All Chapters of The Billionaire's Revenge Wife: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
124 Chapters
LUCA'S POV."Hello doctor," I greeted once I reached the office. "I'm Luca Nicholas, Scarlett's husband."The doctor swiveled around in her chair to face me and then with a professional nod, she offered me a seat. "So, you've signed the papers," she started, glancing through something on her laptop. Tapping my foot impatiently, I said, "yes I have. I'm really nervous here doctor, please can I see her?""Not right now actually, she's at the ICU," the doctor replied. "Now that you've signed then we can proceed with the examination." "Okay please can you just get on with it," I found myself yelling out and the doctor still looked cool. "You've already wasted enough time as it is with your stupid, no touching rule. Can you just go save her now?" "It's our policy and I don't make the rules. Cases like hers are not just a joke, they need consent," she explained in a calm tone, giving off the vibe that she had the solution to everything. It was her job after all, to act like everything
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LUCA'S POV. "We would perform the surgery tomorrow, so you can decide if you want to stay here till then," the doctor said, going back to glancing through her monitor, not even noticing that I was literally dying inside. "So h-how sure are we that the surgery is going to be successful?" I managed to say, my insides shaking with anxiety. "It's a fifty fifty, you have to be hopeful that it's going to be successful," the woman said, her focus totally elsewhere, maybe on a different patient. I could barely breath and I feared that soon I was going to need medical attention too. Fuck. I couldn't believe it. Scarlett, stubborn and headstrong Scarlett was unconscious and fighting for her life in a hospital. Scarlett, my Scarlett. A pang shot through my chest. No!I should've told her how much I cared for her, how I really felt -not just the physical attraction. I should've told her that she was the only woman who I'd felt something for in a very long time. I should've never done all tho
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KEVIN'S POV. I wanted to leave the city as fast as possible. I had to or else I feared I was going to get killed. I'd messed up with one of the girls and her father had gotten involved. He'd found out that I'd been blackmailing her with her nudes and he wanted my life. I never knew that her father was a notorious gang leader, I thought he was just a posh billionaire. Once I got into my car after Andre had warned me about the fact that the rest of the gang were pissed at me for wanting to quit, I grabbed my phone and dialed Scarlett's number. Yes, our relationship had been utterly messed up and the last thing I'd said and done to her had been unforgivable, but I couldn't imagine going very far away from her without informing her first. She may not have believed it, but I loved her very much. The moment I'd seen her for the first time at that Halloween party that day, I'd been interested and attracted to her with no bad intentions, but then when my friend who was a fellow con artis
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RAMSON DAMIEN'S POV.The sound of my phone woke me up in my hotel room and groggily, I got up to answer it. It was an unknown number. "Hello, this is Ramson Damien," I said, rubbing my eyes and stretching. I was really tired and hadn't been getting enough sleep. "Son of a bitch," the person muttered under their breath and I frowned, pissed. "What the fuck? Who is this?" "Relax, it's me Sabrina," the female voice answered and I fought to place the name or voice. "Sabrina? Who ... I don't remember," I lay back in bed, rubbing my forehead. The other day had been so stressful for me, with all the calls I'd been getting concerning the rumours flying around, I was drained and too tired for games. "Sabrina Goodwill, the girl you forcefully fucked all night long at the bar after she refused to be your sex slave," the voice answered through gritted teeth.Memories of the event came rushing into my mind and I let out a breath. Oh, I could remember. She was one of the last girls I'd been w
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KEVIN'S POV. The news I'd received from the hospital about Scarlett had shaken me to my core. And I couldn't think straight or even believe it. How could that be possible? Maybe they had been mistaken or something, but that was surely Scarlett's number. There was no way it could be a mistake. I called again because the person who had answered had ended the call immediately she'd delivered the information. I'd been too stunned to react then, probably getting her tired of waiting, but now I wanted to know what had happened. I dialled the number again and on the second ring she answered."This is Green spring hospital, the owner of this phone is currently in the hospital—""You can't possibly be telling me the same thing you'd told me earlier just because I called again," I said, baffled. "You know I'm the same person from earlier.""What can I do? Those are the rules of the hospital," she replied dryly."Well, uhmm, I wanted to get the address, I want to see her," I said, forgettin
