All Chapters of THE BEST MISTAKE (English): Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
314 Chapters
Book 2: Chapter 52-Province
“Why are you looking for that girl? That’s what we wanted, right? That she would leave this town, so she wouldn’t trouble your brother!” Renalyn spoke angrily to the eldest son. “Mom, something happened to us, and she might get pregnant!” There was irritation in Axel’s voice. Joan breathed while covering her own mouth when she heard what Axel said. She slowly left where she was hiding before anyone saw her there. “What did you do, Arriana?” Joan preached to her friend in her mind. She quickly grabbed the cell phone from her pocket and called her friend. She wants to scold her for leaving a mess in the family they serve. But she was very disappointed because her number still could not be contacted.Joan shook her head. At first, she thought it was Aaron, whom she had an interest in. But when she saw the eldest son of the family, her interest suddenly changed. She thought at first that her friend was not serious. But because of what she heard earlier, Cupid’s arrow really hit her th
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Book 3:Chapter 1-Arriana
“Mr. Aragon, it’s nice to meet you!” greeted Dexter, who is the founder of such an agent agency. “Nice to meet you too!” Axel shook hands with the man. “I’m glad you chose our agency. One of our agents is perfect and vacant right now.” Dexter introduced Jay to Axel. Axel quickly shook hands with the man who was going to do the job. The folder containing the information was immediately given to him. Jay frowned slightly when he saw that the woman’s details were incomplete.“I’ll leave it up to you to find her. This is my calling card. Just let me know if you need anything else.” Jay accompanied the client to his feet and shook his hand. “Thank you, you can count on me doing everything to find her.” Axel also said goodbye to Dexter and decided to leave. He went straight to the office and took care of his business. A week passed and Jay’s work had results. “I didn’t discover his true personality, but I found out where she attends university now.”Axel immediately took the folder c
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Book 3: Chapter 2-Her professor
Arriana was still unable to speak to defend herself due to shock. She couldn’t believe that Axel was in front of her right at that moment. Damn, she couldn’t even understand her own feelings now. Was it because she was happy to see the man, or because she was nervous that she would be scolded? With so many opportunities to see each other again, why in this kind of situation? “Don’t you have a tongue, Ms. Arriana?” the Dean asked the girl flatly.“Ma’am, she pushed me, and Joy wanted to help me, so we both fell down,” Ann reported tearfully. Arriana’s gaze shifted to the two who were still on the floor when Axel approached them. She didn’t know why Axel was there. And it seems like he doesn’t know her, or doesn’t recognize her. She frowned when he first touched Joy. So, before his palm touched the woman’s arm, she moved quickly. “I will help her.”Axel’s facial expression was blank as he looked at Arriana. Arriana smiled even though the situation was awkward. She just didn’t want Ax
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Book 3: Chapter 3-Result
“Why did it take you so long?” Jinky asked Arriana. They finished eating snacks, and they are already in the classroom. Arriana tiredly sat next to Jinky, and didn’t want to respond.“How is cleaning alone in a dirty room?” Joy teasingly asked Arriana. Arriana smiled at the woman. “Happy.”Joy’s eyebrows twitched, and she knew that the woman was only covering up her true feelings. “Really? Is it really fun to clean in a smelly and hot place? Look at yourself.”Everyone looked at Arriana’s clothes. There was dirt on it, and the girl’s face was also red, a sign that she was heated up.Instead of cringing, Arriana smiled. She was happy because she had the chance to be alone with Axel earlier. Even if she spends a day as a prisoner there and cleans up, it’s fine as long as the young man is with her. “Did something good happen earlier that I don’t know about?” Jinky asked her friend curiously. The girl’s smile was strange, and she seemed to be happy about the punishment.Arriana just mo
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Book 3: Chapter 4-Dirty mine
Arriana intended to show off the flower that Jerome gave her. Joy snobbed Arriana and led her to sit in the front. She was excited about seeing their new professor. Arriana just let Joy go. She prefers to sit in the back, so no one can see her. When Axel entered the classroom, they immediately made noise and greeted the young man. It is obvious to women to feel thrilled to see a handsome and macho professor. She frowned and Axel didn’t seem to have any intention of looking for where she was sitting. She didn’t take her eyes off him, until she heard his baritone voice. “It’s not flowers that should be on the desk, but books, Ms. Arriana.”Arriana’s mouth fell open as she looked at Axel. He was still not looking at her while arranging his things on the table. She thought that he did not see or notice her. “Does he have a third eye?” she whispered. When Axel raised his head, his gaze was directed at her, she smiled and did not follow his order. When her classmates turned to her, she
