All Chapters of Becoming the Alpha's Pawn : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
90 Chapters
Chapter Forty One
I hear his footsteps behind me as I make my way up the stairs to my room but I don't do him the honor of turning around.“Valeria”. He calls out. I hear him loud and clear but I give no indication that I do. Rounding the corner to my room, I feel his fingers wrap around me as he spins me around aggressively to face him. “You heard me”. He growls. “I'm not causing a scene in the hallway with you”. I hiss angrily. “If you want to talk, we do it behind closed doors”. I yank my hand aggressively from his and make my way towards my room. The gamma at my door definitely heard our exchange but his face remains stony as ever as he reaches over and pushes the door open for me. The sense of nostalgia is overwhelming for me. Growing up, I had to witness this kind of exchange between my parents a lot, where they tried to keep up a perfect image in public but were at each other's throats in private. “If you want to talk….we do it behind closed doors”.....I literally have an image of my mum saying
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Chapter Forty Two
My body bucks against the force of his thrust and I instinctively reach over my head to grip the arm of the settee. He withdraws slowly, plunging into me again in one aggressive thrust. I cry out. He's much bigger than I first saw and he stretches me out. But I feel no pain, I'm damn well aroused for this man, the wetness dripping out of me, serving as the perfect lubrication for his size. “I've been…thinking…about you….for so long, kitten”. Each word is accompanied by a thrust that rocks my insides. When I feel his cock rub against my G-spot, it feels like I'm about to convulse in pleasure. He grabs both of my hips in his hands and I know this is the perfect opportunity to drive him crazy. Bringing my second arm up to cling to the arm of the seat, I elevate my hips just a fraction and begin to ride his cock. He pauses, his fingers digging into the skin of my hips and when I glance back, I see that his head is thrown back in pleasure, his eyes halfway closed. He's reaching that peak,
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Chapter Forty Three
When I wake up the next morning, I'm in bed. I reach for the space beside me on the bed but there's no one there. I open my eyes groggily and glance around the room, it's already day break and yes, I'm alone. I don't even remember how I got into bed to be honest. Draaven must have carried me in at some point. Yesterday was magical. Each time, we thought we were done, it only took a little spark to have everything going down again. I lost count of how many times we had held each other thinking it was over now and then we'd go another round again. This is what it feels to be totally physically attracted to someone. Every little touch of his had me wanting him and even thinking of it right now has my pussy soaking up a little.Hesitantly, I reach down, my hands traveling down my body to the apex of my thighs. Bringing my legs up, I touch myself down there to see that there's already a slickness. I'm mighty sore but that doesn't mean I don't want more, more of him. I close my eyes and let
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Chapter Forty Four
I shower with all my favorite scents, the oils, the bath bombs and the perfumes. When I'm very satisfied, I come out of the bathroom in a cloud of steam, heading towards the closet to choose an outfit. I'm just about to reach into the rack of lingeries when I pause mid way. Would it seem as though I'm trying too hard? I contemplate for a minute before making up my mind. And so I reach into my rack of shirts and pull out an oversized dress shirt that was probably meant to be worn fashionably with boots or something. My heart leaps in my chest when I hear the door to my room open. Isn't it too early? It's not yet 9pm. When I come out, I see that it's only Edna, and she has brought in platters of food and is setting them up at my dining table. If only she knew. I doubt those foods will be getting touched tonight. “It smells good in here”. Edna says with a smile on her face as she takes in my dressing. I fight the heat that rises in my face. Damnit, she knows way too much. “I used a ne
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Chapter Forty Five
For some reason, my days suddenly seem brighter. I now spend most of my nights with Draaven and even though we spend most of that time having sex, a couple of times we engage in conversations that give me a glimpse of who he is as an individual. When he's not being Draaven Ventura, the alpha, or Draaven, the big brother, he's quite interesting to talk to. In the past few days, we've shared dinner, drinks, laughter, our bodies….so much that it's beginning to feel like we are an actual couple. When I catch myself enjoying the moments just a little too much, I have to make mental efforts to bring myself back, remind myself that this is all it's ever going to be and it would do me good to stop my heart from further straying.Throughout our interactions, a couple of things have struck me as peculiar. Draaven never spends the night in my room and he most definitely, has never taken off his shirt in front of me. For the first observation, he gets into bed with me when we retire for the night
