All Chapters of Becoming the Alpha's Pawn : Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
90 Chapters
Chapter Thirty One
I jump so hard that the dress falls from my hand in a soft rustle. And there he is. He's leaning against the door frame, his legs crossed at the ankles casually as he takes in the sight of me. My heart thunders in my chest for many reasons. Why's he here? While this is sweet…..we are not really going to consummate anything tonight…..are we? Look around, my consciousness tells me. What man goes through all this effort if he doesn't have the intention to have sex? That doesn't make me feel any better. I clear my throat awkwardly and straighten. I've not even had the chance to get out of my party dress and breathe properly."Hello….". I call out lamely. I shouldn't have said that….I should have said something more witty."Do you need help?". What's he even talking about? Do I look like I need help?"No". I reply smartly. "I don't need any help thank you". I glance around the room and turn back to him. "You….you actually did all this?". He pushes from the door frame and makes his way furt
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Chapter Thirty Two
The first thing I notice as I come down for the breakfast is that everyone is staring. The last time I felt like this was when I newly arrived here, when i stood out with my darker skin and hair. I still do, but I guess they are mostly used to it now. No one really stares like before….well, until this morning. As I come down the stairs, I strain my ears to listen in on what's being said but I only catch a few words."Left….night….". When the omegas sense my presence, they all seal shut, scurrying past me in glaring guilt. My eyebrows furrow in curiosity."What's everyone talking about?". I ask Edna as we make our way down the stairs. There's a brief moment of hesitation and it tells me everything I need to know. She knows about what's going on too."It's nothing you need to worry about, Luna".I halt in my steps and spin around to face her. "Tell me". She looks a little uncomfortable but finally she speaks."It's kinda going around that the….alpha didn't spend the night with you". My
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Chapter Thirty Three
I head towards my mother's room, dreading the moment I'll open the door and what I'll find beyond it. As much as I think about it, Adrian has no reason to lie about this. I push the door to her room open but I'm stopped in my tracks as I make my way in. Her luggage is all packed up, the two boxes she had brought along ready to be wheeled away. Ever the perfectionist, she had also smoothed out the bed and folded the sheets orderly. She looks ready to leave….but she's not here.I hurry into the room, heading straight towards the bathroom where I expect her to be. But I'm surprised to see that she's not there either. Where could she have gone? Together with Edna, I make quick trips round the room as we search for her but she's nowhere to be found. Or wait…maybe she's at Jade's room. I bolt out the door and head down the passageway to Jade's room. I push the door open urgently."Fuck, can't you knock?". She scowls and snaps at me as I make my way in. She's still very disgruntled with me….
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Chapter Thirty Four
I stand on the porch and watch as the car drives off, carting my mum and sister away. Things are not as they seem, something is going on with Draaven and my family and it sucks that I can't place a finger on it. But I'll take my time. If there's one thing I know for sure now, it's that I'm not crazy for my suspicions. I turn around and make my way in, Edna right behind me. “How has Trish been?”. I ask. I've not heard from her since the wedding. “She's fine, Luna”. “Let's go see her”. I make my way towards her quarters which is on the far, opposite side of the mansion. To be honest, I don't come to Trish’s quarters as often as I should and I feel a little bad about that. When I round the corner to her room, I drop a series of quick knocks on her door before making my way in. And there she is. She's standing with Nala and they look like they are having an intense conversation. When she sees me, she straightens, her face rearranging into a worn and tired smile. “Luna”. Nala bows to
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Chapter Thirty Five
Much against my will, I decide to do something that I'll most probably regret. I invite Adrian to have a private dinner with me a few days later. At this point, I'm a hundred percent sure that there's something going on, bigger than I know. The only person I can think of who can help me with information no matter how little is Adrian Ventura. I walk into the gazebo where we'll be dining, Edna behind me. I've not seen or heard from Draaven since the last time I saw him and frankly, I don't care. I've been a fool. Everything has been a lie. I had been stupid to think that he cared about me even a little bit. It's obvious now that that's not the case. No man who had feelings for a woman would treat her family so dishonourably. “How was my message received?”. I ask Edna. Earlier on, I had sent her with a message to Draaven informing him that I wasn't going to be a Luna who just sat pretty. I want some work on my hands already. After the incident with Eva, once again I can't get her word
