All Chapters of PRETEND YOU MINE: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
147 Chapters
Want. Need and desire
It was weird thinking about all that again. There were no hard feelings about Karl, no feelings period. Karl had actually treated me pretty decently considering what my reputation had been in high school, but I'd shut down after the inci- dent and was unable to look anyone in the eye who had seen the images of me on that video. I wonder what Karl thought when he saw it. Was he trying to comfort me because he felt sorry for what had happened, or was he hoping to get some more action out of me? Who knew? I'm sure I never knew at the time, nor did I much care. I was too busy trying to find my way out of this life.I wrote a happy-happy-nice-nice message back to Jess wishing her luck with him, and logged out of Facebook.I had a new life now. In London... with Ethan...and the baby I was having.Neil sat across from me and looked more affected than I'd ever seen him in my life.I didn't blame him, really. Telling him that we no longer need worry that Brynne might have got tainted food or
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She is a work of art
I stayed planted at least seven feet from where she was and kicked off my shoes. She sat up on the couch and stretched, arching her back and chest toward me in invitation. We still hadn't spoken a word to each other, but so much had already been communicated. We were going to go at it like beasts and it would be excruciatingly good. Like always. So... having a mutual strip show, huh? Sounds goddamn perfect to me.Me first. I had more clothes to get rid of than she did. I think I was smiling. If it wasn't showing on the outside, I had a fucking clown grin going on the in- side. I worked the buttons on my shirt slowly, watching her watch me as her eyes grew smoky. I shrugged it off my shoulders and let it drop to the floor. I kicked it away with my foot and blinked at her.Your turn, my beauty.She did a move that I dearly love, and one she does so well it ought to be ille- gal. She raised her arms and crossed palms behind her neck and dragged them upward through her hair flexing her ne
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Erotic sort of sensation
Ethan scooped me off the couch and into his arms. I lifted my eyes and got that wave of emotion again as his blues found me. I loved him so much I knew the fear. I'd heard others speak about it. I'd read about it in books. Now I under- stood. The fear that you have when you finally give your heart away to another person. It makes you very vulnerable to loss. If you never love anyone, then you'll never be hurt when they don't love you back or when they leave you.I finally had the practical experience of understanding. It sucked.Ethan sensed my newfound knowledge, I think. He studied me with intuitive eyes that looked very dark blue at the moment, and ducked his head down to meet my lips. He kissed me there in front of the window while holding me naked in his arms. I melted into him and gave in to my goddamn emotions.He carried me down the hall to the bedroom and broke the kiss to lower me down to the bed. He saw."Oh, oh, baby... don't cry," he whispered, cupping my face and settlin
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Have a bath with me
The immense pressure building was already forcing a response within me and taking me forward for an orgasm. I pushed backward on his cock to let him know it was okay to keep going. "Ahhhhh... oh, God," I said, shuddering as he pressed forward again, the stretched feeling increasing to the point of pain until it seemed impossible, my body burning up. Then suddenly a give as he filled me up completely on a stinging thrust that took him all the way home. I closed my eyes on his shout and froze at the sensation."Fuuuck. you feel so good!" He held himself still and caressed both sides of my ass with his hands. "Baby... oh. fuck me... okay?" He was having trouble with words and I certainly understood that. I was having trouble holding still, and could feel the shakes returning. The convulsions weren't pain-induced, but involuntary reactions to the incredible assault on my erogenous zone. There was minimal pain because Ethan had prepared me slowly for this experience, taking me with care, a
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You enough for me
"I called Benny tonight," I offered after a moment.Ethan soaped up a bath sponge and drew it up my arm. "How is Clarkson? Does he want to take more pictures of you?""We didn't talk about that.""But he will." Ethan's response was nothing new. He didn't like me mod- eling, and he really didn't understand how much I needed it either. I wasn't in the habit of throwing it in his face because I didn't want him getting all upset and unreasonable again. Every time I went for a photo shoot he got irrational, so it was easier to just avoid reminding him."I think Ben's getting suspicious, and I'm sure Gaby would be too if she'd seen me in the flesh, but we've only spoken on the phone." Ethan drew the sponge over my neck. "It's time to tell them, baby, I want it announced and it has to be something big. I know that much.""Big how?""London press? Celebrity guests? Posh planning?" I stiffened in his arms. He tightened his hold around me and whispered, "Now, don't panic, okay? Our wedding has
