All Chapters of The Billionaire's Revenge Wife: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
124 Chapters
SCARLETT'S POV. After a small chat with Grace at the kitchen, I whipped myself some food and then went back upstairs to get ready before Luca got back. He had promised that the meeting was going to be brief, so I wondered why it was taking him so long to get back. When I was seated in the living room, watching a reality show, Luca stepped in, work bag in his hand and a scowl on his face. I shot up instantly and went to stand in front of him."Is everything all right?" I asked, glancing around his face to see if I could get a hint of anything, but I couldn't. "Are you okay?""I'm fine," he said, not looking at me. "So, I see you're ready to go. I'll just go up and get ready quickly, I'm sorry for the hold up, the meeting was more hectic than I expected.""Oh, uhh there's no problem, you can go," I gave him a small smile and he simply just walked out, heading up the stairs. I really wanted to know why he had been mad while coming in, but maybe as he said, it had been because of the h
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SCARLETT'S POV."Scarlett dear ... Scarlett, sweetie?" I didn't realise I had zoned out completely until Dad's voice started ringing in my ears. What the hell was wrong with me?"Dad, oh my God. I've missed you so much," I snapped out of it and reached out to pull him into a hug. Dad chuckled as if relieved and said, "Scarlett my dear, I've missed you too. So much. How are you?""I'm fine Dad," I lied, knowing that I was far from that, but I didn't want him to get worried about me. "How have things been around here?"Dad took a glance at Luca before he focused on me again, "well, things haven't been the best but we've survived, haven't we?" I nodded and pulled away from him, going back to mum who was looking at the two of us with a strange look in her face. I knew that there was something up with her, and I had to find out before I got to any other thing. "Oh, I'm so happy to see you," Dad said, eyes bright and delighted. "I hope you've been eaten well and—""That's enough, Ramson
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SCARLETT'S POV.The air in the room was tense as Luca and dad sat across each other, looking as if they were ready to go into fight mode if we didn't hold them back. "What is the problem with you, Ramson?" Mum asked, crossing her arms with disappointment evident on her face. "Why did you attack him like that? That was so unnecessary.""Very unnecessary, Dad," I concurred, trying to get Luca to look at me but he didn't, he just continued to frown at Dad. "The bastard deserved it," he defended, snarling. "How can he come to my house and insult me like that?""Yes he insulted you, but you shouldn't have gone all violent on him. That was wrong," Mum said, shaking her head. "He doesn't deserve anything but that," Dad yelled. "He took my daughter away from me just because I couldn't pay him back the money he so generously handed to me. Oh God. I should have suspected it back then when he'd been so eager to help me out.""Yeah, you should have," Luca smirked evilly. " It was dumb of you t
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SCARLETT'S POV.My head was spinning and I felt like I could like any moment from now if I didn't get out of the house fast enough, away from those traitors, those literal monsters."Scarlett I beg you please just calm down," I heard mum's voice but I didn't even have the words to say to her. I was beyond disappointed, I was ashamed of her even. How could she know about something like that and be okay with it? I heard her continue to call out to me but I didn't want to face her yet. I needed more answers and explanations before I could burst out of the place. "So you really are a monster?" I went to face dad straight up, watching as he held his head down, grinding his teeth. How dare he grind how teeth? He had no right to be mad. I was the one who was lied to, I was the one who had been fooled her whole life by both her parents. "So you have never been a good man? So..." My voice broke as I processed everything. "So ... you did all that to those young girls? How could you be so cr
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LUCA'S POV.Immediately Scarlett walked out of the house, I turned towards Ramson and made my way to stand in front of him. He was way shorter than me, so that helped in intimidating him like I wanted to. I scoffed when I caught the pissed off frown on his face, and the way he balled his fists as if trying to control his anger. What the heck did he have to be angry for? Scarlett was the only one who deserved to be mad here. She was the one who had been lied too and kept in the dark about everything. Heck, how didn't I see it so clearly sooner? The more I looked at the man and thought about everything that had happened here, the more I realized just how much I'd wronged Scarlett. God, I'd wronged her so bad. These people were horrible parents and she shouldn't have had to suffer because of them. I shouldn't have brought her into my revenge plan at all. I'd regretted my actions the more her mother continued to attack her for not supporting her scumbag husband, and I felt like the le
