter 51
Kierian-It took another six hours to get more doctors here. All I have to say is that I am glad that private jets exist. The only ones that hadn’t arrived yet were Aryan’s Godparents. They were due to arrive any minute. I haven’t told them what was happening, other than Aryan was injured, and we needed Dexter to help another doctor.I had to lie and tell them I didn’t know anything about what was happening. Now that we were at the hospital, I was waiting outside for them to arrive. We had to use a human hospital, so it hadn’t been easy to get Aryan moved. With the help of the witches, we managed.I hated that I wasn’t beside Aryan right now, but I had to be the one to great Dexter and Maize. When they learn what is going on, I prefer they hear it from me. Checking my watch, I wondered if they were finding the place okay. They said they would be here five minutes ago.“Kierian?” The familiar voice of Dexter had me turning around to face them.“Thank you for coming. I wouldn’t have cal
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Chapter 52
Kierian-“You do realize that part of the reason I am hurting is because of you, right?” I took a step forward, clenching my fists at my sides.“I didn’t do anything to you.” My father looked at me with disbelief in his eyes, and I wanted to knock him on his ass.“I must admit, I am disappointed in you. My entire life, I have believed that you were the greatest Alpha King ever to take on the role. I decided to take a different path partially because I didn’t think I could do what you do. I wanted to help others all around the world in person. I was ready to give the role to my sister, who I think would do just as good as you. Now, I think anyone is better than you.” I attempted to regain my calmness by taking two steps back.“Hold it right there.” My father glared at me, but I wasn’t fazed.“No. I have kept my mouth shut over the years because I thought there was nothing I could say to you. From the way I saw it, you were the best. Maybe not the best father since I spent most of my li
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Chapter 53
Kierian-I know we are supposed to wait, but waiting was killing me. It has been four hours since she came out of the operating room. Four hours since the witches left. Four hours since my father left. Four long hours since she was fully healed.After surgery, her accelerated healing kicked in, and the wounds on her disappeared. Dexter explained that even if her body had healed, that didn’t mean her mind had. There was also no telling what other kind of damage she sustained after having silver in her body for so long. Then, there was also the fact that too much time had passed before they started operating on her.“You need to sleep, eat, do something. You can’t sit here all the time. You need to take care of yourself too.” My sister Callie entered the hospital room, where I sat with Aryan.“I am fine.” I only glanced at her momentarily before returning my gaze to Aryan.I was afraid that if I wasn’t watching, I would either miss the chance to see her eyes open or she would slip away
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Chapter 54
Aryan-This was like a dream come true. Well, technically, I was dreaming, but I didn’t care. This was the best dream I could have ever asked for. My family was with me. I was sitting across the table from my parents, with my little brother sitting beside me. We were having breakfast, but this time, I was happy to be eating.“Stop playing with your food, Trevor.” My mother said to my brother.Looking at him, Trevor pushed a sausage link through his oatmeal. The rest of us were having biscuits and gravy, but my brother was a picky eater. He was making sounds with his mouth, spitting out chunks of oatmeal.I would have been annoyed in the past, but right now I didn’t care. He always liked turning his food into vehicles. Now, it looked as if he were mimicking a boat. Laughing, I took one of my sausage links and started running it around on the gravy on my plate. That also got Trevor to laugh, while he continued pushing his sausage around.“Don’t encourage him.” My mother groaned.Up unti
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Chapter 55
Aryan-She was the Moon Goddess. Which explained why I couldn’t describe her appearance. Those that might have been in her presence in the past had said the same thing. That they had met her but couldn’t describe how she looked. They said it was like they could see her, but when they tried to explain it, they couldn’t. Like it was magic.“What are you doing here?” I asked.“That should be the question I am asking you. What are you doing here, Aryan? You need to return to your own world.”“I can’t leave them. I need to figure out a way to save them.” I looked back at my family, where continued to act as if nothing was wrong. An idea occurred to me just then. “Wait, can’t you save them? You can use your powers or something.” I returned my attention to her and saw she was now frowning.“What happened to your parents was a tragedy, but I can’t change what happened. I am also forbidden to get involved. I try to, when possible, but I also suffer severe consequences when I do. Like now, I wi
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Chapter 56
