All Chapters of The Bet and the Lycan Prince: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
72 Chapters
Chapter 61
Aryan-"Are you okay?" Sylvie asked once the boys left to get our food from the food cart.We were sitting at the edge of the Pier, with our feet hanging over the dock. Kierian and I initially considered meeting at his house, mine, or the Café. After losing my best friend, I hadn't wanted to be indoors, where I felt the walls would close in on me.The Montecroix Pier was busy on Saturdays, but we figured it would be safe enough to talk. The others walking around the Pier or Beach were too busy to pay attention to us. Also, here, I could try to feel like I was still connected to my old life."I am fine." I looked over the water, thinking how my life had changed so much."You don't seem fine. You look like you are ready to fall over at any moment.""I just didn't sleep well last night."That was an understatement. After Kierian dropped me off at my house, I didn't sleep at all. Instead, I did more research and followed a few clues my father left behind. As I went over the flash drive, I
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Chapter 62
Aryan- “What I need to tell you, I am not sure how to say it without it coming out bad.” I admitted when I still hadn’t said anything after five minutes. “Whatever it is, you can tell me. If it sounds bad, I will wait until you explain or ask you.” Kierian walked beside me with his hands behind his back. When we first started walking, we held hands, but I needed to distance myself to think clearly. I hated that I wasn’t strong enough like I believed I was. Either way, I needed to spit it out instead of dragging it out. “Okay, here it goes.” I took a deep breath before slowly exhaling. “When I was almost dead, I was having a dream. In my dream, I was with my parents and little brother. It started three days before my birthday and was the best three days I have had in a long time. It felt real, but I knew that it was just a dream. To me, I didn’t care. That time with them was all I cared about.” “Which is completely understandable.” Kierian encouraged me to keep talking, but I didn
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Chapter 63
Aryan- “What is this about?” Callie asked. We gathered on the couch, with Callie sitting between Kierian and me. Kierian suggested that I be the one to tell her, but I didn’t know how. I had mixed feelings about everything, but it wasn’t because I was sure if I should ask her to take over as Alpha of Blackwood. I was excited about the prospect of it but worried that she would disagree. I didn’t want to sound like I was pushing my Pack onto her. I also didn’t want her to think we were pitying her because she couldn’t become the next Alpha King or Queen in her case. Taking a deep breath, I had to start talking before I lost my nerve. “If you couldn’t be Alpha, what other idea did you have for your life?” I asked, after thinking that there was a chance she had thought of something else. “That is what I need to figure out. I have spent most of my life fighting with my father to let me be the next Alpha, and I haven’t thought about anything else.” She looked deflated as she leaned agai
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Chapter 64
Aryan-Monday morning, I was a mess. I was fairly sure I had dark bags under my eyes that developed an hour after school started. I was nervous, and my fingernails have looked better, but I chewed them off as I kept circling the conference room, where the meeting would be held.Yesterday, I had everything planned out about what I would say to the teachers, but now it was like my mind was blank. I was rethinking my plan to get them involved. The only teacher I knew was on my side, was Mr. Slater, but that was a given.He was the only teacher that had arrived. While he sat in one of the many chairs around the oval table, I circled around the room. Kierian, Connor, Liam, and Sylvie sat in chairs along the wall, appearing to be completely confident.“You are going to burn a hole in the rug if you keep doing what you are doing.” Slater chuckled.“Easy for you to say, all of you look like this is just another Monday. You aren’t the ones about to ask innocent people to join you on a possible
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Chapter 65
Aryan-Once the students and teachers were in the auditorium, Kierian started telling the students what was going on. I was amazed at how flawless he was as he spoke. It was like he spent months practicing. With how his presence filled the room, I knew he was going to be an excellent leader.Unlike me, he didn’t stumble with his words. He got straight to the point. Everyone sitting in the auditorium was giving him their full attention. None of them blinked as he spoke or attempted to interrupt him. They looked eager even as they waited for him to finish.Everything I had told the teachers, he basically said the same, except in fewer words and with more confidence. When every student agreed to go through the testing to be able to help, I didn’t know why I was surprised. No one asked questions or doubted him, but that goes to show he was a well-respected future Alpha.From the front row of seats, Mr. Slater motioned for me to go to the exit door, that was left of the stage. We met by th
