All Chapters of Shy: Chapter 221 - Chapter 230
275 Chapters
I wiped my mouth with the back of my hand and glared at my reflection in the cracked mirror.It was their fault.Everything was their fault."I just wanted to get out," I said to myself and flushed the toilet, washing away any signs that I had just puked up all of last nights food and lots of blood.I groaned and ran my fingers through my natural silver hair, debating on what I should do.I could keep running and end up killing myself, or I could go back and get help and end up killing others.I had worked so hard to get away.No one had ever done it before.I had managed to stay undetected. I was free.Or so I thought.I was still caught in their net. They still had a hold on me.I cursed loudly and slammed my hand down onto the sink. "I can't go back," I whispered and turned on my heel, walking into the bedroom. I grabbed a bundle of clothes out of the duffle bag that held all of my belongings and dumped them onto my bed. I stripped out of my clothes and before I pulled my jeans on
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Before anyone else moved I jumped up and punched Blake in the balls. He groaned and doubled over in pain."Bitch," he groaned, but he managed to grab my arm and yank me backwards. I crashed into the van wall and hissed in pain when I hit my head."Everyone, get in!" Jack yelled and I groaned when the doors to the van slammed. I was trapped."The balls?" Blake winced and grabbed my arm, shoving me back down back into the bench. "Really?""Don't be such a baby," I muttered and he pulled a gun out of the waistband of his jeans and directed a blow to my temple. "That's just rude," I groaned as my head rang and black dots clouded my vision. It wasn't hard enough to knock me out, but after getting shoved into the van door and hitting my head on the van wall it was certainly enough to daze me.Blake reached under the bench and I heard the chinking of chains. I was too dazed to fight back, I could barely concentrate on sitting up straight let alone fighting Blake. He lifted a handful of chain
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"You'll find out when we return," Blake shrugged and his eyes landed on my thigh. My jeans were stained red with blood. "Jack, pass us the first aid kit." Jack reached under the bench and lifted up a first aid kit, he handed it to Blake who put on a pair of gloves and then knelt in front of me. "Try anything and I will not hesitate to smash your lovely face in, Daisy," Blake warned."I thought yous were a team. You aren't exactly friendly," one of the guys I didn't know called and Blake turned to glare at him."In case you didn't realise, Daisy is one of the best. If she wasn't ill, tied up and probably concussed she would be doing everything in her power to defeat us. She would probably kill you three," Blake nodded to Eli and the two guys I didn't know, "and if she was feeling nice she'd leave me and Jack with a lovely flesh wound; nothing that would kill us, but it would put us out of action for a long time. She's a killer, just like us. She's one of the best. Just because she's a
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When I woke up my head was pounding and there was a slight ringing in my ears. I pried my eyes open and blinked a few times before looking around. I was still in the van, but instead of the bench I was on the floor. I tried to move, but it was then I realised that I was lying on my stomach and my arms and legs had been bound behind my back, my left ankle to my right wrist and my right ankle to my left wrist. I twisted and turned, but the restraints were tight and there was no way I was getting out of them. I had also been gagged. A foul tasting cloth had been shoved in my mouth and duct tape placed over my lips."Wakey wakey."I glared when Blake smirked at me."Comfy?" Eli called and my glared intensified. "I told you I'd shut you up."I wriggled around on the floor and tried my hardest to loosen the restraints, but they were done up expertly.I'd expect nothing less from Eli Reynolds. At the Agency a few of us were "rising stars". We were the best of the best. It always came down to
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I walked into the house I had lived in for the past year and sighed. I honestly thought I'd never come back."Hey, sweet cheeks!" Mason called and walked past me on his way to the kitchen. He slapped my ass and I couldn't help but roll my eyes. "Life on the road didn't suit you, huh?" He said and I followed him into the kitchen with a slight limp to my step."I couldn't see it working out," I said sarcastically and sat on the kitchen table. "How's life?""I've spent every minute since you decided to be a little pest and do a runner hearing about you. I'm sick of your name," Mason said searched through the cupboards that were most likely empty. I was the one who did the shopping.I laughed. "You missed me though.""I finally got a decent nights sleep," Mason said and closed the cupboard when his search for food failed. He scratched his light brown stubble and looked at me. "It's been nice sleeping without hearing you and Blake going at-"I coughed and raised eyebrows at Mason. He smirk
