All Chapters of The Billionaire's Revenge Wife: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
124 Chapters
SCARLETT'S POV.The next time I saw Luca was two days later. He was at the kitchen, sitting on a stool and eating cornflakes when I walked in, dressed for school.It was like he'd purposely avoided me for those two days. Because he was practically nowhere to be seen in the house, or at least not in the usual places I saw him. He was probably trying to give me some space after what had happened. Speaking of what had happened that day, I hadn't been totally drunk back then, just slightly tipsy. But after I'd gotten a crazy idea in my head, I'd decided to go with it—over exaggerate it to see what was going to happen. It had been something I'd seen on a TV show. A girl had decided to test her boss who she had a crush on by pretending to be drunk just to see if he was going to take advantage of her, and when he did, she killed her crush on him and punched him in the face the next day. I'd thought it was going to be great to know if Luca was going to be like that guy and so I'd pretended
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SCARLETT'S POV. School went by in a blur, mostly because I was more interested in getting off and getting to Kevin. Today was the day we were going to have that talk for sure. I'd been so focused on my mission, that I'd dodged Abby when I passed by her even though I'd seen her hand raise in a wave. I knew it was shitty of me as her friend and I'd long forgiven her for not telling me about Kevin sooner, but I was blaming everything on my poor state of mind. With everything going on, I just felt like I would be overloading her with my issues if we talked. She had heard enough of my problems already and she hadn't even heard about the new development with my parents. That was going to be too much. When I was done with all the madness around me then I was going to make up for everything. I couldn't afford lose her too when I'd already lost everybody. The moment I shut the car door, I pulled out my phone from my bag and dialed Kevin's number with shaky hands. He answered on the third
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SCARLETT'S POV.I drove to the address that Kevin texted to me, I knew it was a house address and that meant that I was visiting him, but I liked to tell myself that I was being brave. Because for all I know the man could be planning to kidnap me the moment I arrived. Anyways, I shut the engine when I got to the driveway and then when I was sure Luca's car was parked safely, I got out of the vehicle and made my way towards the apartment building. Entering the elevator with erratic breathing and clammy palms, I took a deep breath and told myself that I needed to do this. I needed closure with him. It was the only way I could truly move on and forget about him. I also needed to see his face while he admitted everything just to be completely and utterly convinced that he was a bastard. Getting to the door of his room, I pursed my lips before I knocked. Okay, Scarlett this is it. "Scarlett?" He asked from inside in a quiet voice and I rolled my eyes. Oh of course. He probably had so
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SCARLETT'S POV. "Scar I'll be taking a while here, please just stay in the living room, okay?" I heard Luca say in the midst of his argument with whoever the man was outside and I didn't respond. Whatever. This was my chance. I got up quickly and then went out of the living room towards his bedroom, from what I could see there wasn't that much in the room and it didn't have a homey feel to it, probably because the guy was juggling between houses because of his career. There were two bedrooms, one on the right and the left and I did a quick eenie meenie miney mo before choosing the one on the right. When I got to the bedroom, I said a prayer, hoping that the closed door was not locked, and to my favour it wasn't. I wasted no time in opening it and going in. The first thing I noticed when I got in was the smell of weed, it seemed like it had been smoked hours ago but the stench was still faintly there. Shit. I never knew Kevin smoked, not to talk of weed. Maybe it wasn't his room,
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SCARLETT'S POV. "Get off me, you asshole," I used all my strength to push away away from Kevin but the guy was just too strong. "You're crazy.""You love it," he laughed into my ear. "How do you expect me to believe that you don't want me? You used to love it when I whispered in your ear and played with your hair like this," he tugged on my hair, sending a sharp pain to my scalp that had me wincing. "Stop, you're hurting me," I cried, struggling but his grip only tightened like my pain was fueling him."I'd stop only if you tell me the truth, that you still love me."God what was wrong with him? I shouldn't have come here. I shouldn't have agreed to meet him, but then how would I have known that he was keeping such nasty photos of me in his apartment. "How can I love you?" I sighed in frustration. "You have been lying to me about your entire personality, you've played with my feelings for years and now you're even hurting me.""But I wouldn't have to hurt you if you just give me wh
