All Chapters of THE BEST MISTAKE (English): Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
316 Chapters
Book 3: Chapter 10-Office
Arriana choked as she closed her eyes when an unknown person pushed her behind the closed door. It didn't hurt that much, but the shock and fear that she felt mixed together. “It's me.”The rhythm of her heartbeat gradually changed when she heard a man’s baritone voice— a very familiar voice. And even without opening her eyes, she knew its owner. When she finally opened her eyes, the dark aura of Axel’s face greeted her. She didn't know exactly where they were, but she was sure it was a VIP room. She was relieved that there was no one else there. “Damn you, you scared me to death!” She angrily hit the young man in the chest, and pushed him when she recovered. “Your fault.”“Is it still my fault?” She pushed him away from her again, but the young man didn't move.“Okay, calm down. I don’t know why you were acting like that. But we already agreed that you won’t flirt with that Jerome anymore, but what were you doing earlier?” Instead of being happy because Axel looked jealous, Arria
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Book 3; Chapter 11-Car
“Where have you been?” Jinky asked Arriana. Arriana’s cheeks were red as she sat next to Jinky. “Jerome looked for you, and he even went to the clinic, but you weren’t there.”Arriana bit her lip before answering. “My stomach hurt, and it took me a while to go to the restroom.” She lied to her friend. She was unable to go to the canteen, and break time was over. “Are you alright now?” Jinky was worried, and stroked her friend’s forehead because her cheeks were still red. “Uhm,” she nodded at Jinky. She made her think she was really sick. But she was really not feeling bad. Instead, the reason why her cheeks were red was that every time she remembered how Axel had claimed her quickly and passionately, she was also feeling hot. “Drink this.” Jerome gave the unopened bottled water to Arriana.Arriana looked around first. After making sure that Axel wasn’t there, only then did she accept Jerome’s offer. “Thank you!” Jerome smiled then went back to his seat and their next professor w
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Book 3: Chapter 12-Woried
A few days passed and Axel rarely show her his presence. In that case, Arriana almost lost her desire to study because she wondered why he took him so long to come back and didn’t have time to talk. She almost didn’t want to be visited by sleepiness, and the young man covered her mind. “Don’t you think he has found someone else now?” Arriana asked herself while looking at the ceiling. “Or perhaps he met his childhood friend on Aaron’s wedding day, and they got along well,” answered a part of her mind to itself. “But he promised to come back, and he wanted to get to know my parents,” Arriana reasoned with herself. “Sure, yeah. But promise are made to be broken. Don’t forget that.”“Jeez!” She covered the pillow over her own face due to her annoyance. A few moments later, she got up and decided to call Joan. “You called?” Joan asked after waking up to the sound of a cellphone ringing. “Do you have any news from Axel?” Joan’s spirit finally woke up because of her friend’s question
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Book 3: Chapter 13-Bitch
Joan was surprised when Axel arrived with Celine. If you look at her, she doesn't seem to be broken-hearted. It looks like Axel is her boyfriend if she can wrap her around him. “What is she doing here?” Celine asked flatly while giving Joan a bad look. “She’s my working student, don’t you remember?” Joan’s eyes wanted to roll as Celine was overreacting. Celine pouted, and leaned her head on the young man’s shoulder. “I’m tired.” “Take a rest now.” He turned his shoulder away from the girl, but Celine did not want to let go of him.“Joan, help Celine carry her things to the guest room.”Joan immediately picked up Celine’s suitcase. It was still early, so she knew the two did not have enough sleep because they traveled early in the morning. “I don’t want to be alone in the room, Axel, I’m scared!” She wrapped her hand around the young man’s arm again. “What are you, a baby, and you’re afraid to be alone in the room? Hello, it’s daytime to be afraid of.”Axel looked up in surprise
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Book 3: Chapter 14-Fed
Arriana is very happy and Axel has become showy with her. At the dining table, he was eating next to her, and they were sharing with Joan. He was no longer worried that Joan might find out that they had a secret relationship. And it was still fun when he was just eating in hand. They eat rice bran with dry fish, longganisa, ham and egg with fresh tomatoes. She had tasted such a dish when they were in the province, and she liked it. Even at their house, something like that is served, but she doesn’t eat it, especially the smoked fish. She only showed elegance in the province, so she was forced to eat. “Try this.” It was Joan who looked away from the two when Axel fed her friend with just his hand.Arriana liked the food even more and Axel’s finger touched her lips. He peels the smoked fish, takes its flesh, and removes the thorn before feeding it to her. If Joan hadn’t been in front of them, she might have made another mistake. She tried to eat by hand, but she struggled and it spre
