All Chapters of I Became His Sweetheart: Chapter 791 - Chapter 800
874 Chapters
Chapter 791 Boarding the Wrong Ship
A few seconds later, Hank and Melanie both breathed a sigh of relief. This was because the barking from behind had faded into the distance as the doges veered off, heading in another direction rather than toward them. Hank finally stopped, turning around to look at Melanie, who had fallen behind quite a distance. He encouraged, "Hang in there. The highway is in front!” Melanie was exhausted from running. She struggled to lift her head and saw, as expected, a wide highway in the distance. There were cars passing by. Great! They were finally saved! She summoned her remaining strength to catch up to Hank and finally had the opportunity to carefully inspect his abdominal injury, which was now bleeding more profusely. "Can your injury hold up?" she asked again. "I’m fine," Hank replied casually, as if the injury wasn't his. "Let's go! It's still not safe here." With that, he quickened his pace. However, his injuries were severe, and he clearly couldn’t run anymore. He
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Chapter 792 Life and Death at High Speed
However, Hank was still blinking at her... Melanie's mind raced. Clearly, Hank had already been planning something behind the scenes. The fact that he was so clear-headed now indicated that he had pretended to faint earlier. His purpose, perhaps, was to make the person driving lower their guard, thinking he had no strength left, and that there was only a powerless woman in the back seat. There was nothing to fear. Melanie also calmed down and began to play along with Hank's act. She turned to the driver and pretended to be anxious as she pleaded, "Could you please take us to the hospital, the nearest one? Please!" "There's no hospital nearby..." the driver replied vaguely. Just as expected. If this driver were an ordinary person, shouldn't he ask who they were and why they were injured? But this driver only kept saying there was no hospital, and despite seeing Hank losing so much blood, his expression remained calm. At that moment, several large trucks roared past, blar
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Chapter 793 Why Does He Have This Pendant?
Without assistance, the surgery took longer than expected, and by the time the bullet was finally removed, an hour had passed. Melanie was exhausted, and Hank had fallen into a deep sleep under the effect of anesthesia. "Buzz." At the bedside, Hank's phone received a message, lighting up the screen. Melanie glanced at it unintentionally, seeing a brief message that read, "Sir, as per your instructions, it has been taken care of." Below the message notification, Melanie saw his phone wallpaper, which was a photo. In the photo, there was a family of four—parents and two sons. It looked very warm. It was hard to believe that this was the wallpaper of a cold-blooded killer's phone... She sat on the floor and rested her upper body on the sofa, her eyes threatening to close. She was just too tired, but she dared not sleep. She was afraid someone would barge in, and she was also afraid of the man on the bed... - After about half an hour of dozing off, Hank suddenly wok
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Chapter 794 My Master Is Waiting for You
When Melanie was young, she often stayed at her grandfather's house during summer and winter vacations. She had also curiously asked why her grandfather hung a wooden pendant at the head of the bed, which looked like something for girls. She couldn't remember her grandfather’s answer at the time, but that pendant never left his bedside. It wasn't until he passed away and her parents went to his house to pack up his belongings that the pendant was brought back to their home in Harbor City. By then, she had grown up and had started to remember more things. She remembered holding the pendant and asking her father what significance it held for her grandfather. Her father had said at the time that before her grandfather married her grandmother, he had been married once before, and it seemed he had a child as well. Perhaps this was a keepsake from that family... Melanie thought back repeatedly, confirming that she hadn't misremembered her father's words. She was also sure that
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Chapter 795 Mistaken as a Beautiful Gift
"She looks a bit disheveled, but her face is pretty." "Of course. Mr. Castillo is asking our boss for something, so how could his gift be inferior? It's just that he enjoyed it himself first, which is a bit scummy... Can we really present her to our boss like this?" The car was speeding along as the bodyguards discussed. The one in charge in the passenger seat glanced at Melanie and said, "Of course we can't present her like this. Prepare some clean clothes for her. She has to clean herself and doll herself up before we can present her. Otherwise, if the boss gets angry, not only will Mr. Castillo be in trouble, but we'll also be in trouble!" "Yes!" the bodyguard in the back seat responded and began making a call to ask for women’s clothes. Melanie listened for a while. After she got the gist of the conversation, she asked anxiously, "The gift you're talking about, is it me?" One of the bodyguards was stunned for a second before bursting into laughter, followed by the whole
