All Chapters of The Alpha’s Sacred Wolf: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
120 Chapters
Chapter Sixty-One: My fight
CHAPTER 61The wolves advanced towards us with their movements predatory. They both had dark brown fur and The larger one took the lead. Rising to my feet, I stuck close to Praya, who positioned herself ahead, assuming a defensive stance with her limbs bent forward, ready to charge.A vicious growl resonated within Praya, as she glared at the imposters.‘Can you tell who these wolves are’ I asked her through our mental connection.‘Jessica and Gerald,’ she answered and I felt a sudden shock course through me.‘Why are they here?’I was met with silence at first, then suddenly Praya’s growls intensified and her chilling alarmed voice rang through my head.‘They’re here to kill you!’A chill ran down my spine, leaving me frozen in shock as Praya’s words echoed through my mind. Without warning, the smaller wolf, which I assumed to be Jessica, leaped in front of us, colliding with Praya. The scene unfolded into a battle of biting and clawing as they fought in front of me. Jessica was sl
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Chapter Sixty-Two: Blood in the water
As Praya stood by my side, her gaze shifted to my wound, concern shimmering in her eyes. She gently touched it with her snout, and I reassured her by rubbing her temple."I'm fine, don't worry about me."Her attention then turned to Jessica, who limped toward us. Observing her injured leg, a sense of pride welled within me, knowing that Praya had landed a blow on her.Gerald got back on his legs and approached us. Praya made sure to position herself in front of me, guarding me from both wolves. Glancing behind, I noticed the lake directly at my back.‘Get back Praya,’ Gerald’s voice echoed In my mind, ‘Or I will kill you myself.’‘I’m done listening to you traitors. I will protect her from you,’ Praya growled back at him.‘Too bad, I wonder what I’ll tell Mother,’ he chuckled darkly, sending shivers down my spine. In an instant, Gerald charged towards us from the front, while Jessica approached from the side. Two of them were getting closer, ready to attack us at once. Before I could
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Chapter Sixty-Three: Lost in Grief
DEVYN’S POVGina’s life was in danger. I could feel it coursing through my blood to my very bones. Wherever she was, still had her necklace on. Regret gnawed on me; I should have never left her. The business was merely an excuse, a flimsy reason to distance myself from me. There were emotions bottled within me that I could not understand, and whenever I was with her, those emotions became a storm inside me. I thought keeping my distance from her would’ve eased the turmoil, but it only made it worse. I could never stop thinking about her while I was gone. She invaded my mind like a plague, and the distance between us had transformed into a physical ache gripping my heart.Seated in the car, as the driver raced through the midnight roads, my patience wore thin with every passing second.Something was wrong, and I knew I was running out of time and needed to get to her as quickly as I could.“Can this thing go any faster!” I barked at him as I gripped the door handle.My wolf growls re
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Chapter Sixty-Four: More than a bond
When we arrived at the house, Lucia greeted us at the door, wearing a startled expression on her face when she saw Gina’s state.“What can I do to help?” she asked, her tone etched with worry.“Get the doctor,” I said to her as I raced up the stairs. During the walk back, Gina passed out in my arms due to the pain coursing through her body.When I got to the room, I placed her gently on my bed and quickly dressed myself. Standing by her side, burning anger surged through me when my gaze fixated on her wounds. I would’ve kept her attacker alive and made him suffer for what he did to her, but in the heat of my rage and overcome by bloodlust, I lacked the patience and sanity to spare a life.A knock on the door echoed through the room before the door swung open. Liam and Wilona walked in, accompanied by the pack’s doctor. He was a stern man, sporting a full head of gray hair, and his movements were hindered by a bad leg.“She’s badly injured,” he said as I watched him bring out a pair o
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Chapter Sixty-Five: Cold Beating Heart
It had been two days already and Gina hadn't woken up. Surprisingly, her wounds were healing faster than I expected them. When the doctor came to re-dress the wound on her arm, it had already healed enough, and he removed the stitches instead.I could barely get enough sleep myself, and whenever Lucia brought food to my room for me to eat, I would dismiss her because I didn't have an appetite yet. I would watch over Gina all night, slouched in the chair by the bedside, hoping she’d wake up. With every passing moment, my heart ached painfully and though she never left my room, an overwhelming sense of loneliness consumed me.I knew she found refuge in the deep slumber, trying to escape the harsh reality. I honestly couldn't blame her; grief was an unbearable pain.That night, as I leaned in the chair by the bedside, my hand holding her hand, she stirred and began to mumble.My eyes widened, as I tried to make sense of the words that came out of her mouth.“P-Pra-ya.”My heart sank.“M
