All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Hybrid Luna: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
136 Chapters
91. What’s Going On?
Esme’s POVRue and Amy dressed up in comfortable clothes just as we had agreed. After shopping, we would change into something that was more suitable for partying. Rue finally looked up from her phone after spending the last few minutes buried in them, “I already talked to them, we just have to be discreet and avoid the cameras.” A small smile broke on my lips at her words and I nodded eagerly, “let’s get this party started!” Like the guard had promised, the whole place was indeed cleared out. Since we had been investigating the resort in the last few days, dodging the cameras was not a lot of work for Rue and I but we had to hold Amy’s hand to make sure she didn’t take a wrong step. The moment we got outside the resort, relief rushed through my nerves and I exhaled.“We did it!” Amy danced, giggling at being free one more time.“Yes, we did.” “Although, I heard that the police has been made an estimate that they would lift the ban in three days.” Although it was a resort and a
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92. Missing?
Silvan’s POVA sleeping Lycan? “Sophie, can you shift into your sleeping Lycan?” I finally asked about a minute later.“I don’t think so,” she replied after what seemed like forever.What the hell was going on? A part of me was considering locking her up or having my men take care of her in case she had some scheme up her arms. However, there was also this nagging gut feeling that made me feel like I needed to know some more about what was going on here.“I’ll be putting you on house arrest and a female guard would come to your room in the next ten minutes.” I didn’t mention that I also had plans of putting surveillance cameras in her room just in case she tried anything funny with the guard.Unlike before, Sophie was more resigned and nodded numbly to my words. Satisfied, I stepped out of her room. “Any progress?” Paul asked, his face laced with worry.“I think she is saying all she knows, for now. However, assign a female guard to her room. I want eyes on her every minute.” “Als
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93. A Unique Kind Of Torture.
Esme’s POV My head throbbed as I struggled to open my eyes. There was no difference in opening my eyes as everywhere was pitch black.Where were we? The last thing I remembered was being in the limousine headed to the club.I needed to know where this was. Considering that there was no movement or sounds around us, I doubted that we were still in the car. Alarm bells rang in my head the moment I tired to move my hands and saw that I was bound. “Amy?” I called out, my heart throbbing in my chest from fear.There was no reply and I tried for Rue. “Rue?” Still no reply. What in the goddess was going on. I moved my body even more and immediately realized that my legs were just the same as my hands. Bound and held in place to something.Was this the driver playing tricks on us? Or had we fallen into one of those human kidnapping scams where they wanted the families of the victims to fork out money. “You are messing with the wrong people,” I mumbled as resolution settled in my heart
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94. From Bad To Worse
Silvan. Doran had yet to call back, but in the last hour, I had found out the stores that the black card had been used. My heart dropped as I read the locations and saw how far it was from the resort. Did someone else take the black card from Esme’s room or was this Esme. Just as I forwarded the first store address to Doran, he called back.“Alpha,” he greeted and impatience surged within me.“Have you been able to find anything?” I asked.“Yes, we found the guards and they seem to have been knocked by someone and then pulled into an empty room,” he reported.Before I could ask more questions, he continued, “I checked the surveillance and although the faces aren’t showing, from their physique, I can see that it’s a group of men.” “Also, the guards were knocked down at the entrance to a secret passage of the resort.” My mind quickly filled in the gaps and the full picture looked as threatening as all my worst nightmares.“I’ll send you an address, you can let your men get started
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95. Merging Souls
Esme.I was never going to make it through. My body was burning and a lot of memories were starting to flash in my head. I shook my head as the scene of papa dying replayed in my head.“No, papa!” I screamed, my voice resounding in the dark and empty room.“You should call me daddy instead,” my captor teased and rage bubbled within me.“You are just hiding behind chains to keep me captive,” I yelled in anger, a roar escaping my mouth as another wave of pain and want pushed at me.My pussy was on fire and throbbing with the desire to be filled up. Every skin and inch of my body was also on fire.There’s no way I would escape this.I could already picture my resolve crumbling from my lack of strength. Yet, the mere thought that these beasts in the room would touch me kept me going.Probably to play games on my mind, they had turned off the light again and left me to battle my demons alone.Although, I was glad that they didn’t try to touch me forcefully. “This lady has a self will, I
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96. Crossing Worlds To Save You.
