All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Hybrid Luna: Chapter 101 - Chapter 110
136 Chapters
101: Demon!
Silvan’s POV“Who sent you?” I demanded, sending another kick at the bastard. He rolled around, groaning as his back slammed against a pole.“Don’t kill him before he can confess,” Doran joked as he walked into the warehouse.“I have made all the men to stay at the entrances to the street, only two are guarding outside.” I nodded in satisfaction and turned my eyes to the other men that were shivering on the floor.“You have two choices, to save your life or to lose it.” One of them whimpered from fear and I cursed at his cowardice in my mind.“Do you have a video of what happened in the warehouse, I would like to know which one of them laid hands on my mate.” If there wws any one of them that harmed her, I had the plans of doing to him ten times what he had done to her. Doran had an apologetic look on his face. “It slipped my mind, I’ll ask the men to check things now and update me,” he said and then bowed slightly. Considering how everything had happened, the mistake he had made
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102: Hidden Powers?
Chapter 102Esme's POVMy eyes fluttered open and I winced slightly while holding my head as an ache hit me."Just what exactly happened?" My voice was gruff, sleep laced in my undertone.I made to walk out of bed when the door knob squeezed open and Silvan walked inside.My eyes lit up and as soon as his eyes met mine, he sauntered towards me, a grin playing on his lips."Hey.." I drawled, chuckling with mirth as he quickly stole a kiss from my lips."How are you feeling now?" He asked in concern, his fingers lingering as he caressed my face fondly."Much better" I returned with a smile but a scent wafted through my nostrils and I scrunched my nose at him, "You reek Silvan, where are you coming from?" Instead of replying, he began to undo his shirt, working on getting out of his outfit as soon as possible."Went to take care of something important" he returned curtly, my eyes narrowed down at him in suspicion."Is it about the director?" "Not exactly, just some group of dorks" He r
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103: Exposed
Chapter 103Kane's POV "Get out" I ordered in a cold voice, watching as the blonde I had just banged scurried out of bed and groped around for her clothes.Her eyes were puffed and red with so many tears rolling down her face but it only irritated me.She was crying all through as I pounded in and out of her, Such a weakling and cannot be compared with someone as strong as My enemy's sweetheart.Esme Howell,Ever since I discovered how dear she was to Silvan, the hunger to have her under my mercy so as to get to Silvan has never stopped burning inside me.A smarty pants and body as hot as hell, the ideal lady for me but Silvan has always been the stumbling block to anything I want to achieve. Not for long though, I will make sure to take back everything he has denied me, one after the other.I walked inside the bathroom after the wimp left for a quick shower, thoughts of stripping Esme and making her moan my name filling my head.She doesn't look as easy as Sophie but that does not m
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104: Know Me Too Well.
Chapter 104Silvan's POV"Alpha" the tech team bowed in greetings as soon as I stepped foot inside the room.I gave a small nod, heading straight for the seat reserved for me, Doran bowed lowly, helping me settle comfortably."Hit me" I ordered curtly, pulling the report book in front of me closer."Your Highness, the suspects have been discovered and surrounded by our men. We are just waiting for your command to close up on them" one of them reported."Well that wouldn't be necessary, this is a case the government officials have set out to solve, we will not do more than we have already done as regards the suspects so that we won't implicate ourselves.Therefore, withdraw and send our reports on them to the police instead. The suspects are humans, aren't they?" "Yes Alpha""Perfect. We just need to create an avenue to make it appear like the suspects wore wolf masks and used hallucinogens to make the director believe that he was attacked by an actual animal That way, the government
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105: Apologize To The Right Person
Chapter 105Silvan's POVAs soon as I got out of my car, I made my way into the mansion, ignoring the greetings of the servants and others in the pack house. Paul stood at the base of the stairs, waiting to receive me since I told him that I was on my way back. The smile on his face faltered the moment he noticed my cold expression, he adjusted his tie nervously."Welcome Al.."I cut him off before he could finish."I want to meet with the members of the council now" I ordered curtly, walking past him and heading straight to my mother's chambers.Paul rushed after me, "Alpha, I know you want to go see the queen Dowager, but she's not in at the moment" I stopped in my tracks and turned to Paul with fiery eyes, "Where is she? She knew I was coming and made a run for it, right? She took her personal maid with her didn't she?" "You need to calm down Alpha Silvan..""Don't give me that trash about calming down, Paul, I'm fed up with her and her silly minions. She better remain in hidi
