All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Hybrid Luna: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
136 Chapters
31. Horrible
Esme’s POVSomehow, Diane was certain that I had some supernatural ability and was trying to probe it out of me. I sat still, watching her piecing eyes think of her next trick. “Is your power a mental defense type of power?” She asked, standing up and walking to where I was.“I don’t have any power. And if I do, I can’t know because I just got my Lycan and she wouldn’t even talk to me.”She stopped in her tracks. “What did you just say?” Right call, I hadn’t been sure but I had decided to throw it in anyway. Since it worked with Amy, it should work with this Queen that was determined to tear me apart. “I just got my Lycan after being in the sacred room,” I repeated and her eyes went from bulging wide to being filled with disgust.“And what were you before you got your Lycan? A werewolf—“ her nose crinkled with disgust and anger flared within me.I had tuned out their history class because they made it sound like werewolves were some lesser beings. Some mistake that the moon godde
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32. Running Off?
32.Esme.After telling Silvan everything that had happened, I felt much better. But watching him and Paul mull over ideas on how to get this sorted was nice.But I was famished. “Would you guys like to have anything while you talk?” The look of guilt that swarmed Silvan’s face was all I needed to know that he hadn’t thought about it.But I knew my way around his floor already.“It’s alright. Just let me know if you need anything.” He rubbed his temples slightly. It was most likely a subconscious move, as I had always noticed him do things like that back in the pack.Even back then, I had paid attention to him in a certain way, like a devotion.“Juice is fine,” Silvan said while Paul shook his head to tell me he was fine. I walk to the kitchen that’s just down the hallway.“Miss,” one of the kitchen assistants, who was sitting and reclining, greeted me while jumping up to her feet.“I would like some pastries and two glasses of juice.”When I came back, Paul and Silvan were still t
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33. On A Date.
Esme’s POVI wiped my sweat with the towel that Paul threw at me as I willed my legs to stand.I had to.With the way he had made me train, my legs felt like they were going to give up anytime from now.However, it was a thousand times better than training in their academy with some huge, scary guy as his opponent. “I guess you have seen some more changes,” Paul said as he threw me one of his sweet and charming smiles.I used to find them very attractive up until he started my first day of body training. After that, the smile lost its charm very quickly.But he wasn’t lying, I was falling flat on my ass the first three days and this time, I was still standing. So I nodded to let him know I agreed with him. “We can start the training for your Lycan this evening?” Paul said with his head titled. My brows scrunched up as I realised that he was asking me. Asking me. “You are the trainer?” Silvan had arranged all of these, and I was fine going along with every plan. My initiation w
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34. Are You Ready?
Esme’s POVI was giddy with excitement and almost certain that all the butterflies in the world were in my stomach right now. This was going to be my first date. First date with anybody. Unlike most of the other girls back in the pack, I had avoided dating human men because I didn’t want any trouble. By the time I was ready to date after my transformation, father had told me about his agreement with Silvan and my life had just spiraled down from that time on. It was almost like we were going back in time. Doing exactly what we should have done three years back. My mouth opened as I stepped into my room and saw it full with boxes. What was going on?I crouch down in front of the first box and plucked the note off it.“I got you dresses for all the imaginary dates that we have had in my head. Hopefully, one of them meets the cut with you.” Anymore and my mouth jaw would hit the floor from how shocked I was.This was Silvan? The Silvan I knew would never write a thing like this, he
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35. Little Princess
Esme’s POVI would think that spending a night touring half of the Lycan empire would have me exhausted, considering that it was larger than the human city. But all that Silvan had to do was snake his hands around my waist, and I felt every strength returning to me. “Let’s have dinner, and we can watch the night sky back at home,” Silvan said with a tilt of his head, but from his tone and the expectant look, I knew he was waiting for my reply.“I’m fine with that,” the sound of the door opening muffled my voice, and Silvan helped me into the car before rushing to the other side. I took a deep breath, taking advantage of the one minute I got away from him. All night, from the dessert place we had visited to the aquarium and shopping alley, I had not missed how Silvan stared at me.Especially since I was staring at him in the same way.It’s hard to tell if it’s the mate bond; after all, I had worked with so many men in the past, and none of them had made me feel out of control like
