All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Hybrid Luna: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
136 Chapters
71. Breaking In.
Esme’s POV“Overdressed for the occasion?” My brows creased with disgust as I took in his all-black outfit. “I think you are the one that’s dressed for the wrong occasion.” He was dressed like he was attending some funeral. Kane shrugged, his eyes raking all over my body. For one, I was glad that Silvan had entered the cafeteria a step ahead of me. Otherwise, only the goddess knew what he would have done if he saw Kane looking at me this way. “I heard a person died and the project would be postponed. It’s only normal that I dress to fit the occasion,” he explained in his annoying drawl. Was the director dead? I cast one more glance at Kane and nodded, “in that case, I’ll leave you to mourn,” I said and then hurried off. There were more important things to do than talking with some haughty CEO who didn’t seem to think on the same wavelength as normal people. More than anything, I always found myself uncomfortable around him. Like some fifth sense telling me to get the fuck away
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72. Fan Girl
Silvan’s POVI have never worked hand in hand with someone like this, and I hadn’t expected it to feel this good. We were rubbing minds together, and it wasn’t just me dishing out commands.“Esme!” an exasperated voice rang behind us. Esme swiped her room card. Ann, her adopted sister that I had seen around her for some time back, rushed towards her and threw herself in Esme’s embrace.My eyes narrowed, and I pushed back the rising jealousy curling in my stomach. It had to be because we hadn’t sealed the mate bond yet. But, regardless of how many times we slept together, I couldn’t understand why Esme’s Lycan was unwilling.“I have searched all over for you,” she cried as she buried her head in Esme’s bosom.I pushed my wolf back one more time. Unwilling to cause a scene here. Besides, she was just a girl, right?Esme’s eyes flickered with worry as she wrapped her arms around Ann.“What’s the matter, Ann?” “I’m here now,” she added, rubbing soothing circles on the girl’s back.“W…
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73. Role Playing
Silvan’s POV We waited, taking our sweet time and watching the doctors make their diagnoses and treatments. Eventually, after about two hours, they were done, and his vitals seemed better.“We need to confirm if there’s poison and find the best way to help him fight it off. Otherwise, all of these would go to waste,” the lead doctor said solemnly, and one of the nurses scribbled behind him. After that, the group left, and Esme sighed in relief. She stood and stretched, “I thought they would be here forever.” “Let’s hurry; he might not be awake for long,” I warned as I stood up and moved to his side. Esme acted quickly and stood before the man. I watched his eyes widen in fear of seeing her and her informal dress.“Who are you?” He croaked out. He couldn’t see me since I was wrapped in another illusion, making him think only one person was there.Leaning in, Esme bent until she was close to his ears and whispered, “I’m here to help you.” The man’s eyes flickered, and he glanced a
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74. Treasured
Esme’s POVI hadn’t realized how exhausted I had been from the trip to the hospital until I got back and crashed immediately.My nostrils flared at the smell of food that wafted into them every now and then. “Silvan,” I grumbled, knowing that he was doing this intentionally.“Hehe, you both are so used to playing lovebirds, you are even seeing him in your sleep now?” I sat up, my eyes widening at the familiar voice and I lunged at her without even thinking.“Careful there,” Ira warned inside my head and I gave her a mental eye roll before wrapping my arms around Rue.“Rue!” up until this moment, with my arms wrapped around her, I hadn’t realized how much I missed her before now.“I have been here for like three hours,” Rue said as she pulled me in again, allowing her sweet scent to rub all over me. “I…” I could barely find the words to say to her and eventually, I just kept quiet and soaked in her presence.“Silvan gave my father and brothers a royal appeal to have them release me.
