All Chapters of One Night Stand: Alpha Mafia: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
129 Chapters
 AUTHOR POV:Even after teaching them a lesson in the exact manner he intended, which was his typical approach when dealing with people, he still couldn't find peace. Despite it being evident that they had exploited her for their own gain, there was no concrete proof ruling out the possibility of her having different motives. The fact that they could provide substantial evidence, enough to convince him that she had betrayed her boyfriend to be with him, was amplified by the fact that she even applied to work at his company. All of this couldn't be dismissed as mere coincidence.Throughout his entire life, he had to tread carefully around others, fully aware that they would invariably use anything they could against him for their benefit. Thus, he always had to be discerning about the kind of friends or acquai
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A Calculated Collision!
  AUTHOR POV:Even after successfully executing her nefarious mission and dispersing all those Rumours that had tarnished her image, Emily remained unsatisfied with her accomplishments. Her sole objective was to utterly dismantle Liya, and the fact that she had achieved her goal of undermining Liya's reputation didn't bring her the contentment she sought. Moreover, Emily was anticipating an additional payment based on the extent of the damage she would inflict upon Liya. Given this golden opportunity, nothing could deter her, especially since she excelled at covering her tracks, ensuring that her involvement remained undetected.Emily was well aware that executing all her actions simultaneously would only draw attention to her. Consequently, she meticulously planned each step to avoid suspici
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Power and Patience!
  LIYA POV:Understanding what was unfolding right in front of me seemed impossible. I had never anticipated that someone would harbor such thoughts about me, especially considering I had done nothing to warrant it. Yet, it wasn't solely her who held these beliefs; upon hearing accusations from others, a reality I hadn't foreseen began to emerge. They refused to allow me a chance to defend myself. Initially, I believed that if I explained the truth, they would believe me. However, their actions and attitudes towards me made it evident that their sentiments weren't favorable.At first, Daniel began distancing himself from me inexplicably. Though we had never been particularly close, there was a noticeable shift in his demeanor. As Rumours swirled about us, suggesting our relationship had soure
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Unwelcome Intrusion!
  DANIEL'S POV:I never thought that it would be so difficult for me to decide on something that seemed so simple. Even when I paid no attention to such matters, I always told myself that I would never go easy on anyone who even thought about betraying me. Betrayal was something I couldn't take lightly, no matter the circumstances, and that was precisely why no one dared to attempt it against me. Such convictions made me feel stronger than ever because I knew that I could achieve success in anything by adhering to this principle.However, everything began to be questioned when I found myself deep in thought after experiencing everything in church over time. I never anticipated that someone would have the power to change my mindset so quickly. I wasn't expecting her to influence me to this ext
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Uncontrollable Anger!
  AUTHOR’S POV:Having a deep understanding of his own nature, he knew all too well that his primary responsibility was to keep his distance from her whenever anger coursed through him. Once he lost control of himself, no one could rein him in, and anyone daring to intervene would invariably become entangled in the ensuing consequences. Therefore, the only feasible course of action for him was to maintain his distance, even when he felt profoundly unsettled at that moment. He couldn't bear to expose his inner turmoil to her, fearing that it would lead to a loss of self-control.He alone comprehended the immense difficulty he faced in adhering to this resolve in recent times. He made valiant efforts to rein himself in, gradually inching closer to his ultimate goal. Nevertheless, the pros
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A Risky Decision!
  LIYA'S POV:I couldn't comprehend a single thing transpiring in my life at this moment. However, I was acutely aware that I couldn't allow myself to lose my sanity so easily, knowing that only I could take care of myself. After vowing to shield myself from such situations under all circumstances, I wasn't prepared to back down readily. Unfortunately, these resolutions only seemed effective in my thoughts; I couldn't implement them in reality and was left feeling hurt.I constantly reminded myself not to expect anything good from anyone, but his special treatment consistently led me to think otherwise. I couldn't believe that something like this would occur, as even when he wasn't treating me as special, there was something about him that made me anticipate a difference. I had been mistaken
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Unsettling Disappearance!
  DANIEL'S POINT OF VIEW:I can't believe I became so careless that I wasn't even able to pay attention to her at that moment when I needed to the most. I was already aware that everything between us was not on good terms, and I had to be careful if I wanted to improve it. However, I knew very well that whatever was done at that moment could not be changed. I had to do something about it for the future because I was not going to let things like that go easily.I decided to look for her right away, leaving him right there because he was not going to get my attention any longer. However, I was not able to see any sign of her outside, making me wonder where she could have gone in such a short time. I thought she would be somewhere nearby in the afternoon, so I began searching for her anywhere. I thought she might have go
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  AUTHOR'S POV: Even though it was nearly impossible for anyone to obtain information about Mr. Green, there were a few people who managed to uncover details about his life. Perhaps Daniel allowed them to access this limited information to prevent them from confronting him directly on a regular basis. He knew very well that removing these individuals was not an easy task, so this was the least he could do to free himself from their constant disruptions. He detested unwanted attention the most, and people seemed eager to give it to him without considering the consequences of their actions.While many of them claimed to be friendly or somehow related to him, most had ulterior motives, seeking to exert control over his life or take advantage of his presence. However, he remained keenly aware of
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Dining with the Stranger!
  LIYA'S POV: At first, I had so many questions in my mind regarding this stranger I had just met. However, the way he kept talking about random things during the whole ride left me unsure about how to categorize him. He appeared strangely friendly to someone I had just met, but his manner of speaking also conveyed a sense that he wouldn't show any mercy to someone if they attempted wrongdoing. Perhaps my past experiences had led me to be cautious, to the point where I couldn't even trust people who didn't know me.It wasn't as though I was in any condition to think this way, because I knew very well that if I didn't trust him, there would be no other viable option for me at the moment. I was also aware that anyone else new I might encounter wouldn't necessarily be trustworthy either. He had
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    DANIEL'S POV:At this moment, I wasn't hungry, and I couldn't comprehend whether everyone working around me was being careful in their jobs. They weren't showing any results, despite knowing well that I wouldn't go easy on anyone if they continued in this manner. This was something I couldn't take lightly, and the constant failures were beginning to drive me to the brink. Numerous thoughts were flooding my mind, and I still couldn't find any trace of her.I knew that it might not be possible for them to do anything at this very moment. However, I couldn't understand why they referred to themselves as professionals and masters of their job when they couldn't even accomplish such a simple task. If everything continued like this, there would be no purpose in them doing all this work. It
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