All Chapters of MY ACCIDENTAL HUSBAND: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
102 Chapters
CHAPTER 91 Letting Go
  Perry returned home from work very late in the night, looking haggard and worried. He had waited and waited, expecting that Autumn would return to the office later, but she never did.  When he got too concerned, he began to call her, but she ignored all his calls.  He walked into the sitting room and met Autumn lying on one of the couches. He paused to look at her, and she also stared at him from where she was.  "You're late," she simply said to him.  He dropped his briefcase on a nearby chair and remained on the spot staring at her.  "Where have you been? Why did you leave work without leaving a note or anything?"  "I needed to clear my head after what you told me about Gloria," she muttered.  "And that was what you couldn't pick up my calls to tell me?" He raised his voice at her a little.  There was silence in the room for about a minute. When she didn't give him any reply, he picked up his briefcase and headed towards the stairs.  He knew that if he should stay a second
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CHAPTER 92 The Break-up
  "Autumn?" Perry called and moved closer to her on the couch, but she got up from it and went to another one. Hurt and shock were written all over his face as he stared at Autumn.  "What are you implying? What about the relationship we're building? Does everything mean nothing to you? Did you see it as a fake relationship too?"  Autumn chuckled, then scoffed. "You're asking me that? Isn't it obvious that it means so much to me? Would I be affected if it doesn't mean anything to me?"  "Then, why the fuck are you running away?!" He yelled at her as he flung the couch pillow beside him away.  "Would it matter if I stay?!" She yelled back at him. The tears she had been holding came rushing down her face once again. "What's the point of staying? Gloria wants you back, so—"  "But I do not want her back! You're the one I want, Autumn! I fucking need you!" He raised his voice at her as his eyes turned red.  "Do you think I don't notice how your body reacts to her when she touches you?"
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CHAPTER 93 I Still Love Her
  Khalid shouted as he walked into Perry's mansion. Normally, when everything was going on well, Perry would shout 'another one' as a response, but today, he just laid on his couch staring at Khalid as he walked in.  Khalid looked in his direction and chuckled. "My man's down bad," he giggled lightly.  He walked in and went to sit on the couch directly next to Perry's. "Sorry, I'm late. Got here as fast as I could," he said as he stretched out his hand to Perry for a handshake.  Perry took his hand and shook it coldly, then he let go. "Thought you said you had an urgent meeting with a client this morning? You said you were at the airport already," he asked, as he was surprised to see him.  "My man sounded over the phone like someone who could die any moment from then, and what I should be bothered about is work?" He chuckled lightly.  "No, man. You come first, always. I can always reschedule."  "And if you lose the contract?" Perry raised an eyebrow at him, not glad that he left
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CHAPTER 94 The Divorce
  Becky walked to sit beside Autumn on her bed. She looked tattered and rough, and Becky's heart sank to see her daughter that way. That was the first time she had ever seen her so bedridden over a guy.  "Do you want to talk about it now?" Becky asked her calmly.  Autumn reached for the cupboard next to her bed and picked up some papers on it, then gave her. Becky collected them wondering what it was about.  She went through it and was shocked to see that they were divorce papers. She was even more shocked to see that Autumn had signed her part.  "You signed these?" Her eyes were wide open in shock as she stared at her daughter like she knew not what she was doing.  "I've made up my mind, mum. He sent these papers because he has moved on. I'm ready to do that too," she got up from her bed.  "I'm going to drop the papers at the mailbox, so they can be delivered back to him."  "Are you sure about this? Do you think you're doing the right thing?" Becky asked with a face filled with
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CHAPTER 95 Truth
  Perry looked at his mum, who was stunned at how he shouted at her. "I'm sorry for raising my voice at you, mum. But I just want you to understand that nobody else has a say in my marriage affairs."  "Your father and I have come to see Autumn as our daughter, and we knew how happy you were and how positively you changed in a couple of things," Lucy replied with a serious but concerned look on her face. "So I don't understand why you should divorce her over—"  "The whole thing was fake!" Perry blurted out, while his parents just stared at him like they had no idea what he was saying.  "Everything was fake from the start, mum. We signed a deal with each other when dad wanted me to get married at all costs."  "Perry Moore!" His father growled as he shot a deadly glare at Perry. "You both deceived us all along?!"  "I've said all I can. I'm off to work," Perry said and walked towards the exit.  "Perry!" His father called, but he didn't turn back. He walked out of the house and slamme
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CHAPTER 96 Change
  A couple of weeks later, Lisa and Olive took a day off from work to see Autumn. When they noticed that she hadn't been coming, they reached out to her.  They were shocked to hear that she had resigned from work. Seeing that there was no other way to see her, they picked a date and decided to meet up at a nearby restaurant.  Autumn arrived there first and ordered a drink while she awaited the arrival of her friends.  The television was on, and it was set to a news channel. She was lost in thought about her search for a new job when someone mentioned Perry's name, which jerked her back to reality.  "Isn't that the billionaire CEO of Trek Tech?" A lady squealed from her seat as she pointed at the tv.  "Omg! It's him! He's getting engaged again!" Another one exclaimed and murmurs aroused in the room.  Autumn managed to listen to the news amidst the murmurs, to know what exactly was happening.  "...and had divorced his ex-wife, whom he didn't mention her name to cover her identity.