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LUCA'S POV.I made up my mind. I was going to tell Scarlett everything about Isabella."Scarlett, there's something you need to know," I started carefully. Scarlett rose an eyebrow. "what is it? What else do I not know about?" Could I really tell her? "Scarlett... Your father—"The sound of commotion coming from the front door had me cutting off and frowning. "You can't go in, ma'am I'm sorry, please step back," I heard the familiar voice of one of my employees, and I scrunched my brows."Ma'am please step back, you can't..."I gave Scarlett a confused look which she mirrored before I went to see for myself what was happening. When I pulled the door open, a deep frown settled on my face as I took in the reason for the disturbance. "What the fuck are you doing here?" I asked, making sure my displeasure was evident in my tone. Penelope Cruz looked up at me with those crazy long lashes and I wondered how I'd been so crazy about that feature of hers in the past. How the hell had I
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SCARLETT'S POV. After finding out that it had been Penelope Cruz Luca had been talking to at the door, I'd gotten mad and then rushed up to my bedroom to go vent out some of my anger and frustration. But then when I'd gotten there and taken a well needed deep breath, I'd felt myself calming down and had decided that thrashing things was not going to solve anything.Maybe I actually needed to see a psychologist. Smashing things and going all crazy whenever I was mad was not a good thing. And the fact that I'd tried to end my life that day still scared the shit out of me. I had flopped down on my bed and switched off my cellphone after seeing all the messages from a few school friends, asking how I was doing. I knew they were only trying to get more information on the hot topic of my dad and I really wasn't down for that shit. The news has started to spread even more widely now and I feared that my life was never going to remain the same again. I was going to be known as the sick ass
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SCARLETT'S POV. "Okay, spaghetti is on the stove, do me a favour would you?" "Sure.""Get me some tomato sauce and a bottle of oil from the cabinet while I season the meat.""Okay," I went towards the cabinet and stretched out my hands to open it but of course, I was too short. Looking back and seeing that Luca was focused on seasoning and rolling the meatballs, I sighed and tried standing on my toes. When I saw that it was hopeless, I gave up and went to look for a stool that I was sure I'd seen in the kitchen once. When I saw it I quickly grabbed it and set it in front of the cabinet. "You're that short?" Luca looked away from his meatballs and smirked at me. "Have you seen how tall this is? Not everyone is a six foot god like you, mister." "Hmm, you see me as a god? That's nice," he smirked cockily and I rolled my eyes. "Whatever," I looked away and opened the cabinet, but after grabbing the oil I noticed that the tomato sauce was at the far back. I had to raise on my tiptoe
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SCARLETT'S POV. "So the spaghetti is overcooked," Luca declared, giving me an apologetic look. "Great. Just great," I sighed, not hiding the fact that I was mad at him. He didn't want a relationship? Who was asking?"Hey don't act like it's all my fault," he scrunched his nose when he tasted it. "We both got carried away." "Well, you were the one who was trying to seduce me," I spat. "If you had not done that then it wouldn't have happened...""But you were the one who took my attention when you fell from that stool," he accused, seeming to be ready for whatever I was bringing. "Well, I didn't intend to fall. It was a mistake.""Why are we having this argument? We could be making a new one instead of arguing right now." "Why can't we just use this one? Overcooked doesn't mean it's inedible, and I'm hungry.""I believe there are some tamales here, you can have that while I make it. And just so you know, I can't make the perfect spaghetti and meatballs with overcooked spaghetti."
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LUCA'S POV."So that was amazing as expected," I said, dropping my glass and sighing. Scarlett and I had somehow ended up talking and eating through the day, and now it was evening. I had to admit that talking to her had been the most fun I'd had in a long while, and I'd had no idea when I'd offered another bottle of my expensive wine just to get the conversation to keep going.Scarlett nodded, having already downed four glasses and was now gulping down her first glass from the new bottle. Now that I thought of it, she was taking too much, I had taking just two glasses and she had emptied the entire bottle all alone and was on to the new one. "Hey, are you okay? You're taking too much," I gave her a worried look and she just brushed me off. "This stuff is good. I haven't had wine like this before. You were right," she said, her voice louder and bolder. Oh God. The wine was getting to her already. "Yeah, it's good wine but you need to have some water," I got up and went to get her
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