All Chapters of The Alpha’s Sacred Wolf: Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
120 Chapters
Chapter Forty-One: Delicate and Strong
DEVYN’S POVThe moment our eyes locked, her body went still. I was surprised at the sudden change in her, when few minutes ago, she was about to murder someone. Gripping her arm, I pulled her away from the woman she had been hitting. My attention shifted to the blood seeping from her chest, and when I saw the fresh deep wounds engraved in her skin, a violent surge of anger coursed through me.I looked back at the unconscious woman sprawled on the floor, her face matted in blood, that I could barely recognize her features. If I had gotten here sooner, the woman would've been probably dead by now, but Gina had beaten her up pretty bad. Witnessing Gina’s rage had shocked me to the core. I was starting to think I underestimated her. Despite her petite frame, she was undeniably strong. It wasn't just because of her physical strength of a werewolf; her stubbornness and willingness to win fueled her.I had always liked my women weaker and submissive, but Gina was the complete opposite, and
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Chapter Forty-Two: Mate Dance
GINA’S POVI woke up trying to recall when I had even drifted off to sleep. Memories from the previous day flooded my mind, and the last thing that happened before I passed out came back to me. I sat upright, relieved to see my wrists and ankles weren’t bound to the bedpost anymore. My gaze moved to my chest and I was surprised to see the wounds healing rapidly.I wondered if it had to do with the solution Devyn had applied to my wounds or my werewolf genes.Whatever it was, I was grateful for it.Anger bubbled through me as I descended from my bed and made my way to the bathroom. My anger was directed at Jessica for being a complete bitch—though I had given her what she deserved. Additionally, I was also mad at Devyn for handling me so roughly the other day.I wasn’t sure if what he did was out of concern or out of spite.Standing in front of the mirror while I brushed my teeth, It seemed as if Devyn was there with me. His scent still lingered in the air, and I breathed it deeply. Me
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Chapter Forty-Three: Playing with Fire
DEVYN’S POVI noticed Gina the moment she stepped out. Amidst the crowd of women surrounding her, she was the only one I saw. The moon hung motionless in the sky, its glow illuminating only her. When her alluring eyes locked mine, I took in a sharp intake of breath.The dance started as music filled the air. As she walked towards me slowly, the world around us seemed to stop.I marveled at the glorious sight of her. Her luscious wavy hair cascaded around her like the ocean waves. The white dress she wore hugged her skin and I could see the full outline of her breasts through its thin fabric. Lipstick the color of blood-red smeared her lips, adding a sensual touch. A surge of desire coursed through me, and I struggled to maintain control.After swooning over her, our eyes locked. She looked angry that I had been gawking, slightly pouting her lips and shooting daggers my way.If only she knew what the things that look on her face did to me.The women began to dance around in a circle a
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Chapter Forty-Four: Hidden Pain
GINA’S POV“Last night was a fucking mess.”I groaned as I relived the events of the other night. It was kind of my fault, now that I thought about it. I didn’t know what had come over him at that time, but all I wanted to do was tease him, just as he teased me. I loved the way his eyes never left mine, the way he followed my movements, and the way he gaped at my body.I knew the effect I had on him, and for once, I wanted to be the one in control, but I didn't expect it to reverse on me.“It couldn’t have been that bad,” Praya said, trying to make me feel better, but she wouldn't understand because she wasn't there.“I’m pretty sure everyone saw us and heard me. They must think of me as a sex maniac.”“Trust me, they would’ve been too focused on their dance and finding their mate.”She was right though. Everyone had been extremely enthusiastic about the mating ceremony dance. But I still doubted that.“I was pretty loud, Praya,” I covered my hands in shame as I leaned forward on th
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Chapter Forty-Five: Raven
“Uhm hi,” I mumbled as I managed a forced smile. She, on the other hand, was grinning from ear to ear, like we had met personally before.“Don’t just stand there, come in.”A sudden surge of irritation hit me. Why did she act like this was her house? Who the hell was she, anyway?She stepped back, allowing me room to enter. Still puzzled about what was going on, my eyes locked immediately focused on Devyn, seated at the dining table. As I approached, it became noticeable that Devyn had just finished his meal, but there was another plate set on the table across from him.I realized that he was sharing a meal with this woman who had suddenly shown up from nowhere, and a strange emotion stirred within my chest.Our last interaction was during the mate dance, and now a strikingly beautiful and cheerful woman was having dinner with him. The sense of betrayal coursed through my veins, prompting a glare in his direction. However, he didn't maintain eye contact as he usually did; instead, he
