All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Hybrid Luna: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
136 Chapters
81. Even More Messy?
Change faces?” Was that a thing among werewolves now? I rubbed my temples again, the headache climbing from all the roadblocks we were getting from the investigation. With the director awake, we needed things to hurry.“Yes, during the last month, we had increased applications but there were two brothers that we found odd. They said they just wanted accommodation in our town but they also had a strange smell.” “I turned them down, however, they went to the next pack with a different appearance. Fortunately, we had a meeting and we noticed the trend by the time it got to the third pack.” “What’s important is, these two had really different appearances every time they went to a pack,” I don’t ask how because I made sure every pack had surveillance.Since humans were starting to explore the woods, it only made sense that they didn’t look underdeveloped.Thankfully, all the lands there were owned by the packs and we didn’t have to worry about new ownership.“You guys didn’t report it,”
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82. Don’t Disappoint Me
Silvan. The director took some breaths and I waited, hoping that he would say something before I asked. And, I was right. “I felt this way two days before I was attacked.” This was it. I took a deep breath, controlling my breath so that my voice wouldn’t sound too excited. “You being watched?” “Well, every now and then, when I turned, it always felt like there was someone around…” “Even in my room,” he added, his voice shaking. I nodded, letting him know that I was listening. “I moved up the date because I wanted to be around for my wife’s birthday, but by two days to the first bidding, I was already regretting that decision.” He was on to something. I could feel it in my gut. “You feel that this might have been an attack from one of the companies after the project?” I asked and his eyes shifted to the side—towards the door.“I know it is related.” I shouldn’t take his words so seriously, but there’s something about the firmness in his eyes that makes me know that this is t
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Silvan. Esme is not inside when I get back. Knowing that she would probably be with Rue and Amy, I decided to let them have some time off while I join the team that was in the opposite room. “Alpha,” all of them echoed as I entered with their heads bowed in front of the computer. “How is it going?” I asked as I settled in my chair. “We have sent the files on the four men to you. Like you guessed, the four of them are indeed related as they moved to this city four years ago.” I looked through the documents that he placed on the table. Confirming that things were indeed very complex.“I think that right now, all of them are being careful, we have been tracking the phones of the first two since yesterday and they have yet to leave their houses. As for this new two that you asked us to check, they have been doing the same,” the team leader reported and I nodded.By the time I was done with the report, I saw that while they had hacked into the surveillance cameras of the new men we ju
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84. Lost Her Powers
For one, I’m glad that it’s just Sophie. And that there’s nothing wrong with the kingdom. But once I process it again, I realise that I’m even more confused. How could she have lost her powers? Power were inherent. We were born with it and had it our entire lives. Up until my father’s last breath, he still had his powers with him.I pressed a key on the computer and watched the screen become blank before I stood up.This was not a conversation that I could have with a lot of ears around. I swiped the card and entered Esme’s room. Her scent still lingered heavily in the air, allowing me to know that she had left not too long.Somehow, being around her scent made me feel a lot better and my tone was a little softer as I resumed the conversation.“Explain what you mean, Paul.”“She hasn’t made any progress with recovering since you left. So your mother had more healers to come to the palace and help her get better,” Paul started.That was normal. I knew my mom wouldn’t want Sophie to l
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85. Leaving.
