All Chapters of The Alpha’s Sacred Wolf: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
120 Chapters
Chapter Eighty-One: Wrestle in the Heart
TRIGGER WARNING: This chapter contains some scenes of self-harm, which some people may find distressing.DEVYN’S POVI could barely sleep that night Gina poured out her heart to me. Standing in the bathroom, my hands leaning against the washbasin, I stared at my reflection in the mirror, feeling a deep hatred and disgust for what I saw.The old Devyn wouldn’t have given a fuck, but the new Devyn I was gradually becoming could barely take it. Gina’s words had impaled through my heart like a spear had been thrown through it. A burning pain overwhelmed me from within.My breathing became labored, nostrils flaring, and I could feel my body temperature rising like I was burning up with a fever.My blue eyes were glowing, and I could feel my fangs and claws emerging.I could feel my wolf’s displeasure and rage flowing through me and blending with my own. We were both angry, but not at Gina or my past or whatever.We were angry with ourselves.I had hurt her, continuously causing her pain, a
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Chapter Eighty-Two: Playing Nice
GINA’S POVThe drive was silent and I honestly preferred it that way. The streets were getting filled with people walking, stores were beginning to open, and vehicles were driving along the roads. My gaze remained fixed outside, as I admired Bucharest. The city had been beautiful at night, but it was breathtaking in the morning. The snow added more to its beauty as it landed on the roofs of buildings and lined the streets. Sighing, I cast a quick glance at Devyn, and our eyes met immediately. I turned around, embarrassed he had caught me. I was mad about last night, and I didn’t know how long I was going to hold onto this beef I had with him. I always heard a woman giving a man the silent treatment would make him slowly lose his mind, until he would surrender to her. And that was what I intended to do.I glanced back at him, wondering where the sudden claw marks on his body had come from, but decided not to ask him about it.I needed him to know that I was furious at him, and I was
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Chapter Eighty-Three: Believe in me
DEVYN’S POVShe remained silent, gazing out of the window again like I didn't just say something. Her attitude, her silence… it was frustrating to say the least, and I was already getting tired of our childish banter.“Look at me,” she didn’t respond. Watching her, the road, and the map at the same time was becoming challenging. “Please.”It seemed like whenever I pleaded with her politely, she listened. I was going to have to be doing a lot of pleading if I needed to get her full attention. Her amber eyes met mine and I couldn’t help but get lost in them.“You should focus more on the road, so we don't get into an accident,” she said, her tone harsh as she glared at me.“As long as I'm driving, we’ll be fine,” I paused, “And I need to look at your face as we talk.”“Why?”“It’ll make me talk better.”Her features softened instantly, and I noticed her cheeks were starting to get red, though she was trying hard not to show it.I looked back at the road, took a deep breath, then glance
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Chapter Eighty-Four: Proud Of You
GINA’S POVI could tell we had already arrived in Brasov when we drove past a signpost that implied that. Devyn and I had small talks along the way, and it was warming to think that we could conversate without arguing. He was kinder, though he still got angry from time to time, but I could see he was trying his best to control it.We made a stop at a nearby gas station so Devyn could fill the gas tank. I suddenly felt the urge to pee, and I knew it had something to do with the weather. Stepping out of the car, I caught Devyn’s quizzical expression.His brows shot up, “Where do you think you're going?”“I need to use the restroom.”He scanned the area, “I don't trust this area. I'm coming with you, I can’t let you go there by yourself.”I felt my cheeks flush at his show of concern, “I’ll be fine. It should be over there,” I pointed to the store in front of the station.The look on his face showed that he wasn’t ready to listen, so I jogged off while saying to him, “Can’t hold it any
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Chapter Eighty-Five: Stubborn Woman
As the sun began to set, fatigue enveloped me, and I desperately needed to lie on a soft bed. I had slept off in the car several times, and whenever I woke up, Devyn was always behind the wheel. He never stopped to take a break or express how tired he was, and It made me wonder if he ever rested.“Do you ever feel tired?” I asked.His gaze briefly met mine, before fixating on the road, “Yes.”“Well, aren't you tired now? You’ve been driving for quite some time now.”“No. And even though I am, who would take the wheel?”I flashed a toothy grin, “I can drive.”He arched a brow, “Seriously?”I nodded, feeling proud of my achievement.“Who taught you how?”I bit my lip nervously, grappling with the fact that it was my ex-boyfriend who taught me how to drive. Knowing the kind of person Devyn was, I wasn't sure what his reaction would be to that piece of information.I considered lying as well, but was there really a need to, when this happened back in the past?As I glanced back at him, hi