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Book 3: Chapter 15-Advice
“Hello, sir, how are you doing?” Axel politely greeted his new business partner. As like as before, he was still wearing sunglasses, and they met at the beach. Travis smiled at the young man, and let him sit next to him. “I heard you just came back from the province, did I bother you a lot?”“Not at all, sir,” he said, and took the coconut water that the gentleman offered him. “You seem stressed. If you are burdened by the work I gave you, I can help you,” Travis commented on the young man’s appearance. Axel quickly adjusted his polo’s collar, and smiled at the gentleman. “Don’t worry, sir, and it’s not because of work. There’s just a little problem in the family.” Travis nodded before sipping his juice with a straw. “Sometimes, our lives become complicated, especially for a young man like you when your parents don’t like the woman you fell in love with.”Axel stared at the gentleman. It’s like he found a friend to vent his anger on. “You’re right about that, sir.”“Looks like I g
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Book 3: Chapter 16-Attitude
“You’re brave now?” Renalyn sneered at Arriana. “No, I just don’t like what you did to my friend. Even if your family sends her to school and feeds her, you still have no right to hurt her,” she calmly defended and explained to the lady. “You don’t care what I do to her because she made a mistake. And if you don’t want to be like her, get out of here!” Renalyn stared at the young woman with glazed eyes.Annoyed, Arriana slapped the lady’s finger and pointed at her face. She took a deep breath and tried to calm herself down. “As far as I know, this is Axel’s house. And don’t make the mistake of putting your hand on my skin, because even if you are Axel’s mother, I can beat you.”Renalyn stared at the girl in disbelief. In her whole life, no one dared to answer her like that, even from a lower class of people.“You’ve seen that, Mommy? She’s arrogant and dumb. She’s only kind when Axel is around.”Arriana glared at Celine, who was good at inciting the lady to dislike her even more. “
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Book 3: Chapter 17-Disbelief
When Axel got home, he immediately looked for his mother. He received Arriana’s message earlier and informed him that she was going home with Joan. “Axel, son, it’s good that you’re home. I cooked you and Celine’s favorite food.” She happily approached her son, but her hug was interrupted when he spoke. “Why didn’t you tell me you were coming and suddenly?” “Aren’t you happy that I’m here?” she asked her son in a tone of concern. “Mom, I know you didn’t come just to see me,” he responded coldly to his mother. Suddenly, Renalyn’s face hardened, and she was also angry with her son. “Looks like that woman reported to you right away! Whatever she said was a lie—”“She didn’t say anything else, Mom. But I know you, you won’t rush here from afar without reason.”“I don’t like that woman, Axel! Do you know what she did to Celine? If I hadn’t come, she might have been in the hospital!” Axel sighed and rubbed his neck. The arrival of his mother was adding to his headache. “That bitch, s
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Book 3: Chapter 18-Desperate
Joan sleepily opened the door for her friend. She had actually fallen asleep by the time Arriana returned. She didn’t know where she had gone with Axel, and it took her a few hours to get back. “Go back to sleep, I’m sorry I disturbed your sleep.” Smiling, Arriana put the cellphone on the mini table, and went straight to the bathroom. Joan just shook her head as her gaze followed her friend. She was limping, but obviously happy. Joan shrugged, and she just went back to sleep. She didn’t want to think about anything bad. Arriana took a shower again and she was sticky. Because the sweat and the smell of their cum have mixed in her body. It seems that Axel didn’t just ejaculate twice earlier. Her hips and back also hurt because it was cramped inside the car.After coming out of the bathroom, she was wearing only a bra and panties and covered with a bathrobe. Fortunately, her friend is asleep again. She was not sleepy even though it was past eleven at night. Axel promised earlier that
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Book 3: Chapter 19-Guilt
The next day, Renalyn angrily waited for her son to come down the stairs. “Not now, Mom, I have to leave early.” Axel had preceded the mother. “Are you that heartless? I am your mother, and you endured me last night? You didn’t even care if I ate or not because of my resentment at you?” Axel breathed softly, and suddenly felt guilty. His mother’s face showed sadness, and it was obvious that she did not sleep well. “I’m sorry, Mom, but you know what you did to Joan was wrong.” “We both know here that it was not just because of Joan that I was acting like that, Axel!”“Mom, please...”“No, we need to talk now! Ever since you met that woman you have stopped respecting and appreciating me as your mother!” Renalyn angrily scolded her son. Axel sighed before hugging his mother. He loves her and, as much as possible, he doesn’t want to give her a resentment. “Mom, it’s not Arriana’s fault. You just hated her before. That’s why you two don’t get along.”Annoyed, Renalyn pushed her son. “
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