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Chapter Thirty Six
I begin on the first task on my list, visiting and aiding the lesser privileged of the Silver Glow pack. As our car drives into the territory, I wonder why they even bother addressing it as less privileged. I've been to a couple of packs and seen different territories, this isn't nowhere close to being bad. “We'll be there in the next four minutes, Luna”. Edna says from behind me, glancing at the tablet which she reads our location and direction off of. I simply nod and sit up straighter on my seat, my mind again casting back to last night. I want to believe it was a one time mistake, Adrian probably forced himself on her and she had no option but to play along. But then I remember her head thrown back in pleasure as the suppressed moans escaped her lips. She definitely didn't look like someone who was being forced to do any of that. My mind casts back to their first meeting. She had first met him when I did, which was roughly a week ago. How did they strike up something so sensual i
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Chapter Thirty Seven
“Someone will die”. The smile falls off my face so fast. I can tell I'm not the only one who's shocked as the group of people around me all go silent. And the girl…she just keeps looking at me, her odd eyes boring into my soul. “Alana!!!”. Euli rushes forward and wraps her arms tightly around the girls shoulders. It's subtle but I see her dig her fingers into the girl's shoulders as she pulls her way firm enough. She more or less shoves her towards one of the attendants. “Take her away!!!”. She whispers aggressively to her. When she turns around to face me, I'm amazed by how fast she has once again returned back to the smiling, cherubic person I first met. “I'm so sorry about that. That's Alana. She's ummm….”. She places her hand over her mouth dramatically. “....a nut case. She's one of our special needs children, you see. She's suffered from hallucinations from little and that has made her quite….loose. Poor girl”. I don't know what to say, and when I realize I'm just standin
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Chapter Thirty Eight
"Luna.....". She chokes out, her eyes widened in panic. "...I...I can explain I promise". I let her go to fall to the floor in a raggedy heap, the anger simmering in my veins. "Then you better do". I snarl. She scrambles to her knees and bring her hands together in a pleading motion. I stare down at her coldly, unwilling to allow myself feel any shred of emotion for this woman. "It's not what it looks like. She....". She glances over at the girl and in that moment, I can swear I see the wheels churning in her head as she thinks of a lie. "... she's a possessed child. We've always had to go to extreme measures to keep her in check.....". "You better think of a better lie before I lose all willingness to even listen to you". I spit out menacingly. Possessions aren't common in the werewolf world, they hardly ever happen and when they do, they are not often bad spirits. The possession process is the one which leads to the emergence of sages in packs, wise men and women who are in tune w
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Chapter Thirty Nine
I bury myself in work all day all alone in my office the next day. When I finally stand up, I hear my back audibly creak, a testament of how long I've been seated. This is what I do best to ease the thoughts in my head. I've been unable to process the murder of Euli and no matter how much I think about it, it makes me uncomfortable. Something just doesn't feel right. A murder they had called it. Who would murder someone right under our noses in such few minutes? It's nearly 5pm at this point and I intended to go see Alana. I head out of my office and Edna is right there…. waiting. Is she obligated to wait outside my office like this always? “How long have you been standing there?”. I ask her as I make my way towards Alana’s room. “Not long”. She doesn't offer more than that and I don't ask. Everytime I look at her, I can't help getting the image of her being railed by Adrian. And what's amazing is how she's so good at acting like nothing happened, not as much as batting an eyelash
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Chapter Forty
When I go to Draaven's office, he's not there. Without thinking, I barge towards his quarters. The gamma on guard tries to tell me that nobody is allowed in but I pay him no attention as I make my way up. I don't knock before pushing the door open. Sadly, he's not in here either. The gamma is still stuttering about how the alpha wouldn't like the fact that I'm here when I stalk past him and make my way back downstairs where I left Rosa. Edna and the nanny are still at the door and when I walk in, I'm stopped in my tracks at the sight before me.Rosa is seated beside Alana on the floor right where I had been sitting in and just like me, she's helping the child shovel some sand. That's not what gets me. I see that Alana has the same smile she had flashed me, the smile that I had thought was reserved for only me. I don't know why that hurts me deeply. In the short time that I went upstairs, I don't know what she does but Alana seems to be liking her. I hate that. Not only because a petty
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