All Chapters of The Billionaire's Revenge Wife: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
124 Chapters
LUCA'S POV. "Nurse, Nurse," I yelled at the top of my lungs. "Hello, please call the doctor.""Oh, yes sure sir," a nurse that was passing by said and then went to fetch the doctor while I stood there, fidgeting and telling myself that what I'd seen had been real. Not just my imagination. The doctor came rushing immediately alongside two nurses and I led her to the room where Scarlett was in fact laying awake, looking to be confused as hell. Shit. She had woken up. Scarlett had survived, she didn't leave. God, I was so relieved. "Scarlett, you're... Oh my God," I ran to her side, careful not to mess with any of the many machines and wires connected to her body. I tentatively grabbed her hand in mine and placed a kiss on it, but I could sense her discomfort so clearly. It hurt actually that she didn't want me to touch her. Her green eyes trailed over me from head to toe before she said, "why are you touching me? What did you do to me, you bastard?"I pulled away from her, confuse
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LUCA'S POV. THREE DAYS LATER. After catching up with the doctor about Scarlett's condition, I left her office and made my way back to Scarlett's room. She was lying on her bed with her head propped as she stared blankly ahead. My breath stopped when I saw her face. Damn. I'd never seen someone look so beautiful while in a condition like this before. The bandage wrapped around her head had somehow become cute now, and her eyes had finally started to come alive. I watched her from the glass doors for a while until I cleared my throat, walking inside. "What are you thinking about?" I asked, crossing my arms. She noticed me and a frown settled on her face. "How could I not hate you? What could have happened in those months that made me trust you?"This question again. She'd been asking it steadily since she woke up. I understood why she was confused and wanted to know, I mean, if the last thing she could remember was when I pointed a gun at her and her boyfriend then she had every r
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LUCA'S POV.I read the message several times until I replied. Me: What plan? How can I help?Raymond: I'll need to see you. Raymond: You'll need to come to the station. Me: Okay I'll be there as soon as you text me the address. Raymond: Sure, I'll do that. Sorry you have to leave your wife. Me: it's no problem. Immediately the address was sent to me, I shoved my phone into my pocket and practically ran back to Scarlett's hospital room. A nurse was there now, giving her some injections while she lay in silence, staring at the wall blankly. "Hi," I said, getting both their attention. "uhhm... I'll have to leave now, just for a while I'll be back soon."Scarlett frowned at me. "Leaving? Where are you going to?""I'm going to take care of some stuff," I said, scratching the back of my neck. I don't know why it was so difficult to keep the truth from her. I mean, she completely did not need to know about the person who tried to kill her, or that I was currently in touch with the pol
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SCARLETT'S POV. After Luca had left, I realised that I really was alone. The nurse had been a good company but then eventually she'd left to go on with her business and I'd realised that I really had no one to talk to and nothing to do. And after staring at the ceiling for a long time and thinking of how miserable I felt, not being able to walk or stand or move anywhere from around my pelvis area, I decided that I'd had enough. The nurse had mentioned something about trying to get some fresh air earlier, maybe I could try to do that. I was looking through the window at the trees that were blowing out with the wind, when my mind caught on something. Abby. Abby, I'd totally forgotten about her or the rest of my friends. Luca had definitely not told her that I was here. I needed her so much right now. It felt like I had no body, and I was regretting allowing Luca to leave me here. Who knew when he was going to be back? He had probably had enough with staying here and doing nothing wi
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LUCA'S POV. I got out of the car with steady feet and determination as I shut the door. I took a quick look at the environment I was in. It was deserted as described and really shady looking. The house was old and looking to be on the verge of collapsing even. As I walked to the entrance, I took note of the dead plants and weeds all around the surroundings and made sure that all my equipments were still on me before I brought out my phone to text the person. Me: I'm standing outside. Where are you?They replied quickly. Unknown: did you come empty-handed? No police like I asked? It would be in your best interest.I scoffed in my mind, but replied with,Me: sure, I did as you said. Can you come out now? I just want to protect Scarlett.Unknown: okay then. Look to your left. I did as I was told but I didn't see anyone around. Me: are you kidding? I can't see you.Unknown: Look around your left. Look up.I did as they said and my breathing intensified when I saw that it was two peo