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News of the baby
Ethan kissed me, gentle and soft, his tongue slipping inside to tangle around lazily like there wasn't a care in the world for us right now. I felt his palm sweep down to rest low on my belly and he held it there, warm and protecting."We're gonna be okay, baby. I know we are. All three of us." I buried my face in his chest and nuzzled. "When you say it, I believe you.""It will. I know this." He lifted my face up and tapped his head with his fin- ger. "I have visions, just like you have those super powers of deduction that you told me about once." He gave me a wink."Really." I added some sarcasm, just so he'd know I was over my snit about the wedding and could go back to acceptance."Yup. You, me and our little blueberry will have our happily ever after."I had to shake my head at him. "We don't have a blueberry anymore." He feigned shock. "What happened to blueberry? Don't tell me you ate it.""You idiot." I nudged him in the ribs. "Blueberry is now raspberry." "Where are you getti
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In trouble
I pulled up to the redbrick house where I'd grown up in Hampstead and parked on the street."This is my dad's house,""It's lovely, Ethan. An elegant English home, just like I imagined it. The yard is beautiful.""Dad likes to keep his hands dirty with it.""I've always admired people with a green thumb. I'd like to have a garden someday but I don't know much about plants. I'd have so much to learn," she said wistfully from inside the car. "Do you feel good when you come here? Does it still feel like home to you?" She sounded a little homesick to me."Well, yeah, it does. It's the only one I ever had until I bought mine. And I know my dad would be happy to teach you anything. My mother's garden is in the back of the house. I really want you to see that." I swept my eyes over Brynne, looking beautiful as usual in a flowery dress and some purple boots. God. I loved when she wore her boots. The clothes could go but the boots could stay... any time. "Are you nervous?"She nodded. "I am...
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Soon getting married
Dad knew? How?"I think you know, son. In fact, I know you know." "You do?" Yeah, voice still cracking like an opera singer onstage. "How is that possible?"He actually softened his expression a small bit. "It seems that a great deal of things are possible, son. Imagine my surprise to call up to Hannah's and have my granddaughter tell me gleefully that Uncle Ethan and Auntie Brynne are preggers."Oh boy! I immediately went for my beard and dragged a hand over it "So the little monster told you, huh?" "Indeed." Dad still kept up the harsh expression. "Zara had quite a bit to say about it."I held my hands up in surrender. "What do you want me to say. Dad? We got caught, all right? It wasn't intentional, and I can attest we were as surprised about it as everyone else was!"He folded his arms over his chest, seemingly unaffected by catching me off guard. "When is the wedding?"I looked down at the floor, suddenly feeling ashamed I had no answer for him. "I'm working on it," I mumbled. "P
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Same feelings
He shook his head. "Not at all. Marie's hot." He grinned. "Go Dad, I say." "Well, that's a relief. I was a little worried there for a moment. You seemed... tense during dinner."He pulled me down onto the garden bench and wrapped me in his arms, burying his head at my neck. "Do I seem tense now?" he muttered against my hair."Not as much." I answered with a rub of my fingers at the base of his neck. "but your muscles here are very tight. When are we going to tell them? 1 thought we would have done it already.""We'll make the announcement when we go back inside. I need a moment alone with you first.""I'll take a moment alone with you." I smiled into his handsome face looking so intently at me, the illumination from the garden lights reflecting in his blue eyes like tiny sparks. He leaned down to kiss me and swallowed me up with his expert technique. My stomach did a little flip at the sight of him looming, still just as affected by him now as I had been from the first moment we locke
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Steamy pleasure
Something cold and heavy slipped onto my finger. When I looked down to see what it was, the most gorgeous ring was perched on the fourth finger of my left hand. Antique, ornate, and huge a hexagonal deep-purple amethyst, set in platinum with diamonds, glittered up at me. I held it in the glow of the garden light so I could really get a good look. It was magnificent, beautiful and far too extravagant for me, but I loved it mostly because Ethan had chosen it. My hand shook and the tears started. I couldn't have stopped them for anything. It was a good thing he'd just said he didn't mind my tears because they would be dripping all over him in another moment. These were definitely of the joyful variety, though.."I-I want to m-marry you. I d-do. I love you so much, Ethan." My words came out on a sob. I just was so overcome by him I could hardly absorb everything. and I'm sure my state of hyper-hormonal didn't help either.Ethan picked up my hand and kissed it, the familiar brush of his go
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