All Chapters of I Became His Sweetheart: Chapter 801 - Chapter 810
874 Chapters
Chapter 801 Mr. Hardy Wants to Cool Down
After a few whispered words, a knock on the door was heard. "Mr. Hardy, are you okay?" It was the voice of Anthony's most trusted confidant, who began knocking after speaking. Jeffrey tossed the blanket onto the ground and got up from the bed. He grabbed a blanket from the sofa, pretending to be annoyed as he shouted, "Come in!" Anthony's confidant opened the door and entered. "Mr. Hardy, are you... alright?" "Ask her!" Jeffrey impatiently pointed toward the bed behind him, frowning. "What's going on? Don't you remember Anthony's orders? If you don't serve Mr. Hardy well, you’ll lose your life!" Anthony's confidant turned toward the bed and scolded Melanie who was wrapped in a blanket. She remained silent. Jeffrey opened a cigar box on the sofa and took out a cigar. Anthony's confidant hurried over to squat down and light it for him, saying, "Mr. Hardy, this woman was just sent over... We don't know her background, but our boss truly wants to cooperate with you..." Je
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Chapter 802 Seduce Me
Melanie was afraid that Hank would ruin the plan, so she quickly took the initiative and said, "Mr. Castillo, you said that I can only serve Mr. Wilson and must keep him happy, otherwise you'll kill my family! But Mr. Wilson’s friend took a liking to me and took me. Anthony agreed... You can't make things difficult for my family because of this..." As Melanie spoke, tears welled up in her eyes, her acting skills impeccable. On the other end of the camera, Hank quickly understood what was going on, but he pretended to be impatient and shouted, "I'm in a difficult situation and I can’t be bothered about you! You can sleep with whoever you want!" "But your people still have my family. You have to promise you’ll order your subordinates to release my family..." Melanie persisted. "Even if I'm down and out, you still don’t have a right to negotiate terms with me!" Hank said angrily. "Listen to that!" Jeffrey’s facial muscles twitched fiercely as he looked at Anthony. "He's quite to
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Chapter 803 Her Seduction Comes on Strong
Melanie stood in place, feeling flustered. At this moment, her pride and bottom line from the past twenty-something years were beckoning to her and tugging at her legs, unwilling to let her go. However, the act they had put on played out so well. From kidnapping her family to biting Jefford, she didn't want to cling to something as small as pride at this critical moment. She bit the bullet and closed her eyes. When she opened them again, her eyes became bright and charming, as if she had become a different person. "Mr. Hardy, I had my reasons. You just heard it yourself, didn’t you?" As she spoke, Melanie spread her slender legs, straddled, and sat on Greg’s lap. "No one in this world has ever dared to bite me!" "Mr. Hardy" remained unmoved, casting a cold glance at the bite mark on his shoulder. "It's not my fault… You were too domineering and hurt me." Melanie's voice was soft and seductive as she reached out and hooked her arms around the man's neck. Her eyes wer
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Chapter 804 Reliving a Night of Passion
"What are you shy about?" Jeffrey looked at the woman's perfect eyes that were clear and charming, shimmering with a shy gleam. The fire in him that he had barely suppressed surged unexpectedly again, one wave after another. Her innate soft yet distant demeanor seemed to possess a deadly charm, making him unable to escape or hide from it. A scarlet lotus bloomed deep in his eyes! Unable to resist, he reached out and gently touched her eyebrows. "It's all because of you. You have to take responsibility..." His voice suddenly softened. The distance between the two was only inches, one sitting and one kneeling. The temperature soared! "Don't." Sensing the man preparing to come closer, Melanie suddenly stepped back, falling back onto the bed. "At such a critical moment, can you stop thinking about these things?" "So does that mean if it wasn't a critical moment, you'd be ready to indulge me?" Jeffrey caught the loophole in her words and asked. "I didn't say that." Melan
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Chapter 805 Underestimating My Endurance
"By the way... I feel like Mr. Hardy's face... looks familiar..." Melanie could only change the subject. "Don't change the topic," Jeffrey said. "I'm serious," Melanie insisted firmly. This thought had been in her mind since she entered the room, but now that she was closer, she could see his fake face more clearly, so the feeling was stronger. "Really? Am I really great?" Jeffrey began to misinterpret. "Only men who can't perform seek confidence through words. How could you be compared to those people?" Melanie adeptly saved herself, then lightly pushed aside the arm holding her. She then stood up and moved away. "Your phone vibrated. Why don't you check it?" After all, she was his woman. No matter how clever she was, she was still loved by him. Jeffrey raised an eyebrow and grabbed his phone from the bedside. It was a message from his subordinate. "Boss, the location has been confirmed. Mr. Castillo is in the two innermost rooms of the warehouse, with two doors and ab
