All Chapters of I Became His Sweetheart: Chapter 761 - Chapter 770
874 Chapters
Chapter 761 She Wants to Pin Him Against the Wall
Hearing Annie finally sent Melanie away, William heaved a sigh of relief in the bedroom. He quietly picked up his phone and drafted a message to Jeffrey. "President, the madam suspects that I’m injured because I was with you that night..." - A week ago, on the night of the engagement banquet. As planned, William arranged tight security, with bodyguards overtly and covertly ensuring Jeffrey's car safely arrived at the banquet hotel as they wanted to be ready in case someone attacked them on the road. Unexpectedly, Linda used everything she had this time, even hiring assassins, who intercepted the cars of their security team as well as Jeffrey's car... It was crucial to stop Jeffrey’s forces. William and his team had quickly escaped their restraints, only to learn that Jeffrey had been taken away and had not shown up at the engagement banquet. They searched everywhere and finally spotted the car heading to the outskirts, eventually finding Jeffrey in a warehouse in the coun
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Chapter 762 How Are You Going to Explain This?
Jeffrey went to the restroom and walked out nonchalantly. Unexpectedly, he was suddenly pulled into a nearby storeroom. The person had considerable strength! He instantly became alert and twisted the arm of the person hiding in the shadows! "Ah…!" Surprisingly, he heard a woman's groan. Upon closer inspection, Jeffrey realized that it wasn't an assassin who pulled him into the storeroom, but Melanie. "What are you doing here? Did I hurt you?" he hurriedly asked, clumsily massaging her arm. Melanie irritably shook off his hand. The pain wasn’t so bad. "Why did you pull me like that? It's dangerous, you know? Don't ever do that again!" Jeffrey frowned, still feeling the scare. If he had reacted a bit faster or used a bit more force just now, he could have broken her arm! Melanie pursed her lips. Why did her using the same tactic as Jefford yield such poor results? She intended to intimidate Jefford into telling the truth in a moment of panic,but she ended up scari
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Chapter 763 Their Game of Wits
“Wait a minute!” Just as Melanie was about to step out of the storeroom, the man behind her grabbed her wrist. She turned around, her eyes full of suspicion as she looked at him. "What do you want to say?" "I want to know what you are suspecting me of." Jeffrey quickly took control of the situation, responding as Jefford would have in unexpected circumstances. If he were Jefford, he would be confused by her sudden probing. "I remember... when we first met, you didn’t talk to me like this." Melanie adjusted her stance slightly and tilted her head, looking up at the tall man. "What’s strange is, I don’t know when it started, but your rudeness, arrogance, and disrespect all disappeared, like you've become a different person. Why is that?" "Don't you know?" Jeffrey responded unflinchingly. "Are you avoiding my question?" Melanie asked calmly. Jeffrey smiled frankly. "That's because I didn’t know you at the beginning, but later, I fell in love with you. How could I be so
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Chapter 764 His Woman Is Not That Stupid
"Yes,” William replied subconsciously. After he spoke, he realized that Annie was staring at him, so he hurriedly corrected his statement. "I will make some adjustments right away." Actually, William was quite puzzled and wanted to ask why, but Jeffrey sounded urgent, making William understand that the situation was critical. Besides, Jeffrey must have his reasons, and all he needed to do was to comply. "Sorry, let's pause for now. There was a problem with the proposal just now, so I need to make some adjustments." William hung up the phone and apologized to Annie. "Okay.” Annie seemed a bit smug. William left, and Annie quickly reported the latest situation to Melanie, saying that William was originally calm and even took her to see a movie, but he suddenly received a phone call, seemed very respectful to the caller, and then quickly went out to make adjustments... Melanie blinked. A sudden change in plans? Could it be that Jeffrey discovered something? She unconscious
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Chapter 765 I Admit I Am Him
The car ride was smooth. During the journey, Melanie, feeling he was driving too slowly, impatiently urged, "You rarely drive?" "Which type of car are you referring to?" Jeffrey teased, portraying Jefford’s unlikable persona. "A real car." Melanie resisted showing her impatience and said calmly, "Can you drive faster? I'm worried that something will happen before we even get to your house!" Jeffrey glanced at her abdomen unconsciously. He was driving so steadily mainly because he was considering her physical condition… - The car arrived at Jefford's home in Harbor City. Before getting out, Melanie sent her location to Annie, telling her she was at Jefford's house, just in case she needed a way out. She got out of the car and followed Jefford into the villa. "Make yourself at home," Jeffrey said. "Okay," Melanie responded and did not hold back at all. She did not even have a drink and immediately started exploring the house—bedroom, bathroom, dining room—looking for
