All Chapters of One Night Stand: Alpha Mafia: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
129 Chapters
Cunning Manipulations!
  AUTHOR’S POV:Ciara couldn't even recall the last time she had felt this happy. Despite her efforts to sabotage Liya's life, her biggest mortal enemy, Ciara had never found any tangible reason for her hostility. Nevertheless, she regarded Liya as someone she needed to bring down to maintain her happiness. This underlying motive prompted Ciara to consistently meddle in Liya's affairs, regardless of the potential consequences. It was this motivation that emboldened her to speak so openly in front of Mr Green without any fear of the truth eventually being exposed.However, fate took an unexpected turn when Ciara discovered Liya dead. The man Liya had ended up with was not just any random individual; he was the embodiment of her dreams. He wasn't merely an attractive prospect; he was also
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  LIYA’S POV:I was well aware that managing everything wasn't easy for a person like Daniel. However, I struggled to comprehend why he consistently altered his plans at the last moment and informed me when I had no time to prepare. The pursuit of perfection seemed paramount to him. It proved quite challenging for me to determine whether I was the only one grappling with such difficult job demands or if others also experienced the same. They seemingly never received such surprise orders from him, and this observation became apparent over my extensive tenure working for him.Moreover, the excessive attention given to someone's appearance baffled me. I was, after all, functioning as his assistant until he reminded me that everyone perceived me as his girlfriend. Thus, I was expected to at
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High-Stakes Bid!
  DANIEL'S POV:Even as I exerted my best efforts to avoid engaging in tasks that would preoccupy me with other affairs, there was something I couldn't overlook—the statue held considerable significance for me. Consequently, I found myself compelled to purchase it in person, which led me to attend the exhibition alone. However, matters were not as simple. If I were to attend it unaccompanied, I'd have to bring a partner along.Even though everyone was anticipating me to write an article about ending the relationship—a commonplace occurrence for someone in my position—none of that was bound to occur. Initially, I resolved to disregard her to the greatest extent possible, believing it would stave off any complications. Yet, I was mistaken. The instant I witnessed her stepping
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AUTHOR POV:Even though winning against both Daniel and his adversaries seemed nearly impossible, the enemy was well aware of this fact. They came prepared, making it exceedingly challenging for them to emerge victorious. The unexpected intensity of the attack caught them off guard. Daniel's meticulous attention to detail had always been the key to his success in previous endeavours. However, this time, his preoccupation with other matters, especially Liya, diverted his focus. To shift his attention, he chose to actively participate in the ongoing situation.Things could have escalated dangerously if he hadn't been present in person. His past strategies empowered him to directly command his men, swiftly eliminating anyone attempting to disrupt his plans. Their ill-conceived actions were a grave mistake. Although he intended to handle the survivors personally following the attack, pressing matters demanded his immediate attention. He postponed this task, having already reasserted his i
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Brewing Chaos!
  LIYA'S POV:I can't recall the last time I managed to enjoy a peaceful cup of coffee at the office while working. Lately, I've been burdened with a lot of tasks, and no matter how hard I tried to complete them, it felt like a never-ending cycle of issues, particularly because our clients have been exceedingly demanding. Initially, I began to lose hope that things would improve. I knew all too well that if I failed to meet our boss's expectations, I'd be in trouble, just like others who've faced consequences. Fortunately, I was able to navigate through everything with the help of my colleagues."Thank you so much for assisting us. We never thought we could wrap up our work in such a short time," Samantha said after we were prepared to finalize the deal with our client, following approval fro
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  "DANIEL'S POV:I struggled to comprehend whether my men were growing weaker in their duties day by day or if my enemies were simply becoming more formidable. They seemed incapable of performing even the simplest tasks on their own, forcing me to personally handle everything, which I had little time to do. Despite my reluctance to interact with her extensively due to the ongoing turmoil, I couldn't abandon her to navigate this situation alone. I was well aware that it wasn't something she could easily manage by herself.I had never encountered an assistant who refrained from complaining about their workload in my absence. Thus, her reaction was expected, though I was surprised that she didn't display any response at all. While I anticipated her to take some initiative, she remained still.
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Emily's Secret Mission!
  AUTHOR POV:Nobody could comprehend the situation unfolding within their company. This unprecedented occurrence, directly involving the CEO's assistant – who also happened to be his girlfriend – left everyone in disbelief. They stood there, unable to dismiss the shocking spectacle before their eyes. They eagerly awaited more information about the incident, realizing its significance wasn't something they could simply overlook amidst the chaos that had just transpired.Despite their consistent efforts to steer clear of trouble, this particular event demanded their attention. It held them captive, defying any attempts to ignore it. Amidst the widespread confusion, there existed an individual within the company who felt an unusual contentment. The pieces were falling into place as
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Unexpected Connections!
  LIYA'S POV:I found myself increasingly unable to comprehend the situation unfolding before me. Despite my earnest efforts to follow the correct path, I remained perplexed by the relentless string of events that seemed to plague me. No matter how hard I tried, situations would somehow devolve into disarray, even when I lacked any prior knowledge about them.He had already been disregarding me due to an undisclosed reason, and now an additional predicament surfaced. Upon witnessing his reaction, it became evident that he regarded me merely as an employee. This contrasted starkly with what others often reminded me of – that he treated me distinctively because of our romantic involvement.I struggled to ascribe blame appropriately for the current circumstances, as I distinctly
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 DANIEL’S POV:I was already dealing with so much, and on top of everything, I received information that she wasn’t back at home, giving me the biggest surprise ever. I can’t recall the last time she went anywhere other than the company or a place without my orders. After doing some research, I knew she didn’t have any clothes or friends she used to contact regularly; it was unusual for her to act this way. However, the news that she was with someone else and going places, along with the driver, grabbed all my attention. I was already focused on her all the time, and it was hard to divert my attention to keep control over myself.I never used to think much if she went anywhere, as she was free to do what she wanted, as long as she didn’t betray me or run away. But this time, her decision to go with someon
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 DANIEL'S POV:From the very beginning, I understood that they were influential individuals. However, I never anticipated encountering individuals as foolish as them. They initially chose to provoke me, believing they could escape the consequences by hastily fabricating excuses. They seemed to think I would unquestioningly accept their explanations, even though I persisted in meticulously uncovering every detail despite enduring slight torment. This determination did not waver. Initially, they flatly denied any involvement in the events of that night. It was only through persistent questioning that they eventually revealed what had transpired, and it was thanks to you that they finally divulged the truth. Even after acknowledging their presence when confronted with the evidence, and their involvement in bringing that gi
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