All Chapters of Becoming the Alpha's Pawn : Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
90 Chapters
Chapter Eleven
I'm hit by an overwhelming wave of nausea as I slowly regain consciousness. I think I can will it away at first, keep my eyes closed and force the contents of my stomach to stay down. But that proves to be a big fail when I'm lurched up from the bed by the aggressive upheaval. I throw my head over the side of the bed, launching everything inside me onto the shiny floor.I don't know how long I remain there, puking out my guts but at some point, I feel someone's warm hand on my back as they pat me reassuringly. When I'm done, I feel the most hollow I've ever felt. In this moment, it's hard to believe I still have organs inside of me, it really does. It feels like I've thrown it all up. My eyes flit open a tiny fraction and that's when I see that all along, it's not just the shiny floor I've been puking on. There's a pair of smart, now puke-covered shoes in front of me. I try to muster some strength to form the words to apologize to whoever it is but it's just not happening. My body col
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Chapter Twelve
I stare into the mirror blankly as I pull the brush through my severely tangled hair. The past two days have gone by in a daze, with me trying to uphold a strong facade in front of everyone and then going ahead to cry myself to sleep every night. I'm not a crier, have never really been. But the emotional exhaustion of my situation is beginning to get to me. I knew I wasn't welcome here but an assassination attempt and by someone like Anna is extreme even for me. I find myself thinking of her at the most random times. I remember how excited she had been on the first day we met. What had been going through her head? Was this her plan all along? Did she act alone? Had there been other attempts that failed? What finally made her break that day? And most importantly, what did I do to deserve that?I need some kind of closure, but I definitely won't be getting that anytime soon, if not ever. But in the mean time, I'm once again reminded of the fact that I can never get too comfortable arou
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Chapter Thirteen
I didn't think it was possible for the room to grow any more quiet than it already was but I was so wrong. I go as stiff as a rod as all the eyes fix on me. I push up from my seat slowly, the anger simmering under my skin."What did you say?". I ask the detective. He plants his hands on the table and leans forward, unsmiling. "I'll repeat myself if you so wish. You are under investigation under the suspicions of faking an assassination attempt and murdering your omega". My body goes cold, so cold that I feel the goosebumps rise on my skin. I glance around the room and to my own surprise, nobody seems too shocked at the accusations. Even Trish. Instead they are all looking at me curiously, waiting for an answer. In this moment, I realize exactly what has been happening. This was never a meeting to investigate, it was a meeting to interrogate me. I fall back to my seat in shocked realization. "So this is what this has been about?". I whisper, the betrayal evident in my voice. I don't
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Chapter Fourteen
I'm sitting alone in my room when I hear the knock. I glance at the door, hesitant to open it. It has to be Trish on the other side of it, I can just tell. After the meeting yesterday, I had walked out of the board room and straight to my quarters, locking the door behind me and making no moves to open it ever since. A part of me definitely feels betrayed by Trish. As much as I understand that she owes me nothing and also doesn't trust me as much as the rest, it still hurts to know she was aware fully aware of the suspicions all this time and has probably considered them herself. So when she had followed me upstairs yesterday night, I had been loathe to open the door. I'm not sure what to say or how to act.A second round of knocks land on the door, more firmly this time."Valeria, please open up". She calls out. I stare at the door emptily, considering my options. In all honesty, I can't hide here forever. I'm going to have go out there and face the world at some point. But maybe I'm
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Chapter Fifteen
"Luna!!!!". The event planners yelp excitedly as I walk into the room. I remind myself to paste a smile on but this is really going to be hard. I'm beyond loathe to do any of this, plan a wedding like it's not about to be the worst day of my life. It has come as a great disappointment to me when I found out that Draaven is not willing to cancel the wedding. I'd think this would be the perfect excuse to. "Hey….". I call out warmly as I lean forward and give each of them a short hug. They are dressed in outrageous outfits ranging from feather to fur. These people only seem to get worse each time I meet them. "... it's nice to see y'all again". I'm getting better at this lying thing. I make intentional efforts to keep the smile on my face as I walk further into the room with them."Of course, of course it is". Raya, who seems to be the head says. "We've worked so hard to ensure your dresses are finished within the given time frame. Are you excited to try them on?". She sounds so gleeful
