All Chapters of Shy: Chapter 251 - Chapter 260
275 Chapters
"Just tell me what I need to hear and you can leave," Kent said, crouching down so he was eye level with my bloodied face."Go fuck yourself," I said politely. There was no way I was letting Kent win."What about you Eli?" Kent called. "Ready to give up?""You wait till I get out of here!" Eli growled and pulled angrily at his restraints. His chest was now bare and covered in blood.We looked a mess."Bring in the chair!" Kent called and I tensed, already knowing what was coming next.The door opened and Adam and Blake walked in, moving a large dentist style chair. They positioned it in the room and Blake crouched down next to me, placing his fingers under my chin and turning my head to face him."You look light a sight for sore eyes," he said."I'm going to kill you," I hissed. "You're fucking dead.""Daisy," Blake tutted and shook his head. "Adam and I are watching the whole thing, we wouldn't let anything happen to you that you couldn't handle.""I think I'm still entitled to hate
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I was sitting in my room, technically Blake's, after being treated at medical. Turns out I was okay apart from some bruised ribs and a broken toe.There wasn't much you could do a broken toe, it didn't even hurt that much.My whole body ached and I was covered in bruises, but Blake was right: I'd had worse.I understood why they did torture training. I wouldn't wish anyone to go through what I did, but today had failed miserably.If I had to pick anyone to endure being tortured it would be Eli and me.We were good."So you dated him," Eli called and I looked up when he stopped by the door."Don't remind me," I groaned and glanced at Eli's cut and bruised chest. He probably had the worst physical injuries, with a few broken ribs and many many bruises."Why?""Would you believe me if I said he was sweet at first?" I asked and Eli raised an eyebrow. "Thought not.""That er... Water thing," Eli said and rubbed the back of his neck awkwardly. "You got me out of it. Um... Thanks.""I wouldn
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I grabbed the shot and smirked at Beth as we downed our tenth shot of the night. Or was it our eleventh?"Babe, look who's here," Beth yelled, trying to be heard over the loud music of the club. I looked over in the direction of Beth's finger and glared when I saw Blake. He caught my glare and raised his eyebrow."Ass," I growled and looked behind him to see Mason, Oly, Erik, Tom, Carter, Joey, Noah, Dante and Eli. "Another," I said to the bartender and my empty shot glass was refilled. I threw my head back and winced when the liquid burned my throat. "Let's dance," I said to Beth and grabbed her hand, pulling her to the dance floor."What's up with you and Blake?" Beth asked."He's an ass, that's what," I growled."Yes, but you knew that," Beth pointed out."Less talking, more dancing," I scolded."Yes ma'am," Beth laughed and I rolled my eyes, letting the beat of the music take me away."You are looking fine in that dress, Dais." Mason's voice brought me back to reality and I rolled
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"They're here! Move out the way!""Help lift her onto the stretcher!""C'mon, Daisy, fight! Fight, you stubborn girl!"..."We're losing her!""Stand clear everyone! Stand clear! Get the defib!""Ready? Clear!""It's not working, she's not responding!""Come on, Daisy, you're tougher than this!""Clear!""Still nothing! Doc... There's no pulse."..."Where is she? Where's my daughter!""Sir, now isn't a good time-""Where the fuck is my daughter? If she's not made it I'm going to have all of your jobs!""Sir, you better come this way."..."I can't believe this.""Daisy. Of all people. Who would have thought this would have happened to her?""She just wanted to get out of the Agency and she's only had trouble coming back.""How's Rob handling it?""How the fuck do you think he's handling it, dipshit?""Guys, shut the fuck up! Now isn't the time to bicker like children!""I know you're there, princess, and I wish you were here to moan at me for calling you princess.""I'm going to kill
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"Don't touch me," I snapped, shoving the nurse away from me. "I can do it myself." I gripped onto the bed and forced myself onto my feet, gritting my teeth in pain as I did so."Daisy, don't strain yourself-" The nurse went to take my arm but a cold glare from me stopped her."Don't you dare lay your hand on me," I growled."Be polite, Daisy, the nurse is just trying to help you," Rob scolded as he walked into the room with Adam by his side."I don't want her help," I scowled."At least use the crutches," the nurse said and pointed to the crutches resting at the end of the bed. "They will help.""I'm fine," I grunted and gasped when my stomach screamed in pain."Stop being a brat and accept the help," Adam said and handed the crutches to me. "Take them or we'll get a wheelchair for you."I scowled at him and grabbed the crutches which did in fact help me to stand upright."How are you feeling?" Rob asked and I sighed."Wonderful," I snapped. "I just really want to get out of this plac
