All Chapters of Shy: Chapter 231 - Chapter 240
275 Chapters
"You're quite the little gym bunny, aren't you?" I teased as I walked towards the cafeteria with Joey."I like to keep fit," he shrugged. "The new teacher seems decent as well."I rolled my eyes at this."How comes you got out of it?" Joey asked and I arched an eyebrow as we walked into the cafeteria."I'm not sure whether to tell you or not. You seemed rather shocked when I told you about the bruises earlier," I said."Oh give over," Joey said and shoved me lightly. He led me over to a table that had a group of people sitting on. "Tell us.""My brother stabbed me," I said just as everyone turned to us.Joey froze and the people that heard me on the table looked at me in surprise. "Hey guys," Joey said, staring at me in utter disbelief. "This is Daisy.""Hi," I smiled."She's new," Joey said and coughed. "And I hope that she's joking about her brother.""He claims it was an accident," I said. "I call bullshit.""Fuck," Joey muttered and nudged me to a seat. He sat next to me. "I don't
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I looked at myself in the mirror and frowned. I really couldn't be bothered to go to school today. Admittedly, I looked cute in my boyfriend jeans, oversized jumper and choker and wanted to show off, but I honestly couldn't be fucked.It had been two weeks and I had come to the conclusion that I hated school with a passion.My plan to fuck with the recruitment of Noah had failed. Him and Eli were like best buds and I was pretty certain that Noah was going to be recruited.To be honest, I didn't mind, but I had really wanted to piss Eli off. He still goes out of his way to annoy me. I hated that the littlest things he did made me snap. Even if it was a jab as he walked past, or tripping me up. It made me so angry. If one of the other guys were to do the same thing I was pretty confident I wouldn't react the same way.I had been house bound for the past two weeks. James had spoken to Rob and they decided that my grounding was two last 4 weeks as a whole and then I would be free to do a
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Once I had cooked dinner I shooed Erik and Oli off the table and laid out plates. I begrudgingly laid a plate out for Eli and I was really tempted to spit on it.But I was a classy lady. Not a tramp. I restrained myself and was satisfied with slamming the plate roughly onto the table."Guys, food!" I yelled and placed the spaghetti and sauce on the table with large spoons so everyone could choose how much they had.I had learnt over the time I had lived with these guys to never decide on their food for them. The amount was never right. A lot of the time they moaned that I never gave them enough.Boys and their food.Carter was first into the room and his face lit up when he saw the steaming food on the table. "Daisy, you're amazing!" He whispered and shocked me by hugging me before sitting down."Um... Thanks?" I chuckled and sat down next to him."Sorry, but I've been living of microwaveable meals for a while," he grinned and spooned a large while of spaghetti onto his plate.The res
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The music was pounding and a grey mist stained the air. Bodies were grinding against each other and drinks were flowing. I smiled and took a swig from my can of beer and then took a cigarette from Joey, placing his between my lips and taking a long puff. I had seen Eli, but luckily he hadn't noticed me.I rolled my eyes when Noah came up behind me, but I didn't push him away when he started to move his hips against my back. He placed his hands on my waist and I swayed back and forth to the beat of the music. "Having a good time?" Noah said into my ear and I brought my hand up and gently grabbed the back of his neck as I danced with him."Reasonable," I teased and took another long drag from the cigarette. I smirked when Joey was pulled away by a blonde girl and I was slightly surprised to see him necking on with her a few seconds later."Reasonable?" Noah scoffed and took my drink from me, helping himself to a large gulp. I laughed and moved my hips more, smirking when I felt him grow
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"Rise and shine! Wake up and sort your mess of a life out!"I groaned and pulled my covers up above my head. "I'm good.""Get up, you have school. And you stink."I forced my head out of my covers and glared at Blake who opened my curtains, flooding the room with sunlight. "Ow," I whispered and Blame opened the window."It stinks of alcohol in here," he said and walked over to me, ripping the covers away from me and exposing me to the cold air."You dick," I whined and rubbed my eyes. I forced myself to sit up and realised I was still in last nights clothes."You fell asleep in the car so I put you to bed," Blake explained. "You were pissed.""I remember," I yawned and scratched my head. "Now piss off so I can get ready.""You're welcome," Blake chuckled and walked out of my room.I pressed my hand to my pounding forehead and groaned as I stumbled towards my bathroom.Once I had showered I felt slightly better, but I was still hanging. I slowly got changed, throwing on a pair of faded