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Chapter Sixteen
I'm returning from my history class when I meet an omega standing by my room door. She's a meek thing and when she sees me approaching, she straightens dramatically and keeps her head bowed. I eye her suspiciously as I approach. Ever since the incident, it's safe to say I've been more than a little too cautious around everybody. As much of a hassle as it is, I insist on getting my water by myself and when I'm served dinner, I eat in little bites, half expecting some poison to kick in at any moment in time. It's sad that this is the reality I have to live now, in constant fear of my life. My head still aches from my encounter with Eva earlier in the day. I've told myself many times to ignore everything she said. She's just a brat who'd literally sell her heart out to get me out of the way after all…but…I can't. I can still see her mouthing the vile words, "A Luna by name….Some other woman occupies your man's heart and bed….". I've assured myself many times that I'm riled up only becaus
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Chapter Seventeen
"When do you want us to start working on a baby?". I can't help it. The piece of food that had been sliding down my throat regurgitates back aggressively. I have to cover my mouth in a desperate attempt to restore grace as I cough. It takes a while but I collect myself eventually. I reach for the glass of water and take a generous sip. When I look back at Draaven, he's staring at me emptily, as if he can't understand why his question caught me off guard, as if it's perfectly normal to throw questions like that around. "What???". I ask in disbelief. "Children? What's bringing this about?". He leans back on his chair and stares at me like I'm stupid. "The pack needs an heir, does it not?". "Well yes it does but…. it's way too early to discuss things like that". "It is? And why do you think so? Because this seems like the perfect time to me". He raises one shoulder in a nonchalant shrug. As he speaks I can see that he indeed sees absolutely nothing wrong with the situation or his que
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Chapter Eighteen
The days go by in a blur and even more so now that I have something to look forward to. All too soon, it's one more week to the wedding. With each passing day in which it's not cancelled, I'm also learning to accept my fate. I don't know what miracle could happen at this point to be honest. But on the bright side, I get to see my family again. Everytime I think of them, my heart flutters in my throat. A day after our conversation, I was made to know that an invitation had been sent south to my mum and sister. It was at that point I considered the possibility of my father not allowing them come. But I know him. He wouldn't deprive me of that one piece of happiness in this desolate place I've found myself. The thought of seeing them again fills me with inexplicable happiness and even my outrageous lessons now seem more bearable.Today being the seventh day to the wedding is the day I meet the masses and receive gifts from them. I had been quite anxious when I was informed of this develo
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Chapter Nineteen
My eyes drift open slowly and I realize the water has gone cold. Pushing up from the tub, I go under the shower and reach for the shampoo one more time, lathering my hair. This will be my third time washing up today and I still don't feel clean. I close my eyes and massage my scalp, the events of the day running through my mind in a loop for the umpteenth time. It still jolts me how an event went from 100 to 0 so quick. Embarrassed and covered in eggs, I had been more or less flown to the palanquin for shelter. As I glanced out the window as we began the journey back home, I had seen Trish anxiously talking to a gamma and right there behind her, standing where I left her was Eva, a barely concealed smirk on her face. That moment told me everything I already suspected.Regardless of everything, my heart still warms at the fact that majority of the people had actually been excited to see me. When I think of their cheers and excited faces, it reassures me that the situation isn't all tha
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Chapter Twenty
A low moan escapes my lips as he presses into me, his jutting erection butting against my inner thighs. His arms wrap tighter around my waist and he pulls me in closer, merging our bodies till I'm not sure where his stops and mine begins His velvety tongue slides into my mouth and I latch onto it greedily, desperate to get an even better taste of him. No man has had the kind of effect Draaven Ventura seems to have on me and I don't know how to feel about that.He pulls away, bringing down his head to drop the most gentle, feather light kisses along my body. I throw my head back as his lips make contact with my cheek first, then my jawline and down my neck. He darts his tongue across the sensitive skin and I feel myself shiver in response. The wetness pools in between my legs and in this moment, I just need him, consequences and all. I don't want to think about anything. He brushes his lips lightly against my shoulder and pulls on the sleeve of my robe gently, sliding it down. He part
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