All Chapters of Becoming the Alpha's Pawn : Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
90 Chapters
Chapter Fifty One
We begin packing for my trip the next day. I had asked Draaven where we were headed but he had simply told me that it was a surprise and to just carry bikinis. That had gotten me massively excited. The beach life was a staple in the south but since coming here, I've not heard of or seen any beaches around. I hope there's more sunshine where we are going, more warmth. If I see one more place with ice capped mountains, I'm going to lose my mind.I can't even hide my excitement all through the day and that transfers to Edna too by default. We are both in really high spirits as we deliberate on what to pack and how much to pack. It feels damn good to just think about…nice things, no stress, no work…. just me….and Draaven. Trish joins us sometime along the evening and she brings along a bag of snacks.“Woah what's all that?”. I chuckle as she dumps the truckload of junk on my bed. I know none of these snacks. I guess our ways of lives in both packs were really totally different.“What?”. S
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Chapter Fifty Two
I'm shown to my room and I must say, I'm heavily impressed. In the middle of the island is a sprawling glass complex with rooms on every floor. I have been brought to the 8th floor and from what I can see, we are the only ones on it. If a pack leader is occupying every floor, that means there are 11 pack leaders present. That's a lot of power in one place. My gammas take my luggage in and the one who seems to be the leadee informs me that they'll be taking turns of two standing outside my door. I don't think it's necessary in all honesty but that's their job and sole purpose of being here after all. And if Draaven had sent them along with me, he must have had his reasons. The three attendants who had attended to me organized my things into the closet snd inform me that if I needed their services, I just had to pull the bell. When I was finally left alone and the door shut behind me, I turn the lock immediately and sigh in reliefI've been craving a lot of space since I got on that jet
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Chapter Fifty Three
We are led into the dining room and I make a point of choosing a seat from the hosts….Troy in particular. Among the guests, there's a Luna who has actually come alone too. In my desperate situation, I'm a bit tempted to befriend her, just so I can have company while keeping Troy’s eyes off my chest. But she's so not young, and I can't begin to even imagine why she would have come alone. She's also a bit on the reserved side and I can't tell she's not having a good time at all. Sitting beside her during dinner would be a good time to spark up some conversations. The gamma is just about to pull out my seat for me when Troy’s voice travels through the room.“Valeria….”. He calls. I turn sharply, as does everyone in the room. I'm so embarrassed. “There's a seat here for you and Draaven. If you don't occupy it, no one will”. The seat he talks about is directly opposite theirs and right now, I wonder what he's trying to do. Regardless, everyone in the room is looking and if I refuse to sit
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Chapter Fifty Four
There's a collective gasp in the room and I push up from my seat hurriedly, lunging at Draaven. There's a dangerous glow in his eyes and his jaw is set hard as he continues to stalk forward towards Troy, his hands flexing angrily by his side.“Draaven”. I call out. “Draaven!!!!!”. My arms are wrapped tightly around his torso and I'm giving it my physically possible best to stop him from proceeding. A couple of the other alphas are on their feet and thankfully, a few of them are aiding me in holding Draaven back while the other half are making sure Troy is okay and stopping him from advancing for a fight.“Draaven!!! Can you just stoppp????”. I yell, the fiercest emotions choking my throat. He finally looks at me and when he does, the angry glow in his eyes finally die down. He glances down at my arms wrapped desperately around his torso and when he begins to calm down, I also feel it. Coldly, he shrugs off the alphas holding him back before turning to Troy, his mouth turned down in an
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Chapter Fifty Five
Sometime in the night, I jerk awake as I feel an arm snake around me. I can tell it's him by his scent. Yet, I don't make a move to turn around as I stare off at the far wall, my heart racing in my chest steadily.“Darling”. He whispers into my ear. He knows I'm awake. He can hear the erratic thuds of my heart. But I still make no moves to give him any attention. He pulls me against his body tighter, his arms wrapping around my waist. “Kitten…..”. He whispers. I say nothing.“You know….you are right”. He says, his lips against my hair. “I've not exactly been straightforward with you. I'm sorry about that”. That's his first time ever apologizing to me. My heart is beating so fast it might as well jump out of my chest. “The truth is….I tried very hard not to fall for you, Valeria. I was sure I wouldn't. I'm a very self confident person, so when I found my heart going against what I wanted it to do….I didn't handle that well. And I took it out on you all the time. I'm sorry”. He leans in
