All Chapters of Shy: Chapter 241 - Chapter 250
275 Chapters
"So I broke down and Rob even hugged me," I said, finishing telling Blake what had happened with Rob last night. "He never hugs me.""You never cry," Blake pointed out. "There's a first time for everything.""True," I murmured."Why did we come to your room?" Blake grumbled and fidgeted on the bed. "Your bed is tiny.""You carried me here, don't complain," I said.Blake shrugged and rolled over, wrapping his arms round me and pulling me to his chest. "We have to get up soon," he grumbled."I've got to be at the Agency at 1pm," I sighed and squirmed when Blake traced my tattoo on my side with his nail."Ticklish?" Blake smirked and I slapped his hand away."Stop it," I scowled. I squealed when Blake dug his fingers into my sides and his hold on me stopped me from getting away. "Stop it!" I yelled and Blake laughed. "Blake, you asshole! I hate being tickled.""Oh, I know," Blake said and suddenly my door flew open and I yelled in shock when Mason appeared at the door."Mason!" I shouted
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"Shut up, Daisy," Adam called. "Joey, we need to talk.""No you do not," I said and stepped forward. "Joey, get out right now. I'm being serious." Joey frowned and glanced at me nervously. My eyes were cold and he knew I wasn't messing around. "Get out."As soon as Joey moved Adam reached out and grabbed his arm. "Sit down," he said sternly. "Daisy, shut the fuck up.""He's not being recruited," I said. "He's not!""That's not your decision," Adam shrugged and I walked up to him and Joey."Let him go, Adam," I said lowly, raising my eyebrow threateningly."Daisy, you're skilled, but you won't be able to do anything against all of us," Adam said and narrowed his eyes at me. "Don't make me hurt you.""Hurt her!" Joey gasped. "What is going on!""You do not want to know," I muttered and I tensed when Blake walked up behind me and placed his hands on my shoulders."Stand down," he said into my ear and I noticed Joey's disgusted look."Stand down?" I questioned. "As if." I suddenly kicked
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I had showered, washed my hair and changed into a pair of ripped boyfriend jeans and a cropped grey tshirt. I stuffed my bare feet into a pair of black Converse and ran my fingers through my damp hair. I could hear talking downstairs and I looked at my door. I had to go downstairs anyway as it was nearing 1pm so I couldn't get told off for it.I grabbed my khaki jacket that was hanging up on the back of my door and walked out, heading downstairs to where all the guys where. I sat down on the last step and rested my chin on my hands, watching the guys in front of me.Joey was seated on the sofa with Erik and Oli on either side of him. It made sense, they were the nicest and calmest out of everyone.Carter was next to Oli and the rest of the guys were standing up, looking at Joey who was being spoken to by Adam. Eli however was leaning against the wall next to the stairs, scrolling through his phone with a blank expression.He regarded me with a look when I sat down and I didn't pay him
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"Why?""She's a bit of a loose canon."I rolled my eyes."What did you mean that she didn't feel remorse and that's what upsets her?" Joey asked.Adam sighed. "Daisy is a killer. She will kill in a heartbeat and not give a shit. She is upset that she doesn't care. She thinks something is wrong with her because she's so cold. So heartless-""Shut up!" I snapped and stopped in my tracks. I span round and grabbed Adam's collar with one hand and I took his gun that was hidden in his jacket and held it under his chin. "Shut up, Adam!""Like I said," Adam grunted, "loose canon.""Just because Rob told you what happened doesn't mean you can go about yelling it to the world!" I growled. "It's none of your business! You shouldn't even know in the first place so shut up about it! My life doesn't concern you, Adam!""Daisy, put the gun down," Adam sighed. He wasn't even worried about the fact that I had a gun pointed to his head. "Daisy, I wasn't aware how badly this affected you.""Now you do!"