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LUCA'S POV. "Why are you not scared?" Penelope asked, eyeing me from head to toe. I just shrugged. "You're not really very scary now that I know you're the one.""But you saw what I did to Scarlett," she sounded really pissed. "Wasn't that scary enough for you? I'm pointing a fucking gun to your head actually.""Yeah, I know," I stuffed my hands into my pocket and bounced on my toes. "I'm still not scared of you or that guy. Who is he anyways? Your lapdog?"The guy behind her growled at that and came towards me so fast to throw a punch. He landed the blow, but immediately he did, I got mad and decided that I could actually beat the shit out of him.He landed another blow to my cheek and then he tried again, but I dodged and realised that if I wanted to have the upper hand, I had to find a way to take him down. "You stop that now, tiger," Penelope warned, pointing the gun at the two of us, confused. I used the opportunity I got once the guy turned to look at her to my advantage. Ti
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LUCA'S POV. "Thanks so much for your time, officer," I reached out to shake hands with Raymond and he reciprocated. "It was my pleasure," he smiled. "I'm kinda pissed though, that that turned out so easy."I smirked at him, thinking the same. "Yeah, that was a waste of so much planning. I thought I was going to get my movie scene moment, but I guess not ..."Raymond chuckled. "Go back to your wife now. You don't want to miss anything, do you?""Yeah, sure I don't," I threw him a salute. "I'll see you when I see you then."I was about to leave but then he stopped me by saying,"Hey hold up."I turned around and rose an eyebrow. "What's up?"He gave me a weird look. "Aren't you a little bothered about what happened though, I mean you guys are related because of Scarlett.""What do you mean?""Ramson Damien?" He questioned. "You haven't heard yet? He's been arrested after several charges that have been pressed against him.""What?" I gasped. "How the fuck did I not hear of that yet?""
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LUCA'S POV. I wasn't sure if I'd heard properly. Had Marilyn just talked about Isabella? Isabella, my sister. How the heck did she get to know."How did you?" I started but then trailed off, stunned. "You know about Isabella?""Yes I do," Marilyn offered me a sad smile. "Wait... Isabella?"Scarlett questioned, she and her friend looking completely lost. "That's... What did he to her?"I couldn't respond. I couldn't say anything more actually. It was like my throat had gone completely tight and no sound could come out. What the heck was with that reaction?"What he did to all the other girls," Marilyn answered. "She used to work as an intern at the company, and your dad he... h-he was abusing her for the longest time.""Fuck," Scarlett gasped, voice shaking. "How? W-why was she? Oh my God... Dad is such an asshole."Abby looked horrified by the news too, she went over to offer Scarlett some comfort when she saw the was her friend was reacting. This was not good for Scarlett. She didn
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LUCA'S POV. On getting outside, I bumped into a nurse that was carrying a tray and we both let out string of curses. "Shit I'm sorry," I said, getting down to help her pick up her tray. "I'm so sorry."She picked up the last piece of equipment and looked up at me. "It's fine. Why are you in such a hurry anyways? Is the hospital on fire?"I turned down my lips. "No of course not.""Then why did you almost knock me all the way to hell?" She asked, smirking. "And why do you look like a wounded puppy?""I'm just in a really shitty mood, I don't even know how to feel," I said, wondering after I'd said it, why. Why did I just tell her that? The nurse balanced her tray and gave me a look of sympathy. "Do you want to tell me what happened?" I thought about it for a long while and decided, "no, not everything at least."The nurse smiled. She had such kind eyes and an equally kind smile, funny enough, she kind of reminded me of Isabella so much. They had so much similarities in their facial
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LUCA'S POV.After Belle left I stayed for a while outside, watching the sky as it got darker and darker. I kept thinking about Isabella and dad, and everything that had happened, but this time I found that the more I thought about it, the more I started to see Belle's point clearly. That was the problem, I was holding onto the pain and bitterness for too long, I didn't even know how to stop doing it. I'd thought I was ready let it all go for Scarlett, but today had made me realise that there was still a part of me that wanted to be mad at her, at somebody for everything. It wasn't fair at all to Scarlett. She didn't deserve to get hate for something that she knew nothing about. After a little more time reflecting, I slapped my palms and decided that I had to go talk to her. About everything. Just let it all out. And see where we can go from there. I made my way back to the room where I saw Marilyn and Scarlett hugging from the glass doors. Abby just stood watching them with tears i
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