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Chapter Sixty-Six: Waiting For Me
GINA’S POVI was sinking into darkness, suffocated by the shadows closing in as I delved deeper into the abyss. My heart pounded with unbearable pain as I struggled to breathe. I thrashed around, but my limbs remained frozen, as if an unseen force held my body down, and pushed me further into the surrounding darkness. I tried to scream but I felt something lodge in my throat. It pushed back and deeper, burning as tears forcefully sprang out from my eyes. I stopped struggling when I realized there was no use. I was getting swallowed into the abyss pulling me in, and there was nothing that could be done. No one was coming to rescue me; I realized that now.As I closed my eyes, bracing for whatever awaited me in the darkness, I heard a gentle voice call my name.I opened my eyes, finding hands outstretched towards me. I heard my name from above, like an echo, and the will to survive surged through my veins. Suddenly my body could move as I reached out, stretching my hands towards the
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Chapter Sixty-Seven: A Single Scar
“Let’s get you out of these clothes.”A scowl crept onto my face, and I suddenly clutched my torn clothes, realizing that I was naked underneath the thin fabric."I'm pretty sure I can do that myself," I said to him, and I watched as amusement danced in his eyes. For the first time, my gaze fell on my arm, and I was surprised to find the gruesome wound gone.“You’re still recovering, so you shouldn’t do a lot of things yet till you’re completely better,” his voice was firm but gentle.I crossed my hands across my chest as I pouted my lips, “Is that just an excuse to see me naked?”“I’ve seen you naked countless times. The image is already imprinted in my mind,” he deadpanned as if it were a normal, casual, and appropriate thing to say. Heat crept on my cheeks and I quickly turned my gaze away so he wouldn’t see. Our bodies were so close and I needed as much distance from him so I could think properly.Sensing my retreat, he lifted me into his arms gently and swiftly. The unexpected m
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Chapter Sixty-Eight: Die to Live
We were seated at the dining table at our usual spot before Raven came to ruin the arrangement. Things had changed ever since Raven left. It was like her presence had been the catalyst for a change in our once-normal daily lives. Staring at the food placed in front of me, my mind drifted away, recalling the time when Raven had tried to poison me. The vivid image of Praya swinging the plate on Raven’s face replayed in my mind.Praya.She saved me that day. If she hadn't been there with me, I would probably be dead by now. And perhaps, if I had died then, she wouldn’t have died saving me from her siblings. She would’ve been alive, as she was supposed to be. I never hated living more than I did now.Tears welled in my eyes as I rubbed my hands in my lap. My heart ached painfully in my chest, and breathing into my lungs became difficult. I never truly understood what grief was until I lost Praya that night. Though I lost my mother, I was too young; I never really knew her, so grieving he
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Chapter Sixty-Nine: Field of Flowers
DEVYN’S POVWhen Gina was done eating, I let her take a glass of water herself. I watched her carefully, my heart beating against her back as I pressed my body into hers. I know I was invading a lot of her personal space but I couldn't care less. I wanted her close to me, I needed her body pressed against mine, whether she wanted that or not. I wasn't joking when I told myself I wasn't going to leave her or let her leave.The death was taking a toll on her, more than I thought it would. She seemed lost in her thoughts most of the time, and her eyes would get glassy occasionally as she tried not to cry. I wanted to comfort her but I knew I wasn't doing it right. I wasn't good at comforting people or good at showing concern at all. I wasn't raised to show my emotions, because it was a weakness, and I had grown with the notion all my life.I still held her firmly on my lap, although she was already done eating. I couldn't let go, and she didn't complain anymore, because she liked this a
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Chapter Seventy: Find Me
GINA’S POVPraya’s mother’s words still lingered in my thoughts and I couldn’t just stop thinking about it. Her last words to me before she left haunted me.As I knelt by Praya’s resting place, I found comfort as I spoke to her, as if she were still beside me. I could feel her presence enveloping me, radiating warmth over my heart. It brought me to tears when I realized she was never going to be there.Praya’s mother had suddenly caught my attention when she knelt beside her.“Praya wasn’t my biological daughter.”Those were her first words and they hung in the air surrounding us. I turned to look at her, trying to conceal the surprise etched on my face. I didn’t speak, I just waited for her to keep talking.“Her late father found her by a lake, without any clues about who might have left her there.”A wave of shock surged through me. Could it be the same lake where we spent time together? Had that been her origin all along? That would explain why she was so drawn to it.I had so man
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