All Chapters of I Became His Sweetheart: Chapter 781 - Chapter 790
874 Chapters
Chapter 781 She Has the Ability
Melanie and Professor Marshall entered the ward and stood by the bed. She said, "Dr. Landon, I dare not say that my method will definitely save you. I’m only 50 percent confident." "Ah..." Caleb smiled bitterly, tears streaming down his face. "Dr. Jones, I apologize to you. I was stubborn and reckless. I hope you can forgive me." "Don't think that I deliberately said I’m 50 percent confident to provoke you. In my eyes, you are now a patient, and every word I say comes from reason," Melanie calmly replied. Caleb was stunned for a moment, then nodded. "I can try acupuncture to detoxify you, but I also don't have full confidence due to individual differences," Melanie said. "Okay, I understand. I know this," Caleb assured repeatedly. "But rest assured, I will only cure you, not make you worse than you are now." Melanie smiled. Caleb was somewhat dazed, tears continuing to flow from his eyes. "Professor, I'll go prepare, and I'll come back to perform acupuncture for Caleb
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Chapter 782 Rendezvous
"Hey..." Melanie intended to ask him some questions, but the patient had already walked away on his crutches. Clearly, he didn't want to talk to her. She didn't open her hand, just clenched it secretly to confirm it was just a note. When she walked out of the ward and reached a quiet place with no one around, she faced the wall and opened the note. On it was one sentence, "8 pm, the hospital's west gate. J." J? Melanie rolled her eyes. - Throughout the day, Melanie immersed herself in surgeries. After the incident in the morning, everyone knew that she had the backing of Alex and Professor Marshall, so no one dared to trouble her anymore and everyone was polite to her. There were also a few who took the opportunity to flatter her. Melanie just smiled and ignored them. She only wanted to help Professor Marshall with his workload. She wanted to treat as many patients as she could and improve her own skills at the same time. In the evening, a nurse asked, "Dr. Jones? A
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Chapter 783 What Do You Take Me For?
Jeffrey's lips curled up into a mocking smile. Melanie thought he had gone to great lengths and risked great danger to come here just to impress her and to get her to continue helping him rise to power. Did he think that his concern for her was all fake? He felt a chill in his heart. He wanted to explain to her, to open up his heart to her, but he knew that explaining now would be futile. No matter how hard he tried to prove that he genuinely cared for her, in her eyes, it would still be seen as deceit colored by ulterior motives. He could only take a roundabout approach. "Everyone in the Storm Organization is an elite and a ruthless killer. Do you think it's naive to try to win their support?" But Melanie wasn't intimidated by his words. "Have you heard of Hank Castillo?" Jeffrey's pupils contracted slightly. Of course, he had heard of him. "What about him?" She knew he must have heard of Hank and continued, "Although I'm not sure about Hank's relationship with Nathan, j
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Chapter 784 Who Is the Real Boss?
The man's body that was pressing against hers was burning hot and aroused. Melanie could feel it clearly. She knew this wasn't a simple offense. He didn't just want to bully her and to regain his pride after being rejected; he seemed to be releasing his deep grievances and indignation after having been suppressed for so long... Why was it like this? Why did she always involuntarily think of Jeffrey every time his body was pressed against her like this? Instead of rejecting him outright, her first reaction was longing... This feeling made her feel ashamed! She had clearly made up her mind to never associate Jefford with Jeffrey again! She didn't want to betray Jeffrey! With determination, Melanie fiercely dug her nails into the man's shoulder. In the momentary relaxation of his kiss, she bit down hard on his lower lip. The taste of blood spread between their intertwined lips and teeth, but she didn't let go. He didn't struggle either. Even though she was biting him lik
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Chapter 785 Would Rather Kill a Thousand
"Who are they?" "They look a bit like the hospital's security guards..." someone muttered. The armed guards quickly sealed off the exits and shouted, "Quiet! All nurses, follow me!" After speaking, the head of the guards gestured with his hand. His men rushed forward without a word, dragging the nurses who were still eating in the cafeteria away. "What are you doing? Why are you taking us away?" "Where are you taking us?" the nurses asked in panic. "Don't talk nonsense! Let's go!" "Why aren't you taking them?" Some nurses pointed at the people left in the cafeteria and asked in confusion, "Just because we're nurses? What did we do? We didn't do anything wrong!" "Shut up, or I'll shut your mouth for you!" The armed guards intimidated them and dragged the struggling nurses away. Melanie looked around the cafeteria. After a brief shock, everyone calmed down, appearing calm and composed as if they were used to such big scenes. She continued to eat, but she couldn't