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Chapter 796 I Like Your Woman
"If you have something to attend to, go ahead. You don't need to delay your business for me." The young man in the room pretended to be modest. The older man waved his hand quickly, "Mr. Hardy, you’re my esteemed guest. Is there anything more important than you?" With that, the older man gestured impatiently toward the door, "What's with the hurry? Don't you know I'm seeing an honored guest?" "Boss... Your gift has arrived..." The bodyguard at the door pushed the door open a bit wider so that his boss could see Melanie. Through the crack in the door, Melanie also saw the two men sitting facing each other on the sofa. The older man was not very tall and had tanned skin. He was obviously someone not to be trifled with. The young man across from him, on the other hand, had a slender figure, fair skin, and a stylish hairstyle. He had brown curls with a braid at the end. For some reason, Melanie felt that she had seen this young man somewhere before... "What's with this ta
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Chapter 797 If You Want to Survive, Cooperate With Me
Upon hearing Greg's words, Anthony had mixed feelings. In fact, when Melanie entered the room just now, Anthony had noticed Greg's change in expression. His eyes were practically shining. However, Anthony had pretended not to notice. Good things, after all, were meant to be kept for oneself, but since Greg had already made it clear... After a few seconds of struggling, Anthony pretended to only notice Greg's expression and said tentatively, "Mr. Hardy, are you interested in her?" "She's my type," Greg said, crossing his legs and curling his lips. Anthony burst into laughter. "I thought it would be difficult to please you. To be honest, I was just wondering what gift to give you. Since you like her, then she's yours!" After saying that, Anthony gestured behind him, and the bodyguard standing there immediately pulled Melanie over. Melanie looked unwilling. She bit her lip secretly, feeling like she was getting closer and closer to the lion’s den. The fear was palpable, but
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Chapter 798 I Used Greg Hardy's Face
The blanket covered both of them, turning everything dark. The man's hands were propped up on either side of Melanie's body, trying to control himself from pressing down on her, but the space was small, and she could still feel the changes in his body. He moved back and forth on top of her, occasionally brushing against her, making her cheeks burn. However, each of his movements was only to create the illusion of movement in the bed, making it seem like there was a lot of activity under the blanket, when in reality, he wasn't touching her at all... As the man's body moved up and down, the blanket occasionally lifted a little, and in the faint light, Melanie stared intently at his handsome jawline and familiar body curves... "Who exactly are you?" she asked tremulously, in the lowest voice possible. "What?" the man's voice was also low and deep. "Are you Jefford, or... Jeffrey?" she asked hesitantly. The man, still in the midst of his frenzied movements, was shaken! Ev
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Chapter 799 Still Allies
"It's just to deal with Linda," Melanie said in a subdued tone, indifferent. "What if I say it's for you?" Jeffrey asked casually. Melanie's eyes were immediately filled with disdain. "At a critical moment, don't joke around, Jefford. I'm not in the mood." Jeffrey raised an eyebrow, realizing that in her eyes, Jefford was indeed full of schemes and useless. Fortunately, he wasn't really Jefford. Although he occasionally felt regretful for using this "Jefford" persona, and sometimes her stubbornness irritated him, he comforted himself by knowing that she only distanced herself from Jefford because she deeply loved Jeffrey, him... "Think what you will." Jeffrey continued his actions. "But if I hadn't intercepted you from Anthony, you would be his gift right now." "Do I have to thank you for that?" Melanie retorted. "Otherwise?" Jeffrey replied. Melanie looked at the proud man before her and said, "Even without you, I have cards to protect myself." "Are your so-called
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Chapter 800 You're Not Pregnant
"Threatening me?" Jeffrey narrowed his eyes. "Since we're allies, we should share the glory and disgrace," Melanie asserted firmly. Jeffrey paused for two seconds, showing a helpless expression. "What's your plan for saving him?" Melanie's eyes brightened. He had indeed agreed. For Jefford, having Hank as an ally would only be beneficial. "Firstly, I need to know the general layout of this club, where are you stationed your men, and also where Mr. Castillo is being held." Melanie had already planned it out in her mind. Jeffrey could only raise an eyebrow in resignation. He roughly explained the layout of the "Heaven on Earth" club through the four directions—east, west, south, and north—and also where his people could provide support. "But your arrival was unexpected, so my people don't know where he's being held yet," Jeffrey added. "Then let's create an opportunity to find out," Melanie suggested. With that, she reached out and began to remove his clothes. "What are
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