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RAMSON DAMIEN'S POV CONTD. I turned on the TV after I was done with my shower and frowned when I saw my picture on the news with the headline:INFAMOUS BUSINESSMAN, RAMSON DAMIEN HAS BEEN ACCUSED OF ALLEGEDLY ABUSING AND THREATENING SEVERAL UNDERAGE GIRLS: MORE GIRLS COME OUT TO TESTIFY. Next the news anchor gave way for an interview and I gasped when I saw the face of the girl who was being interviewed. It was Sabrina. What the hell?For the next fifteen minutes I watched her tell the whole story of how we met and what I've been doing to her while I boiled with anger. "And, ladies and gentlemen we've come to the end of the interview. Stay tuned for more news.""Fuck you!" I gripped the remote tightly before I threw it right at the TV without hesitation. I kept trashing around until I realised that I was in a hotel room, not my house and that meant I was going to have to pay for any damages caused. I really didn't want to add anything to my list of expenses. I flopped down on th
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LUCA'S POV.It was time for Scarlett's surgery and I was mad nervous, I couldn't even sit in one place. "So, I'll be going now," the doctor said, trying to walk out before, I stopped her."Uhmm, miss," I called, ruffling my hair. "Please I beg you. Do all you can to make sure that she's safe. Please do everything you can to bring her back."The doctor smiled at me shortly before she put on her professional face. "I will make sure I do that. That's my job after all. All you need to do now is pray for her to be okay and leave the rest to us.""Okay," I sighed, feeling some sort of relief from her assurance. "I'm counting on you, Doc."The woman nodded before she walked out, leaving me standing in the empty hospital room with a racing heart. I really wanted Scarlett to be okay. I wanted her to be fine so I could do right by her, really correct all my mistakes and treat her better. I wanted another chance with her. I wanted to try to be the one for her in a world where she'd felt like e
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LUCA'S POV. I was freaking out. My hands were shaking and I felt nauseous. It had been a very long time since I'd felt this helpless, since I'd felt this much all at once actually. It was so overwhelming. Just when I'd thought I'd seen enough though, I saw some very disturbing news about Ramson Damien's sexual escapes and my mood completely went to shit. The man was such a dog. He deserved everything that was happening to him, and I'd made up my mind that Scarlett was going to be the one to decide what she wanted to happen with him. I didn't want to control her or act with my prejudice anymore. I just wanted her to make her own choices. A thought came to my mind, I thought of the fact that Scarlett was currently undergoing a major surgery and her parents had no idea, and I felt like a douchebag for keeping it to myself. At least even if they were bad parents, they had to know about their daughter's health. I didn't want to sound negative, but if God forbid, anything happened to
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LUCA'S POV. After the chat with the doctor, I'd left her office and and made my way to Scarlett's hospital room with my head held low. I was trying to come up with a way to take care of everything without getting her even more hurt than she already was, but deep down I just kept getting a bad feeling that something very horrible was about to happen. Whoever it is that was doing that anonymous shit had succeding in getting me really anxious and scared. I wasn't even sure if I could be brave enough for Scarlett. It was like the universe had decided to play some sick game on me by making me confront all my fears and it was so overwhelming. I stared at her motionless figure from the glass doors before I pushed it open and walked in quietly as if my footsteps could bother her. Her head was still wrapped with that awful bandage and her lips were thin and dry, unlike their usual pink and plump texture. Her face looked peaceful as she lay but I knew that she'd gone through excruciating pa
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SCARLETT'S POV. I couldn't tell what was happening to me exactly but I knew that I was floating. I wasn't sure if I was dreaming or awake, I was just floating. But how? I looked down and felt myself being broken free from the hospital bed. I had no idea how it was happening, but then I felt myself take a leap and then another one, and then another one and then there was a strong gust of wind that almost had me falling back to the bed. I fought myself fighting and forcing my way through the wind until I got to a brown gate. It looked very worn and was very tall, but I wanted to get in. I tried trying to push it open but it didn't even budge. I kept trying and trying, pushing and pulling but it was to no avail, and I gave up. I felt tears rolling down my cheeks and then suddenly a hand came up to my face and wiped them quickly away. When I opened my eyes to look at who it was, I gasped. It was my father. Why was he in front of me? I didn't want to see him. I could remember what he
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