All Chapters of PRETEND YOU MINE: Chapter 131 - Chapter 140
147 Chapters
The nude photoshoot
My phone went off just as I was heading out of the dressing room. I could tell it was Elaina calling from work by the ringtone, so I let it go to voice mail without listening to the message. I sent her a fast text instead: Can't talk...on photo shoot now. Call u later. -BI silenced my cell but left it powered up as Ethan had told me to something about the GPS app he'd activated-slipped it into the pocket of my robe, and didn't give it another thought. I had a job to do and found my focus.The hair extensions tickled my back and the floor was downright cold under my ass. I wasn't wearing any string thong today either, but I did have some re- ally gorgeous black stockings with pink ribbons laced around the top of my thighs and tied into bows.Simon, my photographer for this shoot, was an unconventional dresser at best, but with his electric-blue skinny jeans paired with a lime-green shirt and white patent-leather ankle boots, he not only had me in need of retina protection but attempti
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Stop posing naked
ETHAN'S POV"Brynne! What in the fu- My speech cut off. It just up and died a quick and silent death once I got a good look of my girl fully naked with her legs spread and some toff with his hands on her!I reacted and moved. That's pretty much all I can recall. I got Brynne flying to her feet and the bloke in the green shirt flying into the canvas backdrop."Ethan!" she screamed, "what are you doing?!""Trying to find you! Why don't you answer your goddamn phone?""I was working!" she screeched, standing fully nude except for some black stockings and something added to make her hair appear much longer."You're finished here. In fact, this whole mess is finished!" I waved my hands and stalked toward her. "Get dressed, you're leaving.""I am not leaving. Ethan. What in the hell is wrong with you? I'm working right now!"Oh, yes, you are leaving, my beauty! In fact, I'm dead certain you are, because I'm taking you out of here myself.The photographer wearing all the colors decided to ma
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Fuck that! My temper was getting the better of me again as I struggled with how to bring us back together on the issue. One idea came to mind of how I might accomplish it, though. I could tear off that yellow silk robe she had on and fuck her into next week, and then we could have this conversation, or argument, or whatever the hell this shit was right here. That might work.I pulled her up from her seat by the shoulders instead, trapping her arms to her sides so she couldn't fight me. She still struggled, though, even as I had her gripped tight against my chest, our faces an inch apart, her soft curves melting into me and making my cock rock-hard. "I'm trying to understand why my girl needs to take off her clothes and let people see photographs of her like that!" I said with more anger than I wanted to...and then I crushed my mouth against hers.I pushed my way inside her with my tongue first. I'd get more later, but for now I just needed to be inside her body in any way I could mana
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Need him so much
"Explain it to me so I can understand, then."I don't know how I got the words out, but I managed it somehow. Through the tears, which grew stronger, and because of his quiet strength and patience as he held me and stroked my hair. I finally told another person my horrific truth. "Because the video of me was so very ugly. The images were ugly. I was ugly in it! And if I have something beautiful to replace the ugliness with, I can let go of my experience a little more each time I create something new."Ethan rolled me underneath him and propped himself above me, holding my face up to his. "There is nothing about you that is ugly," he told me. "Yes. On that video I was." He got quiet, his eyes flickering back and forth as he studied me. "Is that why, baby? Is that the reason you tried to... kill yours""Yes!" I sobbed into Ethan's strong chest and let him hold on to me. He knew truth now. My hang-up. My dysfunctional quirk. The motivation that my drove me on a daily basis and that I ass
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The continous nightmares
"How does it feel to breathe, son?" Dad raised his glass with an ecstatic grin. "Like the three-ton elephant has moved off my chest and now just sits on my feet." I answered truthfully and toasted him back."I bet you do. But really, the ceremonies were the most magnificent feat of organization. Absolutely brilliant show, that. Bravo, I say." I guess we could all assume my dad had been thoroughly impressed with the opening ceremonies because he couldn't seem to stop talking about them over our midnight dinner. I just felt immense relief that they had gone off without a hitch.Even if I was exhausted and longed for my bed with Brynne in my arms, I found I was actually enjoying the celebratory evening tonight at Gladstone's. Ivan had got us a reservation somehow, despite the insanity of the city, but then everyone loved Lord Ivan, Britain's golden arrow, with his good looks and cele- brity name. It'd had been a long time since we'd gone out for anything nice to- gether and I knew that D