Kierian-I didn’t have time to let myself feel the regret or the guilt over Connor’s death. We might have had a lot of issues, but I thought we would have time to correct it. For all intents and purposes, I still saw him as my friend. It just goes to show that even when you think you have all the time in the world, you really don’t.One minute, Connor was alive and fighting beside me to protect Aryan; the next, he was dead. That wasn’t the only problem. I was barely hanging on. I felt like any minute, I would shift back into my human form. Maybe Callie was right. I should have taken better care of myself.I couldn’t remember when the last time I ate was. If I had eaten and kept up my strength, I wouldn’t feel like I was fighting a losing battle. The worst part was that Aryan and I had only just begun. At this rate, I would die before she woke up. Worse, she would die for real if I couldn’t keep these mutts at bay.“Sylvie!” Liam yelled.When I glanced over, I saw at least ten hounds w
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Chapter 57
Aryan-I was on an adrenaline high all the way back to the hospital. It was like my body was humming with exhilaration. That was until we reached the hospital, and I saw the fight’s aftermath. Bodies of humans, supernatural, and dogs littered the parking lot. Some were in large piles.“How long was this going on before I woke up?” I asked when we all stopped to look.“Maybe an hour.” Liam answered with a heavy sigh.Across the parking lot, I saw a few trucks with plows on them, just pushing the bodies into a pile. My heart hurt to see the disregard that was being shown. I knew it would take a long time to go through everything, but I hated to see it.Turning my head away, I held back tears that threatened to spill over. I couldn’t let myself fall apart. As bad as it was, we still won the battle. The war was yet to be won, but we had to believe that we could come out of this without any more losses on our side.“Stop!” Kierian yelled, causing me to jump.He took his arm back and rushed
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Chapter 58
Aryan-I knew it wasn’t okay, but I wasn’t sure what to say. Before I could find the right words, she stepped away. She said she was going to help get people to settle down. I stood there like an idiot for a long time. Feeling like I wasn’t being much help, I joined in helping get everyone settled.It took a while, but we got everyone settled down enough so the witches could alter their minds. I knew that they could perform magic like that, but it was still surprising to see it firsthand. It was not as surprising as it had been to watch Kierian connect with human after human and calm them down.When we finished the clean-up, the witches called in more witches to perform a more extensive scale spell to return the hospital to the way it had been before the attack. If only they could turn back time completely.Now that the hospital was back in order, the doctors worked overtime to heal anyone and everyone they could. We returned to check on Connor when we were done doing what we could.“
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Chapter 59
Aryan-Finally, I was home, and it felt like home for the first time. During the drive back, I had plenty of time to process everything. I have spent this last year unable to be my true self. It was like after my Pack died, I was only a shadow of myself.Thankfully, Kierian and Connor understood that I needed some quiet time in the car because neither of them said much. I was sure they also had a lot to process as well. When we returned, Kierian was reluctant to leave me, but I assured him I would be okay.After my long and much-needed shower, I called the school, and they sent over my missing assignments. I started on them right away to get them done. The school also told me to take the rest of the week off, but I was expected to return on Monday.I called Mr. Slater personally and told him about what happened and that I was a Lycan. He didn’t believe me at first. He showed up at my house to see for myself and told me I had two choices. I could continue training with him or get train
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Chapter 60
Aryan-Dirk took me to a room upstairs, where he closed the door and locked it behind him after I entered. He looked upset and confused as if he were trying to sort something out in his head. I didn’t know what this was about, but I had a feeling it was about me disappearing for a bit.“I am sorry I didn’t tell you anything before taking off the way I did. It had been a spur-of-the-moment thing. I had embarrassed myself in front of the school in an attempt to win Kierian back. I never gave him a chance to respond, and I took off feeling hurt. I wanted to clear my head, and some things happened along the way. He followed me, and we ended up getting together.”I blurted out my excuse for disappearing. I refrained from telling him everything. The rest wasn’t what a human needed to hear. Knowing him, he would offer to help because that was the kind of friend that he was. Since things are too dangerous, I felt it was better just to keep things focused on my relationship with Kierian.Dirk
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