All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Hybrid Luna: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
136 Chapters
111: Never Stood A Chance
Chapter 111Silvan's POVI placed a call to Paul, a few minutes after Esme left with Rue and Amy."The girls are out" I stated curtly, standing up from the bed and moving towards the door, "Meet me in the study room" I finished and went off the line.Even though Amy needed to get familiar with the Empire, asking Rue to take them on a girl's night out was just a scheme I and Paul drafted to get Esme away from the mansion so as to buy us enough time to plan for the big event I had in mind.The thought of it made me nervous as heck, I could feel sweat starting to form on my palm as I paced about the room.Paul came in soon enough, a mocking grin on his features as he stared at my nervous state."Can't believe the soon-to-be King of the Lycian empire would fidget so much because of a woman" Paul teased, making himself comfortable on the seat in front of my desk."What? Are you having a hard time thinking of the best way to nail this?" He continued his taunts. I gave him a hard glare"Obvi
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112: Actual Fun…
Chapter 112Esme's POVRue dragged me into the fitting room, located at the farthest end of the mall. Before I could whine about how I was not ready to get more clothes, she dumped all the wears she had selected earlier for me to try on."Go ahead Esme, one of them will surely fit" Amy added, helping Rue to throw in more clothes at me.I groaned in frustration, "is there any need to try all of these on? I could just pick one and save myself this stress" "True, but I want to see how you look like in the others too" Rue returned and Closed the curtains before pulling Amy to sit in front of the fitting room."We are waiting for you, My lady" Rue called from outside and I rolled my eyes inwardly.I glared at the pile of clothes in my hands before dumping it on the vacant seat in the small room, Rue can be such a pin in the neck."I can't believe she's slowly turning Amy to be like her too" I grumbled before picking up one of the clothes and trying it on."It fit perfectly" I muttered ha
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113: Give Me Another Chance
Chapter 113Silvan's POV It was in the early hours of the morning, the sun rays though warm were bright and piercing through the window to the room where I and my mate and soon-to-be wife spent the night.Her chest rose and fell as she slept soundly, not willing to wake up anytime soon. A satisfied smile stretched across my face.Last night had been memorable for the both of us and understanding that Esme might still be tired from our intimacy, I decided not to disturb her rest as I slowly crept out of bed.The slight shuffling that came as a result of my absence from the bed made her pout cutely as she adjusted sleepily.I held my laughter in, resisting the urge to grab her cute face in my hands and kiss the heck out of it. I had things to do and in as much as I enjoyed staring at my sleeping beauty, duties called.I blew her sleeping frame a kiss before disappearing into the bathroom to prepare for the morning court as it was part of my duties for the day.Paul was already waiting
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114: Lead The Way
Chapter 114Esme's POVI stretched my arms towards Silvan's side of the bed to see that it was cold. He left, already?My eyes stirred open before I slowly sat up from bed, "what time is it?" I asked rhetorically and turned to the wall clock to see that it was already late in the morning.I sprang out of bed to pull the curtains open, wincing as the sun's rays shone directly on my face. Silvan must have closed the curtain so that I won't be disturbed by the rays.A smile etched on the corners of my lips and as I started putting everything we had littered around the room in place, my eyes fell on the ring Silvan had given me.A blush crept up to my cheeks as I reminisced on the events of last night, Silvan's proposal, and our intimacy which was dripping with love and affection that we hold for each other.There was no faking it, I love Silvan as much as he loves me, and I am ready to be with him for life, until death do us part. He had whispered in my ears as he fucked me that the wed
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115: Gossips
Chapter 115Esme's POVWe arrived at Diane's chambers in no time, "wait here" I instructed Odelia and knocked on the huge mahogany door before me."Come in" Diane's calm voice called from inside.I pushed the door open and walked in to see her standing on the window side, her back against me. She turned to face me, a faux smile on her face.I curtsied respectfully, "Your Majesty""Please sit" she returned, gesturing towards a vacant seat in the room. I walked towards it as she carried a tray of tea to join me, "Tea?" She asked as she tilted the jug to pour some into the teacups.My eyes narrowed suspiciously at her, is she trying to poison me now?"Don't even think about it Esme, I can't do anything rash, especially after Silvan's warnings. Besides, he knows I sent for you so poisoning you will only put me in more trouble" she uttered with a sigh.I nodded slightly as she poured some for me before filling her cup too."Drink up, it's made from ginseng, I made sure to add enough honey
