All Chapters of Alpha King's Unmated Sister-in-law: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
130 Chapters
Chapter 111
Anna had heard before that habitual mistrust spoke more of one's own nature than the motives of others. And maybe that was true, since all her childhood and adolescence, she had meticulously abused the trust she cultivated and garnered in everyone around her. She'd had no compunction about smiling prettily at someone then stabbing them in the back in the blink of an eye. Especially those who hadn't deserved it.If she could go back and make different choices now, she would be a far different person than who she was today... But that said, it gave her insight into the dark nature of others, too. People who were just like how she used to be, how she could have been had she not been humbled and set on a different path.Like Adrian Heether, or so he called himself. There was no way to verify his identity and it was an idiot's move to trust him blindly, but in particular, Anna's instincts told her there was something about him that didn't add up.But what could she do about it? If she igno
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Chapter 112
"Daniel...""Beth. We talked about this already. I'm not letting you go alone.""I just have a bad feeling. This isn't safe. We had to risk our lives going to Pandemonium in the first place because you were in danger. I don't want to lose you after I've just gotten you back.""I'm not going anywhere. I'm right here." Daniel took her hand and placed her palm over his chest. "Do you feel that?"Beth swallowed. Fear still reverberated in her like a struck drum, and the vibrations refused to leave her no matter how she tried to reassure herself. "I feel it. It feels strong. But it's got nothing to do with your heart. What if you really do have convulsions like he said you might? All those symptoms he said might appear -- I can't drag you back all the way there alone!""You won't have to. You won't, Beth. Come here." He held out his arms, and she fell into his embrace.They were in the pass again. The snow had abated but there was no telling when the storm would pick up again; the fierce w
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Chapter 113
Daniel mumbled in his sleep, hands flexing and curling as he grabbed at imaginary wisps in his dreams."Come back," he rambled. "Come back, I can't see you. I can't see you!"His eyes were open, but when he grabbed Beth's hands as she struggled to peel the covers back, there was no light of recognition in his eyes. There was only bright panic and a too-strong gleam that made her heart sink. She wrested one hand free to press it to his forehead, and sure enough, the burning heat of it made her yank her hand back."You're burning up!" she cried. "Oh, Moon Goddess. I need to cool you down. I'll open the window! Daniel, let go!""Come back. Come back, I can't... I've been looking for you for so long but you weren't there. I looked everywhere, I swear it. I must have gone miles...""I'm right here, Daniel! Please wake up. Please!"He wasn't going to let her go. She gave up and moved closer, but what could she do? If she threw herself over him, he would only overheat, but fanning him with w
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Chapter 114
He couldn't miss his last dose. Marten had stressed how important it was to take every single one no matter what, and that if Daniel couldn't finish the treatment then it was better not to start it at all. Too late for that. Beth would get him to down the last one even if she had to pry open his mouth and have him drink it drop by drop.And that was exactly what she had to do. He had yet to say a coherent word since he had fallen into that fevered sleep, and he had fallen further into distant ramblings she could make neither heads nor tails of. His delusions were getting worse. The only thing that seemed to help was talking back to him whenever he mistook her for someone new, so she held his hands tight and played along so he could at least have that peace of mind even if his body continued to rebel.She wanted to cry. She wanted to scream. She wanted to run out into the snow and demand that everyone find something to heal him with. Marten couldn't be the only medical professional aro
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Chapter 115
The thick, ominous fog that had filled her mind a second ago at the Moon Goddess's demand departed in a flash. The instant Daniel opened his eyes and saw her, truly saw her, Beth let out a choked scream and threw herself upon him. Terrified that she had fallen asleep and was dreaming herself, her exhausted mind conjuring up delusions of a healthy Daniel, she didn't dare even cry against him. What if that dissipated this fragile illusion? What if the slightest sound, the smallest disturbance broke up this searing happiness, and she woke up to discover Daniel hadn't made it?Only when he patted her back with a struggling grunt did she finally give herself a chance to let out the stifled emotions. The tears came fast and hard as words bubbled out of her throat, scolding ones to Daniel for terrifying her and for leaving Marten when he should have stayed behind, grateful ones right on their heels as she thanked him for being strong enough to survive, for making it through the night and be
