All Chapters of THE BEST MISTAKE (English): Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
314 Chapters
Book 2: Chapter 42-Bad dream
“Adrian?” Adrian jumped up when he heard his wife’s voice. They were together in a room because she often had bad dreams. “Adrian, help me!” Sunshine called her husband’s name, crying. “Shhh, baby, I’m here. What’s wrong?” He hugged his wife sweetly to wake her up from a bad dream. “Don’t!” Adrian was released from the hug when Sunshine pushed him hard. He knew he was still dreaming, and she kept her eyes closed.“Stay away from me! Don’t touch my child. I’ll do anything you want, just don’t abort my child!” Sunshine raised her hands, and looked like she was fighting. Adrian quickly grabbed his wife’s hand, and woke her up again, but she only seemed to get more scared. “Jessica, you seem to have mercy. Let me go!” Adrian was suddenly stunned by what he heard. For a moment, he stared at Sunshine’s face, who continued to beg while her eyes remained closed. He clenched his hands when he saw the tears in her eyes. He quickly hugged her, and woke her up over and over again. Until s
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Book 2: Chapter 43-Option
“Sir, you need to make a decision and sign.” Adrian felt his entire body numb as he stared at the waiver that the doctor was handing to him. He couldn’t sign it, and reluctantly stepped away from the doctor. The doctor signaled for a nurse, and Adrian’s father was called. He felt sorry for the young man, and understood why he was almost stunned. Travis quickly entered the operating room, and approached his son. When he looked at Sunshine, her eyes were closed, and he had something attached to her body. She was also on oxygen, so he guessed why the son was acting like that. “Mr. Travis, please help me talk to your son. There is only a little time left, and I need to do the operation.” Travis nodded sadly before facing his son. “Adrian, you need to be strong. The doctors promised that they would do everything, so that both your wife and the baby are safe.”“Dad!” Adrian’s eyes were filled with tears as he shook his head. “Why do I have to choose whose life to save?” Travis sighed,
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Book 2: Chapter 44-Blood
Jessica’s tears fell quickly while supporting Adrian’s mother. They took a slow step in approaching them because the lady was weak. “What’s going on?” Shaina’s voice rasped as she slowly sat up to attend to her husband and son. Adrian just kept his head bowed, and his eyes closed even though he could hear his mother’s voice. Travis was suddenly worried when he saw Jessica. Adrian can’t see her, especially in this situation. He was not worried about the girl. He cares about his son, and he might kill someone in no time. “Adrian, be strong for my sister and the child.”Adrian quickly opened his eyes when he heard the voice of the person he wanted to kill earlier. Jessica straightened up in shock when Adrian looked at her as if he wanted to bury her alive in a pit.“Adrian, think about the condition of your wife and baby. Put aside the anger you feel,” Travis whispered to his son, and held him tightly by the shoulder. Controlling his emotions to blow, Adrian took a deep breath seve
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Book 2: Chapter 45-Horrified
Janice almost went wild when she found out that Jessica was also inside the operating room, and donated blood to Sunshine. She even received her daughter’s message earlier, and hurried to go there, so that the blood transfusion could not continue. Why didn’t you wait for me before taking her blood? What if my daughter was harmed?” Janice couldn’t stop blaming Shaina because of her annoyance and concern for her daughter. “I’m sorry, but I don’t have time to wait for you. Sunshine and her child’s lives depend on it,” Shaina calmly explained to Janice. “And my daughter? Couldn’t her life be in danger because of this?” Adrian stood up angrily, and faced the lady who had been making noise. “It’s no wonder why Jessica is like that because of your attitude!”Janice stared at Adrian with her mouth agape. She was suddenly quiet and agitated. Even Shaina was surprised by her son's actions. He never answered in that tone to her or any older woman, only just now. “If the lives of my wife an
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Book 2: Chapter 46-Message
“Where are you taking me?” Beth asked Cyrus in surprise when she noticed that they were not going to the mansion. “I just need to ask you something and explain. I will take you to the hideout and wait there until your son’s case is solved,” Cyrus explained before stopping the car in front of a house that was just the right size. Beth quietly went inside the house. She immediately looked around. She breathed a sigh of relief, and it was fully equipped. There is also a maid there who cleans. “Sit down so we can get started.” Cyrus pointed to a chair for Beth to sit on. Beth suddenly became nervous when she remembered that they were going to talk about her son. “What do you need to know about my son?”“Sunshine regained her memory. Yes, she has already remembered, and that is the reason why her life is now critical.” “Did she say that she really loved my son?” Cyrus shook his head, and the lady’s mind seemed to be out of focus. The only thing on her mind is what she thinks will be