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Chapter Eighty-Six: Greedy Man
DEVYN’S POVThe sun was setting, and the idea of watching it alongside Gina would be relaxing. It would also be an opportunity for me to rest from the driving. Driving past a hill, I decided to stop, seeing this would be the perfect spot.I parked the car on the side of the road, away from the view of others, to minimize the risk of our car getting hijacked.When I glanced at Gina, I found her absorbed in gazing out the window. She liked doing that a lot. I wasn't sure if she did it occasionally to avoid my gaze, or just out of boredom.I ran my fingers through her hair, startling her. When she turned in my direction, her cheeks were tinted pink. I wasn't sure if it was from the cold or she just blushed that much. “Let’s get down.”“Where are we going?” her voice was gentle and didn't hold the annoyed tone she had on earlier. “Up the hill. Is that okay?”She nodded in agreement, and as we stepped out of the car, I watched her stretch her limbs. Following suit, I stretched my sore
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Chapter Eighty-Seven: The Attackers
GINA’S POVWhat just happened?I was too caught up in our kiss that I failed to even notice when Devyn spun us around. Our chests were pressed against each other, as he stood at my previous position. He still had his lips on mine when a sudden loud bang echoed through the air, causing my body to jolt in shock. IDevyn let out a low grunt against my lips, and I pulled back, confused. What just happened?When I gazed at his face, his features were contorted as if he were in slight pain, but his eyes were still soft as they held mine.Something was wrong.“What’s wrong?” my voice was strained as I spoke, confusion enveloping me.He abruptly turned to look behind him. I traced his gaze and I felt my heart sink. The blood drained from my body as my eyes locked with the man standing at a distance away from us. He had a shotgun in his hand, and he wasn’t alone. I counted about five other people accompanying him.My hands traced down Devyn’s back slowly, and I felt my fingers touch something
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Chapter Eighty-Eight: Scared of Losing You
I don’t know how long I was unconscious, but when I regained consciousness, I found us parked in front of a building and the skies were darkening as night approached.Turning to Devyn, he had his eyes on me, and there was a concerned expression on his face. Leaning in, he gently grazed my cheek with his knuckles, but the coppery smell of blood reached my nose. In a sudden panic, I shot up in my seat, and the throbbing headache intensified, causing me to wince.“You’re bleeding.”“I’m fine, you’re up,” his lips formed into a thin line, “You must've hit your head really hard.”I recalled the events that led to us being here, and a chill ran down my spine—We were attacked.“What happened back there? Who were those people? Why were they trying to kill us?” A flurry of questions escaped my lips as I tried to understand what the hell happened.“Let’s settle in first. It’s not safe being out here,” he leaned in, unhooking my seatbelt, “Come on.”He got out of the car first, swiftly walked t
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Chapter Eighty-Nine: Proud Scars
His words sent a chill down my spine. Could it mean he was scared of losing me? If he was, why? I had always believed I didn’t mean much to him, given the things he had always told me, and the way he had treated me. How many times had he made it clear to me that I was just an object to him? Just a wife, a mate, it was all just titles. But now he was scared of losing me?It felt like I was being played at, but the look on his face proved otherwise.My head was in turmoil, I was beyond confused. My heart was trying to make me see things in a different light. It kept telling me that Devyn had feelings for me. It kept telling me Devyn cared for me because he was in love with me. But my mind was telling me it was absurd, calling me delusional, and reminding me of the time he had said was not capable of loving me.Which would I follow then?But he took a bullet for me— not punch or kicks. He said he’d risk his life if it meant protecting me. Was it because I was the sacred wolf? Or was
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Chapter Ninety: The Shooters
DEVYN’S POVChecking the time on my phone, it displayed four am in the morning. I remained on high alert, positioned by the window, never taking my gaze off the quiet streets. Though there was hardly anyone in sight, I couldn’t shake the unsettling feeling that we were being watched. My wolf’s instincts had been on edge since we arrived at the hotel, and the feeling hadn't shaken off ever since then.I glanced back at Gina, peacefully asleep and curled up into a ball, a sleeping habit she seemed to have in response to cold. like she always stayed. I had covered her with the duvet to keep her warm, but she kept kicking it off, and I already gave up.I wanted to climb into bed with her, wrap my arms around her, and probably fall asleep with her, but that had to wait.I would be taking a huge risk if I did that, and that would mean putting her life in danger.When we had gotten attacked back at the hill, I hadn't hesitated to jump right in front of her. It had been a reflex movement like
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