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Chapter 116
"It's confirmed," the scout panted, face nearly blue from having sprinted so far in the punishing cold. "They're on their way here. Adrian is escorting them here as he said he would."Anna would have wilted in relief if she weren't so conscious of the presence of her subordinates. She could show no weakness even if her actions until now had already proven she was incapable of acting independently. Appearances were everything in times like this when all that held back wholesale chaos was her wire-thin composure."Good. I'll take them in my tent and brief them here. They'll have questions, but refrain from answering any within earshot of anyone else.""Yes, madam."Madam, not Alpha. For a while, Anna had hoped the Iron Nation army would look to her as a true leader with the absence of her father regardless of her sex. But that had yet to happen. They were polite and respectful and listened to her orders, but there was no inherent trust: she was an interim occupant for a vacant space th
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Chapter 117
"If that's where they are, that's where I'm going. I'll leave as soon as I have more provisions packed."Daniel steadied Beth with a firm hand on her arm before she could stand, fixing her with an equally hard look. "You need to rest. And you can't go in unprepared. This might even be a trap if Andrew knows Adrian is helping us. He could be waiting to ambush anyone who walks in.""That is indeed possible. I would recommend scouting the area first to be safe. I was his tutor for quite a while and can vouch for how sharp he is. If he's managed to lead a long game like this without being discovered by the world yet, a maneuver as small as this one would be nothing to him.""I'm not going to sit here and let someone else find my parents first.""Then I'm going too," said Anna, but Beth shook her head."We don't know if Andrew will send demands yet. If he sends a messenger tomorrow with his terms and neither of us are here, there's no telling what he'll do. You have to stay here. At worst,
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Chapter 118
We need to move fast, Daniel reminded her as he held the window open, preparing to receive the unconsciousness prisoners. We're not behind schedule but if we get held up, we'll miss the rendezvous time.Two Silver Nation warriors had come with them until just past the first third of the trek. They were waiting at the point and keeping careful watch, but if Beth and Daniel were late, they were to return to the troops and inform Adrian and Annalise that something had gone wrong. Carrying two unconscious rescues on their backs would slow Beth and Daniel down considerably, so they needed to get a move on. She shook her head. She needed to pull herself together.Too easy, Daniel murmured for the second time as she undid the rope knots with skillful fingers. I'm not seeing anyone still.Good. If we can get out without being seen or getting into a fight, that's all I want.I'll go in and help you.No, keep watch. These knots are easy. They must not have been expecting anyone to come help my
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Chapter 119
"We'll move again in five minutes. Let the soldiers know while I take care of something before we leave.""Yes, Alpha."Beth forced her breathing to even and slow as if she were still in deep sleep when she sensed a shadow falling over her, blocking out the scant light that had reached through her eyelids a second ago.Was that Andrew leaning over her to check if she had regained consciousness? If only she could reach up and slash his face open, but she remained bound with strong ropes. She would never get free in time.The shadow moved away, allowing the light to fall over her closed eyes once more. She held back a relieved sigh and let her thoughts wander again, memories piecing themselves together slowly.Her parents... Daniel. Andrew had been lying in wait with his pack warriors and other soldiers, just waiting to pounce. That bothered her immensely. He had been so certain they would be there that he had come personally -- he could just as well have remained in the Troy pack terri
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Chapter 120
"My two best are experienced enough to know what to do if things go wrong. I trusted them to watch over Beth.""The ones you said you assigned to follow the Gold Nation contingent assigned to Beth? The same ones who were caught by Noah and Anna after they arrived at Tahoe?" William countered. "Face it. With how depleted Silver Nation forces are, especially the Heether pack, you're better off traveling with two of mine instead. They're less likely to be recognized.""You need to keep your men around you. With this, Andrew Troy must be gearing up to do something permanent about this incident. If you accuse him and take this to Union Court--""That won't happen because he knows I would never endanger Beth by threatening him. Not only that, but the Troy pack always had the upper hand in Union Court. If anything, this might only convince the minor packs to side with the Troy pack when they find out the edge he has over me. Over all of us."William was right. Daniel leaned against the windo
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