All Chapters of The Lycan King’s Hybrid Luna: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
136 Chapters
41. Spread Those Legs
Esme’s POVUnlike our first date, Silvan took a more conspicuous car and we ate dinner at a homely restaurant that made me miss when I was in college. The food was delicious but I liked that it helped us talk more, however, what was hard to resist was the chemistry that was churning between us. It was as though accepting a relationship made the dynamics of things change between us. Every now and then, we caught ourselves staring and I was much too needy to care about being caught.At this point, I would probably have to give myself some sexual relief judging by how soaked my panties were. “Let’s go home,” Silvan said as he stood up and then placed his hands on the small of my back once I was beside him. My body tensed underneath his touch and Silvan’s eyes met mine with his brows arched.“Do you need me?” He teased and without thinking, I nodded, my eyes widening after. It had to be Ira.‘What are you doing to me?’ I growled inside my mind, embarrassed at how I had just admitted
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42. Declaring His Princess
Esme.There’s no way I could ever get over having sex with Silvan. Even though we weren’t mates yet. It was divine and everything perfect. Especially when he could give me more than five orgasms in less than an hour. “I need to go there to make sure everything is fine and I’ll wait for you at the entrance, is that okay?” Silvan asked as he stepped out of his bathroom in nothing more than his bathrobe.My mouth dried up at the sight of water drooling over his six packs and I immediately regretted passing up the offer of us having a shower together. “Princess, you have all these to yourself after the banquet,” he teased, pulling me out of my daydream and my face flushed red.“I’m sorry,” I mumbled, completely unapologetic.If his welcome banquet wasn’t in half an hour, I would gone ahead to stop him from stepping out of this room until I got on my knees and sucked his cock and then maybe… Okay, I shook my head twice, getting my mind out of the gutter.“I’m fine with it, I’ll be read
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43. Scheming
Esme’s POVSilvan had ignored the obvious murmuring that accompanied his announcement and instead led us to our seat. Contrary to what I had expected, Diane acted nicely and every now and then, she would lean in and ask if there was something I wanted to eat.Gradually, I noticed that the hostile stares directed at me dwindled by a lot. She had a lot more influence and I made up my mind to befriend her if she would let me. With Diane on Silvan’s side, the chances that another branch could destroy his hard work was impossible.The banquet started with a lot of presentations like group dances and some drama. It was fun to watch how they incorporated their old practices into the modernity that was now in their world.After about two hours, Diane stood up and clapped her hands.“I guess that young and married girls can go and have some fun in the garden,” she announced and I glanced at Silvan. Even though I fit into that criteria, I didn’t know if it was okay to stand up from the high
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44. Trouble comes in pairs
Esme.“Who is it?” I called out. My fists were clenched to give me as much control as I needed.If I didn’t clear this up, this would turn into some nasty gossip. After Silvan’s announcement, that would be embarrassing.Was this what Diane planned? The entire time here, I had done my best to keep quiet and even subconsciously watched Sophie. Other than socializing, she hadn’t acted out of line.Guess I was watching the wrong person. Two identical girls walked out from the crowd and stopped in front of me. “Lady Esme, you showed interest in our twin bracelet when we came to greet you,” one of them started with a sharp glint in her eyes.I squinted my eyes at her. That wasn’t how it had happened. They had mentioned it first and I had admired the bracelet out of courtesy since they seemed to hold it in high esteem.However, denying that would seem fishy so I nodded, “yes; the twin jade was pretty and I complimented them.” “But…” One of them interrupted rudely, “after leaving you,
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45. Saving Him
Esme.I dashed out of the hall as soon as I saw he wasn’t here.Earlier, Silvan had told me about how this was some resort that had many other places. It was also why I had been certain that the garden would have cameras.As soon as I was out of the hall, I called his number and listened to the continuous ringing until it disconnected.Two more calls with the same end result and I was certain that something was really wrong somewhere.I walked along the hallways and soon found a staircase that led upstairs. Maybe I should have collected Rue’s number instead. Or one of Silvan’s guards.But Silvan’s number was all I had on my phone. So one way or the other, I had to find him.“Have you seen the Prince?” I asked the next guard I saw as soon as I got to the next floor.He looked around hesitantly and then shook his head twice. He was lying. However, I don’t expose him and continue down the hallway, when I saw the next guard, I was ready.“Which way did he go?” I asked with as much confi