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I looked at Rob when the phone rang. "Rob," he said and listened to whoever was on the other end. "He's awake? Stable? Good. Keep me updated on his progress." Rob slammed the phone down and I raised my eyebrows."Who was that?""Medical," Rob said and I paused the video of a debrief on the laptop. "Hampson is awake and is stable.""Oh," I said. "Good. Speaking of Hampson, why the hell was he shot in the first place?""The mission went wrong.""Yeah, no shit," I scoffed and ignored Rob's stern look. "How?"Rob gritted his teeth and sighed. "There's a criminal organisation that is set on taking us down. Somehow they found out about the mission and sabotaged it.""What the hell? That's impossible. We're a secret. Invisible. No one knows about us," I frowned."They do," Rob scowled. "We've taken out a lot of their assets and they aren't happy.""We have a leak," I said. "That's the only explanation for information getting out."Rob shook his head. "They hacked into one of our servers. The
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Emma's mouth dropped and she looked at me in shock. "W-what!""You two don't have to get along, but you will be civil to each other. If you are not then I have no problem putting a bullet through your head. Am I clear?""What if she isn't civil? You'll shoot your own daughter?""Death would be a mercy for Daisy," Rob shrugged. "I wouldn't give her the easy way out.""Lovely," I murmured and Rob reached over and pressed play on the laptop, the sound of Beth's voice drowning out his and Emma's conversation."You look happy," Blake called when I walked into the house in the evening."I'm not in the mood," I snapped."When are you ever?" Jack said cheekily and I flipped him off."I'll punch you, so don't push me," I warned and walked through the living room and upstairs to my room. I searched through my draws until I found my cigarettes and a lighter and then I made my way back downstairs and out the front door. I raised my eyebrows in surprise when I saw Eli outside, smoking a cigarette.
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"Daisy," Blake whispered. "You awake?""No," I grumbled and Blake chuckled, shutting his door behind him and crawling onto his bed."Food's downstairs," he said into my ear and wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his chest."Not hungry," I sighed and cuddled up to him."You need to eat.""Not hungry," I repeated and Blake played with my hair."How you feeling?" Blake asked."Wonderful.""I'm sorry," Blake sighed. "I'm sorry you hate it here.""I don't hate it here, I hate the Agency," I mumbled. "I don't mind it here with you guys, minus a few exceptions."Blake chuckled. "Daisy, you're not heartless," he said after a silence. "I know you think you are because you don't feel guilty about killing people, but you're not. You care. When it matters you do. That one little boy shouldn't put you off.""It was horrible seeing him," I whispered. "Guilt is horrible.""I know.""I hate not feeling guilty, but then I hate feeling it at the same time," I said with a sarcastic laugh. "That
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"Three weeks!" I exclaimed and threw my shoe against Blake's bedroom wall. "It's been three weeks and I'm going to murder somebody!""Look on the bright side," Blake said optimistically."What bright side? I'm going to rip off her head and spit down her throat!" I yelled. "I can't stand her!""I'm sure the feeling is mutual," Blake chuckled."I don't care! I'm not the one that's moved into her house!" I sighed angrily and stood up from Blake's bed. I pulled my underwear on and flipped Blake off when I saw him blatantly staring at me."Stop yelling, it's too early," Blake said. "Come back to bed.""I'm not having sex again," I said."It might relieve your anger," Blake smirked."More like relieve your urges," I scoffed and rolled my eyes. "I need to go to the Agency.""Oh yeah, first day of freedom," Blake grinned. "What are you planning on doing?""Getting pissed," I said. "Beth and I are going out.""Where was my invite?""What invite?" I said and blasted myself with deodorant. "I've
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"Daisy, how are you?" James asked as I sat down on his sofa in his office."Bored," I stated. "Can we speed this up a little bit so I can go home?""How are you feeling now that you know you're going to get your freedom back?" James asked."I wouldn't go as far as to call it freedom," I said and rolled my eyes. "More like observed captivity.""You're not captured, Daisy," James frowned."But I'm not free to leave the confines of this town am I?""Not until we know you will come back.""And when will you know that?""Judging by your commitment to the Agency," James said and rolled his eyes. "I think you know the answer.""But I want to know what you think.""At this moment in time I believe we will never be able to trust you," James shrugged."I'm sure that's exactly what Rob wants to hear," I said sarcastically."How is living with your new housemates, Daisy?""Great.""Drop the sarcasm please, Daisy," James said. "I want an honest answer.""I want to kill Emma, shoot Dante, occasiona
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"Un cuff me!" I demanded and launched a kick to his head, but because of my hands behind my back it was weak and badly aimed and Blake easily dodged it. He grabbed my ankle and smirked at me as he flipped me over, sending me flying to the floor.I groaned as I landed face down and Blake quickly dug his knee into the small of my back and held the back of my neck firmly, stopping me from moving."You never learn," Blake chuckled and I struggled pointlessly under his weight."What the fuck is going on?" I hissed."Have some patience," Blake tutted. "You'll find out soon."The lift dinged and I heard the doors open."Don't mind us," Blake said and I winced when he grabbed my wrists, pressing the cuffs further into my skin, and yanked me up from the ground. There were a bunch of few curious agents waiting for the lift and I glared at them. "Training exercise," Blake explained and I took this opportunity while he was distracted to throw my head back, hitting Blake in the face.I ran forward
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