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Chapter Forty Six
Van doesn't look at all pleased about being held back by me but I don't care. I push up from my seat, taking slow, confident strides towards him.“It's obvious that we have a lot to discuss, don't we?”. He doesn't say anything, just stares down his nose at me. I stop a few steps away from him, bringing my hands up to fold across my chest. “If it's not yet obvious, your competency is very questionable, Lord Van”.He has the audacity to look very offended by my statement when it was literally just evident in the meeting. “Oh?”. He says.“Mmhmm, yes”. I lean against the table, bringing my arms behind me to support my weight. “Do you know what it entails to lead a documentation team?”. He laughs, a cold, bitter chuckle that sounds like metal grating on metal.“Pray do tell. Tell me what it entails, Luna”. Every syllable that comes out of his mouth is inflected in the most noteworthy dose of condescension. “I guess you didn't read the manual for your job then”. The smile falls off his fac
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Chapter Forty Seven
I hear the words crystal clear.“Lord Van Djik has been found dead. Outside, in the gardens”. In a split second, all forms of laxity that had been on Draaven's face disappears and just like that, he's back to Alpha Draaven again. He pauses for a full second before pushing up to his feet, heading out without as much as a word to me or the gamma that had brought the message. I push up to my feet in haste and make to follow him but he turns around so swiftly. “Stay here”. He says, his voice low and commanding. What's the essence of this? If a body has been found in our environment, it's of concern to me too.“This is very much my business…..”.“I said stay back, Valeria. Please”. He doesn't raise his voice one bit but every word is infused with enough authority to make anyone cower. Still, he said please. I guess that's something. He storms out of the doors but not before he whispers to the gamma to ensure that I stay inside. I glare at the both of them hotly. Like the gamma could stop
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Chapter Forty Eight
When the door closes behind the detective, I fall back onto my seat, my eyes wide in shock. I can still hear his voice echoing in my head. Wolfsbane….he said. In that particular moment, it felt like I have never dreaded a word more. They are back. It has to be them. It has to be. The same people who attempted to kill me are back again. I push up to my feet, the room suddenly feeling stuffy. Or is it my shirt? I reach up, loosening the neckline of my shirt in the hopes that it'll make me feel better. It doesn't. Focusing on my breathing exercises, I walk around the room, practicing all the old tricks to calm down. Counting numbers, identify objects, thinking of colours. I guess some things never get old because they do work. When I'm as calm as I can be, I settle back down into my seat and try to talk myself out of this. Maybe I'm wrong. Maybe I'm paranoid. Maybe I'm losing my marbles….heck in this moment, I'd rather receive a diagnosis that I'm crazy than have to confirm my suspicion
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Chapter Forty Nine
“Mauve or blush pink?”. Edna asks, holding up two very different dresses from my closet. I don't hesitate to make my choice.“Blush pink”. I say. It's an off the shoulder summer dress with full cap sleeves. I'm not really sure what theme the evening is based on but I really don't think it's going to be a grand affair. This is Trish after all. Today is her birthday. And I had only found out this morning when a strange man had led a full serenade up to our front gates in the wee hours of the morning. Not even Tricia’s unimpressed face had deterred him from his mission, as he had sung his heart out along to an orchestra and into the drastically large bouquet flowers he has been clutching. Upon inquiry, I had found out that he was the heir to the leading brewery company of the pack, I'd have never guessed. Apparently, he has always made his interest in Trish known and took every chance he gets as an excuse to shower her with affection. Apparently, this has been going on for three years to
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Chapter Fifty
Finally, Trish lets go of him and he stalks forward towards the table.“You can take the head seat”. Trish says hurriedly and makes forward, taking off the single balloon that had been placed on the seat meant for the starcelebrant. She doesn't seem to mind, she's just very excited that her brother showed up for her birthday. Makes me wonder if Jade will ever be this excited to simply….have me na. I expect him to say a no, thank you but he only nods in acknowledgement and truly approaches the seat. When he gets to the back of my own chair, he reaches out, running his fingers lightly over the bare skin of my shoulder. Goosebumps explode on my skin at the sensation of his touch. I hold his gaze as he pulls out his seat and when he winks at me, I feel my knees actually turn to jelly, thank fucking goodness that I'm seated..The omegas on duty each of us some wine and we raise a toast to the birthdy girl. And all this while, Draaven's eyes don't levve my face. I don't get why he's staring
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