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Chapter Forty-Six: Trouble
DEVYN’S POVGina wore her jealousy on her sleeve when it came to the whole Raven situation; she wasn't fooling me. Despite claiming to despise me a couple of times, she struggled with the idea of me being around a woman I had been intimate with.I understood because If it was the other way round, I would've killed the guy without wasting a second.Raven and I never dated; I had never even dated anyone at all. When I had become Alpha of the Solstice clan after my father, her father; the Alpha of the Silvermoon appeared; offering his daughter for marriage as part of an agreement he made with my dad in the past.My father had been a wealthy and influential man, so marrying into the pack would come with a lot of advantages. When he passed away, I saw no reason to fulfill promises made by a man who didn't deserve it.I declined the offer instantly; marriage had never even been on my agenda. But that didn't stop Raven from throwing herself all over me—I didn't pay her any mind. but when sh
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Chapter Forty-Seven: Territory
GINA’S POV“How is she like?” Praya asked as I pulled my clothes off and walked into the lake. The warm water worked wonders, relaxing my muscles and relieving tension. A scowl surfaced on my face; the mere thought of Raven made my skin crawl with irritation.“She’s gorgeous, has really big tits, and talks like she breaths in helium,” I sighed as I dipped my head into the water, and out of the water, “I think her voice is fake and it's overly annoying.”“And Devyn didn’t give you any other valid reason why he let her into the house?”“She wants to join our pack.”Praya’s brows knitted together, “But she’s from another pack. Why would she want to join ours?”“I honestly don’t know.”“It sounds suspicious. Maybe she’s a crazy ex who would go as far as leaving her pack just to be closer to him.”I smiled at Praya, “I’m glad we’re on the same page.”“Just watch out for her. Don’t let her steal your man.”A scowl formed on my face, “He’s not my man and I don’t even like him, she’s free to
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Chapter Forty-Eight: Best Woman
I didn’t come across Raven as I left for training, which brought a sense of relief. Devyn was nowhere to be seen, leaving mixed feelings of disappointment and relief washed over me. I was still mad at him for not giving me a reasonable explanation for letting Raven into our house. After training, Liam approached me for a conversation. Seeking more privacy, we moved away from the training grounds to an open field.“I heard about Raven,” He said as we settled on the bare ground.“Devyn must have filled you in, then.”Liam was seated beside me, his hands resting behind him as he gazed into the distance. I enjoyed the feel of the soft grass beneath my bare feet.“Yeah, he did.”“Well, did he give you a better explanation?” my frustration was evident in my voice.The scenery was beautiful, and I felt closer to nature this way, as the sun basked my skin lightly.“Kinda, but I can't say much.”I rolled my eyes, “So everyone’s in the loop apart from me.”Liam looked at me with a hint of worr
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Chapter Forty-Nine: Between us
For the tenth time today, I found myself sprawled on the ground. I groaned out of frustration, as I hauled myself off the ground. Sparring with Wilona had to be the most challenging thing yet. Her strength, speed, and quick-minded thinking could not be outmatched. I couldn't help but wonder if her abilities stemmed from years of vigorous training or if she was just born that way.Brushing off the dust from my clothes, I faced her, “Why can't I ever beat you?”Wilona met my gaze, “Probably because you’re not stronger yet, and it's because you haven’t accessed your full powers”From the rebirth. I had completely forgotten about it, and here was Wilona reminding me. An unsettling fear crept in because I didn't know what to expect and the time for rebirth was drawing near. I wondered what the challenges I would face would be, and if I would be able to handle them.“I want to be strong on my own. I don’t want to depend on my destined powers,” my gaze moved downwards, “I hate feeling weak.
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Chapter Fifty: Guilt
DEVYN’S POVI needed to mate with Gina. It had already been more than a week since we finalized the marriage and my control was slipping away faster than I thought. My wolf scratched and whimpered within me, as she wanted to break out and shift every time Gina filled my senses.And that happened every single time.Her scent had grown more difficult to resist and every time I looked at her, my memories of my fingers delving into her tight core consumed my mind. I couldn’t stop imagining how my cock would feel inside her.Despite the temptation to seize her and have my way with her, I still held back for reasons I could not understand yet. However, I couldn’t wait any longer.Having Raven around would have been a good time to pleasure myself, but I couldn't do it. Though she wore the most revealing clothes and made it obvious she was trying to get my attention, it never worked. Gina was all I could think of.It was nighttime and I figured Gina would've been asleep already, but I care le
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