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I stayed in my room for three hours, ignoring all of the guys that came to check on me.I felt drained.I had cried for hours and I had nothing left. I felt empty, I felt used and I felt dirty and disgusting.Would the feeling ever get any better?I sniffed and rubbed my eyes, forcing myself to sit up right. I glanced at the cold plate of food that Carter had brought me and pushed it to the side."Come on, Daisy," I said to myself and stood up. "Stop being so damn pathetic." I grabbed a bundle of clothes and made my way into the bathroom and showered, glad to get rid of the strong hospital smell. I showered slowly and changed into a pair of long pyjamas, covering as much skin as I could. I then made my way back into Blake's room and stiffened when I saw him sprawled out asleep on the bed. I backed out of the room and jumped in fright when Eli walked out of mine."Take it," he said and rubbed his eyes tiredly, looking like he had just woken up. It was pretty late. "I'll crash downstair
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"Maybe we do have more in common than it seems," I murmured and climbed out of the car. I grabbed my bag and swung it over my shoulder."Daisy!" Eli called. "I don't hate you. You need to know that.""Got it," I shrugged and slammed the car door."Watch the car!" Eli tutted as he got out. "When you're finished with James meet me in the training room on the third floor.""Do I really have to help you train the recruits?" I groaned."Rob's orders," Eli shrugged. "Besides, you needed to get out.""I was doing fine in my room," I grumbled and crossed my arms over my chest."I think our definitions of fine and highly different," Eli said and I rolled my eyes as we walked towards the Agency."Eli," I said quietly and cautiously glanced at him. "I'm not touching any of them. I'm not sparring with any of the recruits."Eli looked at me with a blank expression. "Okay.""I'm being serious, I'm out of there if one of them step towards me-""Alright," Eli said. "Not the recruits."I nodded and I
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I stared at the mission folder that was lying open on my bed. His face was staring right at me.A face I would never forget.I groaned frustratedly and slammed the folder shut. I wanted to kill him so badly. I rubbed my stomach and sighed, reopening the folder and reading the information.Name: Michael MooreAge: 26Ethnicity: White BritishOccupation: UnemployedLocation: 3 Langford Drive, Southgate, London.I grabbed my laptop and fired it up, hurriedly going onto Google and searching the address. "You're not far, are you?" I said to myself and chewed on my lip. I made a split decision and took note of the directions and jumped up off my bed. I slipped a cap on my head along with a pair of sunglasses and stuffed my feet into my converses. Once I was ready I grabbed my bag that was now missing a gun thanks to Eli and headed out of my room, clutching the mission folder in my hand."What's this?" Blake wondered as I passed him on the stairs and I swore at him when he snatched the folde
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"Sometimes I wonder why you're not in prison."I yawned and rolled over in my bed and looked up at Adam who was standing by my door. "So do I," I grumbled."Shooting two guys, huh?" He said and I groaned as I sat up in bed."You're not annoyed," I commented. "Why aren't you angry at me?""Because I don't like the guys," Adam shrugged."So if I shot Eli would you be annoyed at me then?" I wondered."I don't particularly like the kid, but he saved your life," Adam said. "So yes, I'd be annoyed.""Damn," I said and chuckled. "How much shit am I in?""None."I looked at Adam in shock. "Say what?""You're off the hook," Adam told me and my mouth dropped."How on earth am I off the hook. I was expecting to be hung drawn and quartered by Rob himself!" I exclaimed."You owe me big time, sis," Adam said and I frowned."What did you do?""Kent tries to act tough, but he's a wimp," Adam said. "It didn't take much persuasion from me to get him and Hunter to agree to the story that they were talki
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"I mean, like, I can guess," he said dismissively."At the rate you're going you won't have to guess for long," I muttered.Dante shrugged. "I'm good," he said. "I always have been at whatever I do."Mason scoffed and slapped Dante's back. "Turn that confidence down a bit or I'll knock it out of you, mate," he said and walked out of the kitchen.I laughed and looked at Oli. "O, I need your help," I said. "Come help me?""Watch out, Dais, he's got a girl!" Jack warned teasingly.I looked at Oli and raised my eyebrow. "So he says," I said. "Let's go, O." I walked out of the kitchen and made my way into the lounge with Oli following me. "Erik!" I called as I walked to the stairs. "With me!"I walked into my room and took a seat on my bed and waited for Oli and Erik to come into my room. When they did I gestured for them to shut the door and then crossed my arms over my chest."So," I said, my eyes flicking between the two of them who eyed me curiously. Oli was more nervous. "Do you have
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