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Esme.“Lady Esme,” Madame Sunny called out with a solemn look on her face and my heart dropped.Was he in a critical condition?“I’m afraid that His Highness has been poisoned with an aphrodisiac. However, I don’t know this exact time,” she bent and packed her box up and my brows arched.“We are going to leave him like that?”Instead of replying, Madame Sunny clapped my back and then walked to the door.I glanced back at Silvan on the bed, even though we had stripped him of his tuxedo and he was left in his briefs, sweat was still coating his golden skin and judging by the temperature in the room, he was still burning up.Madame Sunny stopped at the door and turned to loo at me, “every aphrodisiac has one solution, since the both of you now stay in the same room, I believe that you would be able to help him.”My face burned up as I understood her intentions. She wanted me to help Silvan get rid of the aphrodisiac through sex.I nodded numbly and turned away so that she could go.Whil
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47. Jealous
Esme’s POVI wake up to the smell of toast and coffee that had so much milk that I could smell it from my dream.Or maybe this was a dream. I forced my eyes opened and tried my best to sit up despite the obvious complaint from my every body part.I was too sore to do anything.“You are up.” I don’t have to turn to see that it’s Silvan and I shot him a glare.Yesterday he had acted like some helpless sheep when he had just been some big bad wolf.I had spent the entire night relieving him of the poison in his body, although, at some point, with how sore my pussy had gotten, I suspected that I was the target of the culprit.Maybe the perosn had predicted that I would have saved Silvan. That had to be it. There’s no way any girl would agree to a night of torture. “Don’t come here…” I warned as he walked to my side of the bed with a tray.Although, judging by how hoarse my voice was, I had to say that I had enjoyed it as much. “What are you saying? You don’t want me to take care of yo
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48. Initiation
Esme.The last few days had been busy. Since Silvan announced who I would be, I had to deal with a large number of people trooping in to say hello.Luckily, I had Madame Sunny, a lot of times, she turned the guests away and informed me after. Especially the really annoying ones. But today, I had no choice, even back at home, the peak moon day was always special so I hosted as much people as I could.“Next month, I’m taking you to my home on a peak moon day, most of these people don’t dare to visit my family,” Rue said with a sigh as we plopped down on the couch.Sending everyone away had been difficult but since the initiation ceremony was tonight, everyone still had to get ready.“Why won’t they dare?” I asked, confused, if they could dare to come to Silvan’s floor, why wouldn’t they dare to come to her house.“Well, let’s just say my dad and brothers can be grumpy. They aren’t the type to pretend to like someone when they don’t.” I nodded in understanding before standing up. Every
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49. Tricked
Esme’s POV“She’s not replying me yet,” I complained in frustration and Silvan pulled me into his embrace.“Give her time.” Ever since I woke up, I had been unable to sense Ira in me and after what Silvan said he saw, I had no idea on what was going on.According to him, something within me had struck at the moonstone and shattered it into pieces. The moonstone! That shit was harder than a diamond. And Silvan had claimed that I had broken it.“We would figure it out after we leave the meeting,” Silvan insisted and then squeezed my hands.“What if they ask about what happened?” Knowing his mother, she could spin the story as me being some nasty curse that needed to be killed.The very thought of that had my nerves tightening and I glanced at Silvan.“No one knows what happened last night,” he said. “What?” “I sensed something was wrong before the stone shattered and created an illusion before everyone eyes. To everyone, the initiation went well and they don’t even know you passed o
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50. Attacked
Esme’s POV“It’s not going to be such a long journey, besides, I just started this series…” I tried again and the hard look in Silvan’s eyes made me keep quiet.“I’ll handle it. There’s no way I’m letting you sit in the car for that journey, Esme.”His tone was final and I knew that there was no arguing with Silvan when he used that tone on me. Especially since this last week had just been him giving in to my every whim and request.“I agree, it’s an impossible journey, it’s probably something that Sophie planned to make you give up,” Rue said from the side and I shrugged, showing that I had given up.As I glanced at the two boxes that I had packed for the trip, my eyes grew misty from reluctance.I had quickly gotten used to being with Silvan everyday and Rue dropping by to work while I studied, and sometimes, worked.It was almost like we had been waiting to be friends all our lives and somehow, I wished I could take her along with me. But Rue had never stepped foot outside the emp
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