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106: Do Your Research Properly
Chapter 106Silvan's POVI decided to visit Sophie before retiring to my quarters to rest for the day. The last I heard from her was the day I left the empire after the news of Esme's ambush. In a bid to help Sophie, I arranged for a new medical method to aid her recovery since the works of the physician were doing nothing to her.I needed to see how authentic the new method has proven itself to be, hence my visit to her.The nurse in charge of Sophie's case was about to leave the room when I entered, she did a low curtsy"Your Highness"I returned her greeting with a subtle nod, "How is she?" I asked referring to Sophie whom I could see from the transparent show glass."Lady Sophie is better now, thanks to the humans' method of treating their sick ones, she is recovering rapidly Alpha.Her skin colour has returned to its radiant shade and she is no longer pallid, her appetite has also increased greatly.With these developments, I'm certain she would be up and bubbly in a few days"
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107: I Trust You, Silvan
Chapter 107Esme's POVAfter a lot of persuasion, I finally agreed to go out with Rue again. Initially, I wanted us to catch up while staying indoors but guess Rue had other plans.I didn't tell her about my ordeal in the abandoned warehouse though. I didn't want to be bombarded with loads of questions, Rue can be annoyingly curious at times."We can stop by a friend's place, she's having a housewarming party today" she chirped endlessly I gave her a side stare, "What friend are you talking about?""Mia, she's human and a nice person too, you will love her when you meet her trust me""Hey, who said anything about meeting someone? Because I definitely did not ask to go with you""I know Esme. Okay fine, you can decide not to mingle with anyone, we can just grab drinks and leave after sharing pleasantries with the host of course" "Count me out Rue and remember we shouldn't be hanging around late in the evening, it's not safe. Remember how we were almost abducted?""We will be careful
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108: Like An Ant
Chapter 108Esme's POV "Have you seen the news?" Amy finally uttered, her tone filled with mystery and excitement.I instantly grabbed my phone to see for myself, whatever news she was talking about."What news?" I voiced out while operating my phone with my eyes skimming over every writeup on the screen."It's about the director, the case regarding his attack has been solved and the perpetrators have been captured and put behind bars. Isn't that good news for you Esme, the project you've been working tirelessly for will kick off in no time" Amy blabbed, a wide smile on her young face.I released the breath I didn't know I was holding, "I thought something terrible had happened" I mumbled incoherently while rubbing my pounding chest.I turned to Amy with a stern look, "Don't scare me like this again, for a moment, the goddess forbid it, I thought something bad had happened to you. Why did you run up to me, panting heavily like someone who was being chased?""Wait, you didn't like th
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109: Let’s Take A Shower
Chapter 109Esme's POVAfter long hours of searching through every book that could provide a solution to me and finding nothing related to my situation, I left the library for Silvan's quarters.Besides, I needed to see him before he wandered off again for one duty or the other. Silvan was already heading for the library when I met him halfway, his eyes were filled with concern as he gently took my hand."Princess, you were taking so long, I had to come get you. Is everything okay?" I thought about telling him about Ira but the fear that it might mean something worse than I imagined caused me to let out a faux smile instead."Of course, everything is all good" "Are you sure?" His eyes were squinted."I.. Urmm.. why don't we leave already? I'm quite exhausted from the journey" I replied instead, pulling him away.He trudged behind me, his brows still creased in uncertainty."How about Amy? I don't hear her chirpy voice around" I observed."She should be in her room, I made sure all
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110: Forbidden Longing
Chapter 110Kane’s POVI replayed the footage of Esme fighting off the men who abducted her for the umpteenth, mesmerized by her strength. I just couldn't get enough of it.Watching her was not enough, I longed to touch her physically too, to feel her soft skin under mine. To have her scream and beg for me to drill her without mercy.That was one of my biggest fantasies ever since I learned about her place in Silvan's heart and it is only a matter of time before I fulfill it.I had purposely followed Esme to the cafe as soon as the men I placed on the lookout for her informed me that she had finally left the hotel room. Before then, I had been informed about Silvan leaving for the empire yet again and was hatching the perfect plan to meet with Esme.But all my plans were already close to impossible with the security guards Silvan had placed in all corners of the hotel to ensure Esme's safety. As soon as I learned she was finally out of the hotel, I made sure there would be nothing t
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