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I was sat at the sofa with my feet in Blake's lap. I was mindlessly flipping through a magazine when the doorbell rang."Pizza," Jack called."Go on, Daisy," Mason called."Injured, what a shame," I shrugged. "Doctors orders are to rest.""Your injury didn't stop you from running away," Blake said and snatched the magazine from my hands. "Go get the pizza."I sighed and stood up, stepping over Jax and Oli who were lying on the floor playing Xbox. I opened the door and narrowed my eyes when I saw it was definitely not the pizza delivery guy. I recognised one of the guys standing behind him, but the others I had never encountered.I stared at them with a blank expression and then slammed the door in Eli's face. I turned on my heel and limped back into the lounge."Where's the pizza?" Oli wondered, his black fringe flopped down into his forehead as he looked at me and I sat back down on the sofa and took my magazine back from Blake."It wasn't the pizza man," I shrugged and put my feet b
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"Daisy," Blake said in my ear and shook me roughly. "Wake up."I groaned and forced my eyes open. "You better have a good excuse for waking me," I grumbled."Trust me," Blake smirked. "Get up, we're going to bed."I noticed I had fallen asleep in Blake's lap and I quickly jumped up, swearing when I put too much pressure on my leg."You're an idiot," Blake chuckled. "We're off to bed, night guys.""Don't do anything your mothers wouldn't!" Mason called and I rolled my eyes as we walked out of the room."They're so going to fuck," Jack muttered and Blake chuckled as we walked up the stairs and went into his room. As soon as the door was shut behind us Blake grabbed my top, well technically it was his, and pulled me down onto his bed. His lips found mine and suddenly it felt like I hadn't been gone at all. I pulled his top over his head and his hands tugged my shorts down.I groaned softly and Blake trailed kisses down my neck. I unbuckled his belt as his hands went low and pulled my tho
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It had been three days.I was adjusting to living with so many people quite well. Minus Eli, I had no problems with any of the new guys. Hampson was a moody bastard, but according to Tom he had always been that way.I tried to steer clear of Eli, but he went out of his way to do every little thing that would piss me off. I threatened him with a knife yesterday, but Blake stopped me before I could actually ram it into his stomach."So," Tom said as him and Carter sat down on either side of me."What?" I asked, raising my eyebrows at the two boys.I had probably grown the closest to them out of all of the new team. They were like two annoying brothers. The only downside was that Tom was best mates with Eli."You and Blake," Carter said. "We've been here a few days now and you've fucked every night apart from yesterday and that's because he was at the Agency late.""Great observational skills.""You going out?" Tom asked and I laughed loudly."I think I'd rather strangle myself than go o
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"What?" I demanded and looked at Rob in shock. "A mission?""Yes," he snapped. "It's nothing serious, just a recruiting mission. It seems that the new batch of recruits aren't making the grade so we need some fresh meat.""Hold up," I interrupted. "You want the girl who ran away from the assassin agency to go on a mission to recruit people for the assassin agency?" I said and laughed. "Rob, I thought you were smart."Eli cracked a smile at my blatant disrespect for my father, but he hid is as soon as his mouth twitched."Besides, I thought I wasn't cleared for missions.""You're cleared for this one," Rob said. "It's simple. You two will attend a local high school and surveil possible recruits. You will befriend them, find out about them and see if they fit the ideal candidate. If they do you will pass their details onto your SO and we will look into them further." Rob looked at me. "I'm pretty sure even you can mange that."I thought about it and smirked. It would give me an excuse t
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I groaned loudly when my alarm went off and I pressed snooze, rolling over to find Beth's face extremely close to mine."Get up," I grumbled and nudged her arm."Two more minutes," she whined and I tapped her again."Get up.""Piss off," she growled and I roughly shoved her onto the floor. "You bitch!" She gasped and I got out of bed and smirked."I told you to get up.""Remind me why I'm friends with you," she groaned and pulled herself off the floor."I'm amazing," I said smugly and walked over to my wardrobe. I grabbed some clothes and chucked a towel at Beth. "You can shower here and borrow some of my clothes.""I guess you're okay," Beth smirked.Half an hour later I was dressed in ripped denim shorts and a long sleeved, shoulderless grey top. It was sunny outside so I pushed the sleeves up to my elbows and tied my hair up."They fit okay?" I said, looking at Beth in the mirror."The ass is baggy and my tits are way smaller than yours," Beth said as she zipped the jeans up and ad
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