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Chapter 806 Mr. Hardy’s Medicine
Just now, Melanie was focused on doing her makeup, but being in an unfamiliar and dangerous environment, she was on high alert. She was sure the door hadn't been opened, so how did Anthony come in? "I heard you've been taking good care of Mr. Hardy?" Anthony continued to approach her, his eyes gleaming with malice! "Anthony, aren't you... supposed to be meeting Mr. Hardy for something important?" Melanie tried to warn him with Greg’s identity. "I figured I would come to you first before I went to him." Anthony wasn't afraid. He forced her to move backward until her back was against the dressing table, leaving her no way to retreat. Such a beautiful woman was carefully selected by Hank to be given to him! Why should others get a taste too? "Didn’t you say just now that you were willing to serve me only? Why are you so flirtatious to Mr. Hardy?" Anthony grabbed her by the neck and tore open her neckline. - Jeffrey had been following Milo for a while. He felt a bit uneas
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Chapter 807 You Have the Ability to Steal a Man
After speaking, Melanie's eyes narrowed slightly. Her mind made up, she turned to walk toward the closet where Anthony had just hidden. Jeffrey's bodyguard naturally knew that someone had been here just now, so he followed Melanie closely to protect her. However, after Melanie searched around the closet, she found no sign of anyone hiding there. The window in the closet was narrow, and there were no traces of it being opened. Yet, Anthony had clearly hidden here just now, so how could there be no one? It could only mean that there was a secret passage here. She relaxed her wrinkled brows and went out. She then picked up a delicate bottle of perfume and said, "Wait for me. I'll go with you to deliver the medicine to Mr. Hardy." "Yes." The bodyguard naturally obeyed her. Melanie changed into another outfit and touched up her makeup. She poured the contents of the small perfume bottle into the sink, filled it with water, and then held it in her hand. Then, she followed J
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Chapter 808 Kiss Me Before You Go
Melanie downed a glass of alcohol without hesitation. "Good! You’re bold!" Anthony, on the side, squinted his eyes and smirked, waving his hand at the girls. In response, the girl who had been downing alcohol just now stood in front of Melanie, and the other girls began to set up drinks on the table, preparing for a showdown between the two. One of the girls handed Melanie a glass of liquor. Melanie's eyes flickered for a moment, but she didn't take it. It was a cocktail. She could smell its fruity aroma. It was rum, and without a doubt, it was Bacardi rum, the one she was most allergic to! "What's wrong? Are you afraid?" The girl offering the drink sneered at Melanie. Melanie was thinking about finding an excuse to replace all the cocktails set up behind her, when "Mr. Hardy" on the sofa said, "Cocktails are so beautiful, so how can they be used for drinking contests? Keep it simple. I want beauties, not drunkards..." Melanie took the opportunity to continue, "Mr.
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Chapter 809 Revenge
Although she didn't want to, there were so many people watching her. Melanie knew that her current identity was that of a girl enticing Greg, so she could only smile as charmingly as possible. Then, she took a step back and lightly sat on Jefford’s lap, giving him a gentle peck on the cheek. Instantly, two red marks were left on Jefford's face... "Run along now." Jeffrey smiled indulgently. Melanie smiled, got up, and walked toward the private room's exit. As she walked, she cursed in her heart! This Jefford! Just wait until she left this place! The next time she saw him, she would definitely find an opportunity to teach him a lesson as revenge for this kiss! - Melanie lingered in the restroom for a while, but eventually had to return to the private room. Although she wasn't sure if Jefford would still take advantage of her, Nathan could come at any moment, so she had to stay with Jeffrey or she might miss the opportunity to act. On the way back, when she pass
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Chapter 810 Injuring Her Husband by Mistake
The man's body was scorching hot as it pressed tightly against Melanie, whose clothes were thin. Only then did she realize why his face was flushed red and why he was sweating profusely. It was probably because someone spiked the alcohol in the private room just now! "No." Melanie pushed her elbows back and struggled in his embrace. But Jefford’s embrace seemed to tighten like magic as she struggled more. "They gave me some aphrodisiac... Melanie... I really want you..." "You need to calm down! Hold on!" Melanie bit her lip, feeling a bit flustered. She never expected Jeffrey to be manipulated by someone! She quickly reminded herself to calm down and tried to speak in a formal tone, "We still have important matters to attend to, and time is of the essence. I believe in your willpower; you can definitely resist it!" "Uh!" The man behind her paused at her words and loosened his grip. Melanie had been struggling, so she fell onto the sheepskin rug beside the sofa hard.
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