All Chapters of One Night Stand: Alpha Mafia: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
129 Chapters
  LIYA POV:Even though I had the opportunity to enjoy various luxuries within his residence, I could never experience the same level of opulence elsewhere, given my social standing. However, I still felt a void within me, which stemmed from the absence of my freedom and privacy. It's not as though he employed individuals to constantly survey me, leading to these sentiments. Nonetheless, I couldn't quite attain comfort within his abode, considering the kind of person he was.Despite being forcibly brought here by him, my fear of making any mistakes persisted, knowing that he wouldn't hesitate to dismiss me abruptly without warning. This situation would leave me scrambling to secure suitable accommodations promptly.I struggle to comprehend why I consistently find myself in such pow
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Echoes of Betrayal!
  DANIEL POV:It was already quite challenging for me to find the perfect opportunity to spend time with her without being interrupted by anyone and maintain a natural appearance. I didn't want her to discover my heightened interest in her, as that might give her the chance to tease me, something I was determined to avoid. I was still struggling to come to terms with her consistent indifference towards me. I wished for her to reciprocate the same emotions I felt, without resorting to drastic measures, so I could somewhat balance the scale after enduring all of this.I am unconcerned if she labels my actions as pitiful due to my behaviour, but I am willing to go to great lengths to create special moments for her, regardless of her preferences, because I enjoy doing things in my unique way. I a
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Shattered Composure!
 AUTHOR POV:No conceivable reason could have driven Daniel to such a state except for his current inability to process the situation. He loathed himself for not immediately silencing them for their ludicrous claim, but the mounting evidence prevented him from acting rashly. While skepticism lingered, an unquenchable determination burned within him to see this through to the end.Amid the tumult in his mind, his expression remained an enigmatic mask, impossible for anyone to decipher. His anger usually manifested through actions, yet his demeanor was a constant except when faced with one particular person, the source of his turmoil. Silence enveloped the room, stretching moments into an eternity."Enough! I won't tolerate a word from your repulsive mouths. If I catch wind of you spreading this else
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Speculating His Absence!
 LIYA’S POV:Upon waking up, the first thought that crossed my mind was one person—perhaps because he had been on my mind constantly before I fell asleep. However, I needed to ensure that my curiosity about him remained concealed, so that nobody would inadvertently inform him. I am acutely aware that nothing can be kept from him once he issues an order. To my surprise, he was absent from the breakfast table. I had to maintain a façade of normalcy, not wanting to arouse anyone’s suspicion.Initially, I speculated that his absence might be due to his late return home the previous night. While eating breakfast, I contemplated numerous potential explanations for his actions, yet I struggled to find the most plausible one. He is not someone I can easily decipher, making it wiser for me to
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 LIYA’S POV:They told me that it is easier for them to work in his absence; however, I don’t seem to agree with that assessment. Initially, I felt unhappy about him not informing me beforehand and leaving me alone like this. Nonetheless, I understood that as an employee, it’s my responsibility to manage work during his absence. Therefore, I shouldn’t harbor such thoughts, as I aim to maintain professionalism. Nevertheless, I didn’t anticipate that overseeing everything would be so challenging, especially since everyone appeared content not to worry about him being absent.I’m unsure why people don’t take their work seriously, causing unnecessary difficulties for others. Considering the already busy schedule due to his numerous essential meetings, I had to cancel and
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Managing the Storm!
 Daniel’s POV:After breaking everything inside that room, I knew very well that it was not safe for me to meet anyone alone. If I did, I would lose control over myself due to the overwhelming anger within. So, I decided to maintain distance and keep myself calm for as long as possible. I couldn’t make any decisions at the moment, and I wasn’t going to take any steps that my stepdad would later cause me to regret, as I was not a fool. Throughout this time, I had been thinking about only one person, and for her sake, I had to go through all of this.I knew I wasn’t just angry with her for being involved in all of this. There were many complex emotions inside me that I could never explain to anyone, even if I chose to reveal everything to her. So, it was better for me to handle things my
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Common Silence!
 AUTHOR’S POV:Even though they belonged to entirely different worlds in their own lives, there were a few things in which they were the same – namely, ignoring people who weren’t willing to express their feelings. The reasons and emotions driving their actions were distinct, yet they exhibited a shared attitude of silence. Neither of them wished to open up and initiate conversations, as it contradicted their respective egos.Liya found everything becoming clearer and easier after he joined the company, but this didn’t prevent her from laying blame on him for everything that unfolded, primarily due to his initial absence. Rather than experiencing any sense of satisfaction, she grew increasingly infuriated upon witnessing how effortlessly he could feign normalcy, despite being aware of
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A Spicy Surprise!
 AUTHOR'S POV:Even as Daniel believed that everything was proceeding perfectly without arousing suspicion, he couldn't completely conceal his actions from Liya. She keenly observed his behavior and, despite appearances being normal to others, she discerned his demeanor towards her. This made it easy for her to recognize an underlying issue that needed addressing before it escalated. His avoidance of eye contact during the delivery of instructions perplexed her, clouding the intended tone.While others either feared him or sought his constant attention, Liya stood apart. Her desire for his gaze was solely driven by the messages his eyes conveyed—indications of whether it was opportune to broach certain topics. Nevertheless, she overlooked the fact that his mind remained unswayable; even if he appeared c
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Silent Tensions!
  LIYA’S POV:It wasn't as though I was unaware of the fact that it would be impossible for someone like me to confront him, but I still wanted to try. This way, he might think of me beyond just work. While it seemed highly unlikely that he would apologize or address his actions from last night, I still desired to do something to change his perspective. I wanted a proper explanation from him because he couldn't keep ignoring me every time, especially when it was evident that something was amiss.Understanding his motives was proving to be a challenge. At times, he would become irate over trivial matters, and now, despite experiencing a significant event like eating for the first time, he acted as if nothing had occurred. It was becoming increasingly hard to conceal my intentions, fearin
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Unsettling Observations!
  DANIEL'S POV:The sole task I had was to minimize my interaction with her, as that was the only means by which I could avoid causing her any trouble. I was well aware that if I began questioning her, it would become quite challenging for both of us to move past the events that transpired between us. Therefore, it seemed prudent for me to remain silent until I could gather all the information from another source. This approach might even enable me to withhold certain details from her indefinitely and distance myself from those attempting to manipulate my perception of her. This wasn't a secret, as everyone was aware of my relationship with her.However, her actions were causing me to reconsider. Regardless of how differently I treated her, she remained indifferent and, to complicate matters
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