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75. Crossing The Line
Silvan’s POVI gave our surroundings a quick glance, confirming that if I needed to give him a dirty slap, or some punch on the face, I would not draw excessive attention. “What are you saying?” I asked, trying my best to remain indifferent. Because in truth, he had just one chance. One chance to prove that Esme wasn’t the person he wasn’t referring to, and that he didn’t deserve to lose a tooth—or maybe three.Kane’s lips curled upwards with a smug smile, “I’m saying that your new bitch seems to be more important than the first one you sent down.” That same word. Sent down. My eyes narrowed as I watched him carefully. This was not my first time meeting Kane. In fact, he had been desperate to leave an impression the first time we met. From outbidding all of the items I had my eyes on, to paying me a visit.I knew his type. But, now, my mind was spinning. And it was like there was some connection that my brain wanted to make from everything that was happening.What exactly did he w
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76. Suspicious
Esme. I was surprised to know that Sophie had allowed Kane to sleep with her. She was an empath, she should have been able to tell that Kane’s feelings were not sincere right?I shook my head, pushing the thought away and trying to focus on the more important news. We needed to solve this case if we needed the project to continue. But solving the case was quite tricky as the result we wanted to see was not what we needed the police to see.“If we solve it for them, they get to know about our type,” I voiced out as Silvan and I strolled around the resort. Every now and then, I noticed how his eyes moved around carefully, allowing me to know that this wasn’t some random stroll. Silvan was picking something from this.“I knew you would ask that,” he teased and I rolled my eyes to hide my pleased expression.“We have to falsify a solution that the police would believe. Anything lesser and they are going to keep sniffing around.” “Oh,” I mumbled, unable to hide my surprise. We were go
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77. In Action
Esme’s POV“That one seems to have eyes that keeps roaming around, people like them usually know a lot,” I joked while nudging my head at a particular guard that kept checking out a lot of guests. “I could swear that he looks like the stealing type,” Rue chipped in and I burst out laughing. To think that I was even nicer.After finishing the coffee that we had ordered, we stood up and walked towards the guard, both of us communicating using the mindlink.“I think we should ask him to direct us somewhere and then we can corner him there,” I suggested and Rue giggled.“Are you sure you don’t want to join my team back at home? You have a lot of potential,” she praised and I flushed from embarrassment.“However, we would need to add in a little bit of seduction,” she added and my eyes widened. If Silvan knew that we had to resort to this for getting information, there would be no end to this.Rue chuckled, the sound ringing in my head and outside at the same time. “I’ll be doing the se
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78. Switch Things Up
Esme. “Get a towel,” I whispered to Olivia even though I could have used a mind link. Sammie was holding on to the guard’s wrist but her entire body was already soaked with sweat. Clearly, going through his memories was not an easy process for her.Olivia brought the towel just as Sammie’s brow’s crinkled together. I dabbed at her sweat carefully and then stepped back to wait. At the same time, I sent updates to Silvan to let him know we were making some progress. I had just tucked my phone back in my pocket when Sammie let out a loud yelp and then dropped the guard’s hands. I rushed to her at the same time with Rue and we helped her with support from both sides.“Are you okay?” Rue asked, concern etched on her face. “It was difficult searching through everyday,” she confessed and I nodded, letting her know that I understood how difficult it could be.Sammie smiled and squeezed my hands.“You will make a good queen,” she blurted and I flushed, embarrassed at what she was insinuat
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79. Little Teasing
Esme.After insisting that they couldn’t leave us alone, Olivia and Sammie tagged along as I gave the driver the coordinates to the nearest Cosabella store. I had seen one of their adverts while trying to bypass some firewall yesterday and since Rue wanted to shop, I could kill two birds with one stone by ordering lingerie. “You don’t have to come in,” I told Sammie and Olivia while glancing around to be sure that everything was fine. Olivia frowned slightly and then after glancing around discreetly, she nodded. “Sammie would follow you, I’ll stay back here.”Unlike Olivia, Sammie’s face still had some warmth and she could blend in with us so I yielded.“That’s fine.” The Cosabella’s store was beautiful and Rue’s eyes lit up with excitement. “This is so chic!” She exclaimed running in and stopping in front of the first aisle.Her eyes took in everything hungrily while I allowed myself to also look around. On seeing the section that I wanted, my lips curled up.“Look around and bu
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80. Making Progress
Silvan.I placed a light kiss on Esme’s forehead after making sure that she didn’t stir from me putting a pillow in her arms.As much as I wanted to spend all night in her arms, I had a lot of work to do. At first, I had thought that I’d be able to work all night to reduce the workload.However, walking into the room and seeing Esme in my shirt had changed all of that. Esme was not one to take the initiative. In fact, I had been the one to take the first move anytime, and even the world falling could not have allowed me to ignore her. My phone’s screen lit up with a notification and I swiped the room card, stepping out so I could work without waking Esme up. “He’s awake.” Two words but I knew who he was talking about. After leaving the hospital, I had assigned one shadow guard to watch the director and I was starting to get worried since he has been asleep since we left.His condition was getting better since he had external help from our healers, but I needed his testimony one mo
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14 Protection Status