# 96Silvan.Paul had gotten the plane ready in less than an hour and I climbed the stairs while still using an iPad to check the surveillance cameras around. I was also getting live feedback from Daron on how their search was going.“Alpha, we just found a man who’s willing to talk. He’s asking for a hundred thousand,” Doran reported and I hissed from anger.“Write the fucking check or wire him the money. Get him to talk either way.” “And he better have something useful to say,” I added. Doran responded hurriedly and went back to handling matters.“Doran, I’ll be unavailable for the next fifteen minutes, keep things stable,” I instructed and then I forwarded the link from the surveillance I was monitoring to one of the computer guys working under Doran.“Stay safe,” Paul said, slapping my shoulders gently. I forced myself to give him a grim smile that I could tell wasn’t pleasant to look at since Paul turned his face away.“I’ll keep things in order here. If you come back early en
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97. Against All Odds.
# 97Silvan.I stood there, my mouth slackened with surprise as I looked at the group of six men that were lying unconscious in the room. Daron doesn’t waste anytime and rushed inside the room to access the situation. I glanced around too, carefully checking to see if there was anyone else hiding.Sensing two cameras, I pulled out a gun and fired two shots at them and watched as their pieces crumbled down.“All of them are knocked down and unconscious,” Doran announced while still looking around carefully again.Clearly, he didn’t believe that Esme would have been capable of attacking six of them. I had my own doubts too, especially when I knelt in front of her and saw the face of one of the men. I knew him. He worked for one of the families that supported my mother wholly and he was definitely among the strongest Lycans.He also had speed as a super ability which meant that other than being strong, he was almost impossible to tackle him.Had someone come in here to help Esme.I li
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98. Lurking In The Shadows
# 98Kane. I had waited more than twenty five years for this. Probably my entire life even. I had worked twice as hard as Silvan to be where I was today. While he had everything at his disposal, I had to work my way up from the bottom and use my wits to push my career to a new peak.But if there was one thing I always had, it was determination. More than anything, I had been certain of my one goal in life.To Bring Silvan Morak down. Everything that he had was meant to be mine. I should have been that child. Yet, I had to watch from the sidelines while he played the lead role.“Master,” Sam greeted as he peeped through the partly open door. “Come in.” I swirled the glass that was left in my hands while looking at the video of Silvan at the opening of some company. The bastard walked the hero life. Praised by humans for his several charity events and the long tradition that his family had upheld to follow the idiots.All of the applause from the audience sounded like slaps on my f
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99. Worship His Princess
# 99Silvan. “Do you know me?” I asked Esme hurriedly as I jumped into the tub, fully clothed. The tub was large enough and even with my additional weight, the water didn’t pour out.There’s no reply from her, instead, her eyes are glazed and unfocused.Oh no. The thought that what might have happened might have caused a memory lapse or broken Esme is more than I can bear and guilt wrenches into my heart as I look at her blank face.Every second that Esme takes in replying me feels like torture and when her face finally cracked into a smile, a kind of peace and relief floods my body.“I just wanted to pull your legs,” she drawled, her words still slightly slurred from all the things in her system. First, she had taken some really classic wine and then she had been drugged with the aphrodisiac.“Are you okay?” I asked, still a little worried. She nodded gently and not minding that I was still fully clothed, I pulled her in.“Fuck, you scared me, Esme.” She chuckled slightly, havi
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100. Dealing With Them
# 100.Silvan’s POVA soft whimper fell from Esme’s lips as she turned around in the sheets. Unlike before, her skin had some color now and she looked a lot better than when I had brought her in. My phone dinged with another notification that was probably demanding urgent attention but in truth, nothing came before Esme. Not my empire and not anyone else. I ran some warm water in a small bowl and wiped Esme’s body clean before wrapping her in the duvet. Satisfied, I picked my phone and stepped out of the room. The four guards standing by the entrance all bowed immediately.“You are guarding the door with your life. If anything happens to the person inside the room, not one soul in your family will see the next day,” I warned and then stepped away.Even without being an empath, I could smell their fear as I walked down the hallway. It was not my usual style of work but with how things were going, I was far too worried to bother about how I got my point across to them.My phone rang
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14 Protection Status