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Chapter 66
Aryan- Over the next few days, we went through special training with Slater. Everyone, including the teachers, worked together to learn about the underground bunker until we all knew it by heart. We learned where every entrance was, including the hidden ones. I was surprised when one of the locations was inside my locker. Everyone was given a communication device and a suit to wear, which we were required to always wear just in case there was an attack. We didn’t think Charlie would show up yet since we didn’t know where he was. I still had to figure out a way to get him to come here. After school, me, Kierian, Connor, Liam, and Sylvie tried to learn more about the Pack that Connor and I visited. It took us a few days, but we managed to locate the Alpha that oversaw the Pack. He was a few years older than we were, so at least we thought it would be easy to talk with him. His name was Aaron, and he seemed nice. I wasn’t sure why he turned his Pack into a tourist spot, but that wasn’
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Chapter 67
Aryan-The following day, we skipped school to go to the Pack, where the Lycans disappeared. We weren’t sure how long we would need to deal with the situation. We didn’t know if it would be another situation, like when we were in Louisiana.It wasn’t a long drive, as it only took us an hour and a half to arrive. We didn’t know what to expect when we arrived, but this hadn’t been it. It looked like we pulled into a ghost town. The buildings looked like they were barely standing. Most had been burned, while a few looked like they had partially bulldozed.Only a few buildings remained, but even they looked like they had seen better days. Kierian stopped the car in the middle of the road, but no one got out. This time, we were in a large SUV since there were five of us, and we didn’t see the point in taking two vehicles.If not for the fact that we could sense others, we would have thought we had come to the wrong place. I also sensed the presence of another Lycan, but it was faint. Looki
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Chapter 68
Aryan-While we waited for the witches to arrive, I worked on getting everyone set up. The girl, who hadn’t been subjected to being in wolf form, was known as Maddie. She was surprisingly very mature for her age. She helped find things for everyone since she was the one who knew her Pack the most.By the time we found a place for everyone, I was surprised to find out that the majority of her Pack were teachers, doctors, business owners, and so forth. Now, all we had to do was turn them back into humans. It was a good start.With people who could help rebuild the Pack, it made my life a little less complicated. The witches were due to arrive the following morning. We still had a few days before we needed to worry about Charlie. With an entire weekend, I wasn’t sure what to do.For the most part, the school was prepared for the final battle. All the teachers and students had finished reviewing everything, and Slater ran us through everything before we left. Slater said he would come by
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Chapter 69
Aryan-Looking at the open folder, tears formed in my eyes as I saw a letter addressed to me from my father. Blinking away the tears, I picked up the first paper with shaky hands. It took a while for my eyes to focus, but I began to read aloud when they did.“My lovely daughter Aryan, I know this might come as a surprise to you, seeing as I failed to keep everyone safe. I know you thought highly of me and believed I could take on the world, but I am not a superhero. Since you are reading this, it means I failed to stop the evil that has been brewing for years. My most trusted Beta, Charlie, has betrayed me. I thought I could give him the benefit of the doubt when I started noticing things, but as it turned out, I was wrong. I didn’t realize how bad he was until it was too late. Your mother was also aware of this, but now that you are reading this, I know she didn’t survive. I hope that you can take care of your brother for us.”I stopped reading for a moment as I let out a strangled s
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Chapter 70
Aryan- I tried not to think about Maize and Dexter for the rest of the weekend. I quickly realized my mistake the next day when we heard they had taken my warning and packed quickly. They left the house, and there were no signs of them anywhere. I know I shouldn’t have warned them. Slater made me realize I was likely in shock and had not thought things through. The Alpha King assured me they wouldn’t get away, but that didn’t make me feel better. I just hoped I didn’t make any mistakes when meeting Charlie today. The weekend had gone by in a blur, but I now had to focus. Standing outside, where Charlie was supposed to meet his son, I was extremely nervous. Kierian didn’t like the idea of me going alone, but I felt it was the only way to get Charlie to fall into our trap. He still didn’t like it, but I agreed to let him be close by just in case. Staying out of sight, I kept glancing at my phone to check the time. A few minutes before the agreed-upon time, I saw Charlie had arrived.
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