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CHAPTER 97 Emergency
  Autumn arrived at Biarritz Tech Company and rushed over to the receptionist's table.  The young lady looked at her with an emotionless face, expecting her to say something since she had no idea who she was or whom she was there to see.  "Good afternoon," Autumn said and stood in front of the receptionist. "I was called a couple of minutes back to come over to this company right away."  "Name?"  "Autumn."  "Autumn?" The receptionist raised her head to look at Autumn again, giving her a disapproving stare. "Do you not have a last name?"  "It's Dax. Autumn Dax."  Confirming that 'Autumn Dax' was on the list of new employees, she gave Autumn a brisk nod. "Go to the office on the last end of the next floor."  "Thank you," Autumn replied with false pleasantness and skipped towards the elevator.  On getting to the next floor's waiting hall, a young lady stepped out of the office directly opposite her and called out, "Autumn Dax."  "Here!" She replied and launched to her feet. The
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CHAPTER 98 Surgery
  Autumn rubbed her hands together anxiously as she awaited the response of the doctor. He cleared his table and sat on his office chair, while she sat opposite him.  "What's going on with her?" She asked him with a look of fear on her face.  The doctor looked at her, then at the paper in his hand, then back at her. He then started to explain his diagnosis.  "She happened to have arrhythmias, heart valve problems, and high blood pressure in her lung arteries, which led to a heart failure that made her collapse."  "Oh my God," Autumn gasped, as she covered her mouth with her hands. Her eyes were teary by now as she stared at the doctor. "Isn't there anything that could be done about it?" She added after a couple of seconds.  "Will she survive it? What do I have to do to make her feel better? Will she get better? She won't die now, will she? Please, be honest with me," she begged with teary eyes as her heart began to beat heavily.  She had arguments with her mother a lot, but she w
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CHAPTER 99 Your Husband!
  "Where are you headed?" Perry asked his parents as he looked from Lucy to his dad and back at Lucy  "Gloria and I are here to have a surprise dinner with you," he added, and Gloria simply smiled at them.  Lucy rolled her eyes at him. "That's none of your business. We have somewhere urgent to go," she said and walked past him, but Perry was quick to drag his mum back by the hand. "Perry!" She snapped at him and yanked his hand off her arm.  "Can someone at least tell me what's happening?!" He asked at the top of his voice, while Gloria stood there staring at them.  Mr. Moore checked the time on his wristwatch, and seeing that arguing with Perry would only make them late, he decided to tell him what happened  "Autumn's mother needs to go through an operation and the fee is a little high for her." Perry's eyes went wide open in shock.  "Her sister called us for help, and that's where we're going. Is that okay now?" He then turned to Gloria  "My dear, we won't be available tonight
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CHAPTER 100 Her Baby Is Mine
  "Autumn is my ex-wife!"  "Excuse me?" Gloria responded. She heard him well, but she wanted to believe she didn't. "Autumn is your ex-wife? You married your secretary?" She scoffed.  "Am I good to go now that I've told you?"  "What the… you're serious?" Her eyes opened wide in shock. "Was she also the one at the party the other night?"  "Yes," he simply replied.  Only then did the realization hit her. She knew she had heard that voice before, but she didn't know where it was  She had wondered why his secretary was rude to her the very first time they set eyes on each other, but now she could tell why she had behaved like that to her.  "You dated that thing?" She asked, her face filled with irritation.  "Watch your words, Gloria. I'm not in the best mood at the moment, and you know that" he responded.  "Do you even know how I feel about that at the moment?!" He raised his voice at him. "You claimed to divorce her and now you're coming to pay her bills?"  "Please—"  "Oh, spar
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