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116: Stay This Way With me
Chapter 116Silvan’s POVI decided to call Doran on my way back to my side of the palace. I needed to hear updates they had, concerning the culprit as regards the Director's case.As planned earlier, Arresting those two was just a scheme to distract the human government from knowing about our existence while we focused on finding the main culprit behind the attack.Esme had woken up long before now, she had also gone to see my mother and according to the Shadow guard I placed to keep an eye on her for her safety, she had just returned to the room.I missed her already and since I was done with my royal duties for the day, I decided to return to her warm embrace.Doran picked up almost instantly"Alpha, I was about to call" he uttered with a sense of urgency.My brows creased, "What's going on, Doran?" I asked, my voice was calm and collected.Doran took a deep breath to calm down too, "We've been researching the case of the Director's attack as instructed. All fingers still point to t
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117: can’t tell a soul
Chapter 117Silvan’s POVI met up with Paul the next morning after I had spoken with the shadow guard who revealed that to add to Esme's activities yesterday, she hid behind the wall on her way back from my mother's chambers, listening to some maids talk about her and her inability to possess any Lycan powers.Unfortunately, he wasn't able to provide the identity or the names of the maids in question since he could only view them from behind.I would have loved to teach them a lesson to keep their slippery tongues in check when it comes to my mate and my affairs in the empire."How is Sophie?" I asked Paul who gave me a lopsided stare."Worried about her now?""Just answer the question Paul" I returned coldly and sensing that I was in no mood for jokes, he cleared his throat."I haven't seen Miss Sophie for some time now. If you want, I can go see her after now to know how she is faring""No, let's go together" I stated and he bowed in acceptance. "What have you found about instances
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118: your Lycan is still alive
Chapter 118Esme's POVIt’s been days since Ira spoke to me and my anxiety has been at its peak. Every day, I call out to her but get no response in return. Coupled with the side talks of the servants about my inabilities, I was scared of what the outcome would be if Ira was truly gone.I didn’t need to be told that if on the coronation day, my Lycan wasn’t back, I would be regarded as a degenerate and won’t be eligible to be Luna. Even the love I and Silvan share will not be enough to convince the people.I needed to have my lycan back, even if I do not have any power or ability, it is better than being a total degenerate. Besides, not having Ira back will only mean that I have lost to Diane and every other member of the Lycian Empire who doesn’t wish me, Queen and wife to Silvan.I decided to let Silvan know of my fears once again as regards Ira’s absence but before then, I resolved to help in preparing dinner. Odelia stood not very far from the door when I stepped out of the ro
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119: only he could quench it
Chapter 119Esme's POVI opened my eyes the next morning to see that I was still in Silvan's arms. I blushed shyly as the urge to touch his long lashes and rub his flawless face nudged at me.Instead, I snuggled into his chest more and he held me even tighter. It feels so peaceful in his arms, I wanted to remain here forever."Urgh, it feels like I've been sleeping for years" I heard someone groan in my head and stirred slightly.Wait, in my head? I sprung out of bed with my eyes open, "Ira?"Silvan sat up too, his eyes filled with concern as every atom of sleep fled from his eyes."Ira?" I called again, "Is that you?" "Yes, it's me, were you expecting another?" Her snarky voice replied and I involuntarily jumped on Silvan who instinctively held me in place."She's back! Ira is here!" I exclaimed in joy pulling him in a big hug.He returned the hug, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. I could feel our bond reigniting as our Lycans joined once again. Ira couldn't be happier
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120: there’s an emergency
Chapter 120Esme's POVWe both fell on the bed tiredly, drenched in our sweat with a satisfied smile dancing on our faces. Silvan pulled our interlocked hands to his lips and kissed my knuckles lovingly, his eyes fixed on mine."That was amazing, Thank you princess" he uttered with a flirtatious wink. My cheeks turned a deep shade of red as I shyly bit my lips. He hovered over me and kissed my lips deeply."I love it when you bite them" he uttered huskily as he lay back down, referring to my lips."What are your plans for today?" I asked, trying to divert from the conversation which was starting to have an effect on my body."Well, I have about two hours before the morning court, how about we do something fun before the time?" Silvan returned, a boyish grin on his handsome features."What do you have in mind?" I asked, curiosity laced in my tone. "I was thinking of showing you around, sort of like a tour around the kingdom. I would love to show you my favorite places in the empire"
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