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Book 3: Chapter 5-Overnight
Joan scratched her head when she remembered that she was not staying at her own house. It was not like before when she lived in the dormitory, so it was fine for Arriana to visit her. She only saw the mistake now that she had received the text message from her friend, who was already outside the gate. What’s worse is that she didn’t ask permission from her boss before receiving a guest. “Maybe he won’t be angry if he sees me?” Arriana pouted, and felt bad at her friend when she told her that she couldn’t stay long.Joan suddenly thought, and put her hands over her waist as she remembered why she had sent her there to discuss. Arriana smiled when her friend pulled her into Axel’s house. The house was huge, and she liked the garden. She seemed to want to live there too. “What time is he coming home?”“Shut up and don’t ask questions!” Joan said to her friend unkindly when they entered her room. Arriana ignored her friend’s rudeness. She looked around her room. “Are you the only one w
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Book 3: Chapter 6-Seduce
Arriana gasped when Axel kissed her lips impetuously. She felt a mixture of anger and excitement as he kissed her. And she knew that he was angry because he proved that she could seduce him even when he wasn’t drunk. Arriana willingly took off her top while her lips connected with the young man’s. She was able to remove her clothes easily because they were buttoned. Axel almost used up his strength in the kiss. She didn’t think he was more aggressive when he hadn’t been drinking. If they weren’t both out of breath, he wouldn’t have let go of her lips. Arriana did not lose to kiss and feel the young man’s body. She pushed him to lay down on the bed, and she was on top of him. She preceded with a kiss on his neck as her right hand felt freely along his muscular shoulder, towards his hard chest. This is exactly the body that was formed in her imagination before. If it wasn’t for someone like Axel, she would just face San Pedro as a virgin.“Fuck! Calm down, Arriana.” Axel was breathles
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Book 3: Chapter 7-Temptation
When she was sure that Axel was asleep, Arriana slowly got up. She had to go back to Joan’s room, and she might wake up without her. She also didn’t want Axel to see her there once he woke up. She was not ready for his sermon. He will surely be angry again because she is the one who took the step to make something happen to them. However, it was true that she had been taking pills since the day that something special happened between her and Axel. She learned how to drink it because of the doctor’s prescription. Before finally getting out of bed, she couldn’t stop herself from observing the young man’s handsome face. His bare chest also protruded from the blanket, so she was tempted again. “Goodness! That’s enough for now, Arriana. Don’t look down!” she chastised herself, but her eyes seemed to have their own mind. They looked down voluntarily until she could see Axel’s proud masculinity.Arriana swallowed her own saliva. Even with a blanket over him, she could still see his healthy
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Book 3: Chapter 8-Clinid
Arriana was disappointed when the class ended, and Axel left the classroom earlier than them. She heard that he had an important appointment with the chancellor. “Let’s go to the hang-out place,” Jinky invited Arriana as she collected her things away, and put them in her bag. “You go first. I’m just going to the library.”“Why does my best friend look sad?” Jinky jokingly asked when her friend seemed not in the mood. “Just lack of sleep.” She yawned. After a while, she thought of a way to have an excuse to miss her next subject. “What are you really doing, and you lack sleep?” Jinky stroked her friend’s forehead, but it was not warm. “I’m dizzy. Could you take me to the clinic? I’d like to rest for a bit.”Jinky quickly supports her friend, and accompanies her to the clinic. “Thank you, you can leave me here.” She forced Jink away.“Are you sure?” Jinky hesitated. Arriana nodded with a smile, and closed her eyes. The nurse checked on her, and let her just rest there. When her f
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Book 3: Chapter 9-White lies
“Where have you been?” Shaina greets her husband and kisses him on the lips. “I was just checking on our young lady at her school.” Travis lied to his wife. “It’s good. I’d also like to visit her there to find out if she’s doing well at that school.” Travis put his arms around his wife, and they walked towards Adrian’s room. Every time he comes home, the second person he greets is Sunshine. “Don’t worry about your girl. Someone is watching over her.” “Your daughter might be angry when she finds out that you are secretly watching over her?” Travis smiled at his wife, he did not tell her what Arriana was doing, and as a mother, she would not allow her that. “I’m just supporting her, but I’m making sure she doesn’t get hurt and lose her way.”Her worries had been at ease by what she heard. Shaina has faith in her husband, and she knows that he is always thinking of the welfare of their children. “Oh, how is my grandson?” Travis kissed Adrian’s son on the forehead and cheek. Shaina
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