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SCARLETT'S POV. Kevin and I have been in an uncomfortable silence for a while now, after what I'd said, the guy had just gone silent and brooding, leaving me wondering what his next move was going to be. "I can't believe dad did all of that," I whispered out when I couldn't take the silence anymore. "I can't believe all the people I've been holding dear to my heart have just been lying to me. I feel so stupid and pathetic."This brought Kevin out of his silence and he came to crouch down in front of me. "I'm not as bad as you think I am, Scar," his voice sounded sincere, but I knew not to trust him."How so?" I rose an eyebrow. "You kept the fact that my father was sleeping with young girls from me just so you could keep dating me for my money.""I told you Scar, that was at the beginning," he stressed. "That was before I got to fall in love with you. I never wanted anything to do with that man, but when it was the only way I could get to stay with you, I had to blackmail him. I'm
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SCARLETT'S POV.Getting to my car was difficult after Kevin had pushed me out. It had been so difficult, because my legs were weak and my heart heavy from all I'd uncovered. It hurt so bad, I feared my heart was going to shred to pieces inside. It was like a knife was continuously being stabbed into my chest while I just watched. I wanted to scream, to trash things, to vomit, to rip my hair out, but I stopped myself. If I was going to break down then I needed to reach the mansion first and get to my room. Once the car door was shut, I took one last glance at the deserted surroundings of the apartment building before I pulled out, wondering how in the world I'd taken such a big risk. The guy could have killed me in there. Once properly on the road, I took a deep breath and focused on driving. As I drove, I went back into thinking about everything Kevin had said and how he'd acted so crazily. It was still shocking to me to hear that he had been collecting money from my dad to keep
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LUCA'S POV. After dialing Scarlett's number for the umpteenth time and getting the same response saying her phone was switched off, I decided that it was enough and slammed my phone back down to the couch with a grunt. "Shit, little girl," I muttered, ruffling my hair. Why was she making me so worried? Didn't she know that she was giving me such a hard time?"Still no answer?" Grace breathed out. "Oh, Luca I'm sure she's fine. She's just mad at you for now."She'd walked in on me pacing around and tapping my feet and had gotten to know the reason for my distress, but then after she'd questioned me on why it was bothering me so much that she wasn't picking, I'd decided to open up about my feelings for Scarlett to her. I know, it was crazy of me, but really when I thought of it, there was no harm in coming clean to her. She was a woman I could trust with even all of my money, and I knew that she was in the best place to give me advice without judging me first. Plus, I really needed t
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LUCA'S POV. "Make sure you search everywhere, and I mean every goddamn place in this city until you find her, understood?" I instructed the five men in front of me before dismissing them with a wave of my hand. Immediately they spread out, I let out a huge sigh and started to pace around the room, continuously checking my phone to see if I was going to get anything from Scarlett. She was getting me so worried. It was early in the morning and she still hadn't come back. After spending the rest of the day catching up with Grace in the laundry room, I'd realised that it was getting very unusual for her to have not come back. What could she possibly have been doing? Where did she go to? Had she been so angry at me that she'd decided to spend the night elsewhere, maybe with her boyfriend? Or maybe had that been her plan along. To get me to let her go by herself and then flee as far as she could. Had she really run away from me?Those thoughts kept running through my mind and kept me up
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LUCA'S POV."Hello doctor," I greeted once I reached the office. "I'm Luca Nicholas, Scarlett's husband."The doctor swiveled around in her chair to face me and then with a professional nod, she offered me a seat. "So, you've signed the papers," she started, glancing through something on her laptop. Tapping my foot impatiently, I said, "yes I have. I'm really nervous here doctor, please can I see her?""Not right now actually, she's at the ICU," the doctor replied. "Now that you've signed then we can proceed with the examination." "Okay please can you just get on with it," I found myself yelling out and the doctor still looked cool. "You've already wasted enough time as it is with your stupid, no touching rule. Can you just go save her now?" "It's our policy and I don't make the rules. Cases like hers are not just a joke, they need consent," she explained in a calm tone, giving off the vibe that she had the solution to everything. It was her job after all, to act like everything
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