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Chapter Fifty Six
I wake up to the feel of Draaven's arms around me. With my hair in my face, I shuffle away softly to avoid waking him up. A small smile settles on my lips as I rest my hand on my elbows to take in the serene sight of him sleeping. This is the first time ever that he's sleeping in beside me. Usually, he holds me to sleep but is never by my side when I wake up the next day. But today is different. Today is the first day that he's actually sleeping all night beside me. His hair is a mess and he has his mouth slightly open. I can't help noticing that this is one of the few moments that he actually looks peaceful, no stoic mask in place to shield his emotions. He looks so peaceful that I don't resist the urge to reach forward and run my fingers over his beard slightly. That's all it takes to wake him up.His eyes are the most vivid hue as they snap open and for a good moment, we stay like that. Me resting against my arm and him lying down by my side, his gaze holding mine. My smile widens
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Chapter Fifty Seven
When I finally wake up again, it's almost 10am. Groggily, I push up to a sitting position to see that Draaven is no longer by my side. My heart sinks in my chest as I immediately begin to consider all the things that could have potentially gone wrong. Did he realize that he regrets showing me the part of him he's been hiding? Is he horrified that he might opened up his heart to me a little too much yesterday night? I'm jolted out of dark thoughts when I hear the door to the bathroom open and there he is at the doorway, standing butt naked, a a small smile on his face.“You are awake, baby girl”. He calls sensually. Delightful chills run down my spine at being called baby girl but the small smile on my face doesn't give away the fact that I'm turning to mush inside. “I am”. I say, my voice raspy. He extends a hand towards me, jerking his head towards the bathroom. “Come. Join me in the shower”. Oh I'd love to, I think to myself hungrily and stand up to approach him. He wraps his arms
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Chapter Fifty Seven
When I finally wake up again, it's almost 10am. Groggily, I push up to a sitting position to see that Draaven is no longer by my side. My heart sinks in my chest as I immediately begin to consider all the things that could have potentially gone wrong. Did he realize that he regrets showing me the part of him he's been hiding? Is he horrified that he might opened up his heart to me a little too much yesterday night? I'm jolted out of dark thoughts when I hear the door to the bathroom open and there he is at the doorway, standing butt naked, a a small smile on his face.“You are awake, baby girl”. He calls sensually. Delightful chills run down my spine at being called baby girl but the small smile on my face doesn't give away the fact that I'm turning to mush inside. “I am”. I say, my voice raspy. He extends a hand towards me, jerking his head towards the bathroom. “Come. Join me in the shower”. Oh I'd love to, I think to myself hungrily and stand up to approach him. He wraps his arms
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Chapter Fifty Eight
My spine stiffens and I stare right ahead at Troy. I don't know what amazes me more, the fact that he can keep such a straight face while spewing the most disgusting lies or the fact that I really don't even know what's he's trying to achieve by all of this.“That's enough”. Draaven growls from beside me. I'm a bit hesitant to look at him. I'm honestly not sure what to expect. Does he also believe that I actively led Troy on yesterday? Instead, I glance at the rest of the table, and I see it then, the judgemental looks in their eyes as they stare at me. What happened when we left yesterday? What could have been said? Whatever it was, it seems like a vast majority of the people on this table believe it. “It'll be enough when I say so”. Troy snarls. “If you are going to go around punching people in the face, you should probably start from your infidel of a mate”. I hear a sharp scrape as Draaven's claws snap out but I know what to expect now. Before he can lunge forward on the table, I
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Chapter Fifty Nine
I spend the rest of the day alone indoors. Draaven has to step out for a meeting and to be honest, I don't think I mind much. My mind keeps casting back to Donna's words and even though I tell myself it doesn't mean anything, I can't get it out of my mind either. It seemed vaguely familiar, and after a little bit of thinking, I'm taken back to Eva telling me the same thing a long time ago. I debate whether to ask Draaven about it or not.A soft knock lands on the door and I jerk back to reality. Draaven would never knock. As I approach the door, I get a whiff of the person's scent, it's not so familiar. I yank the door open to reveal an omega standing there with a package in hand. She quickly bows in respect.“Good afternoon, Luna. I have a package for you”. I'm not expecting anything.“Who is it from?”. I ask and reach forward to collect it.“I'm not sure, Luna”. She'd tell me if she knew. There's no use wasting her time any further.“Thank you”. I dismiss her. The package is a white
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