Esme. “So how did it go?” Rue asked, wiggling her brows at me. “How did what go?” I shot back, feigning ignorance. Knowing Rue, I could already guess what she was talking about, but I didn’t want to give her an easy reply. “You and Silvan, of course!” “You think I didn’t notice the black and red lingerie that you had gotten because I was exploring?” Her eyes narrowed jokingly and she moved to stand in front of me.“Let me tell you, I could even smell your eagerness from a mile away!” My face flushed hard this time and I turned away, too embarrassed. “I think you are exaggerating,” I pushed back and then took a deep breath. If I didn’t talk, Rue’s eyes and nose for gossip would make her continue to disturb me.“It went well,” although, I was a little sad that he had to leave about two hours after to continue work. Even though I had been asleep before, the moment he got up, I had woken up.However, I didn’t want to be that mate that would hold him back so instead of letting him kn
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86. Mystery
Silvan.It broke my heart to leave her so suddenly but telling Esme would only leave her worried. “Press on the brakes,” I ordered, urging my driver for the tenth time. If my special abilities had anything to do with speed, I would have used it right.And bless the goddess, if I found out that Sophie was lying and just seeking for attention, I’ll have her head on the plate.The car shot forward as the driver pressed on the brakes one more time, I could already tell that just this trip would give me more tickets than I had ever gotten in my entire life but I didn’t care.Besides, there was barely so much that they could do to me. To humans, we were sacred. A family with power and money that had been passed down for centuries. Each new addition to our family would be announced and declared to let them know who would be in charge in the future.It was also why every future wife of the Lycan King had to have their human footprints. Because they would be searched by humans to know where
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87. Trips and Tricks
Silvan.“D…does this mean that we can’t be together?” Sophie asked and I turned to look at her, my brows raised in confusion. The expectant and hopeful look on my face made me hold back on my words and asked a more important question. “What are you talking about?”Sophie looked at Paul, then at her maidservant and then back at me. I could tell what she wanted but there was no chance I was staying in a room alone with Sophie.The last time I had allowed myself walk into a trap or scheme by my mother was ten years ago. And I was not about to make such a mistake now. Especially when I had Esme in my life.Seeing that I wasn’t going to budge, Sophie swallowed and spoke up, “Your mother told me that you couldn’t have a Luna that isn’t a gifted… but now,” she trialed off, her eyes twitching.She tried to look at everywhere but me and I chuckled.“Sweetheart, even if you had your gifts, you still wouldn’t be my Queen.” I had my made up on who was going to be my Queen. And I had no plans of
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88. Sweet Revenge.
Esme.I don’t know how long I had stayed on the floor for, but when I wake up, my entire body feels heavy and completely weak. Using the door knob as support, I pulled myself up and then allowed my back to rest against the door for a while.When I was sure that I had more strength, I finally pushed away from the door and walked into the room. Perhaps, those maids from back then had known the way things were going to end up.They had to have known that things would become like this. That Silvan would get bored of me and leave.As I settled on the chair by my dressing mirror, I saw a familiar black card and my eyes shone brightly. Silvan must have forgotten this card while leaving in an hurry. The longer I stared at the card, the more ideas were coming to my head and eventually, I picked up my phone and called Amy.“Are you done?” I asked as soon as she picked up the call.As though sensing something was wrong, Amy returned a question, “are you okay, sister?” “Yes, yes. I have neve
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89. Handling Matters
After calling Esme for more than ten times with the call not going through, I was more than worried and couldn’t help but switch on my laptop. With a few taps, I saw that her phone was in the hotel but switched off and relief flooded my entire body.Satisfied, I left her some messages and got started on work. After about an hour, I got a call from Paul. “Silvan, Sophie sent a message to say that she is ready to speak now,” he informed me.My brows raised from surprise. “That was quick.” I had expected that she would take some time to think about this, and maybe even inform my mom about her wanting to talk. But she had agreed rather quickly. However, I wouldn’t let myself get carried away by her quick resolve. “I already called for a council meeting, tell the men to keep an eye on her place, I’ll go there after the meeting.” Paul mumbled some reply to show that he heard all I said and ended the call.I wrapped up the important things for the meeting and left my floor.Although I
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90. Dealing With Sophie
Outside the empire?” I asked, my brows furrowing as I tried to process what he was saying. “They run a jewelry business and the media, if they want to run the media, I think it’s better if they affiliate with Morak since it would make it easier for them to get verifications,” Paul suggested.“I’ll wait until they mention it.” I didn’t mind them trying to grow but they needed to make sure that their tracks were being covered.“Let’s pay a visit to Sophie,” I told him as I stood up and walked out of the grand hall.Paul communicated with the men, clearing everywhere until it was just the two of us and then we took another route into the side palace. No one knew the palace more than I did. I had grown up playing around these walls. More importantly, to make sure that I would make it out safe if there was ever any trouble, my father had made me play several games where I had to use the underground passages and all to make it out.Sophie’s door was wide open and she sat up hurriedly when
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