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Chapter 786 Six
Melanie walked back to the dormitory. The wind was chilly. She had forgotten to put on her coat. Even after she lay in bed and wrapped herself in blankets, her feet were still icy cold. From the beginning, she didn't leave a good impression on Hank. He might suspect that she knew who Alex was all along but didn't say, probably thinking that she had ulterior motives. This time, she even pried information about Nathan out of Alex. She didn't know if Hank would suspect her or monitor her. It would be even harder to win over Hank now. Yet, as long as Hank and Nathan's relationship was truly bad, she wouldn't need to worry about surveillance because her grudge against Nathan was irreconcilable! - With a group of nurses gone from the temporary hospital, the hospital became even busier. Melanie, along with other doctors, busied themselves with surgeries, and when the nurses were overwhelmed, they helped check on the postoperative condition of the patients and even assisted wit
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Chapter 787 The Beauty in the Helicopter
Six's complexion showed no signs of any problems. In terms of vitality, he probably had more than Alex, who had a glib tongue. "Dr. Jones, how's Six's heart?" Alex asked from behind. Melanie looked around at everyone's concerned expressions. She didn't want to expose Six’s lies, especially when it involved other people. Moreover, whether Six lied or not had nothing to do with her. Melanie smiled and replied vaguely, "Since he has already started taking medication, he should continue to take it on time and in the prescribed dosage for it to be effective." "Did you find any other problems?" At this point, the tall bodyguard in the group asked. "None," Melanie replied truthfully. "Your medical skills are nothing special!" the tall bodyguard muttered. "Who are you talking about?" Alex immediately puffed up his chest like a proud rooster. Melanie sneered, "Traditional medicine and western medicine are. The diagnosis of heart problems with imaging is naturally more accurate
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Chapter 788 Helicopter Crash
As Melanie thought about this, she saw Hank not even glancing at the woman, but going straight to the back, busy instructing his men. They spread out a map and began to plan something. After the planning was finished, Hank sat alone in his seat, closing his eyes to rest. During this time, he didn’t pay any attention to the woman, and the woman didn't approach Hank either... It seemed like they didn't even know each other. If this woman was just temporarily brought in, serving Hank for the first time, she didn't seem interested in pleasing him. That was a bit strange... - The helicopter flew steadily all the way. Professor Marshall said to Melanie, "You can rest for a while. It will probably take another half an hour to get there." "Okay." Melanie nodded. She was just about to take a rest as Professor Marshall suggested when suddenly... "Boom!" A loud noise rang out. The helicopter began to shake violently. If she hadn't been wearing her seatbelt, she felt li
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Chapter 789 In Exchange
"Mr. Castillo..." Melanie subconsciously muttered. "Come with me!" Hank didn't want to waste words, grabbed her collar, and pulled her out of the pile of rocks. "Except here, there's nowhere to hide!" Being dragged by him, Melanie was anxious. "Others aren't idiots. Do you want to wait for them to come and deliver your head to them?" Hank didn't look back, running ahead. Fortunately, Melanie was wearing flats. Even so, she could barely keep up with his speed after giving it her all. She suddenly realized that Hank's words made sense. In the entire field, there were only large rocks here that were suitable for hiding. If the enemy caught up, they would definitely search it... Yet, after running for a while, she suddenly realized that their pursuers might not be her enemies. Perhaps they were only Hank's enemies? At this thought, she slowed down her pace. Just then, several of Hank's bodyguards quickly approached him and gathered, saying, "Sir, Nathan's people are chasing
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Chapter 790 I'll Kill You Now
After running for a long time once again, Melanie was so exhausted that she couldn't catch her breath. But just then, they heard dogs barking behind them. This time, Melanie and Hank immediately became vigilant. They hurriedly bent down and hid in the weeds. The weeds were very tall and dense. Logically, it would be difficult for people chasing from afar to discover them. However, they heard the barks getting closer and closer, directly approaching their hiding spot! Hank frowned, estimating the distance. Then, he suddenly stood up, raised his gun, and began shooting. "Bang, bang, bang!" His marksmanship was extremely accurate. Every shot hit its mark! Melanie heard three muffled sounds not far away as three figures fell. "Let's go!" Hank said immediately. After speaking, he turned and continued to run wildly in the weeds, pulling Melanie along. "Stop running. They have dogs with them. Dogs can track your scent, so no matter where you go, they can still find you." M
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