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Book 2: Chapter 47-Video
When Janice saw Shaina, she quickly approached her. “How is Sunshine?“Her situation is still not good, but she has been transferred to the ICU,” Shaina replied sadly.Janice’s mood secretly rejoiced. She prayed that Sunshine wouldn’t wake up again. “I pray that she wakes up, and so does the baby.”“Thank you!” Shaina smiled at Janice. But deep inside she wants to make her accountable to the law. A while ago, her husband told her the reason why Janice’s room was guarded. She didn’t think her bad hunch about Jessica was right. She could say that they were worse than her cousins Lovely and Angeline. That they have used violence just to fulfill their ambition in life. “Mommy!”Shaina eagerly looked at the person who called her. She was very happy that Adrian’s twin was back. Arriana cried and hugged her mother, who shed tears when she saw her. Now, she can feel the eagerness of her mother now that she is hugging her. She also disappeared for several months, and now, the family is fac
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Book 2: Chapter 48-Anger
When Janice saw that Adrian was coming, she quickly entered her daughter’s room and closed it. “Quick, lie down again and pretend to be weak!”“Do I look okay, Mom, even without make-up?” Jessica asked her mother worriedly. “Don’t worry about your beauty for now. It’s better for him to see you looking miserable and with pale lips.” Jessica smiled at her mother, and hurriedly lay down on the hospital bed. Her mother was right, the poorer she looked like in Adrian’s sight, the better. She closed her eyes when someone turned the doorknob. Janice stood up after turning around and greeted Adrian. “Son, it’s good that you had time to visit my daughter. She is still weak, and she has no appetite.” Adrian’s facial expression was blank as he stared at the lady before moving his gaze to Jessica. Instead of pitying what he heard, he became even more angry. But he has to be patient. “Adrian…” Jessica’s voice called out to the young man weakly. She slowly opened her eyes, and tried to smile,
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Book 2: Chapter 49-Kneel
“Mommy, I don’t want to go to jail!” Jessica clung to her mother while crying, but she couldn’t hug her because both of her hands were handcuffed. Janice also started crying, and she was not ready for this problem she was facing. She didn’t expect that they would come to this point with her daughter. When Jessica saw Adrian’s mother, she knelt in front of her. They were still in the hospital, and everyone was looking at them. “Auntie, I’m sorry! You seem so kind, please, help me not to go to jail!” Shaina just let Jessica kneel in front of her. She was very disappointed with what they did. “We didn’t fail to help your family. You know that whatever you bring to me, I give it to you. But this?” “Shaina, even if you only help my daughter!” Janice also knelt in front of her, and begged. “Jessica is young, and you have a daughter too."Instead of feeling pity, Shaina felt even more angry with Janice. She is angry because she thought of the goodness of her daughter this time, but she
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Book 2: Chapter 50-Comatose
Arriana bit her index finger while watching her twin brother. She was hurt by the way he looked now. That he looked like he had lost his strength as he pressed his forehead against the wall. His hands were clenched and also hardly pressed on the wall. They were right next to him, especially their father. “Doc, what’s the problem, and she doesn’t want to wake up yet?” Shaina asked the doctor, crying. “I’m sorry, we’ve done everything, but it’s up to the patient when she wakes up. Her condition is stable, but she doesn’t want to wake up yet. Just talk to her, and she’ll hear you,” the doctor’s advice to the family. Travis quickly grabbed Adrian’s hand as he punched the wall again. His fist had been wounded, and the medicine had been applied on it just earlier. Sunshine was declared comatose, and his son couldn’t accept that. “That’s enough, remember that Zion needs a father.”Adrian was crying and shaking his head as he remained bent over. So painful! That he could not look at his wi
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Boo 2: Chapter 51-Suffer
“Why do you want to switch schools?” Travis asked Arriana in surprise. She had done the first semester. And now, she wants to transfer to another university for the second semester. “I just don’t like the environment there. I don’t like my new classmates either. I want new friends.” Arriana smiled at her father, and clung to his arm like a child as they both sat. Travis sighed. It was really strange behavior— a woman but not afraid to live alone. And she also wants to move in with Trisha. “Are you hiding from something? Or someone?”Arriana’s eyes flashed suddenly. The father could not see her face because she was leaning on his shoulder. When her father finds out what she has done in the province, he will surely destroy the place that she was evacuated. No more thrill then. She didn’t want to force anyone, even if she was the one to blame for why something happened to her and Axel.‘Why on earth do you want to change schools and places of residence? You feel that man will find you
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