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Need some time alone
He left the bed and started dressing throwing on some sweatpants and a shirt."What are you doing?""I have to go outside now," he said weakly."Outside? But it's cold out there. Ethan, stay here with me and talk about this. You have to talk to me!" I begged him.He acted like he didn't even hear me, but I think he did because he came over to where I was sitting up in the bed and touched my head. Very gently and for just a moment, but I felt him shaking. His hand was shaking violently, and he looked so lost. I reached my hand up to take ahold of his but he pulled it away out of my reach. Then he walked out of the bedroom."Ethan!" I called after him. "Where are you going? Come back here and talk to me!"I got silence.I laid there for a moment and tried to decide what to do. Part of me wanted to confront him and force him to share with me, but another part of me was scared to death of doing that. What if I caused him more pain and suffering, or made things worse for him? Ethan needed
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His secrets
I caressed Brynne's photograph in its frame on my desk. The one I'd taken of her with my mobile when she showed me Lady Percival for the first time at the Rothvale. She looked so happy and beautiful. Last night she wasn't happy. No, I'd scared her and then made things worse by sending her away when she tried to reach out to me.... God in heaven, I fucked up with her. I tried to imagine switching places. What if it had been she who had sent me away after a nightmare and refused my comfort? I've been on the receiving end of that before, and it sucked. It had felt awful, just like I'd made her feel.Still, I had been afraid last night of what I might do to her if she touched me any more than she did. The other times I woke up from one of those night- mares? Yeah ... not nice. I'd gone off on fucking tangents literally. Using sex, and Brynne, to level me out to a place where I could come back down from that horrible place I'd found myself in my dreams. She didn't understand how much I wa
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"Hey, is everything all right with you two? You look a little worried there, luv."I nodded and began folding up my veil carefully and repacking it. "We are fine. Just some relationship stuff that needs to be aired out." I put my hands on my hips. "But I've got it covered. Men can be so damn stubborn, you know?"Ben laughed at me. "Riiiiight. Just the men. You're talking to the right guy on that topic, Bree. I agree with you completely." Ben winked at me and packed up his equipment. "Come on, beautiful girl, let me get you back home before Blackstone starts looking for you, thinking you've gone on the lam. I take it this is a surprise and he has no idea you're with me, doing this.""Nope. No idea whatsoever. This was a spur-of-the-moment decision and I've kept my phone turned off all morning so he couldn't track me with GPS. I'll turn it back on when I get home and he'll see that I'm safe and sound, and be none the wiser."Ben shook his head at me and looked up at the ceiling."You're
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Karl's return
I checked my watch, wishing I could leave Lord's Cricket Ground right now, but I knew I had at least another hour here. Ivan had just finished announcing the archery and the media crew was done with their telecast, but the stands were still being cleared, and I knew that would take some time. I was giving my cousin the personal treatment, the same as I did for members of the royal fam ily, and so far, so good. The men's individual elimination had proved no great surprise, and I could think of nothing I wanted more than to get home to my girl, and back into her good graces. I had some humble pie being served to me this evening and I was good with that.Ivan was making his way over to me when my mobile went off. I hoped it was Brynne. She'd never replied to my text from earlier. I smiled when I saw her name... but I read what she had typed in her message. And then my whole world collapsed.I can't do this anymore with u. Ethan, u killed us last nite. My Old life is what I want back now.
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Kill game
He gripped my chin roughly and pinched, turning me back to him. "Don't think you can play hard to get with me, Brynne," he said in a cruel voice, before he slammed his mouth over mine, his tongue pressing in and trying to invade me.."Karl. I'm pregnant-no, please stop, please!" I begged between gasps for air."Ugh... that bastard's spawn growing inside you is not the nicest thought, my dear, especially when I'm trying to fuck you. You really know how to cock block, you know," he complained, "but fine, have it your way. I can wait."Karl heaved himself off me and leaned on the wall, his eyes roving over body with lust. He adjusted himself at the crotch and sneered at me."Are-are you going to kill me?" I tried not to think about his motives and what would happen if he succeeded. I fought to stay calm and not run. I needed Karl to trust me a little for what I hoped I could manage to do. Not running from him would be the first step."I don't know yet. Maybe I will and maybe I won't." He
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