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I walked out of the changing rooms dressed in running leggings and a loose vest top, sighing when I saw the entrance to the gym.PE meant I had to see Adam."Daisy!"I spun around and gasped when I saw Beth. "What the-" I pushed through a bunch of other girls, ignoring their glares, and rushed over to Beth. "What are you doing here!" I exclaimed and hugged her.She smirked as we pulled apart and started walking towards the gym. "Adam called me and another agent in. He's doing a self-defence class. He wants to see how some potential recruits handle themselves. We're posing as professional instructors.""Fancy," I teased and we walked into the gym. Both the girls and the boys were mixed together today and I spotted Max talking to Adam."I better go," Beth said. "Don't hurt anyone too badly today," she warned and then walked off to Adam and Max.I spotted Joey with his friends and I walked over to him. "Who's that?" Joey asked, nodding to Beth."A friend of mine. She teaches self defence
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I was standing outside the doors to the changing rooms, inspecting my bruises with my fingers. I winced when I touched the dark bruise forming round my eye."Hey," Joey smiled and walked up to me, he handed me a wet wipe and I nodded appreciatively as I took it, wiping the blood that had formed below my nose. "Are you alright? You took a beating in there, literally.""I've had worse," I admitted and hiss in pain when the wipe makes a cut on my skin sting."So when you turned up on your first day with all those bruises it's because you're skilled in fighting?" Joey wondered and I nodded."It was Eli then too.""Jesus," Joey muttered. "He was brutal.""He is good at what he does," I said stiffly, not wanting to admit it."So are you," Joey said. "You two fighting was like something you'd see in a film.""But I wasn't better than him," I muttered. "He won.""Yeah, but I'm pretty sure you done some damage with that kick to the balls," Joey grinned and I chuckled. "Does it hurt?" He looked
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I gasped in shock when Jack stumbled into the lounge with his arms wrapped around a nearly unconscious Hampson. "Shit!" Blake cursed and bolted up from the sofa and helped Jack support Hampson's weight. They were both covered in blood, however where Jack was standing Hampson was not. "What the fuck happened?""It was a set up!" Jack exclaimed. "We were outnumbered.""What are his injuries?" I demanded, jumping up from the sofa."He's been shot twice, in the leg and stomach," Jack said and I noticed a dark patch of blood on his arm."And you?""Flesh wound, it went in and out, I'm not the one that needs worrying about," Jack said dismissively."Get Hampson into the kitchen!" I ordered. "Mason, swap with Jack. Jack, sit down now and put pressure on your wound."Jack looked like he wanted to protest, but Blake gave him a stern look. "Daisy knows what she's talking about. Man the fuck up and listen to her!"Mason quickly swapped with Jack and him and Blake dragged Hampson into the kitchen
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The car had been silent for ten minutes. Eli was stiff and tense and refused to look at me. I was growing impatient. "Okay, what the hell is wrong with you?" I said, breaking the silence. "You're acting even more pissy and angry at me than usual."Eli glanced at me but didn't say anything."If anything I should be the one pissed at you," I carried on. "You're the one who fucked my face up and you told Adam about Joey.""You punched me as well," Eli pointed out and I smirked when I saw the bruise on his cheek."That was perfectly justified," I shrugged."Was kissing my best mate?" Eli snapped.I raised my eyebrows at Eli and laughed. "You're annoyed at me because I kissed Tom?" I said and shook my head. "Jheeze.""How would you feel if I kissed Beth?" Eli snapped.I shrugged. "Would you expect me to feel something?""So you wouldn't care?""Not one bit," I smirked and Eli scowled at me. "I can pretend if it would make you feel better," I teased."Fuck off," Eli growled and I chuckled.
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"It's okay, Daisy," Rob said and I wrapped my arms around him and sobbed into his chest. "Let it all out.""Now you fucking know!" I whimpered. "Why I ran. Why I don't want to be here!"Rob gently guided me back over to my seat and he walked over to the coat stand in the corner of his room and selected a soft zip up hoodie. He walked back over to me and draped it over my shoulders. I was shaking and still crying uncontrollably. He then leaned back against his desk and frowned at me."I've never seen you cry," he noted. "This kid really got to you.""I hate it," I whispered. "It's like someone has ripped a hole in my heart and there's just emptiness. Is that what guilt feels like?"Rob just stared at me."It makes me feel weak," I hiccuped. "I can't stand it. I just want the feeling to go away!""It won't," Rob said. "It will stay with you for the rest of your life. That's the price that comes with our line of work.""You'll feel better," James spoke up. "Now that you openly voiced wha
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