All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Hybrid Luna: Chapter 131 - Chapter 136
136 Chapters
131: still alive?
Chapter 131Esme's POVI felt something twitch in my body and slowly opened my eyes."I'm alive?" I asked in my mind and slowly looked around my sides. Though the room was dimly lit, I could hear the beeping of a machine beside me."You are awake finally"I could recognize his annoying voice from miles away, I turned my head towards Kane's direction. Amidst the injury he had sustained from me, he had an excited look on his face"Where am I?" I demanded coldly."Heaven" he replied with an evil cackle.I gave him a proper stare to see that he has some wires attached to his body and then it hit me, I was still in that damned room and on the bed he had flung me on.But I thought he shot me, how come I am still living?"It wasn't a real bullet" he answered as if reading my thoughts, "it's a sedative dart"I winced as I felt something leave my body, Kane smiled broadly, "I have been waiting for you to wake up since. The procedure can only be successful when you are awake.You are not like
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132: cross my heart
Chapter 132Silvan's POVI waited patiently for the report on the plate number I had asked them to run. I was starting to slowly lose my patience as it was becoming too difficult to locate where Daniel was hiding my Esme."Your Highness, I'm afraid the plate number does not exist" one of the men reported, "it wasn't registered under any company and so the culprit must have used it as a means of distraction""Damn! So what's next?"Sophie was led inside the room, she curtsied politely, "Greetings Alpha, you sent for me"I made to grab her hands but stopped midway and glared dangerously at her."What do you know about Kane of Hammock Corporation?""Mr. Kane?""Is there any other Kane you have been intimate with?" I slammed impatiently.Her face turned red with embarrassment at my outburst, I instantly realized my fault and cleared my throat noisily, "Come with me," I said simply, moving out of the room. She followed without complaint at once."Now, do you remember the Kane I am talking
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133: noooooo!
Chapter 133Esme's POV With every passing second, I felt weaker and weaker. My heart was palpitating with fear and my body longed to be released from the binds that held me down.I could hear Kane laughing hysterically and closed my eyes in pain. A drop of tear slipped out of my eye as I clenched my jaws to keep the pain in.As if on cue, the door burst open and a fiery-looking Silvan barged in alongside Doran and Paul. There were a whole lot of guards that came in with him too and they were fully armed.I wasn't expecting it but just as they entered, Kane's men took their stance as well. The two groups pointed guns at each other, staring at themselves eyeball to eyeball.I heard Kane hiss from his seat beside my bed, "What a party pooper. I wasn't expecting you until I drained her empty" he complained with an eye roll.Silvan eyes instantly widened as they fell on me, "What are you doing to her?" He demanded and started rushing towards Kane who quickly began to yank the wires out of
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134: you are alone, Esme
Chapter 134Esme's POVMy heart wrenched in pain as I screamed out my lungs. Silvan lay on the floor, blood oozing from his lips and the cuts on his face.Tears poured out of my eyes as I stared at Silvan's limp body on the cold floor. The exchange of gunshots had seized as everyone stared at Silvan's body as if in a trance. Mustering the last energy I had left in me, I pulled on the chains on my hands with all my strength. Seeing Silvan's state seemed to fuel my energy as I felt myself break out of the chains that were used to hold me down.Pushing Lois's already cold body away, I quickly rushed to Silvan's side, not minding the fact that my chest was not properly covered.I scooped him in my arms, his blood soiling my clothes entirely. "Someone call the ambulance!" I yelled desperately, rubbing my hands on his."My King" I called tearfully, my voice croaky and filled with pain.He smiled sadly, "I'm sorry I broke my promise" he whispered, his eyes peering into mine."Who cares abo
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135: the dawn
Chapter 135Esme's POV I felt very hungry in my sleep and had to force my eyes open. Not expecting to be met with so much brightness, I squinted my eyes to slowly adjust to the light in the room. I stared out the window, different thoughts running through my mind. I recognize the room as the one I shared with Silvan back at the empire."Silvan!" I suddenly called and sprung out of the bed. My thoughts were correct, I was back home at the palace, but how?Images of how I had witnessed everyone die flashed in my head and I quickly hurried out of the room."Silvan!" I called again but got no response."Rue!""Paul!""Amy!" There was nobody in sight even as I called Their names, I began to wonder if I was in a dream."My Lady" someone called from behind and I turned to see Odelia, the young maid whom Silvan had once made to attend to each of my needs.Instinctively, I pulled her in a hug, my heart palpitating in trepidation. Feeling her body on mine made me realize that this was realit
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The end
Esme’s POVSilvan carried me back to his room and laid me gently on the bed. He tried to get off me but I wrapped my arms around his neck and pulled him closer to me. I still couldn't believe that he was alive.I stared deep into his eyes and felt tears almost building up in mine.He ran his hands lovingly through my locks and kissed my forehead softly.“I missed you so much, Silvan. I was so worried. I thought that I would never…”" Shhhh,” he said hushing me gently. "I am here now. I'm just glad that you are safe. I was just as worried as you and I feared that you would never wake up again.”He kissed me tentatively on the lips and I groaned softly as his soft tongue wrapped around mine. Being asleep for almost three weeks was more than enough time to make me crave his touch hungrily. I missed him, and now that I had him, I wanted him deep inside me.He pulled away and stroked my locks.“You should get some rest. Your bruises still need to heal and I'll ask the maids to get you so
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