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36. Perfect
Silvan’s POVEsme was beautiful. The drop-dead gorgeous kind. And if it had missed my eyes in my three years of watching her, it was impossible to see now. Wrapped in the black dress that I had chosen with her beautiful hair curled up on her head, I found myself watching her every now and then. I was unable to take my eyes off her. Perhaps it was the mate bond.Her Lycan awakening meant that I could feel the pull even stronger. I felt it even in my sleep when the moon was at its strongest. But my little princess was not ready. I knew that more than anyone. So I held back every time. I saw her gaze rest on me for a little too long as I had some gelato. Swallowing had quickly become a chore, but if I wanted to keep seeing that look on Esme's face, I had to keep licking. Her face flushed, and she glanced away while clumsily dropping her cutlery. “Esme,” I called out, my lips curling up as her body jerked in response.“You are not eating. Is the food not to your taste?” She shook
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37. Desire
Esme’s POVI was struggling to hold myself back from touching him. Was it something in the air? Or the food? Or perhaps it was something about the moon and the mate bond. “Mine,” Ira growled in my mind, and the possessiveness in that one call had shivers running through my spine. Silvan turned to look at me, and the look in his eyes was all I needed to know that he felt this as much as I did. My wolf was desperately pining for him. “You are the desperate one,” Ira barked in my mind, and my lips curled up.“But you are the one calling for him now,” I shot back with a mental eye roll that I hoped she was getting. “That’s because you both are taking so much time. Get it over with!” As though on second thought, Ira added, “I might need to help you,” “That would be too soon,” I blurted, and embarrassment rushed through me when Silvan turned back to look at me.Even worse was the large wave of desire that rushed through me as his scent wafted into my nostrils. There had to be a way
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38. Whispers
Esme’s POVSomething about how much Silvan wanted this to work. About the amount of trust in me made me wake up with a new level of confidence.I was certain that something would have changed between us.Especially after the kiss from last night. This was also why I had been very disappointed this morning when I sat at the table alone for breakfast.A part of me had hoped that we could talk and get our relationship to move even faster. My phone dinged with a notification, and I jumped, a little too excited because only one person could send me messages. “Anne will be unable to show up for your training today; you can self-study— Silvan.” Great. Another disappointment.We had already covered most of the books I started with, and Anne was supposed to bring some new ones today. “How’s the meeting going?” I asked, thinking of the tedious and endless court meetings he had groaned about over dinner once.His reply came quickly, and I sat up, ignoring my breakfast.“Terrific as always. W
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39. Right Handed Men
Silvan’s POVI didn’t miss this. Even after three years. The only difference now was that, before, Father used to be on this seat I was on. And I didn’t have to do too much. Just share my ideas and show that I supported him. But now, I needed to do a lot more than that. Well, more like I had done a lot more.Unlike the last meeting, most of the councilmen sat without their usual chattering and there was barely one alpha that wanted to meet my eyes. After all, I had made Paul let them know that I was aware of the several crimes they had committed in the last few years.Some of them enough to get them impeached. And I still had more cards.None of them brought up the topic of marriage anymore and it was nice to finally discuss the real issues that the Empire needed us to solve. Every now and then, I would stifle a cough and send a reply to Esme. While I was here, I was more than eager to be back home with my mate.Especially after last night. “Your Highness, the initiation is in
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40. Girlfriend
Esme’s POVSomething had definitely changed after the meeting with his right handed men. There was a part of me that couldn’t help fluttering at the mere thought of him introducing me to his closest people in that way.And so, since then, I had done what I could.As soon as Anne left, I would go to the library and exchange the books I had read overnight. Now, I was done with an extensive plan for the project and I also had a map of the Lycan empire.I had drawn out all the important families and power structure also to know who could help Silvan and who couldn’t. “Lady Esme, you should get some rest today,” Madame Sunny said with pursed lips and I gave her a bright smile. “I won’t be reading late tonight,” I assured her and she nodded. Although there was a part of me that wanted to tell her to get some rest too. Every time I made my way to the living room during my night reading, Madame Sunny was either there or would walk in there. A part of me also suspected that she was keepin
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