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Chapter 766 Bewitched
Did Jefford just admit that he was Jeffrey? Melanie had dreamed about this scene countless times, but when it actually happened, it felt so ironic. She wrinkled her nose, showing disgust as she pushed the man on top of her away. She avoided his faze and said with a nasal voice, "You’re not him!" "Oh?" Jeffrey did not let go of her, his eyes dark and complicated. "Didn't you suspect that I was him? How come you think I am not now?" Melanie turned her head away completely, not wanting the man to see the tears in her eyes. "Answer me." Jeffrey slightly tightened his grip, turning her face by her chin toward him. At that moment, a fleeting scent of “Endless Love” from his wrist shot into her nostrils. Melanie was shaken. Her eyes instantly filled with hope as she asked, "Can you not lie to me? Are you really him?" "..." Just moments ago, Jeffrey was still in control of the situation. He acted like he was lying, trying to make her completely give up any doubts about him. U
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Chapter 767 Still Suspecting Him
When Jeffrey heard the voice, he frowned and turned his head with a clenched jaw. The newcomer was followed by a throng of bodyguards. He didn't even glance at Jeffrey but walked past him directly to Melanie and embraced her. "Don’t be scared. I’m here." “Mmm…” Melanie nodded slightly. Their soft murmurs to each other ignited a raging fire within Jeffrey, and his eyes turned bloodshot at once. “Mr. Frost, it’s impolite to break into my house.” “I came to pick up my fiancee. Your bodyguards stopped me, which was also impolite.” Gabriel's face was tinged with anger, "You’re the one who’s rude! Mr. Yancey, you shouldn’t have disrespected my fiancee!” Each time Gabriel referred to Melanie as his fiancee, it stabbed at Jeffrey's heart, leaving him in helpless, gnashing pain. “Let’s go.” Gabriel's hand slid down to Melanie's waist, gently encircling her slender frame, and led her out the door. The Frost family's bodyguards followed in orderly fashion. Bang! Jeffrey clenched
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Chapter 768 She Is the Victim
In the afternoon, Melanie accompanied Professor Turner to Maximilian's residence. On the way there, she sent a message to Professor Marshall. "Professor, I'm back in Delfino now. When will you be back? I have some questions I would like to ask you in person." She had a plan in mind for sending this message at this time. She was going to probe Maximilian's true identity at his home today, and this message was her aid. Sure enough, just as the car entered Maximilian's courtyard, Melanie received a reply from Professor Marshall. "I am already in Delfino and can meet anytime." "Who is it?" Professor Turner, noticing that she was preoccupied and constantly checking her phone during the ride, asked with concern. "Professor Marshall." Melanie did not hide it from Professor Turner. "He wants to meet you?" Melanie had previously told Professor Turner that once she arrived in Delfino, she might train under Professor Marshall. "He's back now and said we can meet anytime, but I hav
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Chapter 769 Her New Mission
"Professor Marshall... it's me..." Melanie was surprised for a few seconds before she instinctively responded. "I know it's you. So, are you ready to meet with me?" Professor Marshall's voice was very calm on the other end of the phone. "I'm free anytime. It depends on when you are available." Melanie suppressed her emotions, but her eyes were still fixed on Maximilian behind the glass wall. Although she was rather far from him and the glass wall made it difficult to see clearly, she could roughly make out that Maximilian's hands were down, and he was not on the phone. "Let's make it tomorrow then, I'll send you the address later," Professor Marshall said. "Okay, I'll wait for your message." After that, Melanie hung up the phone. She felt somewhat disappointed. Maximilian was within her line of sight, but Professor Marshall was the one on the phone. So, were they really not the same person? After a while, Maximilian brought out some new tea specially brewed for Mela
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Chapter 770 Mysterious Hospital
"An extraordinary hospital," Professor Marshall explained. Mei's eyebrows furrowed slightly, her expression one of hesitation. "What's wrong? Didn't you just say you were ready?" Professor Marshall scrutinized her, asking. "I am ready, but I just arrived in Delfino, and I promised my baby I’d spend more time with him..." Melanie was in a dilemma. "That's fine." Professor Marshall had already stood up, ready to leave. "Whether you come or not is up to you, but once I leave, I don’t know when I’ll return, and you might not be able to find me for a long time." This statement made Melanie even more suspicious. "What kind of hospital is it that you would lose contact with the outside world?" she asked directly. Professor Marshall laughed out loud. "You're overthinking it. It's not about losing contact, but when I get busy, I really don’t have time to look at my phone." "Would you be that busy?" Melanie asked. "Otherwise, they wouldn't have come to bother me." Having said t
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